- Affordances, 142
- AI, symbolic, 113
- Aleatoric tradition, 11
- Alphaville, 237, 263
- Analogy, 133
- Analyze Words (website), 164, 225
- Antialiasing, 212
- Antonyms, 120
- Application programming interface (API), 4, 63, 91, 95, 228
- Aptness, 131, 133
- Aristotle, 4, 132
- Art, 201
- Artifacts, 59
- Authentication, 92
- Automata, cellular, 207
- Babbage, Charles, 25
- Bakkila, Jacob, 39
- Barbarella, 221
- Behan, Brendan, 174
- Benchley, Robert, 2
- Bergson, Henri, 152
- Bhatnagar, Ranjit, 6
- Bibliomancy, 303
- Big Ben, 29
- Big Lebowski, The, 10, 199, 240
- Big Mac, 8
- Bisociation, 116
- Blackjack, 67
- Blade Runner, 237, 240, 263
- Bletchley Park, 14, 140
- Blinkers, 208
- Boden, Margaret, 110
- Bogost, Ian, 282
- Bookends (to a story), 262
- Borderlands, 68
- Borges, Jorge Luis, 15, 61, 318
- “Library of Babel, The,” 16, 61
- Bots, 29
- #botally, 42, 169, 277, 280, 293
- community, 276
- controversy, 30, 38, 59
- eBooks, 35, 36
- Feed, 30
- honeybot, 286
- Interactor, 34, 39
- Learner, 41
- malicious, 6, 46, 48, 308
- mashup, 37
- protest, 300
- registration of, 95
- second-order, 148
- Statement, 43
- taxonomy of, 30, 32, 36, 41, 43, 45
- Watcher, 32, 309
- Bot Summit, 275
- Braitenberg, Valentino, 134
- Bricolage, 21
- Brodsky, Jonathan, 178
- Brough, Michael, 200
- Buckenham, George, 70, 80, 284
- #BuildTheWall, 122
- Bullshit, 299
- Burroughs, William S., 40, 168, 298
- Byron, Baron George Gordon (Lord), 25
- Call
- to adventure, 105
- and response, 273
- Callbacks, 95
- Callich, Tyler, 222
- Campbell, Joseph, 241
- Capote, Truman, 17
- Case-based reasoning, 73
- CBDQ, 70, 284, 298
- Cell death, 208
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 8, 153
- Chandler, Raymond, 128, 238
- Chatterbox syndrome, 20, 38
- Cheap Bots Done Quick (website), 70, 284, 298
- CHEF (bot), 73
- Chiasmus, 20
- Chomsky, Noam, 31, 145, 233
- CIE LAB (color space), 154
- Clarke, Arthur C., 14
- Clickbait, 34, 47, 310
- Clinton, Hillary, 165
- Cloze tests, 131
- Cocktail party syndrome, 20
- Coen brothers, 199
- Cohen, Leonard, 312
- Colbert, Stephen, 174, 225
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 297
(class), 219
- Colour Lovers (website), 156, 159, 230
- Comic, 152
- Community (of bot-builders), 276
- Comparatives, 121
- Comprehensibility, 130
- Compton, Kate, 68, 70, 88, 284, 299
- ConceptNet, 152
- Conceptual blends, 271
- Conrad, Joseph, 240
- Constraints
- Consulting the Oracle, 305
- Consumer key, 95
- Conviction, bots of, 300
- Conway, John, 207
- Cook, William Wallace, 244, 317
- Corpora, 279
- Corpus, 56, 62, 81
- Cosine similarity, 149
- Countdown, 291
- Covfefe, 79
- Craps, 66
- Creativity, 5, 110
- metacreativity, 5
- transformational, 110
- Crowdflower (website), 130
- Crowdsourcing, 130
- Cutup method, 40, 246
- Dalhousie, Lord, 3
- Davidson, Donald, 128
- DBpedia (website), 293
- de Bono, Edward, 303
- Decommissioning, 59
- Desserts
(class), 76
- generator of, 90
- Just Desserts (Tracery grammar), 76
- list of, 75
- Diachronic behavior, 101
- Dick, Philip K., 240, 295
- Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, 240, 337n6
- Man in the High Castle, The, 295, 302–304
- Dictionary
- dream, 146, 162
- rhyming, 86
- Wordnik, 63, 151, 279
- Direct messages (DM), 96
- Divergence (in thinking), 111
- Doggerel, 80
- Dorsey, Jack, 7, 29
- Dreams, 128
- Dubbin, Rob, 35, 170, 178
- Duchamp, Marcel, 157
- Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), 64, 286, 304
- EDI (Stealth), 42
- Educated insolence, 4, 314
- ELIZA (software), 36
- Ellroy, James, 5
- #JamesEllroyStarWars, 5, 106
- Emoji, 181, 231, 258
- Ethics, 46, 49, 280
- Euclidean distance, 171
- Eurydice, 239
- Everett, Edward, 12
- Exquisite corpse, 186
- Facebook, 163, 300
- Fairness, 194
- Feed bots, 30
- Feel Train, 286
- Fénéon, Félix, 10, 301
- #FiftyShadesOfDorianGray, 186
- Fillmore, Charles, 113
- Flickr, 163, 168
- Folktale
- morphology of, 243
- multilingual database of, 243
- Follow backs, 46
- Fonda, Jane, 221
- Fontana, 201
- Ford, Harrison, 18
- Forgery, 291
- Fountain (Duchamp), 157
- Fourth wall, breaking the, 269
- FrameNet, 113
- Frames, semantic, 113
- Frankenstein, Victor, 186
- Frankfurt, Harry, 299
- #FreeOlivia, 35
- Freud, Sigmund, 1, 128, 145
- Fry, Stephen, 31
- Game of Life, The, 207
- Gentner, Dedre, 132
- Gettysburg Address, 12
- GIF the Feeling, 282
- Giora, Rachel, 135
- Github, 53
- Gliders, 208
- Godard, Jean-Luc, 237
- Gong Show, The, 23
- Google
- Knowledge Graph, 93
- n-grams, 157, 204
- Grammar, 56, 71
- context-free, 71
- context-sensitive, 72
- police, 34
- replacement, 71
- semantic, 56
- Tracery, 70, 82, 124, 162, 196, 235, 272, 284, 294, 299, 321
- visual, 221
- Graphs, conceptual, 138
- Gray, Dorian, 163
- #FiftyShadesOfDorianGray, 186
- Grep, 109
- Guardian, 66, 230
- Guilford, J. P., 111
- Gysin, Brion, 40, 168
- Hackers, 6
- HAL 9000, 299
- Hamlet (Shakespeare), 123, 143, 241
- Hammond, Kristian, 73
- Handcrafted representations, 62
- Hansen, Tully, 178
- Harry Potter (Rowling), 188
- Hashtag, 5
- #botally, 42, 169, 277, 280, 293
- #BuildTheWall, 122
- colonization, 311
- #DonaldTrump, 104
- #FiftyShadesofDorianGray, 186
- #Free Olivia, 35
- #Irony, 164
- #JamesEllroyStarWars, 5, 106
- #MakeItHappy, 283
- #PaintMySoul, 228
- #Sarcasm, 164
- #ThingsJesusNeverSaid, 106
- #ThingsMosesNeverSaid, 117
- #ThingsYodaNeverSaid, 106
- Hayes, Bradley, 168
- Hemingway, Ernest, 1
- Hero
- with a thousand faces, 241
- visual metaphor, 224
- Hexagram, 303
- Historicity, 296
- Hjelmslev, Louis, 233
- Hodge, Susie, 201
- Hogwarts houses, 189
- Homer, 155
- Honeybots, 286
- Hulk, 103
- Hyde, Marina, 231
- Hydrocephalus, 20
- Hydrogen bomb, 2
- Hyperspace, 117
- Hypertext, 238
- Iambic pentameter, 6
- IBM, 100, 237, 248
- I Ching, 303–307
- IDE (interactive development environment), 79
- Idioms, rendering with, 258
- Imagination, 271
- Ingredients, list of, 75
- Innovation, optimal, 135
- Instagram, 51, 163
- Interactor bots, 34, 39
- Interdimensional cable TV, 320
- iPod, 135
- #Irony, 164
- #JamesEllroyStarWars, 5, 106
- Java, 72, 91
- Jaws, 127
- Jobs, Steve, 262, 295
- Joyce, James, 1, 240
- JULIA (software), 73
- Jurassic Park, 271
- Just Desserts (Tracery grammar), 76
- Kael, Pauline, 18
- Kane, John, 290
- Kaspersky (company), 48
- Kazemi, Darius, 13, 178, 275, 276
- bot etiquette, 46–48, 280–282
- Corpora, 279
- cutup method, 39, 40, 171
- Feel Train, 286
- honeybots, 43, 286
- Metropolitan Museum of Art, 30
- Sorting Hat, 189
- tiny subversions, 6, 24, 326n12
- Wordnik, 63, 129
- Kenny G, 135
- Kerouac, Jack, 17
- Keys, 95
- access, 96
- consumer, 95
- secret, 95, 96
- Klondike Space, 218
- Knowledge, 134
- engineering, 5
- gradient, 136
- handcrafting, 62
(class), 93, 115, 118, 136
- Knowledge Graph (Google), 93
- Koestler, Arthur, 116
- Kolodner, Janet, 73
