Appendix 2
Questionnaire 1: Designed to Analyze the Perception of Actors in Oncology about the Primary Objectives of an IS in Healthcare

Table A2.1. Questionnaire 1, designed to analyze the perception of actors in oncology about the primary objectives of an IS in healthcare

Tick the box that corresponds to your answer
In your view, the information systems of a healthcare structure should have the major objectives ofYES, absolutelyYES, partlyNO, not reallyNO, not at all
1. supporting medical decision-making by the healthcare professional
2. promoting quality, organization, management and planning of the patient’s care
3. working for the good of the patient
4. sharing common, transparent and accessible information
5. ensuring quality and choice of the information transmitted
6. improving continuity of care
7. supporting the monitoring of all healthcare activities
8. evaluating performances and defining the domains where action is required, listing the points of dysfunction
9. steering the healthcare structure efficiently, while keeping costs under control
10. helping the Health Ministry to serve the expectations and treatment of cancer for the healthcare user
11. establishing legitimacy of the law and of information processing
12. establishing a duty of security, integrity, traceability and medical data protection
13. improving and strengthening interactivity with the actors outside the healthcare structure
14. increasing the availability of the healthcare actors
15. facilitating access to medical information for all users: reducing social inequality
16. respecting the same rule of access to and distribution of information irrespective of the patient’s profile or status
17. distributing the advantages and disadvantages of such a tool equitably in the workload of the healthcare professionals
18. sharing the same information and the same medical decision-support tool with all of the healthcare professionals in the structure involved in the patient’s healthcare circuit
19. developing and sharing information that is precise and appropriate for everyone
20. facilitating epidemiological or statistical analysis (SAE)
21. making the whole collective responsible for the conduct of the healthcare user
22. developing an organization oriented toward collective performance
23. minimizing or eliminating harm done to patients because of incorrect information
24. putting the patient back at the center of the decision-making process by providing him or her with more complete medical information, more quickly
25. ensuring the patient consents and sticks to the plan
26. respecting private life, and the right to medical secrecy and confidentiality
27. respecting the right to prior information, rectification and opposition described in the “ICT and Freedom” law
28. ensuring the reliability of the medical data collection and its permanence
29. establishing individual and/or collective use of medical information
30. reducing the asymmetry of information between the doctor and the patient: better balance in the doctor–patient relationship
31. obeying the legislative regulation of medical data
32. respecting the rules concerning storage, hosting and distribution established by the CNIL or similar authorities
33. optimizing the usage of the medical information: ethical quality of medical decision-making
34. adapting the use of the medical information to suit the organization of the healthcare structure
35. establishing a management/piloting policy concerning the use of medical information
36. improving transversality of services within the healthcare structure
37. adapting a technology to the knowledge and savoir-faire of the healthcare professional
38. ensuring that the resources employed do not exceed what is necessary to achieve the desired objectives
39. reducing unnecessary or misjudged risks
40. ensuring the technical relevance and human appropriateness of the IS