ANNOYING: Things that are annoying bug you so much you think you might lose it!
DESPISE: If you hate something more than anything you have ever, ever, ever hated before, then you actually despise it.
DISCHARGE: Something gross that oozes out of your body, like eye gunk or pus.
DISGUSTING: Things that make you go “EW!” like love notes, most girls, and liver.
DISTRACTED: In awe of something (like a video game) so much so that you don’t notice anything else going on around you.
EMBARRASSED: The feeling you have after people notice something about you that you don’t want them to know, like being afraid of bugs.
GASP: A noise a person makes when they are shocked — like Aunt Wanda when I asked Sam to play video games with me.
HURL: If you hurl something, it’s probably because you’re angry, like when the robot hurled things on the floor because Victoria was rude to him.
IDIOT: Someone who is really dumb.
IGNORED: When I get ignored, people act like they can’t hear me or even see me. RUDE!
INSULT: To say or do something that makes a person feel bad. Note: I said a PERSON, not Princess Sing-Along!
INVISIBLE: Impossible to see, like the invisible rocket ship I’m building for my next class project.
MISSION: A very important job to do.
MUCUS: Slimy, wet stuff that comes out of your nose and eyes. This stuff includes boogers and eye boogers.
PUNISHMENT: This happens when I do something wrong or behave badly. Parents and teachers like to give out punishments like missing recess or being grounded for the weekend, even for silly things like making an invisible rocket ship.
SNUGGLE: To lie close to someone. Waggles does this. So does Mia sometimes. It can be very annoying.
SQUEAL: This high-pitched sound usually comes from little girls and puppies and often annoys everyone who hears it. This week, I heard it come from two grown adults — my Aunt Wanda and Uncle Wesley.