Id al-Fitr, THE FEAST OF THE BREAKING OF THE FAST, GOT UNDER way as the cry of the muezzin, broadcast from the minaret of the El Khanqa Mosque, drifted over the roofs of the Old City. “Allahu Akbar, Allah Akbar.” Shuffling along unsteadily on his numb legs, Rabbi Apfulbaum kept his right hand glued to the Doctor’s left shoulder as he followed him into the outer room of Abu Bakr’s safe house. “The blind leading the blind,” quipped the Doctor as he steered his guest toward the low round table in the corner.

“Oh, God, I feel like a fish out of water,” the Rabbi groaned, massaging a wrist where the manacle had rubbed off the hair and chafed his pasty skin. He ironed creases out of his rumpled jacket with his palms, then threaded the fingers of one hand through his unkempt hair as he allowed Ishmael to gently push him down onto a cushion next to the table.

“It is perfectly normal for you to feel disoriented,” the Doctor said, hiking his long robe and settling onto the cushion next to him. He waved Sweeney toward a cushion across the table. The el-Tel brothers, looking ill at ease (neither of them had ever broken bread with a Jew), took their places opposite the Rabbi. Aown removed the ancient British Webley from his belt and placed it on the floor near his thigh. Petra, who was cooking rice and zucchini and lamb chops on a small portable stove heated by a canister of camping gas, hummed to herself. She seemed very light-hearted. “The feast will be ready in five minutes, please,” she called shyly.

The Rabbi squinted in confusion. “What feast will be ready in five minutes? Who’s got an appetite at a time like this? For God’s sake, Ishmael, let’s not drag this out.”

Leaning toward the Rabbi, the Doctor patted the back of his thin wrist. “Isaac, I have magnificent news for you.”

Apfulbaum’s lips produced a lopsided smirk. “I know, I know. Tonight I will sit at the right hand of God.”

“It is not that at all,” the Doctor burst out. “The Isra’ilis have given in to our demands. Your Prime Minister himself made the announcement during a public press conference at three this afternoon.”

Sweeney cocked his good ear. “You’re sure of what you say?”

“I would have told you sooner,” the Doctor plunged on, “but I wanted to avoid torturing you with false hopes. I waited for the international press to confirm it. The radio has been filled with the news all afternoon. The Jews talk about nothing else, ya’ani. The opposition party denounces the Prime Minister for ceding to terrorism. The mother of a soldier excarnated by a suicide bomber says the life of every Jew is sacred and sides with the Prime Minister. Petra even heard someone grumbling over the Army wavelengths about the government’s shameful capitulation to Islamic terrorists. In any case, I thought it would be a marvelous surprise for you when you sat down to our Feast of the Breaking of the Fast.”

The Rabbi, swaying slightly from side to side, appeared dazed. He opened his mouth and rolled his eyes and started giggling. Soon he was laughing uncontrollably. He laughed until his chest heaved and sobs emerged from the back of his throat and tears streamed down his sunken cheeks. “Ishmael, Ishmael,” he moaned, and he shook his head and laughed some more. Across the table, the el Tel brothers exchanged puzzled looks. The Rabbi breathed deeply and blotted his eyes on the back of his slit sleeve. When he was able to find his voice, he said, “Being blind is no excuse for not seeing the handwriting on the wall. The Israelis are trying to trick you—”

“Perhaps I did not explain myself well, Isaac. They’re not saying they are going to negotiate, they’re not stalling for time. They are saying, in front of foreign journalists, in front of television cameras, in front of the world, that El Sayyid Nosair and the Palestinian prisoners will be released at the Lebanese frontier at eight o’clock tonight—that is less than two hours from now.” The Doctor jammed one of his Palestinian Farids into his mouth, lit it with a match and took several shallow puffs. “How could they lie about that, ya’ani? The whole world will be watching! When the prisoners reach the Lebanese side of the frontier, the Arab journalists will interview them. As soon as we hear their voices, we will begin making arrangements for your release.” The Doctor reached over and curled his fingers around the Rabbi’s gaunt neck and pulled him closer so that the bruises on their foreheads were almost touching. “You will surely sit at the right hand of God, my friend,” he said quietly. “But thanks to God, it will not happen tonight. Tonight you will celebrate with us the end of the holy month of Ramadan and the beginning of the rest of your long life.”