- Kremlin, 44
- “Kubla Khan” (Coleridge), 297
- Language, 21, 31, 135, 233
- Latent Dirichlet Allocation, 149, 173
- Laurie, Hugh, 31
- Law of downhill invention, 134
- Law of uphill analysis, 134
- Learner bots, 41
- LEGO, 50, 93
- Le Guin, Ursula K., 64
- Leonardo da Vinci, 262
- Lévy flight, 217
- “Library of Babel, The” (Borges), 15, 61, 100
- Lincoln, Abraham, 12
- Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC), 164
- Logic, 128
- Long short-term memory (LSTM) networks, 168
- Lovelace, Countess Ada, 25, 88, 132, 246
- Lublin, David, 161
- Lucas, George, 18, 240, 261, 271
- Lucknow, 3
- Lynch, David, 229
- MacFarlane, Seth, 173
- MacGuffin, 242
- Magic Circle, 25
- #MakeItHappy, 283
- Man in the High Castle, The (Dick), 295, 302–304
- Mankoff, Robert, 194
- Mashups, 37
- Markov text generation (MTG), 37
- Martin, Steve, 11
- Masked Magician, 26
- Matins, Le (Paris), 10
- Matrix, The, 237, 241
- McClure, Andi, 200
- McKean, Erin, 279
- McKeganey, Neil, 21
- McKesson, DeRay, 287
- McNally, Lotte, 169
- Meta
- creativity, 5, 24
- narrative, 296
- rule, 214
- satire, 315
- Metadata, 139
- Metaphor, 127, 132, 145, 154, 195
- deliberate, 195
- generation, 227
- visual, 204
- Metaphor magnet, 152
- Meter (poetic), 82, 84
- Microsoft, 41, 135
- Mirroring (of images), 213
- Moby-Dick (Melville), 61
- Monomyth, 241
- Moore, Alan, 239
- Morality, 120, 124
- Moral maze, 120, 124
- Morpheus, 241
- Morse, Samuel, 2
- Moses, 119
- Mystery Men, 19
- Napier, Charles, 2
- NASA, 200
- National Rifle Association (NRA), 44, 153
- National Security Agency (NSA), 44
- Nelson, Ted, 238
- Neo, 241
- Neologisms, 89
- Networks, neural, 168
- New Testament, 106
- N-grams (web/Google), 156, 204, 208
- Nixon, Richard, 267
- No Man’s Sky, 68
- Non-official characterization (NOC) list, 136, 191, 246, 263, 314
- Nonterminals, 74
- Norman, Donald, 278
- Norris, Chuck, 227
- Novelty, 131
- Oatmeal, ten thousand bowls of, 68
- Obama, Barack, 224, 286
- O’Brien, Flann, 238, 318
- Ontologies, 115
- Oppenheimer, Robert, 238
- Origin rule, 73
- Orpheus, 239
- Orwell, George, 24
- Oswalt, Patton, 5
- Oudh, 3
- Oulipo, 107, 110
- OWL (Web Ontology Language), 138
- #PaintMySoul, 228
- Parker, Dorothy, 302
- Parrish, Allison, 30, 200, 220, 278
- Pash, Adam, 283
- Patreon, 286
- “Peccavi
- Pennebaker, James, 164
- Perceptual differentiation, 69
- Perkins, David, 218
- Perkins, Maxwell, 1
- Pet Sounds (Tracery grammar), 88
- Photography, 51
- Picasso, Pablo, 18
- Pinterest, 163
- Pipkin, Katie Rose, 221
- PleaseRespectTables (Reddit bot), 45
- Plots, 245
- Plotto, 244, 317
- Poetics, The (Aristotle), 132
- Poetry, 80
- generation, 80
- meter, 6, 82
- poetical science, 25, 88, 275
- Pollock, Jackson, 158, 201
- Possibility space, 59, 67, 68, 87, 92, 100, 123, 148, 215
(method), 99
- Predestination, character, 274
- President of the United States (POTUS), 109
- Pretense, 296
- PRISM (NSA program), 44
- Probability theory, 66
- Profanity, 282
- Propaganda, computational, 311
- Propp, Vladimir, 243
- Protest, bots that, 300
- Pseudo-logic, 128
- Pubs, English, 55
- Punch (magazine), 3
- Punching up, 49
- Python, 72, 91
- Quayle, Dan, 3
- Queneau, Raymond, 107
- Randomness, 64, 207, 213, 304
- Rate limiting, 47
- Readymades, 157
- Reddit (website), 45
- Reed, Nora, 286, 298
- Registration of bots, 95
- Rendering, idiomatic, 258
- Resource Description Framework (RDF), 138
