The technologic and equipment support of anesthesia care has become increasingly complex and sophisticated, and anesthesia technology is now a recognized allied health profession. Regardless of whether the anesthesia technician seeks certification, he or she must master a large body of knowledge in order to perform the job well, from understanding many different types of equipment to assisting with procedures to responding in emergencies.

Until the first edition of this book, there was no text specifically for anesthesia technicians and technologists. Information on anesthesia equipment was covered in texts for anesthesia providers or in manufacturers’ handbooks; basic sciences in texts for medical students or nurses; anesthesia clinical sciences in books for anesthesiologists, anesthesia residents, or nurse anesthetists. Anesthesia technician education has been primarily in on the job training; anesthesia technologist certification has been increasingly sought after by employers, but no textbook was readily available to assist with study.

The first edition was very successful in addressing these needs and is now updated and expanded to reflect changes in the field over the last several years. Information on pharmacology and perioperative medications has been completely revised and expanded. New chapters are added on temperature management, autotransfusion devices, resource planning, local anesthetic systemic toxicity, MRI, and radiation safety. Information on the respiratory system, airway tools, neurologic monitoring, waste management, and sanitation has been fully updated.

The structure of the text remains the same as the first edition: Section I provides an overview of the profession of the anesthesia technician, certification, and its daily practice in the operating room.

Section II covers the basic medical sciences underlying the care of patients undergoing anesthesia. Fundamentals of biology, anatomy, and physiology are addressed, from the particular perspective of the operating room and the anesthesia practitioner. This section provides a solid scientific foundation to the “why” of all anesthesia care, with particular attention to the primary importance of oxygen delivery to the tissues, the essential condition of life. Understanding the science behind anesthesia care allows the anesthesia technician to be of optimal assistance in routine and emergency situations.

Section III covers the clinical science of anesthesia, describing the practice and principles of anesthetic care of patients. Its purpose is to orient the anesthesia technician to the routines and reasons for the patient care performed every day in the operating room, including airway management, sedation, general anesthesia, regional anesthesia, medications, fluids, blood transfusions, and prevention of infections and positioning-related injuries. Understanding the actions and thinking of the anesthesia provider is critical to providing technical support.

Section IV is the bulk of the text and covers anesthesia equipment in depth, emphasizing equipment indications, setup, implementation, troubleshooting, and maintenance. Many types of equipment are covered, from the anesthesia machine through multiple modalities of monitoring technology, intravascular tools, airway devices, specialty neurologic monitoring, ultrasound and echocardiography tools, pacemakers and defibrillators, and cardiovascular assistance devices including VADs and intraaortic balloon pumps. Reference is made in each chapter to further reading in the area.

Section V covers special circumstances encountered throughout the hospital, both within and outside the operating room, with a special emphasis on patient safety. Topics covered include pediatric and obstetric anesthesia, transportation of patients, and electrical, laser, radiation, and MRI safety. This should allow the AT to be comfortable in any location and provide a launching point for specialty practices.

An entire section, Section VI, is devoted to the role of the anesthesia technician and technologist in emergency management. Common and uncommon anesthesia emergencies are covered as well as the role of the anesthesia technician in response.

It is our hope that this text will provide you, as an anesthesia technician or technologist, with all the knowledge necessary both for your practice and for study. We hope that it will advance the allied health field. And we hope that it will provide you with joy in your work, as understanding of these principles unfolds before your eyes.

Emily Guimaraes

Matthew Davis

Glenn Woodworth

Jeffrey Kirsch