We extend our thanks to the many authors who contributed their time and effort to the creation of this text. Our authors come from many fields in medicine, nursing, science, and technology, including many anesthesia technologists; many are widely published. All have embraced the challenge of shaping their material to serve the needs of anesthesia technicians. We are profoundly grateful.
This book could not have come together without the editorial talents of Kimberly Voelker, whose tireless writing expertise, efficiency, good cheer, and scientific curiosity made it better in every way. Jonny Sands’ photographic talents combined with his anesthetic technical skills make it both more beautiful and more informative throughout; wherever we thought “this really needs an image” the reader will see a photograph (or video) of Jonny’s.
We are grateful to Dr. Glenn Woodworth, without whose vision and effort the first edition of this textbook would never have come to be; and to Dr. Jeffrey Kirsch, without whose leadership and guidance we would never have brought this second edition together.
Finally, we must thank Sara, Savannah, and Harrison Davis, and Alex, Joel, and Carl Guimaraes, who spared us for far too many hours of family time. We are grateful you share us with work we love.
Emily Guimaraes
Matthew Davis