Nuclear Religion



Murphy was eager to marry his metaphysis to new findings in science, technology, and psychology. He titled this pamphlet Nuclear Religion to make the point that all the technologies we know of are nothing but tools of the individual mind and stem from Universal Mind. Murphy would certainly say the same today of the binary coding and digital connectedness that has remade our world, for good and ill. All forces of life are expressions of the One Mind and are subject to the ethics and insights of individual minds. Our use of technology reflects back to us the scale of our own development.




Nuclear Religion

People speak of the electronic age, the atomic age, and of inconceivable nuclear power. Wherever you go, you hear people speaking of the marvelous discoveries in the scientific field; some of our modern scientists speak of interplanetary travel in the not-too-distant future.

In reference to the powers within man, this is very interesting and significant; but the greatest discovery of all time is that Omnipotence is within you. Every man has within him Infinite Intelligence, Boundless Wisdom, and the Power that moves the world.

Some time ago I read about a woman who lifted a truck which had pinned down her husband. The neighbors marveled and wondered how she did this because subsequently four men could not lift the same truck. How is it that this frail woman was able to do what four men were unable to do? Seeing the urgent need, she automatically called upon the Power within her and—never doubting—she received all the strength she needed for the occasion. This same Power in all of us is capable of extraordinary and superhuman effort, and in times of emergency and great need, we call it forth. It is the faith that moves mountains.

Mrs. Olive Gaze, wife of the late philosopher, Dr. Harry Gaze, brought to my attention the story of a boy called Michael Little, fifteen years old, who single-handedly lifted a gatepost weighing over three hundred pounds which had fallen on a little girl. Later two strong men could not budge the gate.

Begin now to think, feel, and know that Omnipotence is within you. Contemplate your Transcendental Power. The Bible says that God indwells man, and with this God-Power all things are possible. This is the greatest find of all time, far more important than any discovery ever made by man. No matter what the problem is, no matter what the difficulty, you can momentarily call forth the Transcendental God-Power which can do all things. The atomic energy and thermonuclear power are perfectly harmless, for the forces and powers of nature are not evil, they are neutral.

Nuclear or atomic energy have no particular purpose of their own. Man gives purpose to them. The same wind which will blow a boat upon the rocks will also carry it safely to the harbor. Fire will burn man or warm him, depending on how he uses it. Water will quench your thirst, but you also can use it to drown a child. Electricity can be used to light the house, vacuum the floor, fry an egg, drive a train, and for countless other purposes to bless and alleviate the burdens of mankind, but man also can use the same electrical energy to electrocute someone, or he can make electrical mines for destroying his fellowmen. Good and evil are the movements of man’s mind relative to the LifePrinciple which forever seeks to express Itself through each one of us as harmony, health, peace, and true expression.

The word evil comes from live. When you invert it, you have the word evil which means you are living life backwards. The word devil means de-evil or of evil. A simple way for the man who walks the street to look at good and evil is to say to himself, “How am I using this Life-Principle? Am I letting this Power flow through me constructively or destructively?” Think good, and good follows. Think evil, and evil follows. The nuclear religion deals with the One Universal Power within all men which should be used constructively, harmoniously, peacefully, lovingly, and for the purposes of blessing all humanity.

The word religion means to tie back to God; it means your personal and intimate relationship with the Divine Life-Principle within you which is frequently called God.

The Bible says, God is Life. You are alive with the Life of God. There is only one Life-Principle and that Life is coursing through your veins now. If you will pray in this simple way which I am suggesting here, I feel sure that you will transform your life. For about fifteen minutes every morning and night sit down quietly, relax, let go, and softly, lovingly, and reverently affirm as follows: “God flows through me as harmony, health, peace, joy, wholeness, beauty, true place, love, and abundance. I rejoice and give thanks that I am a free-flowing channel for the Divine Forces.” When fear or worry-thoughts come into your mind, affirm boldly, “God’s love, peace, and power are flowing through me.” Do not fight negative thoughts.

When your room is dark, you do not say to yourself that you will shovel out the darkness. On the contrary, you turn on the light. Learn to chant the beauty of the good. Do it a thousand times a day if necessary. To pray is to think. Your thought is your prayer. What are you thinking now? The basis of the universal, nuclear religion is given in the Book of Proverbs, As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. Actually, this Bible truth is the basis of all religions when they are stripped of all external wrappings and trappings.

For instance, the heart is an old Chaldean word meaning your subconscious mind; it is called the subconscious or subjective mind, because it is subject to the habitual thinking of your conscious, reasoning, analytical mind. The meaning of the quotation is obvious; it means that the way you really think and feel about life, yourself, your neighbor, and the world, you express and manifest in all phases of your life.

Thoughts are things. Your thoughts are creative. Emerson says, “Man is what he thinks all day long.” Thought and feeling create your destiny. This is why you mold, fashion, and shape your own future. This is what religion is all about, regardless of all labels. The thought, idea, or mental picture, which you feel is true, is impressed on your subconscious mind, and whatever is impressed is expressed.

For example, you can entertain the thought that this atomic power shall be used to propel ships over the sea, drive trains, automobiles, airplanes, heat and light homes, direct ships under water, and perform countless other services—all for the express purpose of making life more wonderful. You can, likewise, invert the use of this power and direct that atomic energy for the purposes of destruction. Again it is a result of the movement of your own mind; it is not the fault of the atomic or thermonuclear energy. The power is in man and not in the nuclear energy.

All the wonderful inventions in the world are thoughts of men expressed. The Bible says, Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Are you using your power of speech to decree health, harmony, and happiness? To think is to speak. Your words are thoughts expressed. You have or can have control over your thoughts, and therefore, your speech.

Another beautiful Bible quotation is, Choose ye this day whom ye shall serve. Choose life, love, truth, beauty, security, and wealth. You are here on this planet to reproduce the qualities, attributes, potencies, and aspects of God. You are here to discover the joy of living and to make this world a better place to live in for your children and their children’s children; you are here to better humanity and promote peace. As a result, they could say of you that the world was blessed because you walked this way.

God or this Infinite Intelligence who created all things is Infinite. There cannot be two Infinites, since one would cancel out the other, and there would be chaos and discord everywhere. Infinity cannot be divided or multiplied. God is Omnipotent, the Creator of all things visible and invisible. Omnipotence means the All-Powerful One without anything to oppose or challenge It. If there were any power to challenge, neutralize, or thwart omnipotence, God would not be supreme.

