

1 Use a sponge to stipple on gray, suggesting exposed metal around the left eye and in select spots along the forehead, cheek, jaw and chin.


2 Add a black circle around the eye using a sponge. As the color dries on the sponge, shade above all the metal panels to make them look like they are sunken under the skin. Shade along the nose cavity.

Stipple on white highlights along the brow and cheekbone. Use the edge of the sponge to add highlights along the metal plates.


3 With a sponge, stipple on red around the plates to indicate wounds where the flesh has come away from the face.

Use a no. 3 round to clean up the eye hole edges and to outline the plates with black.


4 Use a no. 3 round and black to establish the mechanical pieces connecting the plates within the face and to add an outline of teeth.


5 Fill in the teeth with off-white using a no. 3 round. Then add white highlights along one side of the black plate outlines.

Using the same brush, add red blood drips, moving your brush in wobbly lines.


6 To create the cyborg’s eye, place a large red dot on the left eyelid using a no. 3 round. Once this dries, add a small, sharp white point to suggest the pupil.
