Suggested Literature on the SA Coastline

Works Quoted From

•    Baai van Diamante Pieter Coetzer (Nasionale Boekdrukkery, 1997)

•    Glamour of Prospecting, The Fred C Cornell (David Philip, 1986)

•    History of Copper Mining in Namaqualand, A John M Smallberger (Scholtz Trust, 1975)

•    Fortune through my Fingers, A Jack Carstens (Howard Timmins, 1962)

•    Discovering Southern Africa TV Bulpin (Self-published, 1970)

•    Fishermen of the Cape Frank Robb and Bruce Franck (Longman, Penguin SA, 1975)

•    Fishing for Fortunes Robin Lees (Purnell, 1969)

•    History of the Stephan Family of the Western Cape, A Eric Rosenthal (unpublished, 1955)

•    Hilda’s Diary of a Cape Housekeeper Hildagonda J Duckitt (MacMillan SA, 1978)

•    Labour, Capital and the State in the St Helena Fisheries 1856-1956 Lance van Sittert (UCT dissertation)

•    Eccentric South Africa Pat Hopkins (Zebra, 2001)

•    Tavern of the Seas Lawrence G Green (Howard Timmins, 1947)

•    South African Beachcombers Lawrence G Green (Howard Timmins, 1958)

•    Thunder on the Blaauwberg Lawrence G Green (Howard Timmins, 1966)

•    On Wings of Fire Lawrence G Green (Howard Timmins, 1967)

•    The False Bay Story Jose Burman (Human and Rousseau, 1977)

•    Historical Simon’s Town Edited by BB Brock and BG Brock with the collaboration of HC Willis for the Simon’s Town Historical Society, (AA Balkema, 1976). Excerpt from ‘Whaling in False Bay Abdullah Moses – courtesy of Simon’s Town Museum.

•    To Catch a Whale Terence Wise (Geoffrey Bles Publishers, 1970)

•    Dawn at Dyer Jan Fourie (Self-published, 2002)

•    The People of De Hoop Nature Reserve Anne and Mike Scott of the Overberg Conservation Services (undated)

•    Camp Life and Sport in South Africa TJ Lucas (Africana Book Society, Johannesburg, 1975)

•    Frontiers Noel Mostert (Pimlico, 1993)

•    The Dead Will Arise Jeff Peires (Jonathan Ball, 2003)

•    A Fish Caught in Time Samantha Weinberg (Fourth Estate, 2000)

Further Reading

•    In the Company of Diamonds Peter Carstens (Ohio University Press, 2001)

•    Overberg Odyssey – People, Roads and Early Days Edmund H Burrows (Self-published, 1994)

•    The Overberg – Historical Anecdotes SJ du Toit (Self-published, 2005)

•    Swept by Wind & Wave WL Speight (Howard Timmins, undated)

•    Village of the Sea – Story of Hermanus Arderne Tredgold (Human & Rousseau, 1965)

•    Bay Between the Mountains Arderne Tredgold (Human & Rousseau, 1985)

•    The Absolute Border Alan Jefferies (Self-published, 2001)

•    Our Coast for Life Edited by Karey Evett (Project Co-ordination, undated)

•    Paradise Under Pressure Alan Mountain (Southern Books, 1990)

•    The Caliban Shore – The Fate of the Grosvenor Castaways Stephen Taylor (Faber & Faber, 2004)

•    Oceans of Life off Southern Africa Edited by Andrew Payne and Robert Crawford (Vlaeberg, 1989)

•    Currents of Contrast Life in Southern Africa’s Two Oceans Thomas Peschak (Struik, 2005)

•    Old Four Legs JLB Smith (Longmans, Green & Co, 1956)

•    The Truth in Masquerade Jane Meiring (Juta, undated)