On the Morning of

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


“Hi, Mom. May I speak to my father, please?”

Laughter. Then more formally: “Yes. Of course. One moment please.”


Singing, rather badly: “Happy Biiirthday to yooooou! Haaaappy Biiirthday to yooooou! Haaaappy BIIIIIRTHday dear DAADDDDDY! HAPPY BIIRRRRTHDAY TO YOOOOOOU!”

More laughter: “Thank you so much!”

“Happy birthday, Daddy. How are you doing today?”

“Thank you, Child, I’m good! You know, I’m officially in my seventies now …”

“Right on. You’re a big boy!”

“I am indeed.”

“What are you going to do today?”

“Well, I’m practicing my flute right now, and then in a minute, I’m going for a bike ride — twenty miles today. Then I’m going to come home, shower, and then sit down and make a list of all the things I want to do in the coming years.”

“Yeah? Like what?”

“Well, like a few lectures I want to give. And then there’s a high school downtown that’s pretty interesting, and I want to put together a proposal to submit for some volunteer work I think I could do there, and then … well, there’s tons of things. There’s still so much left to do, you know?”

“I know, Dad. There always is.”