The words devil, satan, etc., mean misunderstanding, misapplication, and misinterpretation of the Laws of Life. The ancient Hebrews said the devil means God upside down, meaning man’s twisted, distorted concept of God. Your good and evil experiences depend on how you use this Life-Principle within you, which is forever whole, pure, and perfect in Its ultimate nature. There is evil in the world because men think destructive, vicious thoughts; moreover, they cheat, rob, defraud, lie, murder, etc. Man’s inhumanity to man makes countless thousands mourn, but this does not mean that there is an evil power contending with good. It is man’s misuse of his mind to maim, injure, and destroy. There is no law compelling man to hate, resent, and entertain vengeful and hostile thoughts. These mental poisons generate emotions which get snarled up in the subconscious mind and being negative must have a negative outlet resulting in ulcers, high blood pressure, gastritis, arthritis, and various other psychosomatic disorders.

All scientific thinkers today do not look upon the Bible in the traditional way. The Bible is a textbook of psychology dealing with spiritual laws. It tells us how we get into trouble and then relates how to get out of trouble. The Bible says that as a man soweth, so also shall he reap. This infers that all our external experiences, conditions, and events are the result of our internal thinking.

If man gets his thought right, his actions inevitably will be right, in the same way that a certain chemical reaction will follow a certain combination of the necessary ingredients. If you want to change conditions, you must change your thoughts and see things as they ought to be. If a man does not know the powers of his mind, minimizes intangibles, and fails to see the power of ideas charged with enthusiasm, he is out of touch with the causative world within him.

Remember that the Life-Principle is within you. This Life-Principle is called by many names such as God, Reality, Infinite Intelligence, Nature, Allah, Brahma, Infinite Mind, Universal Mind, I AM, Aum, Wisdom, The Ancient of Days, The All-Seeing Eye, Our Father, The Only One, The Infinite Healing Presence, The Christ Within—all these and many more are equivalents for God in all languages of the world. God is Spirit, as Jesus says. You cannot see Spirit with your eye, but you know that you can feel the Spirit of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty moving in your heart. You cannot see Love, but you know that love wells up in your heart when you look at your own child. There is the love of a mother for her child, of the boy for his dog, of the father for his son; in fact, he may sacrifice much in order to get a healing for his son. Then there is the love of country where some men give their lives for ideals.

Love gives itself. You cannot buy it. Love is kindness, justice, mercy, and peace. You love another when you love to see the other become and express all that he longs to become. You love when you sincerely wish for the other health, happiness, peace, and all the blessings of heaven. Love frees, Love gives, Love is the Spirit of God moving in the hearts of men. Love unites; hate divides. Hatred is Love in reverse. Hatred, envy, jealousy, and revenge are called the devils which bedevil us in the Bible. Jesus cast these obnoxious, vicious patterns of thought out of the minds of men by contemplating God’s Love and God’s Peace as the Truth of Being, and they were healed. Love dissolves everything unlike itself in the mind and body of man.

You love your wife when you see the peace of God in her and call that Presence forth. When you radiate this love sincerely, God’s Love will shine forth in all Its pristine glory. If you love your husband in the true sense of the term, you will quietly know, feel, and believe that the Presence of God is functioning in him, through him, and all around him. You will picture him in your mind as he ought to be—radiant, happy, successful, and peaceful. When you love your husband, you do not attach yourself mentally to his shortcomings, derelictions, abnormalities, or idiosyncracies. Neither do you dwell on negative symptoms, but you go straight to the God-Presence which indwells him, affirming, feeling, and rejoicing that God is flowing forth through him as harmony, joy, peace, success, vitality, and beauty. Remember, your husband will be to you what you believe him to be. You are always living with your real belief and convictions as you go through life with your wife or husband.

If a man loves a woman, he will not do anything unloving. For example, he will not come home drunk, neither will he criticize or condemn her. He will not be sadistic with his tongue, neither will he flirt and show disrespect for his wife in public or any other place. Love does not do these things. Love cannot do anything unloving. Love is kind; it vaunteth not itself; it is not puffed up. Love envieth not. Love always forgives. Love always blesses. Love heals all conditions. Love, freedom, and respect are one, and whenever one is missing, love is not present. Love is not possessive. Love does not coerce. If a man loves his wife, he does not try to make her a second edition of himself by causing her to think the way he does, nor does he try to submerge her personality in any way. A man who loves his wife will be delighted to see her fully expressed and divinely happy. He wants to make her happy, therefore, his thoughts, speech, and actions will reveal his love for his wife. Many women are frightfully frustrated in the home; they have wonderful talents which are going to waste, causing confusion with its usual accompaniments, such as neurosis, insomnia, and other illnesses. Many women are not fully expressed in their home or in the kitchen; so the husbands should encourage them in their full expression at all times. If husbands and wives began to see the God in each other and nourish the qualities which endeared them one to the other, the marriage would grow more blessed though the years, and the atmosphere of the home would be one of peace, harmony, and joy.

Children grow up in the image and likeness of the mental and emotional climate or atmosphere of the home. Parents’ love for their children causes them to practice the Presence of God in their thoughts, feelings, and actions all day long. When you enter such a home, you know God or Love dwells there, and God is Love. This is the Nuclear Religion and the practice of it is nothing more than the practice of the Presence of God; it is powerful beyond imagination. Let us not overlook it because of its utter simplicity.

The first step in the practice of the Nuclear Religion is to realize that God or the Life-Principle is the only Presence and the only Power. God is that Invisible Spirit and Mind in you. The peace, the love, and the joy that you feel at times welling within is the Presence of God in you.

When you solve a difficult problem, it is the Infinite Intelligence which created all things and knows all things which gives you the answer. There is as much God in you as there is love, peace, joy, wisdom, understanding, and goodwill. God is the highest and best in every man. As we have already said, “God is Boundless Love, Infinite Intelligence, Absolute Harmony, Supreme Wisdom, Boundless Joy, Infinite Life, and God is All Powerful.”

The whole world is God or the Life-Principle in infinite differentiation. Everything in the universe is alive. God is the life of the fish, the bird, the dog, the horse, and of all trees and vegetation. All minerals and the stones in the field also are alive.

There are different degrees of awareness. Infinite Intelligence is God. There is more Intelligence operating in a dog, for instance, than there is in the goldfish in the bowl. The Life-Principle reaches Its highest degree of intelligence in man who has the power to reason and consciously tune in on the Infinite Power, thereby enabling him to rise higher and higher in the scale of living. The more Intelligence operating in man the more freedom, happiness, and peace of mind he possesses. He rises above restrictions, limitations, and environmental circumscriptions, because his thoughts and imagery are creative, enabling him to change conditions and solve all problems which face him.

