Let's summarize what we learned in this chapter. We built a simple weather measurement station based on the Arduino Yún board that sends data automatically into the cloud.
First, you learned how to connect simple sensors to your Arduino Yún board and to write a test sketch for the Yún board in order to make sure that all these sensors are working correctly.
Then, we interfaced the Arduino Yún board to the Temboo services by using the dedicated Temboo libraries for the Yún. Using these libraries, we logged data in a Google Docs spreadsheet, created automated e-mail alerts based on our measurements, and published these measurements on Twitter.
To take it further, you can combine the different parts of this project together, and also add many Arduino Yún boards to the project, for example, in two different areas of your home. In the next chapter, we are going to use the power of the Temboo libraries again to send power measurement data to the Web, so the energy consumption of your home can be monitored remotely.