

1 Using a sponge, apply white across the eyes, adding ears on the forehead and leaving a space for the mane on the bridge of the nose.


2 Apply black to the muzzle, nose and chin with a sponge, blending it into the white. Also lay in the mane and the insides of the ears.


3 Outline the entire face and define the ears and mane using a no. 3 round and black.

With the same brush, highlight the mane with short brushstrokes of white, then draw nostrils and add a thin white line for the mouth.


4 Using your no. 3 round and black, begin establishing the stripe pattern, first adding thin to thick lines down the center of the face. Then add some stripes directly beneath the eyes, moving down across the cheekbones.


5 Fill in the remainder of the stripes following the pattern you set in step 4. Using the same brush, add more black eyeliner and shade the tops of the eyelids with a black and white mix.