Sweeney remarked, “You actually look disappointed, Rabbi. Anyone else would jump for joy—”

An eyelid twitched in the Rabbi’s face. Veins stood out in his neck. “Who is this joker, Ishmael?” Before the Doctor could respond, Apfulbaum’s claw-like fingers snaked out and clamped onto his wrist. “You are being naive, ya’ani. Never trust a Jew, ya’ani.” He cackled wildly at his own little joke, then caught himself with a gasp. “You set a deadline, ya’ani. Ramadan has come and gone, ya’ani. It’s the moment of truth. Put up or shut up. I’m betting into four spades, so what. I’ll see your twenty and raise you twenty.”

From Petra’s Army radio came the static-charged voice of an Israeli reporting, in the shorthand phrases of military Hebrew, from somewhere in the occupied zone. “Arabs … celebrating … fireworks,” the soldier said. “Teenagers … hundreds … dancing … barn fire … chanting Abu Bakr, mujaddid, Abu Bakr, mujaddid. We can hear them up here … hills above the town.”

The Rabbi’s eyes, bulging and dark, darted in the direction of the green radio on the table near the door. “So what’s that supposed to be?” he wanted to know.

“We monitor the Army’s wavelengths,” the Doctor explained, flicking ashes onto the floor.

Apfulbaum snorted in derision. “Oh, for God’s sake, Ishmael, they know you monitor their wavelengths. The last thing they’re going to do is tell you what they’re up to on the radio.”

Petra added the lamb chops, along with the zucchini and olives, to the steaming pot of couscous. Tugging the scarf over her head down around her neck, using the end of it to grip the handles of the pot, she came over to the table and began spooning food into each bowl.

The nostrils in the Rabbi’s hawk-like nose flared as he sniffed at his bowl. Very pleased with himself, the Doctor announced, “In your honor, Isaac, the Feast of the Breaking of the Fast is kosher.” He peered across the table in Sweeney’s direction. “Be sure to include that detail in your story, Mr. Sweeney. ‘Arab terrorists serve kosher supper to Jewish hostage.’” He edged the bowl closer to Apfulbaum. “I instructed Petra to purchase the lamb from a kosher butcher in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City. I thought that combining your ritual with mine would give pleasure to you.”

Petra, who had caught the word kosher, said in Hebrew, “Even the olives are kosher, Mr. Rabbi. They must be because I bought them in the Jewish shop next to the butcher.”

It took a moment for all this to sink in. Then it dawned on Apfulbaum where he was being held prisoner. “I assumed I was in Aza …”

“In the eighth century, ya’ani, Imam Ali said, ‘If you want to see a corner of paradise, regard Jerusalem.’”

The Rabbi said emotionally, “The Babylonian Talmud tells us: ‘Of the ten measures of beauty that came down to the world, Jerusalem took nine.’”

“If the windows were not bricked in,” the Doctor said, “you could look out on the holy city of your King David.”

“I bless God, I thank you, Ishmael. If I am to die, let me die in Jerusalem.”

“Let us talk no more of dying, ya’ani.” Raising a glass of grape juice, the Doctor proposed a toast in Hebrew. “Ad meya v-esream—may you live to a hundred and twenty.”

The Rabbi tossed a single bony shoulder. “You’ll see, Ishmael,” he said sulkily. “Eight o’clock will come and go, and nine, and ten, and there will be no Palestinian prisoners talking to reporters on the Lebanese side of the border. Ha! This will turn out to be the last supper after all.”

