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Bach, Jean, dir. A Great Day in Harlem. ABC Home Video, Stamford, CT, 1995.

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Coltrane, John. Blue Train. Blue Note CDP 7 460952.

Davis, Miles. Birth of the Cool. Capitol Jazz CDP7 928622.

Dylan, Bob. Another Side of Bob Dylan. Columbia CK 8993.

———. Blonde on Blonde. Columbia CGK 841.

———. Bob Dylan. Columbia CK 08579.

———. Bob Dylan Live 1966: “The “Royal Albert Hall” Concert. Columbia C2K 65759.

———. Bringing It All Back Home. Columbia CK 9128.

———. The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan. Columbia CK 8786.

———. The Times They Are A-Changin’. Columbia CK 8905.

Gillespie, Dizzy, featuring Charlie Parker. Groovin’ High. Savoy Jazz/Nippon Columbia SV 0152.

Gillespie, Dizzy, featuring Chano Pozo. Dizzier and Dizzier. BMG Media/Victor Jazz 09026-68517-2.

———. Dizzy Gillespie and His Big Band featuring Chano Pozo. GNP Crescendo GNPD 23.

Grillo, Frankie “Machito,” including Charlie Parker and Chano Pozo. Afro-Cuban Jazz. Saludos Amigos/Sarabandas CD 62015.

Kerouac, Jack. The Jack Kerouac Collection: The Complete Recorded Works. Rhino Records R-70939.

———. Jack Kerouac Reads On the Road. Rykodisc RCD 10474.

Kerouac, Jack, William Burroughs, Lenny Bruce, and others. The Beat Generation. Rhino Records R2/R4 7D281.

McLean, Jackie. Destination Out!. Blue Note CDP 72438 32087 22.

———. New Soil. Blue Note CDP 784013 2.

Monk, Thelonious. Criss-Cross. Columbia Legacy CK 48823.

———. The Best of Thelonious Monk: The Blue Note Years. Blue Note CDP 7 95636 2.

Monk, Thelonious, featuring John Coltrane. Live at the Five Spot. Blue Note D 110 906.

Monk, Thelonious, featuring Sonny Rollins. Brilliant Corners. Riverside Jazz Classics OJCCD-026-2.

Morgan, Lee. The Best of Lee Morgan. Blue Note CDP 7 911382.

Parker, Charlie. The Immortal Charlie Parker. Savoy Jazz/Nippon Columbia SV-0102.

Parker, Charlie, and Dizzy Gillespie. Bird and Diz. Verve/Polygram Records 831 133-2.

Powell, Bud. The Amazing Bud Powell, Vol. 1. Blue Note CDP 781503 2.

Velvet Underground. The Velvet Underground and Nico. Verve/Polygram 5008.

———. White Light/White Heat. Verve/Polygram 5046.

Young, Lester. The Best of Lester Young. Pablo Records PACD-2405-420-2.