
Jill Alexander, for making this project sound irresistible and for convincing us to dive into it head-first; our editor and friend Amanda Waddell, for being such an inspiration and a joy to work with; and Will Kiester, Rosalind Wanke, and Karen Levy: We couldn’t have done it without your expertise and kindness!

We are, as always, most grateful and forever indebted to the Official Testing Team: Courtney Blair, Monika Soria Caruso, Kelly Cavalier, Michelle Cavigliano, Anne-Laure Chevallier, Amy Gedgaudas, Jenny Howard, Annika Lundin, Shelly Mocquet-McDonald, Monique and Michel Narbel-Gimzia, Constanze Reichardt, Josiane Richer, Keri Risse, Nina Stoma, and Liz Wyman (a.k.a. Missus Super Tester who tested approximately 70 of our recipes!).

Joni would like to thank her Gramma Jo: My grandmother, Joann, has fed me many meals. She is solely responsible for my oversized portions and my tendency to make WAY too much food. She has cooked for many people, for many years, and through her I have been inspired to take on the world with a knife and fork! Thank you, Gramma, for inspiring me, having faith in me, and teaching me so much without even trying. I love you!

Celine would like to thank her parents and Chaz for wearing their cheerleader outfits at all times, shaking their pom-poms at her even when she acts like a professional stress ball. Thank you, Jeanette (, for providing the props made by your very own two insanely talented hands.