The following is a wonderful prayer to realize. It is the essence of the Nuclear Religion and is contemplated by scientific thinkers all over the world. These men relax quietly ten or fifteen minutes every day and meditate on the fact that God is the only Presence and the only Power. They let their thoughts dwell on this profound Truth, looking at it from all angles. They begin by thinking that every person they meet is an expression of God. In fact, everything they see is God made manifest, for there is only God who is in all, over all, and all in all. They realize the whole world and all things therein contained represent God dramatizing Himself for the joy of expressing Himself. They continue to do this regularly, systematically, and lovingly. As a result, they find their whole world changing; they experience better health, outer conditions improve, and they are possessed of a new vitality and energy.

I would strongly suggest that you think all day long from the standpoint of the One God about every person and every situation you meet. Pray at work by realizing God is your partner, and God is in action through all your associates. Pray while driving your car, realizing the vehicle is God’s idea moving from point to point freely, joyously, and lovingly. Pray when you go into a store by realizing God directs your purchases, that God is prospering the clerk who waits on you, and that the store is being governed and directed by God’s Wisdom.

A young lady told me that she lost her purse a few Sundays ago. She became still and said, “Infinite Intelligence knows where my purse is and leads me to it, and I follow the lead when it comes.” The idea popped into her mind to go to the telephone booth in a large drug store which was one of the many places she had visited during the day. This lady’s subconscious mind knew where the purse was and responded to her request. The Bible says, Taste the Lord for he is good. She tasted the Lord (the subconscious mind) in the sense that she experienced the way it works by responding to her request, and she recognized the lead when it came.

Let prayer be the orderly, right way of doing everything. God cannot do anything unloving because God is Absolute Love. God cannot send pain because God is Absolute Peace. God cannot send sickness or disease, for God is Wholeness, Beauty, and Infinite Life; likewise the Presence never grows old or decays. God cannot deceive you, trick you, or test you because God is Absolute Truth. God cannot cause discord, confusion, and chaos in your life, as God is Absolute Harmony. We bring misery, suffering, and tragedy into our lives by our own wrong thinking and misuse of the laws of our mind. The Bible says, God is Love, and Love is Life. The tendency of Life is to express Itself as harmony, beauty, love, and joy.

To be religious is to experience the joy of living. There are as many religions as there are individuals in the world. Your personal religion is really your real concept and conviction about this Presence and Power within you regardless of your religious affiliation. You are always bound by your belief. To believe is to accept something as true. If you believe Santa Barbara is in New York State, your letters will go astray; or if you believe three and three are seven, you will be in trouble in the financial world as long as you believe the lie.

Religion means a real knowledge of God and an inner experience of God in your heart. If I gave you a lecture on common table salt, describing its chemical composition, its atomic weight, uses, etc., you might say that it was a very interesting lecture, but if you had not tasted the salt, you would not know its savor.

You will find that all the great religions of the world have one fundamental unity; also, they have a great number of things in common. Actually all of them borrowed from each other. All religions can be summed up in this Truth: Know ye not that ye are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you. This means that God indwells you.

The truths of the Bible cannot be taught on the level of terminology. You have to discover the meanings of the allegories, parables, myths, and cryptograms. The Bible is replete with figurative, idiomatic, oriental expressions. The Hebrew mystics who wrote the Bible have always stated that there is a hidden meaning behind the words. As the Spirit of God is hidden within you, so is there a hidden meaning to every part of the Bible. You are much more than your body; likewise the Bible is much more than a body of words. Except by parable, spake he not unto them. Man must learn the meaning of the parable and realize that there is a deep, inner meaning to every parable and allegory.

The letter of the Law killeth, and the Spirit giveth Life. You must find the meaning behind the words. People with little faith or understanding are always arguing doctrinal points. There are people who spend a great part of their lives proving that the many incidents in the Bible are not historical; you can get many books along this line. The important point to consider is that all the stories in the Bible are psychologically and spiritually true even though historically unprovable.

The Bible speaks in a language of symbolism. A shepherd in the Bible means a man who is spiritually enlightened. The star which he sees is a realization of the Divine Presence within him which will guide, direct, and protect him from all harm. If you are to be a good shepherd, you will trust God in all your ways; then you will find the still waters (the quiet mind) within yourself. You are not religious or devout if you nurse grievances, grudges, and perpetuate animosities. Neither can man say he is religious if he has not found it in his heart to forget, forgive, and release others. There is no consolation in a religious affiliation apart from the commandment of Love ye one another.

The first step in the religious life is to cleanse the mind of all grievances. What is the use of talking about religious beliefs if you are bitter, cynical, and the heart is corroded with psychic traumas of guilt, grudges, and bitter memories? The self-pitying and the hateful can never know the blessings of God. It is no use to pray for release from misery, pain, and suffering until you cleanse the heart first. The teachings of all religions of the world are beautifully summarized in a few verses from the Bible, There is no fear in Love, but perfect Love casteth out fear, because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in Love. If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God loves his brother also.

Since the dawn of time in countless modes, man venerated a deity. He humbled himself and exalted the Divine Being. He felt the impulse of God within him. The various creeds are opposed or differ in form, ritual, and interpretation of symbols. All of them agree on the existence of God and the virtues such as purity, goodness, love, beauty, and faith. Let these qualities rule. Whenever men gather to worship a Transcendent Ideal, they should not be criticized or attacked. The important thing is to develop what is within them, to better themselves, and to come closer to God. The rest is secondary.

People differ on which road to take to God. You will find God through a heart full of love and goodwill. Guides come and people follow. Some go one way, others choose a different path. All are convinced and sincere that their path or trail is the best one. Whatever road I take leads to Thee. When we meet at the top, there is no use fighting and saying my road is the only one, or that my road is absolutely best and there is no other; that would be absurd. We will all awaken to God’s Glory and Love some day, and we will all meet at the Summit.

Divine inspiration, molded by external conditions, varying according to climates, adapted to soil, and to the period’s traditions, brought about the world’s great religions, the source of which was Divine. Intolerance and bigotry are proofs of incomprehension and denote a lack of love. Many intelligent men and women feel abandoned. Their hearts are full of disturbing and unanswered questions. There is only One Truth, One God, but there are many and varied mentalities. What is obvious to some may seem obscure and unacceptable to others.

Religion must not fight science. We must not entrench ourselves behind absolute dogmas and intransigent interpretations. Do not stagnate. Man would go far if it were revealed to him that there is no conflict between science and religion. I look upon science and religion as two arcs of a circle which unite and form a whole. The laws underlying physics, chemistry, and mathematics are not different from the operation of the laws of our mind.

