Appendix 5
Questionnaire 3: Designed to Analyze the Methods and Tools Put in Place to Enable the IS to Work

Table A5.1. Questionnaire 3, designed to analyze the methods and tools put in place to enable the IS to work

Tick the box that corresponds to your answer
Regarding the information systems used by the healthcare structureYES, absolutelyYES, partlyNO, not at all
– When developing your IS, did you have to draw up an Information Guideline Diagram?
– Was the implementation of your IS guided by a detailed project methodology?
– Does your healthcare structure have a management policy that governs the operation of your IS?
– Has your healthcare establishment undergone structural and organizational changes along with the installation of your IS?
– What resources have been put in place to ensure the reliability and robustness of your IS:
   - integration of homogeneous reference technological solutions
   - signing of a maintenance contract
   - realization of a concordance text on the computer devices
   - instauration of a backup plan
   - establishment of a 24/7 on-call service
   - implementation of monitoring and surveillance tools
– What monitoring activities are in place for your IS:
   - installation of an automated tool with an alarm signal in case of a malfunction of the IS
   - establishment of a data export control system
   - presence of internal personnel charged with regularly checking the IS
– What strategies have been used to support the piloting of your IS:
   - creation of a governing committee
   - creation of a monitoring committee
   - use of planning techniques (Pert, Gantt, Precedence Diagram Method, MPM, etc.)
   - use of dashboards
– What means have been used to accompany the use of your IS:
   - creation of awareness-raising days
   - establishment of internal training sessions for the IS tool
   - instauration of practical workshops on the use of the IS – Has the amount of money spent on the creation and operation of your IS been in line with the initial budget set aside for this purpose?