

1 Apply a gold basecoat to the forehead in the shape of a crown, using the edge of your sponge to stipple on the crown points. Clean up any edges with a cotton swab.


2 Apply blue eye shadow with a sponge. Make the eyes pop with dark blue eyeliner applied with the edge of the sponge.


3 Apply pink with the end of the sponge, turning it in a circular motion to create rosy cheeks. Apply pink to the lips with a cotton swab.


4 Add a pink diamond jewel in the middle of the crown using a no. 3 round. Use the same brush loaded with white to paint the swirls, curls and teardrops on the crown, and to scallop the tips of the points.


5 Using a no. 3 round and white, add some stars to the cheeks and place a highlight line above the blue eye shadow.


6 Outline the crown and add interior details using a no. 3 round and black. Also add eyelashes using the same brush and color.