There must be a scientific approach to prayer, and it is as follows: Go thy way and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee. To believe something is to accept it as true. Whatever you mentally accept and feel to be true will come to pass. The Law of Life is the law of belief. What should you believe in? Creeds? Dogmas of churches? Grandfather’s religious concepts? Opinions of men? No! It is none of these. It is belief in the workings of your subconscious mind, in the creative laws of life, in the goodness and guidance of God, in the love of God, and the tendency of Life to express Itself through us as joy, love, beauty, harmony—in other words, the life more abundant. It is what you really believe deep down in your heart that matters, not what you say with your lips or give intellectual assent to. As you really think and feel in your heart, so are you—this is your real religion, regardless of your labels.



Nuclear Religion In Human Relations

Do people bore you, or do you find them interesting? For example, do you say, “He bores me to tears,” and so forth? Such a complaint is a subconscious indication of apathy and listlessness within ourselves. All men and women are interesting because we are all God’s children. Every individual is in essence an epitome of the whole human race. The Divine Intelligence operates in each person and is responsive to us when we recognize It in others. Each person is unique. You are an individualized expression of God, and no one in all the world is like you because you are you.

Let us use a chemical analogy. The chemicals, such as calcium, phosphorous, sulphur, etc., are not in exactly the same proportions in each person. No two individuals are chemically alike. All of us know that certain chemicals have an affinity for one another; others are more or less inert when they are mixed together. This would be true whether they are in a chemical laboratory or in the human body. To continue with the chemical analogy, I might say that all our relations with people, hostile, friendly, or indifferent, are determined by the relations of the chemicals of which we and they are composed.

Let us suppose for a moment that a qualified chemist goes into a laboratory containing all kinds of chemicals; he knows very well the atomic and molecular structure of each chemical. He knows that in the raw or natural state some of these chemicals will combine according to their qualities, i.e., they will react on each other naturally. Take notice of what the chemical scientist does: He utilizes his knowledge of the science and art of chemistry to make complex chemical compounds which bless humanity in countless ways. The chemist with his understanding blends together harmoniously various chemicals and brings forth plastic goods, rubber goods, and synthetic drugs. He enters into the field of radio, television, aeronautics, and telephonic communications, bringing about magnificent contributions to the human race which would be absolutely impossible in ordinary circumstances—such as trusting Nature alone to do so.

Let us begin to see the truth of the chemical analogy to our problems in human relations. Suppose that you say to me, “My neighbors are dull, insipid, boring, and impossible.” This means that you are a chemist in your own laboratory and doing nothing at all with your chemicals. You could mix, rearrange, combine your chemicals in such a way that you would get a wonderful, warm, cordial, and friendly response from what seems to you to be impossible neighbors. If you say, “I find one interesting and the other boring,” you are like a laboratory full of chemicals with no chemist present who could manufacture marvelous and useful combinations with these chemicals in your neighbor’s laboratory.

You are here to study the mysteries of life, to understand humanity, to love your neighbors, to get along with others, to take a deep interest in humanity, in God, in nature, and appreciate the fact that every man is an epitome of the entire human race. You are here to take charge of your thoughts, feelings, responses, and reactions to life. Likewise, we have charge over all the chemicals and elements in our body. If we are good spiritual chemists, we will combine with the chemical elements in other people and establish harmonious human relations.

Place the spiritual chemist in charge of your mental and physical laboratory. Do not be a laboratory without a chemist or spiritual director. You are the master of your thoughts. You are the only thinker in your universe; therefore you know that you alone are responsible for the way you think. The other fellow is not responsible for the way you think about him. Wake up the spiritual chemist within you. Identify with the God in the other, and let the chemistry of love, peace, and goodwill flow from you and touch the God in the other. Your moods, like chemical elements, have their affinities. God’s Love emanating from you will combine chemically with God’s Love in the other. A deep, vital understanding takes place; you find the former so-called enemy is a co-worker on the way.

A spiritual chemist does not depend on people or surroundings to stimulate or interest him. If he did, he would be a laboratory without a scientist present. He is not at the mercy of people, hoping that they are nice, interesting, and loving; he makes desirable and useful chemical combinations with all people. If a man continues to act according to his natural conditioning or natural affinities, his likes and dislikes, his prejudices and fears, he could be called a mineral or vegetable man living and dying a mere passive and mechanical machine-type individual, reacting in a stereotyped way to all the events of the day. Let every encounter with others be a chemical experiment in prayer. Say to yourself whenever you meet another person, “God is in that person; he possesses all the qualities, attributes, and potencies of God. I am a spiritual chemist; I know that all the chemicals in the ocean and in the earth are within this man. I can combine the chemicals in myself with this man harmoniously and make a wonderful compound which will bless us both and all humanity. The God in me salutes the God in him. I direct the chemical and spiritual waves which flow forth from me. I know as a scientist that the lamp of love burning in my heart kindles a chemical fire in the other, bringing about a Divine fusion, causing me to realize the profound truth, I sought God, and I found Him, and He delivered me from all my fears.”

You are a human being; you should be vitally interested in the Life-Principle animating all people. Know that the other is looking for someone who will overlook his frailties, shortcomings, and derelictions, and like Paul of Tarsus declare, Christ in you, the hope of glory. COLOSSIANS 1:27.

This is how to chemically and spiritually unite with another person by affirming silently as follows: “Divine Love is flowing harmoniously and peacefully through him, and there is harmony, peace, and understanding between us. God reveals to me what I should say, and Divine Wisdom reigns supreme.”

This attitude of mind brings about a rearrangement of the atomic and molecular structure of your thought which blends harmoniously with the other, resulting in a joyous union between you. The Bible says, Stir up the gift of God within you. Release the power, the joy, and the love of God lodged within you. Cease saying, “He bores me,” which is an unconscious confession of guilt within yourself, indicating you are all wrapped up in yourself and looking for someone to lift you out of your despondency or “self-centeredness.” Every time you meet another, stir up the spiritual chemist within and say to yourself, “I behold the presence of God in the other, and I know that at this moment there is a rearrangement of the chemical elements in both of us whereby we blend harmoniously, peacefully, and lovingly.” Thoughts are things, and whatever we think about another we are thinking about ourselves.

Some years ago Dr. Charles Littlefield, a scientist, discovered the truth of the Biblical statement, As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. While concentrating on a saline solution by peering through a microscope, he discovered that his focused thought took form. One day he concentrated his attention on a frail elderly lady; he stood gazing intently at her for some time. When he turned back to look at the saline solution, he was surprised to find a miniature form of this woman. Day after day he concentrated on certain mental pictures, and he was amazed to see his mental imagery take form in the shapes developed by the crystals in the saline solution under the microscope.

