
Let's now summarize what we learned in this project. What we've built in this project is a security camera that can automatically log pictures locally and to Dropbox whenever motion is detected. We also learned how to stream the video that comes from this camera live on YouTube via Wi-Fi.

The following were the major takeaways from this project:

Of course, there are many ways you can improve and extend this project based on what we learned in this chapter. You can, of course, have many of these modules with a camera and a motion sensor within your home. This way, you can have a complete security system that monitors your home remotely.

One way to improve the project is to integrate more Choreos into the project. For example, you can inject the Gmail Choreo we used in the first chapter to automatically send an e-mail alert as well whenever some motion is detected. This will create another layer of security in your home. In a similar way, you can also use the Twilio Choreo that will send you an SMS when motion is detected in your home.

You can also use the project for completely different purposes. While testing the project, we, for example, created a time-lapse device that takes pictures at regular time intervals (for example, every minute) and uploads these pictures on Dropbox.

In the next chapter, we are going to use the Arduino Yún's Wi-Fi capabilities for a completely different application: to control a mobile robot. We are going to use the power of the Arduino Yún to remotely control this robot and read out data that comes from the robot, all within a simple web application running on your computer.