Zeke Meeks is published by
Picture Window Books
A Capstone Imprint
1710 Roe Crest Drive
North Mankato, MN 56003

Copyright ©2014 Picture Window Books

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Green, D. L. (Debra L.), author.
  Zeke Meeks vs. his big phony cousin / by D.L. Green; illustrated by Josh Alves.
      pages cm. — (Zeke Meeks)
  Summary: As if coming up with a school project at the last minute is not enough trouble, Zeke also has to deal with his cousin Sam — who is just too perfect to be completely believable.
  ISBN 978-1-4795-2167-8 (hardcover)
  ISBN 978-1-4795-3812-6 (paper over board)
  ISBN 978-1-4795-3810-2 (paperback)
  ISBN 978-1-4795-5235-1 (ebook PDF)
  ISBN 978-1-4795-5980-0 (ebook)
1. Cousins—Juvenile fiction. 2. Middle-born children—Juvenile fiction. 3. Elementary schools—Juvenile fiction. [1. Cousins—Fiction. 2. Middle-born children—Fiction. 3. Schools—Fiction. 4. Humorous stories.] I. Alves, Josh, illustrator. II. Title. III. Title: Zeke Meeks versus his big phony cousin. IV. Series: Green, D. L. (Debra L.) Zeke Meeks.
  PZ7.G81926Zc 2014
  [Fic]—dc23                    2013028540

Vector Credits: Shutterstock
Book design: K. Carlson

Grace Chang Super Genius or Super Villain?