Man is what he thinks all day long. Our thoughts are the tools and instruments which fashion, mold, and shape our destiny. Your thoughts can be photographed. They have form, shape, and structure in your brain now, and are gradually being condensed into muscle, skin, and cells, as well as experiences, events, and conditions.

There is a revolution going on today in the field of chemistry and physics. The chemistry which the writer studied in college is outmoded, antiquated, and completely irrelevant to modern discoveries. For example, the postulate of immutable elements is gone; this dogma disappeared with the discovery of radioactivity. Scientists today point out that we are living in a dynamic, changing, evolving universe.

In our periodicals, magazines, and newspapers of today, man is reading about the discoveries of modern science. The late Robert Andrews Millikin, who was head of the California Institute of Technology at Pasadena for many years, said that the two fundamental principles, conservation of mass and conservation of energy, are now gone as distinct and separable verities.

Einstein and other scientists have also pointed out the interconvertibility of energy into mass and mass into energy. In other words, our modern scientists are saying that energy and mass are one and the same thing, operating at different levels of vibration. I read an article some years ago in which someone asked Einstein what matter was, and he replied, “Energy reduced to the point of visibility.” The conceptions of the conservation of energy and the conservation of mass are considered no longer sacrosanct.

Your body is plastic, porous, and pliable. It consists of waves of light vibrating at different rates of vibration. Modern science teaches that the only difference between one substance and another is the number and rate of motion of the electrons revolving around a nucleus, proving the dictum of Pythagoras that the world was ruled by number and motion. There were scientists in the nineteenth century who were under the impression that all the great discoveries in physics had already been made. Some said that all we had to do was to make more exact quantitative measurements upon the old phenomena.

You cannot measure love with a slide rule, neither can you measure peace, happiness, wisdom, or understanding. We are dealing with the intangible, the invisible, the imponderable. You cannot see the power that moves your finger to write; surely you do not think the finger moves itself! The body moves as it is moved upon. The body acts as it is acted upon. Your body is characterized by inertia, and your thoughts, emotions, and imagery are played upon it for good or ill. You can play a melody of God on the tissues of your body or a song of hatred or ill will.

You will find that the dogma of many religious groups asserts or affirms some things to be true which completely contradict modern scientific findings. There are people living in this country today who believe that the world was made in six days and that God somehow got tired and rested on the seventh day. Geologists, paleontologists, archaeologists, anthropologists, physicists, astronomers, and other scientists realize that the cosmos took form according to a definite cosmic design and took countless millions of years to assume the form it now has. All these changes took place in Divine order and sequence according to an archetypal design of the Infinite Intelligence which is the only creative power.

Judge Troward who perceived the creative process, intuitively stated as follows: “The physical history of our planet shows us first an incandescent nebula dispersed over vast infinitudes of space; later this condenses into a central sun surrounded by a family of glowing planets hardly yet consolidated from the plastic primordial matter; then succeed untold milleniums of slow geological formation; an earth peopled by the lowest forms of life whether vegetable or animal; from which crude beginnings a majestic, unceasing, unhurried, forward movement brings things stage by stage to the conditions in which we know them now.”

You could look at the six days of creation as six great stages in the evolution of the cosmos. The story in Genesis also portrays the six steps in prayer followed by the seventh day or Sabbath of God in which you reach the point of conviction or inner certitude that your prayer is answered. There is also a spiritual or esoteric meaning to all parts of the Bible, and except we have the inner meaning, we actually have no Bible. In psychological parlance, the six days represent the length of time it takes you to impress or convey your idea or concept on the subconscious mind. As soon as you succeed in impregnating the subconscious by imagining the reality of your desire and feeling the thrill of fulfillment, you impress the subconscious mind. Then, impregnation has taken place, the work of the six days is finished, followed by a period of rest called the Sabbath or seventh day, which is the interval of time between the impregnation and the manifestation.

The modern physicist, astronomer, or scientist cannot afford to have a closed mind. New discoveries and revelations are compelling scientists to discard the old mechanistic and materialistic concepts of the nineteenth century, and dynamically reveal that we are living in an ever-changing, fluidic universe of dancing forces, and that the universe is a mental phenomenon.

The new, nuclear physics, with great courage and faith, has without hesitation discarded the gross atomistic concepts of yesterday. These scientists have demonstrated their own miracles, such as nuclear transubstantiation, time-space fusion, television, radio, inter-atomic energy, etc. Science is beginning to kneel and pray before the altar of being.

In materia-medica circles it is customary to discard the textbooks of yesterday’s pathologies and nostrums. Likewise, you must discard old superstitions, and false beliefs about an avenging God, hell, purgatory, devil, evil forces, and realize that all these are simply states of mind, created by man himself, due to his ignorance and lack of understanding. Arrive at the hour of decision in your own mind where none but the best wine of spiritual wisdom shall be put forth for the guests who hunger for a more wholesome fare. Become an open-minded seeker after Truth.

When a man says that God is punishing him or that God will judge him on the last day, he must ask himself such questions as follows: Where did such an idea come from? Who said it? Why was it said? Is there any sense or meaning to it? Have I been brainwashed since my youth? Am I a hypnotized victim of ignorance, superstition, and fear? Where did such ideas originate? Primitive men, not knowing where God was, originated and postulated a God outside themselves; furthermore, in their primitive state of mind they attributed to God all the passions, such as jealousy, hate, envy, anger, etc., which they found within themselves.

Primitive and prehistoric man realized that he was subjected to forces over which he seemed to have no control. The sun gave him heat, but it also scorched the earth. The fire burned him, the thunder terrified him, the water flooded his lands, and his cattle were drowned. His idea of external powers was the primitive and fundamental type of every idea of God. He conceived for these elements or forces of nature love or aversion, and fear and hope gave rise to the first idea of religion. Primitive man, in his infantile reasoning with himself, perceived that when another man, stronger than he, was about to injure him, he was able to bribe him or offer him certain gifts and in other ways abase himself, thereby mollifying the other’s attitude. From this crude reasoning he proceeded to supplicate the intelligences of the winds, the stars, the waters, hoping that they would hear him and answer his prayers. He proceeded to make offerings and sacrifices to the gods of the wind and the rain.

The first men conceived the universe to be filled with innumerable gods. Their ideas of God were divided according to the sensations of pleasure or pain, and derived solely from the forces of nature. They divided the gods and genii into beneficent and malignant powers—hence, the universality of these two characters in all the systems of religion.

