Macy dropped Billy at daycare early on Monday morning, two weeks after Brad had left Howling, because she didn't want to stay home a second longer than necessary.
She shouldn't have told him she loved him; it had made him run scared. Ethan had said he’d left for personal reasons that concerned their father, and that he would be making sure he wasn’t gone long, but Macy knew better. He’d gone because of her.
“You should have eased him into it, Macy,” she said, entering the back door of her shop.
If she'd worked up to it, maybe he'd have been more receptive and less like a scared, wild animal.
No. She moved through the shop, checking everything was tidy. He’d told her in the beginning that nothing was going to happen between them other than sex, and she'd agreed. Then she'd gone and fallen in love with him. The problem was that she truly believed he felt something for her too.
Reaching the front door, Macy found her mother looking in through the glass. They hadn't spoken since the funeral, and she had begun to accept that this was how things were going to be between them now her father had gone.
“Mother,” Macy said as she opened the door. Her mother sailed in, reeking of her scent and dressed in an immaculate emerald-green suit.
“I'm going on holiday.”
“How wonderful for you.”
“A cruise,” Delany Reynolds said. “With friends.”
Macy didn't respond, just made her way to the counter.
“I will be gone a month.”
“Excellent, have a great time.” Macy's words were clipped. “No better way to mourn the loss of a loved one than sipping margaritas and partying,” she muttered.
“I loved him, damn you!”
Surprised at the anger in her mother's voice, she faced her.
“We lived a happy life, even if you like to believe otherwise.”
“I-I didn't… don't.”
“I know you think me cold and selfish, and perhaps I am, but your father and I loved each other, and you have no right to judge me.”
“I'm sorry, but you always appeared to find Father a burden, Mother. I'm not sure how you expect me to think otherwise.”
“Not everyone carries on with love and roses and speaks of affection, daughter. Your father and I understood each other. We would not have lived together for thirty years had we not.”
She looked at her mother and found the same woman she'd seen since she was old enough to focus, and yet, was she right? Had she and Macy's father loved each other? Had they shown that love in private?
“I miss him very much.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize.”
“Well now you do.”
“Thank you for telling me.”
Her mother gave her a stiff nod.
“Now tell me, what is this business between you and Brad Gelderman?”
“You should keep that one, if not for his money, then for his strength. He is a man who will care for a woman, and you need that this time round.”
Macy wondered if she'd woken in a parallel universe, because she'd never once had a conversation like this with her mother, and yet there she stood.
“I wanted to, but he… ah, he didn't want me.”
“Of course he does. The man couldn't keep his eyes off you. Be persistent, Macy. For once in your life go after what you what.”
“I wanted Brian,” Macy defended herself.
“No, I wanted Brian for you, and perhaps there I was wrong.”
God, her mother had just said she was wrong. Her father's death must be affecting her more than Macy realized.
“However, that is not the point here. The point is that if you want that boy, then go and get him, and stop being so bloody accommodating.”
“Can't stop, I'm leaving in the morning. Now see that you do something about this business before I return, and while I'm gone, think about this too.”
“What?” Macy felt as if the ground was moving beneath her feet.
“I think we should swap houses. I don't want to live in mine without your father, and I like yours, whereas you do not.”
Dear God.
Before she could react, her mother had rounded the counter and hugged her hard. She then sailed from the shop, leaving Macy reeling.
Stumbling sideways, she found a chair and fell into it. She was still sitting there when Katie walked in twenty minutes later.
“What's happened? You haven’t got Ethan’s stomach flu have you?”
“No.” Waving her friend's concern aside, she got to her feet.
“Is it Brian then?”
“Nothing to do with Brian either. I haven't heard from him since the carnival. It's my mother… she just came in.”
“What did she say this time?” Katie looked fierce.
“She told me that Brad is a strong man and I should keep him.”
The scowl turned into a smile.
“Totally agree, you guys are made for each other.”
“She told me to be persistent and go after what I want, and then she hugged me. But that was after telling me we should swap houses.”
Katie thought about that for a few seconds before nodding.
“Actually, that's a great idea, the house thing,” she added. “And actually the Brad advice is strangely good too.”
“She hugged me, Katie.”
“And that's weird?”
“Weird in a good way though, Macy.”
“She told me she loved Dad, but said they weren't demonstrative like other couples.”
