
The place beckons, silent and cold, dark and safe.

Even if those adjectives remind me a little too much of Snoqualmie Pass—locale of the infamous Singeing of My Skin, I can at least find out what Aminta has left at the top of the stairs.


  1. Lonely Planet Iceland: pages about winter travel strategically flagged with green Post-it notes.
  2. iPod Shuffle: loaded with podcasts from Harry Potter and the Sacred Text and Talk Nerdy to The Narrative Breakdown and virtually every single lecture given on Khan Academy.
  3. Photosensitivity Prototype #2: The Astral Projection Hat1. Take one wide-brimmed, UPF-protective safari hat. Cover it with a veil made of sheer UPF protective fabric. Rig the crown with a UV-protected headlamp angled backward. Add a special FX filter that turns the light source into eight-point stars, and meet your personal reading light that does double duty, filling the darkest of days with starlight.
  4. A bag of orange and black foil-wrapped Halloween chocolate Kisses.
  5. Persephone, special edition #1.

1   Prototype beta test is sanctioned and approved by Lee & Li Communications .