God is the Life-Principle animating all things. This Life-Principle seeks to express Itself through all men as harmony, health, peace, joy, wholeness, beauty, and perfection. Align yourself with this Creative Life Force and flow along with this God-Presence by realizing you are a channel for the Divine. If you swim against the current or against the waves of the sea, you get shaken up quite a bit. Swim with the tide, go along with the currents of life, love, truth, and beauty. If you get angry, resentful, or jealous, you are going contrary to Life; you are inverting the stream of Life.

You are here to express Life fully and to be healthy, happy, and in your true place, doing what you love to do. If you apply a mental tourniquet and say, “I’m too old,” “I can’t do that,” “It is too late now,” “I’m stymied,” “I’m blocked,” etc., you are damming up the free flow of the Spirit. In other words you are being frustrated in that you are bottling up the creative forces within you and not realizing your objectives. You can let the creative forces flow through you as art, music, painting, research work, or mathematics, according to your natural endowments. When you mentally block your good by entertaining the belief in obstacles, delays, and difficulties, your emotions get snarled up in the subconscious mind, and being of a negative nature, these destructive moods come forth as sickness, disease, mental disturbances, and various other forms of psychoneurosis.

Never entertain fixed beliefs about religion. Look at your religion as your personal relationship to God, your fellowman, and the universe. You must not assert as true about God and the Universe that which modern science knows to be completely false, such as the six-day creation of the earth, the end of the world at a certain time, etc. The God of Science is the principle of Infinite Intelligence operating in all men, animals, and in the entire cosmos. God is the Spirit of Divine Order and of orderly development.

Voltaire wrote, “If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.” To deny the existence of a Creative Intelligence is a complete contradiction of the evolutionary findings of all modern science. Your religious concepts should change. Your grandfather rode on a donkey or a horse, today you ride in a modern jet. People communicated with each other in this country at one time by pony express. Today you may phone or wire your family, or perhaps see them on television even though they may be thousands of miles away. What about your religious concepts? Are they of the horse and buggy type, or have you advanced with the electronic and jet age?

Truth has been discovered in the past, it is being discovered now, and will continue to be discovered. Religion is undergoing a revolution. There are probably about fifteen million people in America reading and studying about mental and spiritual laws free from the superficialities, wrappings, and trappings of creed, dogma, and tradition. As you begin to read what modern science is discovering in this space age in the field of astrophysics, mathematics, time, chemistry, extra sensory perception, scientific prayer therapy, etc., you develop a deep sense of humility and receptivity. Modern science is walking humbly with God, and our greatest scientists are true mystics.

Micah said, twenty-five hundred years ago, What doth the Lord require of thee but to do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? Einstein once said that the most beautiful and most profound emotion we can experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the source of all true science. Einstein recognized the Illimitable Superior Spirit which revealed Himself in all phases of the incomprehensible universe. I look upon Einstein as one of the world’s greatest mystics. A mystic is a man who intuitively perceives the great truths of God without any conscious process of reasoning. Einstein had the ability to inwardly sense the invisible things of the Spirit, and through feeling, present them to the intellect. That which the intuition reveals, the intellect may later analyze. It is this feeling, back toward spiritual prototypes, that marks the work of the true mystic in any age.

There is an atomic science of the Spirit also with its own wavelengths and electronics. Let us enter into the high oscillations of the Spirit by focusing our attention on God, the only Presence and the only Power, and then we will discover the great truths of the Bible: If thine eye be single, thy whole body is full of light. With mine eyes stayed on Thee, there is no evil on my pathway.



The Wonders of the Subconscious and the Science of Prayer

Our mind is a garden. In this garden which is called the Garden of Eden, or the Garden of God, we plant seeds. Regardless of what we sow with our conscious mind, our subconscious will bring it to pass. Therefore, let us sow the thoughts of peace, happiness, guidance, and goodwill. Let us meditate on these qualities and accept them in our conscious reasoning mind. Whatever we accept in our conscious reasoning mind our subconscious, which is like the soil, will accept without question and bring it to pass.

Man’s subconscious assumption and convictions of himself dictate and control all his conscious actions. This is why man is belief expressed. Believe nothing, therefore, which does not contribute to your health, happiness, and peace of mind. Your subconscious mind will objectify faithfully the habitual thinking of your conscious mind. Whatever you believe is true in your conscious mind, your subconscious will accept without question; be very careful that you accept only that which is true, noble, and Godlike.

Whatever you impress on your subconscious mind is expressed on the screen of space as conditions, experience, and events. As ye sow in your subconscious mind, so shall ye reap in your body and environment.

One time Caruso was struck with stage fright. He said his throat was paralyzed due to spasms caused by intense fear which constricted the muscles of his throat. Perspiration poured copiously down his face. He was ashamed because in a few minutes he had to go out on the stage, yet he was shaking with fear and trepidation. He said, “They will laugh at me. I can’t sing.” Then he shouted in the presence of those behind the stage, “The little me wants to strangle the Big Me within.” He said to the little me, “Get out of here, the Big Me wants to sing through me.” By the Big Me he meant God, the Limitless Power within him, and he began to shout, “Get out, get out, the Big Me is going to sing!” This released the Almighty Power within him. When the cue came he walked out on the stage and sang gloriously, majestically, enthralling the audience.

In your subconscious mind, as William James wrote, is the Power that moves the world. It is the Almighty Power of God. Your subconscious is one with Infinite Intelligence and Boundless Wisdom. It is fed by hidden springs and is called the Law of Life. Whatever you impress upon the subconscious, the latter will move heaven and earth to bring it to pass. It knows no obstacles. We must impress it with the right ideas and constructive thoughts. Your subconscious mind is impersonal and nonselective. It is called the wife. The Bible says, The husband shall be head of the wife. Many people take these statements literally with all kinds of absurd consequences. The Bible is a psychological textbook dealing with the principles and modes of living. It deals with moods, tones, and vibrations; it talks about the male and female principle within each of us.

The conscious mind is the husband. It is head of the wife because the subconscious is amenable to suggestion and controlled by suggestion. Whatever your conscious mind decrees, your subconscious will honor and execute accordingly. You can believe a lie, and your subconscious will express whatever is impressed upon it, good, bad or indifferent, and will bring it to pass.

The reason there is so much chaos and misery in the world is because people do not understand the interaction of the male and female principle within themselves. When these two principles work in accord, in concord, in peace, and synchronously together, we have health, happiness, peace, and joy. There is no sickness or discord when the conscious and subconscious work together harmoniously and peacefully. What is true subjectively is true objectively also. For example, a woman loves to follow a man who leads. Man, in the Bible, is a person who plans, chooses, directs, imagines, decides, and gets things done.

