
Finish the coin changing program by filling in the details for next_coin and main.

import Data.Functor.Identity
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.State

type Coins = [Int]
type StMach a = StateT Coins IO a

next_coin:: Int -> StMach Int 
next_coin amt =
  -- finish this

recurs :: Int -> StMach Int 
recurs amt = 
   if amt==0
      then return amt
      else next_coin amt >>= recurs

dispense :: Int -> StMach ()
dispense i = 
  ( lift $ 
        ("dispense "++(show i)++cents)
    cents = if i==1 then " cent" else " cents"

make_change :: Coins -> Int -> IO () 
make_change css amt =
     (recurs amt) css >> return ()

main = 
  do putStrLn "Enter an amount: "
     -- finish this

You will need a function which converts [Char]s to Ints. It is called read. Haskell will know which read to use because you will put it in a context where it gets a [Char] and must produce an Int.

If you have trouble with the do block in main, remember it must be an IO do block, not a StateT IO do block.