Sweeney picked up a lamb chop with his fingers and began to nibble on it. He wondered if he would be able to reconstruct the conversation from memory. It was surreal. The blind leading the blind, the Doctor had said. The mad leading the mad would have been closer to the truth. He decided to needle the Rabbi. “If this is the last supper,” he ventured, “that makes you the Messiah. From a journalistic point of view, this has to be the scoop of the century. The Islamic Renewer and the Jewish Messiah in the same room! At the same table!”

Apfulbaum inched his cushion closer to the Doctor and the two men gazed into each other’s unseeing eyes. “Ishmael,” he declared with fervor as saliva seeped from the corner of his mouth, “is surely the long-awaited Renewer for whom the Islamic world is waiting with baited breath. As for me being Messiah …” The Rabbi’s jaw trembled. He hauled the silver worry beads from his pocket and began working them through his bony fingers. “I have never told this to anyone before, Ishmael. When I was a Talmudic student in a Brooklyn yeshiva, there were some who whispered I was Messiah. When the others around me were still learning to read, I gave interpretations of Torah that flabbergasted my teachers. It was said of me that if I started out in a storm, to the left of me was rain, to the right of me was rain, but where I was there was only sunshine. It was said of me that if I started out on Friday and the sun set while I was on the road, to the left of me was Shabbat, to the right of me was Shabbat, but where I was it was still Friday. My father, Apfulbaum the grocer at the A & P on Albany Avenue, God rest his soul, had a nickname for me as a child. So ask the Eastern Parkway Messiah, he’d say when he didn’t know the answer to something.” The Rabbi swatted a large tear from the corner of an eye with the back of his hand. “I’m not saying I am Messiah, I’m not saying I’m not, I’m only saying—what am I saying?—that it is within the realm of possibility. Ha! The Renewer and the Messiah, side by side! Think of the puissance of it! Together we could set the world back on the straight path. It goes without saying but I’ll say it, what do I have to lose? Jesus of Nazareth was a false Messiah, the Koran tells us that, all Muslims are convinced, all Jews, too.”

The Doctor ground out his cigarette on the sole of a shoe and dropped the filter tip into an ashtray on the table. “There is no place in Islam for a god who permits his enemies to execute him on a cross,” he exclaimed, caught up in Apfulbaum’s fantasy.

“No place in Judaism, either,” the Rabbi agreed eagerly. “The putative son of God, the King of the Yids, oy, oy, he maybe never walked on water but he got one part of the myth right: Messiah has to die for his people!”

“What does he babble about?” Aown asked his brother in Arabic.

“It can only be the odor of kosher food that has unsettled him,” Azziz replied.

Sweeney looked from the Rabbi to the Doctor and back again. Clearly, the constant menace of a bullet in the brain had pushed Apfulbaum over the edge. It was common, in situations like this, for the victim to fall in love with his captor as a way of protecting himself. But the Rabbi seemed to have fallen in love with death. The Renewer! The Messiah! They were both mad as hatters.

The Rabbi, his voice pitched half an octave higher, rambled on. “I’m not perfect, who is? But you don’t have to be perfect to be Messiah. King David wasn’t perfect. When he coveted Bathsheba, he excarnated the competition by rerouting her husband, Uriah, to certain death in the forefront of the battle.”

“Even the holy Messenger Muhammad was not perfect,” the Doctor observed. “The Qur’an, 93:7 if my memory serves, records that God found the Prophet erring and gave him guidance.”

“Perfection,” the Rabbi noted, smacking his lips in satisfaction at the end of each phrase, “is like the horizon. You race in a motor boat towards it from morning till night … at the end of the day it’s still beyond reach.”

“That is beautifully put, ya’ani.”