- RESTful API, 94
- Retweet, 7
- Reverb, 279
- RGB (color space), 15, 153, 204, 230
- Richardson, Leonard, 49, 284, 292
- Rick and Morty, 320
- Riesling, 135
- Rigidity, comic, 152
- Riley, Bridget, 158, 201
- Rivera, Geraldo, 233
- Romero, George A., 308
- Rorschach blots, 208
- “Roses are Red
- Rothenberg, Matthew, 186
- Rothko, Mark, 158, 201
- Rotten Tomatoes (website), 178
- Rowling, J. K., 189
- Harry Potter, 188, 189
- Hogwarts houses, 189
- Voldemort, Lord, 171
- Sample, Mark, 300
- Sankin, Aaron, 171
- Santé, Luc, 10
- #Sarcasm, 164
- Scéalextric, 253
- Schmidt, Loren, 221
- Schwartz, Ellen, 21
- Science
- a new kind of, 211
- poetical, 25, 88, 246, 275
- Search
- constraints, 110
- in Twitter, 98
- Searle, John, 154
- Seelbach hotel/cocktail, 297
- Selfies, 163
- Semantics
- frames, 113
- knowledge, 93, 113
- networks, 115, 138
- triples, 93, 293
- Semantic Web, 115, 138
- Semiotics, 237
- Sentiment analysis, 164
- Sex, 31, 34
- Shakespeare, William, 123, 135
- Similes, web, 162
- Snapchat, 51
- Sondheim, Stephen, 240
- Sorting Hat, 189, 335n15
- Sphinx, 20
- Spielberg, Steven, 127
- Spreadsheet, 93
- Staircase wit, 2
- Standage, Tom, 4
- Stanton, Courtney, 286
- Star Trek, 221
- Star Wars, 5, 18
- Statement bots, 43
- Status update, 7
- Stealth (film), 42
- Steen, Gerard, 195
- Stereotypes, 105
- Still life, 207
- Stone, Biz, 8
- Stories, 240, 296
- generation grammar, 273
- as races, 252
- Streaming (on Twitter), 228
- Style
- exercises in, 107
- transfer, 291
- Sublime, 31, 64, 302
- Sunset Boulevard, 261
- Superlatives, 121
- Symbol grounding, 154
- Symmetry (in images), 213
- Tab-separated values (TSV), 75
- Tarzan (film), 237
- Tay (Microsoft bot), 41
- Telegrams, 1
- Teller, Edward, 2
- Ten Commandments, 119
- Terms of service, 33, 34, 47
- Tesla, Nikola, 247
- #ThingsJesusNeverSaid, 106
- #ThingsMosesNeverSaid, 117
- #ThingsYodaNeverSaid, 106
- Thompson, Stith, 243
- Thricedotted, 34
- Timeline, 92
- Tiny subversions, 6
- Tolkien, J. R. R., 64
- Topicality, 148
- Tracery, 70, 82, 124, 162, 196, 235, 272, 284, 294, 299, 321
- Tribbiani, Joey, 227
- “Tricky Linguistics” (sketch), 31
- Triple
- semantic, 93, 115, 293
- stores, 93
- Trump, Donald, 104, 312
- #BuildTheWall, 122
- Covfefe, 79
- #DonaldTrump, 104
- President of the United States (POTUS), 109
- @realDonaldTrump, 164, 307
- Truth
- truthiness, 225
- value, 128
- Tumblr, 46
- Turing, Alan, 22, 132, 140, 143, 250
- Turing Test, 22
- TV Tropes (website), 246
(class), 92, 101
- Twitter4J, 92, 97, 228
- Twitter Counter (website), 173, 226
(class), 97
- Underwood, Frank, 267
- Unicode, 222
- Uniqueness, 68
- van der Goot, Jeffry, 59
- Vector spaces, 171
- Victorian Internet, 4
- Virus (metaphor), 197
- Vogler, Christopher, 241
- Voldemort, Lord, 171
- von Braun, Wernher, 238
- “Vovi
- Wabi-sabi (Japanese term), 301
- Warhol, Andy, 185
- Watcher bots, 32, 309
- Watchmen (Moore), 239
- Watson (IBM computer), 100
- Web Ontology Language (OWL), 138
- Weizenbaum, Joseph, 36
- Western Union, 7
- WikiHow (website), 34
- Wilde, Oscar, 302
- Wilder, Billy, 261
- Winfrey, Oprah, 141
- Williams, Evan, 8
- Winkworth, Catherine, 3
- Wolfram, Stephen, 211
- Wonka, Willy, 308
- Wordfilter, 281
- Wordnik (website), 63, 151, 279
- Wu (Japanese term), 301
- XML, 138
- XYZ metaphors, 144
- Yeats, W. B., 111
- Yoda, 106
- Yorke, John, 241
- Zombies, 308
- Zoom, dolly, 127
- Zune, 135
- Zymurgy, 32