What are we planting with our conscious mind? The conscious mind is the reasoning mind; it analyzes, weighs, dissects, investigates, scrutinizes, and chooses. Choose ye this day whom ye will serve. What are we choosing? If we are resentful or hateful, we are sowing these seeds, and we may have growths in our bodies to conform to our destructive mental attitude. The growths may appear in different parts of the body.

The tomb of Hermes was opened with a sort of mystic awe because people believed that the greatest secret of the ages was contained therein. The secret was, As within, so without. As above, so below. In other words—whatever is impressed in the subconscious is expressed. These were truths proclaimed by Moses, Isaiah, Jesus, Buddha, Zoroaster, Laotze, and all the illumined seers of the ages. The spiritually minded man who is alert and alive knows that the greatest secret in the world is the discovery of the Presence of God in man.

The great secret of the ancient mystery temple schools was that the I AM in you is God. That was the great secret. When you say, I AM, you are announcing Pure Being, Life, Undifferentiated Awareness, and the Presence of God in you. This is the great secret. The so-called secret of Hermes’ tomb, As within, so without, is no secret; it has always been known. In other words, whatever you feel as true subjectively is expressed as conditions, experiences, and events. We can never deviate from the truth, that as a man thinks and feels, so is he. Your thought and feeling control your destiny. The intake and outgo must be equal. Motion and emotion must balance. As in heaven (your own consciousness), so in earth (in your body and environment). This is the Law of Life.

You will find throughout all nature the law of action and reaction, of rest and motion. These two must balance; then there will be balance and equilibrium. Realize that within us is the very life of the Divine. We are here to let it flow through us rhythmically and harmoniously.

Pray frequently as follows: “God flows through me as harmony, health, peace, beauty, and right action. God speaks, thinks, and acts through me now, and I am expressing the Life Divine.”

Everyone can do something far more wonderful than he or she is doing. Every boy wants to be a hero. He must be taught to express and direct his talents and express his desires in the right way along Godlike channels. Something within the boy tells him he is born to be victorious and triumphant. God whispers to him through urges and intimations, “Go forth and conquer.” The Higher Self knows he can do it. The desires, ideas, plans, and purposes that you have are the qualities of the God-Presence in you saying that you can be, you can do, and you can have; otherwise, you would not have the desire.

Your subconscious is impersonal and nonselective; it is all-wise and knows the answers to all questions. It does not argue with you controversially. It does not say, “You must not impress me with that.”

The husband impregnates his wife, and she brings forth a child. If they hate each other, the child may be born blind, deaf, or deformed. The creative act should be based on Divine Love where each one sees the God in the other. As a result the child comes forth corresponding to that creative mood; it is a lovely child spiritually, mentally, and physically. You know in your heart that this is true.

Psychologically speaking, the husband is the idea, and feeling is the mother. These two must agree, producing a child of the mind which is answered prayer. There is an intelligence in the atom—there must be—when two atoms of hydrogen combine with one of oxygen and create a molecule of water.

There is life, intelligence, and power in all nature which operates instinctively, automatically, mechanically, and mathematically. How will you get your subconscious to work for you? First of all, realize the great secret that the intake and the outgo must be equal. The impression and the expression must be equal. All frustration is due to unfulfilled desires. For example, when you say, “I can’t do this,” “I am too old now,” “I can’t meet this obligation,” “I was born on the wrong side of the tracks,” “I don’t know the right politician,” you are putting up resistance, and frustration sets in. You are blocking your own good.

When we set up obstacles and delays in our minds, we are saying in effect that we do not believe that the Infinite Intelligence which gave us these desires can fulfill them. We are denying the Presence and the Power of God which is within our own subconscious mind. We are setting up opposition, friction, delays, impediments, and difficulties. This generates congestion, followed by sickness, frustration, and neurotic tendencies.

Affirm boldly: “The God Presence which gave me this desire leads, guides, and reveals to me the perfect plan.” This causes the intake and the outgo to become equal; the motion and the emotion, the impression and the expression are one; as within, so without. What you felt within is expressed in the without, and there is balance, equilibrium, and equanimity.

If you think negatively, destructively, and viciously, these thoughts generate emotions which must be expressed, and being negative find an outlet—perhaps as ulcers, heart trouble, tensions, and anxieties. All this is due to the fact that we have placed delays, obstacles, and impediments in our own minds.

Cease blocking the Divine Energy which always seeks to flow harmoniously through us. We must become channels for the Divine. We are here to release the Love, the Light, the Truth, and the Beauty of God. This is the Will of God for every single being in the world. You are here to express wave upon wave of joy, peace, and happiness; all these are the qualities of God seeking expression through you. The Bible says, Out of the heart are the issues of Life. The heart is a Chaldean word meaning the subconscious. Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.

Whatever you consciously think and feel as true, your subconscious will bring it to pass. If you say, “Whenever I eat mushrooms, I get acute indigestion,” the subconscious mind will take that suggestion as a request. When the time comes for you to eat mushrooms, the subconscious says, “The boss doesn’t like mushrooms.” For example, if you say, “If I take coffee at night before going to bed, I cannot sleep,” the subconscious reacts as if to say, “The boss doesn’t want to sleep tonight.” If you say, “There is no way out, I am lost, there is no way out of this dilemma, I am stymied and blocked,” you will be blocked. You will be frustrated; you will get no answer or response from your subconscious.

If you want the subconscious mind to work for you, give it the right request and attain its cooperation. It is always working for you; it is controlling your heartbeat this minute and also your breathing. It heals a cut on your finger, and its tendency is lifeward, forever seeking to take care of you and preserve you. The subconscious has a mind of its own, but it accepts your patterns of thought and mental imagery. If you are the captain on the bridge and give the wrong orders to the men below, they will follow your instructions; the ship may go on the rocks.

Say to your subconscious, “I know there is an answer. I accept it now and give thanks.” This affirmative attitude should produce a response from your Deeper Mind which knows only the answer. Your subconscious can read the contents of a closed safe; it knows the motives of another person. Suppose you are called upon to sign a document and you are wondering whether you should do so or not. Affirm as follows: “Infinite Intelligence guides, directs, and tells me what to do.” You will get a response, perhaps a persistent feeling which tells you not to sign it. You asked and received an answer. It did not speak in a voice, but you felt an urge or predominant feeling. Listen to this silent inner knowing which follows true prayer.

What is your idea or feeling about yourself now? Every part of your being expresses that idea; your vitality, body, financial status, friends, and social status represent a perfect reflection of the idea you have of yourself.

When you pray for guidance, the answer is in your subconscious mind; it knows the answer to everything. However, if you say, “I don’t think there is any way out. I am all mixed up and confused. Why don’t I get an answer?” you are neutralizing your prayer, and like the soldier marking time, you do not get anywhere.

