I wrote Prudence and the Dragon for an anthology seeking love stories between humans and magical creatures — werewolves and vampires and the like. (If you are reading these author's comments straight through, you may have noticed that several of the stories I wrote for anthologies were not actually sold to those anthologies. The writer's life!) Anyway, dragons are my favourite kind of magical creature, so that is what I chose.
I like Prudence because she is very ordinary, but also very clear about who she is. I like people who aren't cool but don't care, both in real life and in fiction. Angela is cooler but she isn't as comfortable in herself, as I found out when I wrote The Perseverance of Angela's Past Life.
Most of my friends were medical students in clinical school at the time I wrote these stories, which is why Prudence and Angela are both medical students in clinical school. If you draw from life you can save on research.
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