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adenosine 210
adolescents 39, 201
adrenaline (hormone) 54, 55, 225
food 91, 165–6
television 169
aerobic exercise 184
ageing population 185, 214, 272
Ainscough, Jess 8
air pollution 237
intake 33
and sleep 211
and stress 216
Allison, Michelle 5
Alzheimer’s disease 185
American Psychological Association 84
anger 65–7
anorexia nervosa
in Fiji 163
hunger and 31
men and 168
and orthorexia 105–7
social media and 155
UK population and 198
anxiety 153–4, 161, 176, 188, 197–9
artificial flavourings 90, 130
artificial vs natural 127–31, 147
atherosclerosis 215–16
avoidance, food 6
‘bad’ foods 89–90
bad/unhealthy, good/healthy 89–91, 101, 128, 141, 255
balanced diet 39, 45, 70
BDD (body dysmorphic disorder) 192, 199
beauty ideals 17, 109
Beauty Myth, The (Wolf) 248
bias, weight 37–8, 42, 50
quiz 50
binge-eating 39
binge-restrict cycle 84–5
black women, fat 42–3, 273–4
blood lipids 33, 45
blood pressure 29, 33, 45, 145, 184
blood sugar 29, 143, 184, 216
BMI (Body Mass Index) 22–3, 32, 33–4
body dissatisfaction
eating disorders and 18, 103
girls/women and 164, 167
men and 196
weight bias and 37–8
body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) 38, 192, 199
body image 273–8
improving 117–18
negative 104, 191–2, 217
quiz 204–5
Body Mass Index (BMI) 22–3, 32, 33–4
‘body positivity’ movement 273–4
body shapes 17
bone mass, reduced 36
boredom 67–9
Brandolini, Alberto 13
Bratman, Steven 99–100
‘bad’ food 261
white 126
wholewheat 129
British diet, typical 145
bulimia 32, 168
caffeine 210
counting 3, 31, 36
empty 88–9
‘low-calorie’ food 90–1
camps, weight-loss 39
bloggers and 8
chronic inflammation and 216
pesticides and 262
scares 140–2
sugar and 148
carbohydrates 69, 70, 71, 261
carbphobia 142–7, 148
cardio exercise 192, 194–5
CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) 222
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 208
cheat meals 84–6
cheese 146, 261
chemicals 132
chemotherapy 89, 142
‘chewing’ diet 3
close family and 226
epilepsy and 142
food 63, 244–5
food as a reward 93
and food language 257–8
free school meals 234
overweight 27
school weight-loss programmes 27–8
socio-economic factors 231–4, 236–9
Chinese medicine 14–15
cholesterol 29, 45, 145
Christmas dinner 62, 245
circadian rhythm 210
clean eating 78–80, 112, 155
cleansing 82–4, 104
clock changes, and sleep 212
clock, internal body 210
cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) 222
cold, common 53, 215
colonialism 135
comfort food 53, 61, 62–5, 65
common humanity 276
conditions, chronic 214
confirmation bias 270
control, food and 108
convenience foods 64–5
coping mechanisms 72, 83, 109, 218, 238
coping skills 219
cortisol (hormone)
and insulin 216
levels of 56–7, 58–9, 61, 191, 212, 225
production of 36, 54, 55
counselling 113
cravings, food 61
‘cult’, diet and 5–8, 11–14
dairy products 125, 127, 141, 146
death, premature 22, 24, 223
dementia 185
depression 70–1, 153–4, 168–70, 186–9, 192
detoxing 82–4, 137
diabetes, type 2
exercise and 184
and fearmongering 262
metabolic syndrome and 38
obesity and 24, 28
reversing 143
stress and 216
studies on 29
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) 100
books 3, 82, 123
culture 12, 17–20, 128
history of 2–5
industry 24–5
leaders 10
mentality 245
Diet & Health: With Key to the Calories (Peters) 3
dietary guidelines, UK 145
dieting 112–13
dieting theology 8–9
dietitians 119
disability 171, 190, 272
discrimination 37, 42–3, 217
disgust 79
documentaries, food 172–5
dopamine 68, 185
DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) 100
dysmorphia 38, 168, 192, 199
‘earn’ your food 92–3
eating behaviours 39, 154–6
eating disorders 99–121
and body image 192
HAES® approach 45
and mass media 163
risk of 32
and social media 154–6
weight stigma and 38, 39
level of 233–4
nutritional 114–15
emotional eating 51–74, 249–52
distraction 251–2
identifying 52, 250–1
quiz 73
weight stigma and 39
emotions, social pressure and 11–12
employment 234–5
endorphins 189, 198
energy-dense food 57, 85
energy intake 95
epilepsy 142
ethnic minority groups 217
eustress 218–19
exercise 179–86
addiction 196–200
attitudes toward 271–3
benefits of 183–6
lack of 222
quiz 203
stress and 220
Facebook 11, 152, 155, 159, 162