We injure ourselves by the ideas which we entertain. How often have you wounded yourself by getting angry, fearful, jealous, or vengeful? These are the poisons that enter your subconscious. You were not born with these negative attitudes. Many people say that they are victims of the past and blame the subconscious. Feed your subconscious mind life-giving thoughts, and you extirpate and expunge all the negative patterns lodged therein. Tune in on the Infinite Life, Love, and Power of God and become a channel for His Love now; then all the past is wiped out and remembered no more.

Let us dwell on a simple truth about your subconscious—it is a one way mind. If you say, “How will I get the subconscious to work for me?” The answer is: watch your conscious mind and make sure the thoughts you habitually think are based on whatsoever things are true, lovely, just, and of good report. Your mission is to take care of your conscious mind, and the subconscious will take care of itself.

The subconscious never ceases to function. Feed it with true premises. The intimations and urges of the subconscious are always lifeward. For example, if you took some bad food, it would cause you to regurgitate. If you took some poison, the subconscious would neutralize it if you completely trusted its wonder-working power. However, if you persist in giving it negative patterns, it has to follow your orders. By filling your mind with the Truths of God, you crowd out of your mind everything unlike God. The lower is subject to the higher. Begin now to take care of your conscious mind, knowing in your heart and soul that your subconscious mind is always expressing, reproducing, and manifesting, according to your habitual thinking. The subconscious mind is the preserver of your body; it watches over you while you sleep and digests your food.

If you want to heal yourself tonight, sit down quietly and relax your body. Affirm slowly, peacefully, and lovingly: “My toes are relaxed, my feet are relaxed, my ankles are relaxed, my shoulders are relaxed, my neck is relaxed, my head is relaxed, my face is relaxed, my abdominal muscles are relaxed, my whole being is completely relaxed, and I feel wonderful.”

In this relaxed state pray as follows: “The Miraculous Healing Power is saturating every cell of my being. My whole body is now being transformed into the pattern on the Mount. The Infinite Healing Presence which created me is now making me whole and perfect, and I rejoice that this is so.”

Do this quietly several times, feeling the truth of what you affirm. You know what you are doing and why you are doing it. Your thoughts of wholeness, beauty, and perfection sink down into the subconscious which releases the Healing Presence, making you whole, pure, relaxed, and perfect. Your subconscious has the perfect pattern of your lungs, heart, eyes, and all the organs of your body. There is one prerequisite before using the subconscious to heal—you must not have any anger, ill will, or hatred toward anyone. You cannot expect the Healing Presence to flow through a contaminated consciousness. Water does not flow through a pipe filled with debris and rust. You must forgive everyone.

If someone has hurt you, pray as follows: “I wish for him (or her) harmony, health, peace, joy, and all the blessings of heaven. I do this sincerely. He is free and I am free. I know when I have forgiven the other because when I meet him in my mind a wave of peace goes forth to him, and I sincerely rejoice in hearing good news about him.”

The subconscious will respond, but it expects you to come to a decision, to a true judgment in your conscious mind. Come to a conclusion, be definite and specific in your mind. When you say meaningfully, “Divine Order is mine, Divine right action is mine, a happy ending is mine,” the subconscious will respond accordingly. Wish for everyone what you wish for yourself. Be sincere and honest about it. As you bless others, you are blessing yourself.

Affirm boldly: “Success is mine, wealth is mine, Divine right action is mine, Divine guidance is mine, I mean this, I am sincere.” Do not equivocate or vacillate, and you will discover wonders happening in your life. If you say, “I don’t know the way out,” you will get no response whatever, and more confusion will be yours. If there is inharmony in the office, pray as follows: “The harmony and the love of God reign supreme in the minds and hearts of all. I decree this, and it comes to pass in Divine Order.” You will get results from your subconscious mind because you came to a definite decision.

Do you trust this Deeper Mind? Do you say, “It is the Great Executive, it knows the answer”? If you do, you will get results; the Divine solution will follow through the Wisdom and Intelligence of the Almighty.

Another great secret of the subconscious is that the subconscious deals with ends, not with means. It knows how to bring your request to pass. If you are planning how you are going to get an answer: “Whence?” “When?” “Where?” you are defeating the purpose. You are blocking the action of your subconscious. It says in effect, “You don’t trust me. You do not believe me. You don’t think that I am the Great Executive. You do not know that I have the know-how of accomplishment.” That is what it seems to say to you.

Go to the end in prayer. See and feel the happy ending, the joyous solution, the way out, and the subconscious will release its majesty and wisdom in your behalf. Do not try to browbeat, intimidate, or coerce the subconscious. If you are using effort and force, you are presupposing an opposing power. This indicates a conflict in the mind. There is only One Power. If there were two powers, one would cancel out the other, resulting in strife and contention everywhere.

You sign blank checks when you make such statements as: “There is not enough to go around,” or “There is a shortage,” “Maybe I can’t pay the mortgage,” etc. If you are full of fear about the future, you are also writing a blank check and attracting negative conditions to yourself. The subconscious mind takes your fear and belief as your requests, proceeding in its own way to bring obstacles, delays, lack, and limitation into your life. To him that hath the feeling of wealth, more wealth shall be added; to him that hath the feeling of lack, more lack shall be added.

The subconscious mind also gives you compound interest. Every morning as you awaken, deposit thoughts of prosperity, success, wealth, and peace; dwell upon these concepts; busy your mind with them as often as possible. These positive thoughts will find their way as deposits in your subconscious mind and bring forth abundance and prosperity.

I can hear you saying, “Oh, I did that and nothing happened.” You did not get the results because you indulged in fear thoughts perhaps ten minutes later and neutralized the good you had affirmed. When you place a seed in the ground, you do not dig it up. Suppose, for example, you are going to say, “I shall not be able to make that payment.” Before you get further than, “I shall—” stop the sentence, and dwell on a positive, constructive statement such as, “By day and by night I am being prospered in all my ways.”

To prosper means to advance along all lines in wisdom, understanding, and material possessions. Money represents wealth; it is a symbol of exchange. It represents freedom, opulence, luxury, and refinement. I do not know of anyone who says that he has too much; in all probability he is looking for more.

If you are experiencing a financial block, the obstruction is in your own mind. You can now destroy that mental block. Get on mental good terms with everyone.

As you go to sleep tonight, practice the many techniques which we occasionally refer to. Repeat the word, “Wealth,” quietly, easily, and feelingly. Do this over and over again as a lullaby. Lull yourself to sleep with the word, “Wealth.” You should be amazed at the results. Wealth should flow to you in avalanches of abundance; this is another example of the miracles of the subconscious mind.