Chapter Twenty-Six



A crack of thunder hit the veil of sleep like a runaway freight train, shattering it to bits and causing Joyce to stir with a start. Next to her, Avery released a questioning, slightly startled sound in her sleep, then sat up on an elbow and looked around the bedroom confused.

“Did you drop something?”

Joyce shook her head as she settled back on her pillow and wrapped her arm around Avery from behind. “It’s thunder.”

“It was loud.” She layered her arm over Joyce’s, pulling her in tighter. “What time is it?”

Joyce could just make out the time on the traditional clockface of the antique brass clock on the nightstand on Avery’s side.

“Just after five.”

“It’s too early.”

She agreed, of course, but Joyce couldn’t help the smile that eased across her lips as Avery pulled her arm in tighter again and shuffled her hips back till her ass cradled itself against her thighs and groin. She nosed Avery’s warm hair out of her way and painted a few kisses along the side of her neck, eliciting a sweet, burring hum.

As Joyce traced the rim of Avery’s ear with the tip of her tongue, Avery pressed her ass harder against her groin and her chest expanded with a deep breath.

Sounding a little more awake, Avery asked, “What do you think you’re doing, Joyce Peterson?”

Against her ear, Joyce whispered, “Loving you,” and she caught the corner of her mouth with a kiss as Avery smiled.

“I love waking up with you.”

“Me too, sweetie.”

Avery moved Joyce’s hand over her breast, and while giving her a bump in the groin with her bottom, she cooed, “Keep loving me,” then wiggled her bottom to punctuate her desire.

After tracing the shell of her ear again with her tongue, Joyce whispered, “I’m never going to stop loving you,” then enveloped her earlobe, giving it a long, firm suck while pinching her nipple between her fingers.

As Avery turned onto her back and their mouths melded in a hot, fervent kiss, another crack of thunder boomed and quivered like a gurgling engine. Avery groaned, as if in response to nature’s howls, and while yanking on Joyce’s hips, pulling her over on top of herself, she released Joyce’s mouth to ask, “Think we can cum together with the thunder?”

Joyce sat up on Avery’s hips, and while pulling her tee shirt up, she answered, “We can try.”

Lightning flashed across the dim room and the sound of pounding rain suddenly hammered upon the roof and against the windows, as if the storm was accepting the invitation to share this moment of passion with them. While nature raged outside, their arousal raged inside. Clothes were nearly torn in their efforts to remove them. Their bodies crashed together to grind and gyrate, and like the clouds crashing together outside, the friction elicited moans and groans and their bones quaked in pleasure.

Gripping Joyce’s ass with one hand and working the other between her thighs, Avery gasped, “Soon.” She shrieked and dug her fingers into Joyce’s petite, firm cheek. “Are you…? Oh, fuck… Ready?”

Breathily, Joyce answered, “Almost.”

Thunder boomed, followed only a few seconds later by a brilliant white array of lightning that lasted several more seconds.

“Fuck, Joyce, I’m…”

Avery trailed off, and as her body began to shiver beneath her, Joyce’s orgasm peaked, she moaned, “Now,” and after a few strangled breaths, their loud moans of pleasure sounded only a moment before a new thunderclap.

As Joyce fell boneless on top of her, Avery wrapped her arms around her and lazily stroked her fingers through the dip of her spine.

“Want to go for round-two in the rain?” Joyce’s body bounced on Avery’s chest with a hard laugh, and Avery giggled and kissed the top of her head. “Okay, we won’t become lightning rods. But I could really go for some coffee now. And food.”

After waiting for a splendidly loud roll of thunder to fizzle out, Joyce agreed, “Coffee and food sound marvelous.”

Five minutes later, they were still snuggling and just listening to the storm. Avery was drawing light fingertips up and down Joyce’s spine and around her slightly jutting shoulder blades. Joyce was lightly running the pad of her thumb over the curve of Avery’s ribs and occasionally around her soft nipple to watch it shrink and harden.

But as Avery’s stomach groaned so loudly Joyce could hear it while lying on her chest, she sat up on an elbow, saying, “I think we better feed you now. Your belly is trying to compete with the thunder.”

