Goth Girl


1 Apply a white basecoat to the face using a sponge, first stroking and then stippling on the color to fill evenly.


2 Cover the eyes with powder blue using a sponge, work with the clean side to blend the color into the white. Apply metallic blue closest to the eye, extending past the corner of the eyes and curling upward.


3 Stipple gray blush on the cheekbones with a sponge.

Then, using a no. 3 round, line both eyes with black.


4 Add thin eyebrows and drawn on lashes using a no. 3 round and black.


5 Using a no. 3 round, develop the linework beneath the eyes, following the contour of the cheekbones. With the same brush, darken the corners of the lids with dark blue and add thin blue lines on the face to indicate veins.


6 Continue developing the linework around the eyes, and add linework above the eyebrows using your no. 3 round and black.

Fill in the lips with black using a no. 3 round, then add metallic blue stripes down the lips to make them pop.