The Rabbi turned on the journalist. “You are not in the same league as Ishmael and me, Mr. whatever your name is. You and I don’t talk the same language. The so-called Western liberalism about which you’re so smug is man-oriented. Its pride and glory are Hollywood films and slick magazines with naked ladies on the cover and upwardly mobile Wall Street yuppies clambering over each other to get to the top of the garbage heap known as Western civilization. And at the top of the heap is what? Oy, I’ll tell you what. At the top of the heap are penthouse apartments with wrap-around stereo speakers playing dirty rap music, and dope and divorce and abortion on demand, not to mention extra-marital monkey business and same sex marriages. Same sex marriages! My God, what will they invent next?” The words were spilling out so fast the Rabbi had difficulty catching his breath. “So what, in your opinion,” he said, gasping for air, “is America’s greatest contribution to the Middle East, Mr. whatever your name is? I’ll tell you what. Air-conditioned supermarkets with junk food on one side of the aisles and health food on the other.” Apfulbaum lowered his voice. “For God’s sake, don’t print this in your newspaper but an Israeli, when he wants good food, eats in an Arab restaurant.”

The Doctor rocked back and forth in agreement. “An Arab who wants good medical care goes to a Jewish doctor. This is well known.”

“And what today stands against your man-oriented Western liberalism?” Apfulbaum demanded, cocking his head. “I’ll tell you what.” He hissed like a snake. “Torah Judaism, and its kissing cousin, Koranic Islamism, stand against it. Torah Judaism and Koranic Islamism are Allah-oriented. Their pride, their glory are God and God’s word. At the top of the heap is Paradise—”

“‘Gardens of Eden,’” the Doctor breathed, “‘underneath which rivers flow.’” He peered through the haze of his impaired vision, trying to perceive the Rabbi’s saintly features as he added, “‘God is well-pleased with them who fear the Lord.’”

Apfulbaum’s head bobbed deliriously as he batted the compliment back. “‘Blessed is he who blesses you,’” he whispered huskily.

“You are talking too much and not eating,” the Doctor chided his neighbor. “Here—you will need your strength. Think of the press conferences you will hold after your release. Think of the talk shows you will be invited to. You will have the entire world at your feet.”

He edged the bowl closer to the Rabbi. Apfulbaum picked up a fork and toyed with his food. He filled his mouth with couscous and a morsel of zucchini, then spit it back into the bowl. He was too excited to swallow. Glancing in the direction of Petra, he mumbled an apology with a well-turned Arabic phrase. She pulled the scarf up around her face as her eyes wrinkled at the corners in a pleased grin.

At a nod from the Doctor, Petra cleared away the bowls and set out kitchen tumblers and a pewter pot filled with steaming sweetened tea. She sank cross legged onto the floor behind the Doctor as he filled the tumblers. He began pouring with the spout touching the glass and deftly swooped up the pot until the tea was cascading through the air into the tumbler. He could tell from the sound when the glass was full. From somewhere in the streets below came the electric whine of a loudspeaker. Gradually the clamor grew louder and more distinct. Everyone around the table heard it. Conversation stopped. Sweeney angled his head, straining to make out the words. “It’s Hebrew,” he said. “What’s she saying?”

“It’s one of those Israeli state lottery sound trucks,” the Rabbi said. “The voice of Western liberalism is telling people they can win twelve million shekels if they pick the right number.”

Petra said in Hebrew, “This is the first time I have heard them advertise the lottery in the Old City.”

“At least they had the decency to wait until Ramadan was over,” the Rabbi noted.

Sweeney took hold of Aown’s wrist and pushed up the shirt sleeve to see his wristwatch. Aown, annoyed, jerked his arm free.

The Doctor slid a glass filled with tea across the table to the American journalist. Sweeney, his brow creased, seemed lost in thought. “What? Oh. None for me. I’m not a tea drinker.”

“Well, we won’t oblige you, will we, Isaac?”

But the Rabbi, his eyes glazed over, was in another world. “If I am to survive after all, there is no hope for me,” he whispered. Then he remembered Hertzl’s famous dictum and brightened. “To succeed in a great enterprise,” he murmured, “it is necessary to be without hope.”

His lips kept forming words long after sounds ceased to emerge from his throat.