“Makes sense.”
“I feel totally off-balance.”
“Yes, it's strange when your parents break the mold and act out of character.”
“It is, it really is.”
“So about Brad, what are you going to do there?”
“You love him, he loves you?”
“He doesn't. Love me, I mean. He's just a nice guy, being nice to me and Billy. He's gone now, and when he comes back we'll be friends.”
“Macy, Macy, Macy.” Katie dropped to the floor before her and crossed her legs.
“Customers may come in, you know.”
“Sure, and you'll serve them. Now let’s get back on point here.”
Macy sighed, deep and long. “Do we gotta?”
“You sound like your son. Now, the man loves you, so if he says different he's lying. So I think you need to find out where he is and go get him. We'll watch over Billy.”
Her foolish heart started thumping hard in her chest at the thought of seeing Brad again, but she squashed the shiver of excitement.
“He's not into relationships, Katie, so leave it.”
Her friend's eyes held hers, and Macy was the first to look away.
“After everything you've been through, I didn't pick you for a coward, Macy. I picked you as someone who knows what they want and will do what needs to be done to get it.”
“I've never seen myself like that,” Macy whispered.
“Well maybe it's about time you should.”
“Brad said that to me. He thinks I’m strong.”
“There you go then.”
Katie's cell phone thankfully rang at that moment, and gave Macy a chance to regroup and think about what had happened that morning.
Could she go and find Brad? Did she have the courage?
Yes, damn it, she could!
Something in Katie's voice made her stiffen.
“Cubby just got word, Brian was being transferred to another prison, and he escaped.”
“How you doing, boy?”
“Uncle Mitch.” Brad got to his feet and shook the hand offered.
“Why are you holed up in your room?”
Mitch Gelderman, older brother to EG, was a shrewd businessman and the best uncle a child could have. Especially if that child had parents who didn't give a crap. He had the look of his brother but his edges were softer. His hair almost white now, he had laughter lines and a stomach that was growing every year he aged. His laugh was big like him, and Brad would do anything this man asked of him in a heartbeat.
“I like it here.” Brad shrugged.
He'd been home two weeks, and each day seemed longer than the last. He'd walked in and confronted his father right off. Told him he'd do what EG was forcing him to, but he'd do it his way. He also wouldn't put up with any of his father's crap and if he didn't like something, or the way EG treated someone, he wouldn't stand silently and let it happen.
His father's mouth had fallen open, but Brad hadn't finished there. He’d said he wanted proof that he’d dropped the development of the Buchanan land before he did any work for him. Proof had come thirty minutes later, and the faint hope he’d had that his father was lying and he could leave vanished. This was now his life.
Brad's mood alternated between anger and desperation. He hated it here, hated that Macy and Ethan were miles away from him and he couldn't reach them in a matter of minutes. He didn't fit this life now. It made everything inside him rebel, and that only kept his resentment toward his father simmering.
“You like your room? What's the matter with you? You should be out with friends or finding a woman to give me great-nieces and -nephews.”
Brad knew his uncle was aware of what lay between EG and his children, but they didn't talk about it. Mitch had helped Brad and Ethan when they'd needed help, where he could, but they'd never asked him for more, because he was also loyal to his brother.
“I've found a woman.”
“Son, that makes me real happy.”
“It would make me happy too, if she wasn't in Lake Howling with Ethan, and I'm here.”
“Why are you here then? EG said you'd had your fun and were back to stay now. That it was your choice to return home.”
“It doesn't matter.” Brad got off the bed. “You here for dinner?”
“I am, but I want an answer to my question, Brad.”
“I'm sure you do, but as it's not a straightforward one, I'm not giving it to you.”
Ethan left the room with his uncle on his heels.
“Nice to see you grew a pair while you were away, nephew.”
Brad found a laugh for the first time in weeks.
“Not that it did me any good.”
They walked along the halls of the house he'd never called home. It was cold and austere, the place was a show home and nothing more. A display of wealth for those who entered. He detested all the trappings his father insisted he live by. He thought about the cabin and how happy he’d been there. He wanted that again, he wanted Macy and Billy. Two weeks without them was hell.
Dinner was served when he and his uncle arrived, and the long table had him and his mother on opposite sides, with EG at one end, like fucking lord of the manor, and Uncle Mitch at the other.
