To my wife and best friend, Missy, who shared her heart throughout the book, thank you! Oh yeah, and for putting up with me when I became a bit grumpy from a lack of sleep. Due to my schedule, most of this book was written between midnight and five A.M.
To my kids, Reed, Cole, and Mia, for providing those moments in life when time stands still and for the contagious joy you spread to everyone around you.
To the Robertson family, who have always given me a seat at the dinner table, forgiveness, and plenty of laughs.
To my church family, who give me a place to worship with others and the encouragement to persevere in Christ.
To Mark Schlabach, for your organization skills and partnership in this book.
To Philip McMillan and Mike Williams, who helped me remember the details of stories from long ago. Thanks for always being there.
To my great friend and brother in Christ Barrett Satterlee, thanks for your insight and constructive encouragement in writing this book. Convincing me to come hunting with you has been one of the best decisions I have ever made, not just because of the ducks but because it provided me a human example of godliness, family, and friendship.
To Jeremiah of the Bible, who preached about God for over forty years with seemingly no response and penned these words in Jeremiah 20:9: “But if I say, ‘I will not mention him or speak any more in his name,’ his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.”