fad diet 3
failure, diet 26–7, 32
fasting 6, 39
fat-burning 94–5
‘fat’ terminology 41
fatphobia 43
fats, unsaturated 146
fear of missing out (FOMO) 153–4
fearmongering 123–48, 260–4
language 172
orthorexia and 111
quiz 149
feminism 248
fight-or-flight response 55–6, 212, 213
fitness environment 194–6
fitspo 180–3, 200–2
5 A Day (fruit and vegetables) 33
fizzy drinks 28
Fletcher, Horace 3
FOMO (fear of missing out) 153–4
food, as identity 5–8
food poisoning 125
Food Standards Agency, UK (FSA) 91
food traditions 4
‘forbidden’ foods 60, 79, 245
Foresight obesity model 35
free school meals 234
freedom to choose 4–5
frozen foods 124
fuel poverty 236
fullness 46–7, 249
gastrointestinal symptoms 217
ghrelin (hormone) 47, 54, 56, 61, 211
Gibson, Belle 8
glucose 58–9
gluten 14, 101, 104, 123, 139
Gluten Lie, The (Levinovitz) 14
good/healthy, bad/unhealthy 89–91, 128, 141, 255
Goop brand 135–6
GP surgeries 229
Graham, Sylvester 15
green spaces 236–7
guilt 115, 197, 198–9, 250
guilt-free food 86–7
guilty pleasure 87
HAES® (Health At Every Size) 44–8
‘hangry’ (hungry-angry) 66–7
happiness 52–3, 69–74
Health At Every Size (HAES®) 44–8
health, population 208–9
health-promoting behaviours
improvements in 45
lifestyle and 238
messages about 41, 244
and social media 154
types of 33–4
health scares 111–12, 140–2
healthcare systems 228–31
Australian 230–1
US 230
and weight bias 37–8
healthism 17
healthy movement 271–3
heart attacks 212, 215
heart disease
exercise and 184
and friends 225
metabolic syndrome and 38
obesity and 24
risk factors 145
stress and 215–16
HFSS (High Fat, Sugar and Salt foods) 91
high stress reactivity 57
HIIT (high-intensity interval training) 180
homophobia 42, 43
hormones 36, 47, 54–7, 61, 69
hospital care 229–30
housing 236
HPA (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) axis 55, 56, 61, 213, 215
humanity, common 276
diet culture and 19, 30, 31–2
emotional 249
exercise and 183–4
hormones 47
signals 46–7
sleep and 211
hypertension 24
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis 55, 56, 61, 213, 215
income, levels of 233–4, 237–9
indulgence foods 64
inflammatory response 214–15, 216
insomnia, fatal familial 209
‘clean eating’ and 155–6
and fitness 181, 182
food and 113, 116
mental health and 153, 161, 162
social comparison and 160
users of 152
insulin (hormone)
cortisol and 216
definition 55
glucose and 58–9
release of 70, 143
sensitivity 33
Internet access 151
intuitive eating 46–7, 244–8
Intuitive Eating (Tribole and Resch) 247
iPhones 265, 266
isolation, social 223
junk food 91–2
Just Eat It (Thomas) 247
ketogenic diet 16, 142–3
Kraut, Robert 152
language, to describe food 75–97, 96–7, 254–8
LCHF (low-carb high-fat) diets see low-carb diet
leptin (hormone)
cortisol and 56
food cravings and 61
hunger levels and 47, 54, 211
stress and 58
Levinovitz, Alan, The Gluten Lie 14
LGBTQ+ community 42, 161, 217, 248
life expectancy 232
changes 33
diseases 40
liposuction 29
loneliness 61–5, 223
quiz 227–8
Love Island 108
low-carb diet
books 3, 82
carbphobia 142–7
myths and 70
natural foods and 123–4, 127, 128
and nostalgia 133
‘low-fat’ food 81, 90–1
maca (superfood powder) 134
magazines 166, 177, 182, 267
Magic Pill,The (documentary) 173, 174
malnutrition 43
matcha (superfood) 134–5
media literacy training 269
media, mass 162–71, 267–71
advertising in 91, 165–6, 169
blamed for eating disorders 109
body image and 18
and body image quiz 177
fearmongering in 148
positives about 170–1
medical care 228–31
Mediterranean style diet 71, 146
melatonin 210
men, and media pressure 167–8
menopause, post 185
mental health 186–96
mental healthcare 229
metabolic syndrome 38–9
metabolism 30, 32, 57, 95
metaphors, food 77
milk 125, 127, 141, 146
mindful eating 252–4
mindfulness 252, 276
misinformation 13–14, 111, 114, 171–5
money, and socio-economic factors 237–9
‘clean’/‘dirty’ foods 78–9
‘fat’ and 9
food language and 254–5, 258
good/bad foods 13
of health 109
mortality 24, 28, 33
motivation 191
social and cognitive 12–13
muscle dysmorphia 38, 168
National Health Service (NHS) 228–30
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) 41
natural food 81
natural vs artificial 127–31, 147
nature, being around 187, 190–1
Neff, Dr Kristin 275