“Brother.” EG nodded. He ignored Brad, which was just fine by him.
Brad kissed his mother, then seated himself. He'd started doing that because someone needed to offer her some affection in this place, and Brad had noticed that the last few times she'd turned her face to receive his kiss on her cheek.
“I asked Brad why he came back, EG, and he won't tell me.”
Brad shot his uncle a look. He didn't usually get involved in the family politics; he was just there to pick up the pieces.
“That's because he knows what's good for him.” The words were clipped and rude.
“You know why, Eleanor?”
Brad's mother looked startled by the question, and sent her husband a tense look before shaking her head.
“It's as EG says, Mitch.”
“Actually,” Brad said softly as he slowly lowered his fork to his plate, “it's nothing like EG says.”
“You shut your mouth!” EG roared.
Brad looked at his mother, saw the same expression he always had. Dressed immaculately, hair perfect, pearls around her neck, she looked cold and empty. He'd tried to stay calm around her, because she hated the arguments, but enough was enough.
“I love someone, and she loves me, damn you!” He turned to EG. “You are not my master; you can't control me with threats.”
“He brought you back here with threats? What is he holding over you?”
“Stay out of this, Mitch!”
“I've stayed out of this, to my shame, for too many years. You're a bully, EG, and much as I've tried to justify it to myself, I'm damned ashamed of you.”
The shock on EG's face was real. Mitch had never spoken to his brother that way before.
“I've watched each one of your children leave here and never come back. Seen the way you treat them and your wife, and stood aside and let it happen, and it's sat heavy on me, but I convinced myself it was the right thing to do.”
“Get out of my house!”
“I will soon enough,” Uncle Mitch said, looking at Brad. “After he's told me what I want to hear.”
“He said he'd destroy Lake Howling, where Ethan lives, and any surrounding area he can get his hands on. That he'd buy up property in the town and do whatever he could to ruin the place,” Brad said, looking at his father. He had no qualms about stating the truth. There was no loyalty inside him for this man.
“Because he wants me here, where he can be sure a Gelderman will take over when he's gone.”
Disgust was in every line on his uncle's face.
“You can't do that to your own child, EG.”
“Of course I can, and he knows what I'll do if he leaves. His little whore will be very unhappy with him when I destroy her town, as will his pathetic brother.”
“She is not my whore,” Brad said softly as he moved to where his father still sat. “And I will make you pay if you speak about her or Ethan that way again.”
“Why can't he be with the woman he loves?”
“Shut up, Eleanor.”
“Don't speak to her like that, you bastard. Have some respect for the woman who has suffered at your side for years!” Brad felt good saying the words.
“Suffered! She's had everything she's ever wanted!”
His father's face was red now.
“Except love and respect. You never gave her those, did you?”
“He's dying.”
His mother's words snapped Brad's teeth together, and he heard Uncle Mitch inhale deeply.
“Get out of my house!”
Behind him the door opened with so much force, it hit the wall hard.
Brad turned to find Ethan looking like an avenging angel standing in the doorway. Pale avenging angel, he added, looking at the dark circles under his brother’s eyes and white skin.
“What the hell is wrong with you?”
“Flu.” His eyes were focused on EG. “Mother, Uncle Mitch,” Ethan acknowledged them, but it was his father he looked at.
“You are not doing this to him. I won't let you!”
Brad raised a hand as his brother tried to step around him and reach their father.
“Wait, Ethan, Mother was just telling me something, and I think you need to hear it too.”
“You won't say another word, Eleanor!” EG got to his feet in an attempt to intimidate his wife.
“Yes, she will!” Uncle Mitch said, with enough force to silence them all.
“They need to know, EG. They have a right.”
“Know what?” Ethan looked from Brad to his mother.
“Your father is dying, and has a year, possibly less to live.”
The brothers turned from their mother to their father, who had slumped back into his chair.
“Well hell,” Brad whispered.
“Is this true, EG?” Uncle Mitch asked his brother.
EG, nodded, his face pale now, all color leached away.
“Why didn’t you tell me that? Why the blackmail?” Brad asked his father.
“Because you wouldn't have come.”
“How the hell would you know that?”
“Because he's aware his particular brand of parenting hasn't been successful to date, so he fell back on what's always worked. Intimidation,” Ethan said. “You really are an asshole.”
“I need him to take over when I die.”
