

1 Apply a smooth gray basecoat on the face and ears using a sponge.


2 Shade in the eyes, horns and temples using a sponge and black.


3 Continue developing shadows with a sponge and black, shading in the laugh lines, chin, cheeks, lips and ears.


4 Using a sponge and white, stipple on highlights and add texture, carefully placing color in areas devoid of shadow. Remember, because you want to indicate the texture of stone, it’s important that you not blend the white marks into the gray basecoat.


5 Use a no. 3 round and black to outline the face, and define the brows, nostrils and cheeks. Paint the lips and add outlines of teeth using the same brush and color.


6 Fill in the teeth with white using a no. 3 round. Also add white drip shapes down the surface of the face, suggesting aged and cracked stone, using the same brush.
