
I send enormous thanks to every professional who helped send this novel to publication: the many dedicated and knowledgeable people at Harlequin, including Sue Brockhoff and Kate Cuthbert who have supported me along my journey, and with special thanks to my commissioning editor, Rachael Donovan, editor Julia Knapman, and to my editor for this novel, Annabel Adair, who helped me see my way clearly around the edits needed for this story.

To Catherine Evans, author, writing buddy and friend—thank you so much for your encouragement and support for every story I write. You’re never daunted by all the chapters or scenes I send you to read while I fight to find the right storyline. My thanks aren’t enough, Cath.

Juanita Kees and Lily Malone, thank you for reading this story and for your feedback. Many Western Australia authors have now become part of my everyday environment in one way or another and I couldn’t be happier to have them in my writerly world. I look forward to upcoming author ventures and adventures, right here in Perth, Western Australia, with Rachael Johns, Tess Woods and Anthea Hodgson. Writers make me think, make me want to write when the going gets tough, and often make me feel ‘normal’ as we offer support to each other for the ever-changing demands of working in our challenging but much-loved industry.

Finally, and most importantly, I again thank Senior Sergeant Heath Soutar, Collie Police Station, for answering my many questions so patiently. These books in my Rangelands series could not have been written without his experience, his willingness to assist me, and his good humour along the way.

Any errors in policing or procedure are entirely mine and on occasion I have used fictional licence where I thought it necessary.

My regards go to all our good Australian police officers, but most especially—thank you, Heath!