EG wasn't roaring now, in fact he just looked tired, but Brad couldn't find it in himself to be sorry for the man who had made his and Ethan's lives hell.
Ethan's cell phone rang, and he pulled it out of his pocket and answered it.
“I need to call you back, honey, I’m in the middle of something here. What? When? Okay, but she's all right, her and Billy?”
Every nerve in Brad's body twitched when he heard Ethan say Billy's name.
“Brian's escaped.” Ethan held up a hand as Brad started to move. “She's all right, they're watching over her.”
“We're leaving now.”
Ethan nodded.
“You got transport?”
“You want to loan your nephews your jet, Uncle Mitch?” Ethan followed his words with a smile.
“You always were a smooth one.” Mitch shook his head. “I'll ready it. You want a lift to the airfield?”
“I hired a helicopter to get here,” Ethan added.
Brad's brain was turning circles. Macy must be terrified, he should be there with her, he shouldn't have left her. What if Brian got to her before he could reach Howling?
“Now, Ethan, we have to go.”
“She's safe, Brad.”
“I need to get to her. I’ll get my stuff, then we're gone.” Brad ran around the table and hugged his mother hard. “I need to go, this concerns her, the woman I love.”
She touched his cheek, surprising him when she followed it with a kiss. “Go then, and I'd like to meet her one day.”
He nodded, then reached his uncle's side.
“I'll take care of this,” Uncle Mitch said, looking at his brother, who was still slumped in his chair. “You call when you have time, and we'll talk about what we've decided.”
Hugging his uncle, Brad sprinted from the room, telling Ethan he'd meet him out front in ten minutes. He was back in nine. They were in the helicopter Ethan had hired seconds later.
“I’m flying; you look like shit.”
“Just a simple thanks would do.”
“Thanks, Ethan.”
“I missed you.”
“Me too,” Brad said as he took the helicopter up.
The next few hours were the worst of Brad's life, for no other reason than he felt like something was about to happen, and he wouldn’t be there to stop it.
“Something's happening back there, Ethan, I can feel it.”
“Nothing's happening. They're watching over her. Now relax, because you're making me nervous.”
“How am I supposed to relax?” Brad’s body was twitching.
“Cubby told me before I left Howling, that he’d heard it was definitely Brian’s sister who was helping him terrorize Macy. Apparently, the cops interviewed her and she broke down and confessed.”
That just made Brad angrier. Why would anyone want to hurt someone as sweet as Macy? It didn’t make sense.
“She may have confessed, but I bet she’s the one helping him now he’s escaped.”
“True, but they’ll be watching her if he tries to make contact.”
Brad called when Uncle Mitch's jet was in the air, and spoke with Cubby, who told him they were trying to locate Brian, but there had been no sightings of him in the area at this stage.
“No sightings is good, right?”
“In my book,” Ethan agreed. He was lying down across from Brad, long legs crossed at the ankles, eyes closed.
Macy wasn't picking up, so he rang Annabelle next.
“I need to speak to Macy, Annabelle, is she there with you?”
“She is but making a big fuss out of the fact that we're watching over her.”
“Put her on,” Brad said.
“Hello?” She sounded normal, sounded like the woman he'd left in Howling, and he felt the spring that was coiled tight in his chest release. Macy was safe, and would stay that way until he got there.
“Macy, honey, it's Brad.”
“I know, Annabelle told me.”
“Okay, good.” His palms felt sweaty all of a sudden. “You need to stay with people until I get there, baby. I don't want you and Billy alone until Brian is found.”
“You don’t need to come back here, Brad. I can take care of myself.”
Her voice wasn’t exactly welcoming, and he couldn’t blame her for that.
“It's the way it's going to be, so get used to it.”
“You don’t get to tell me—”
“Just shut up and listen, okay? I need to tell you something.”
She huffed out a breath but didn't speak again.
“First off I need to clear up a few things, and while the phone's not the ideal way to do it, I need to say this now.”
“Will you just listen, please.”
She huffed out another breath.
“And they say romance is dead,” his brother drawled.
“Any chance you could go away or at least stick your fingers in your ears?” Brad glared at his brother, but Ethan simply smiled back.
“Not a chance.”
“Why do you want me to stick my fingers in my ears, Brad?”
“Not you, honey. I'm talking to Ethan, who's trying to piss me off.”
