
I’ve heard that there are certain cultures in the world that believe that when a person’s photo is taken, his soul is captured.

You know what? I get this.

I’ve noticed that sometimes, if I’m very lucky, there’s a moment where the person whose portrait I’m taking feels comfortable enough to relax with me and let his guard down. When this happens, for a split second I can catch a glimpse of his spirit through my lens. It’s often a bit startling, but always very exhilarating — and invariably, when it happens, the result is a fantastic image, even if the actual composition isn’t all that impressive. Capturing this “photograph of the soul” isn’t always a given, but when it happens, it’s magical.

And so, for me, the challenge of shooting a portrait isn’t about getting someone’s “good side,” or minimizing any physical imperfections. It’s about revealing the beauty that the person has — that we all have — within our spirits.