negative associations, with food 76, 86, 97
Netflix 148, 171–5
neuropeptide Y (hormone) 54, 56
NHS (National Health Service) 228–30, 261, 262
nocebo effect 138–40, 148
non-REM sleep 209, 212
noradrenaline (hormone) 54, 55, 56–7
North–South divide 232
nostalgic foods 63, 132–6, 148
nutrient-dense foods 70–1, 90
nutrient-poor foods 88–9
nutrition 19–20
importance of 279
nutritionists 119
cost of 43
levels 21–4
‘Obesity causes cancer’ campaign 42
paradox 24
objectification theory 193–4
obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) 106
organic products 129
orthorexia nervosa 99–121, 258–60
and anorexia 105–7
case studies 104–5
causes 107–13
definition 99–100
diagnostic criteria 101–4
quiz 120–1
risk factors 121
symptoms of 100
treatment 113–19
osteoarthritis 28
osteoporosis 36, 185
overcrowding 236
overexercise 196–200
oxytocin (hormone) 225
paleo diet 15, 16
panic disorder 188
pasteurisation 125
perfectionism 110–11
pesticides 129, 262
Peters, Dr Lulu Hunt, Diet & Health: With Key to the Calories 3
pets, and stress 220
physical activity 39, 45, 95
placebo effect 139
pro-anorexia websites/forums 155
processed food 124–7, 147
protein 58, 69–70
pseudoscience, power of 8–17
PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) 188
public health policies 40–1
purging 39
racism 6, 43, 217
randomised control trials (RCTs) 143
raw foodists 6
real food 81–2
religion, food and 6–8, 83–4
REM (rapid eye movement) 209, 211
respiratory problems 236, 237
rest, importance of 273
restrained eaters 59, 101
‘revenge body’ 110
running, and depression 187–8
SAM (sympathetic-adrenal medullary) system 55–6, 213, 215
saturated fat 143, 144, 145–6, 147
scientific journals 27
scientific literature 29, 53
self-acceptance 117, 117–18
self-care 48, 119, 275
self-compassion 117, 275–8
and exercise 189–90
increased 45
low 104, 109–10, 278
and social media 156–60, 162
self-kindness 276
serotonin (hormone) 69, 71
set point 30
shakes, meal-replacement 3–4
shame 38, 43, 250
slavery 15
sleep 209–13
and alcohol 211
apnoea 28
deprivation 47, 211, 212
and food 210–11
non-REM sleep 209, 212
quiz 213
REM 209, 211
smoking 33, 216
social comparison 156–60
social/cultural pressure 11–12, 16
social factors, stress and 222–6
social media 151–62
bloggers 80, 92, 112, 112–13, 156
‘cleanse’ 116
detox from 264–7
fearmongering on 148
misinformation in 14
positives 160–2
wellness and 7–8, 10, 11
social pressure 38, 108–9, 109–10
social relationships 222–4
socio-economic factors 40, 228, 231–9
sociocultural theory 192
sport 190, 191
statistics, diet failure 26–7
stigma, weight 37–40, 42–3, 60, 217
stress 53–61, 213–22
acute 56
and alcohol 216
chronic 36, 56, 60, 61, 213–14
distraction from 219
and exercise 190
hormones 36, 54, 214–15, 217, 225
money and 237–9
positive 218–19
quiz 221
work-related 215–16
strokes 215–16
and fearmongering 147–8, 262
and slavery 15
and toxicity 136, 138, 148
superfoods 83, 128, 134–5
supplements 128, 188
surroundings, health and 236–7
sweet foods 58
sympathetic-adrenal medullary (SAM) system 55–6, 213, 215
teenagers, and media advertising 165–6
commercials 18, 19, 91
watching 18, 163, 166–7, 169
tinned foods 124
toxicity 136–8
sugar and 136, 138, 148
Transport for London 237
triglycerides 29, 184
tryptophan (amino acid) 69–70
Tumblr 161
Twitter 152, 153, 162
type 2 diabetes
exercise and 184
and fearmongering 262
metabolic syndrome and 38
obesity and 24, 28
reversing 143
unemployment 234–5
unsaturated fats 146
vaccination 133
veganism 10, 102, 127
vegetables, and fruit 33
vitamin D 187–8
water 125
weight bias 37–8, 42
quiz 50
weight-focused approach 36
weight-inclusive programme 45
weight-lifting 192, 195, 199, 272
weight-loss programmes
claims by 34–5
in schools 27–8
vs weight-inclusive programme 45
workplace 28
weight-loss studies 27
weight-normative approach 21–2, 35, 44–8
weight, social-economic factors and 240–1
brands 92, 126
as a ‘cult’ 7, 12, 128
fearmongering and 123
and leaders 9, 10
‘Only eat foods you can pronounce’ 131–2, 134, 147
price tags 78–9, 102
and social media 7–8, 10, 11
What the Health (documentary) 172, 174
Women’s Health Initiative (US) 26
World Health Organization (WHO) 1, 2, 208
yo-yo dieting 36–7
yoga 190, 195, 272
‘You are what you eat’ 14–15, 16, 81–2, 94
YouTube 158