“Oh now, that's not fair. Didn't I just come charging to your rescue?”
“It took you two weeks?”
“I got a stomach flu, it nearly took me out.”
Brad rolled his eyes, then got to his feet and made his way down the jet where he could have some privacy.
“I love you,” he said so fast, the words seemed to blend together. “I really do, honey, and I'm sorry I didn't say it sooner, but I need you to believe me, okay?”
“You love me?”
He heard a whoop in the background and guessed it came from Annabelle.
“Annabelle's smiling.”
“Are you?” Brad's fingers clenched around the cell phone.
“Yes. I'm smiling so wide my cheeks hurt. I love you too. And I need to tell you something.”
“I booked a flight to Texas, Brad. I was coming to bring you home.”
“Really?” Brad wanted to smile, but he wouldn’t. Not until he was holding her and knew she was safe.
“And there’s my strong girl. I'm coming home, baby, I'll be with you soon, but you have to make me a promise to stay with people until I reach you.”
“Okay, I promise.”
“Hug Billy for me, and tell him I'll be there soon.”
“I love you.”
“Love you too,” Brad said, wanting to say the words to her face.
“You're not smiling, so my guess is the call didn't go as planned.”
“No.” Brad handed Ethan his phone back. “It went as planned, but something's off. I can't explain it, but I just need to get to Howling.”
Ethan's cell phone rang as they landed in Brook. It was Cubby. There had been a sighting of Brian two days ago, and the distance to Howling was a three-day drive, unless you were travelling at speed and not stopping, and then maybe you could make it in two.
“Jesus, Ethan.”
“I know, Brad, but we have to keep our heads now and outsmart this animal, because you and I both know he's coming for her. He won't get her, we'll make sure of that, and when we find him, we get rid of him.”
Texans could be mean when needed; they could also be dangerous when someone they loved was threatened.
It was dark now, but they flew anyway, and the tension inside Brad clawed at his throat as they reached Howling. Jake had flares lit, plus the helicopter lights, and Ethan landed with ease. It was a grim-faced Jake McBride who opened Brad's door.
“No more news, but everyone is on alert.”
“Where's Macy?”
“With Newman and Annabelle, at Ethan's. Billy's sleeping, thankfully. Buster and Willow will take over from them soon, and then me in the morning. DJ is staying with Branna and Rose until I get back.”
“I'll stay with her now,” Brad said as they climbed into his pickup.
“Sure, but you'll get tired, so you need help, and you'll take it,” Jake said, stabbing his foot down on the gas so they reached Ethan's driveway in a matter of seconds.
Brad got out of the car as soon as it stopped and took the stairs at a sprint. He found Annabelle and Newman on the deck, but no sign of Macy.
“Where is she?”
“Just taking a call in the kitchen,” Annabelle said, getting to her feet. “I thought it was from you, because she just headed inside for some privacy.”
He didn't stop, just ran into the kitchen. It was empty. He then checked every room downstairs before he headed up. He knew she'd be up there, knew she would be checking on Billy, but still, his heart thudded so hard in his chest it hurt.
Opening the door to the main bedroom, he looked in and saw the boy sleeping, but no sign of his mother. Moving deeper into the room, he checked the en suite and wardrobes, but couldn't see her. Billy slept on as he left, shutting the door softly behind him.
Running down, he reached the deck seconds later.
“She's not here.”
All eyes turned.
“Of course she's here, she just walked into the house minutes ago.” Newman got to his feet and hurried inside.
“She's not here, so where the hell is she?” Brad's muscles clenched as he tried to think, tried to stay calm.
Ethan called Cubby as Jake took the stairs with Brad on his heels. He went left, McBride right, and they met at the rear of the property.
“Someone's been this way, and recently,” Jake said, looking at the ground. He had his torch on and was studying the dirt. “These are fresh and small enough to be Macy's.”
They both heard the shrill whistle and ran back around the front.
“She just called Cubby.” Newman met them at the base of the stairs. “Brian contacted her and said he was outside your house, Jake, and threatened Branna and Rose if she didn’t reach him in fifteen minutes. She called as she reached the end of the trail.”
Brad went cold all over.
“Cubby told her to stop, but she said she had to do this and couldn’t let Branna take another bullet for her.”
“He's a dead man,” Jake said.
“Amen,” Brad agreed. “I'm killing him.”