Fire Demon


1 Apply a yellow basecoat for the flames with a sponge, stippling on texture as you go.


2 Add orange to the negative spaces around the yellow with a sponge to further develop the flames.


3 Deepen and shape the eyes using a sponge and red. Use red to stipple in more flames along the hairline, on the forehead and temples, and near the mouth. Use a no. 3 round to further exaggerate the shape of the eyes and sharpen the edges of your sponge work. Also add a line under the eyes, and outline the teeth and the bottom edge of the mask with red.


4 Begin detailing the flames, adding red outlines around the eyebrows using a no. 3 round. Add red shading and flame outlines around the nose using the same brush.


5 Continue to develop the flame shapes on the forehead and cheeks using a no. 3 round and red. With the same brush, add yellow highlights on the flames and fill in the teeth.


6 Line the eyes with black using a no. 3 round, then shadow the center of the flame shapes with thin black lines to deepen the darkest parts of the fire. With the same brush, add a black brow line over the red eye flames, and add white highlights to the brightest yellow areas of the flames and the teeth.