“Fine. We’ll get up.” She glanced over at the clock, then groaned, “I can’t believe it’s not even six and we’re awake already. I thought we were only supposed to have light rain showers today?”

“This is a light rain shower in Harbor City.” Avery gave her an incredulous lift of her brow, and Joyce chuckled. “Just teasing. Our summer storms can come on quickly and without much warning.”

As they stood up and started looking through the bedding and around on the floor for their clothes, thunder clapped and groaned, then lightning flashed.

“I love wild storms like this. How does the lake look while it’s storming?”

After pulling her tee shirt on over her head, Joyce answered, “The water usually gets pretty choppy. If the rain lasts long enough, the lake fills up and the waves can crash over normally dry land. It has flooded some of the lower areas with a few inches of water before. We’re higher up here, so we’ll be fine. If it’s still going after we finish breakfast, we can watch it from the cliff. Just not too close to the edge. It can get slick and fall out from under you.”

With lust gleaming in her eyes and in the stroke of her tongue as she licked her lips, Avery took Joyce’s hands, and while walking backwards to the bedroom door, she cooed, “I love getting wet with you, so I’d love to go watch the storm after breakfast.” As she turned to walk out of the room, she asked, “Are you able to focus on editing with it storming like this?”

“Actually, I usually work pretty well when the sky is falling down. If this lasts all day, I might be able to finish my manuscript today.”

Avery stopped at the top of the stairs, and suggested, “I can fix breakfast if you want to coalesce with the storm.”

Avery’s use of the word ‘coalesce’ tickled Joyce’s affection for her lover, no, not just lover, partner. Yes, Avery had grown from friend, to lover, to partner. And this was them growing together. Fresh love wanted every second together to be together. Mature love could be more than content in existing in separate rooms, doing separate things. Mature love recognized their time together would be more rewarding if they supported each other in those moments when separate time was necessary. Yes, Joyce would have loved to work with Avery on breakfast. But the sooner she finished editing her manuscript, the sooner she could send it off to the editor and they could start booking their trip to Yellowstone.

“Okay, if you’re sure, I’ll get to work.”

“I’m sure.” Avery gave her a kiss, then released her hand and patted her bottom. “Go work. I’ll bring you a cup of coffee in a few minutes.”

“Thank you.”

Both of them waited for the other to move first, then laughed at themselves and turned at the same time. And after only a few paces, both of them looked over their shoulders, then laughed again. They were mature enough that they could keep walking in opposite directions, but they were still crazy enough about each other that they yearned to let their feet reverse and carry them to each other’s side.

The rain was unrelenting and the wind was whipping it against the windows in her office so powerfully it was as if the clouds were directing a firehose at the side of her house. The panes were sturdy and didn’t rattle in their frames, but the sound of water pelting glass droned out the rapid clicking of plastic keys as she unlocked her computer.

Thunder cracked like a leather belt looped and yanked, slapping against itself in the strong hands of someone intent on lashing it across someone quivering with fear and retreating into a corner. The clouds continued to grumble like heavy boots treading over damp and bug-eaten floorboards for several moments, bringing the belt even closer to the soon-to-be victim of a heavy hand.

The imagery the storm invoked fueled Joyce’s creativity and the scene she left off on the day before grew in detail. More textures, colors, scents, sounds, and emotions brought the story to life as if the scene was flowing from her computer and transforming her office.

But just as she was getting sucked into the world she had created, Avery rushed into the office with her camera bag over her shoulder and clutching an obviously hastily gathered stack, comprised of her laptop, notebooks, and loose pages stuck in every which direction. After setting everything down on the desk, including her valuable cigar cutter, Avery closed and locked the door, before pressing her back against it, body visibly shaking.

“Avery, what’s…?”

She put a finger to her lips, then whispered, “Someone is trying to get in the backdoor.”

Joyce quickly looked side to side. “I don’t have my cellphone. Did you grab yours?”

“They’re in the bedroom.”

They shared a look of dread, then Joyce stood, knees suddenly as soft as unset pudding. She gripped the edge of her desk for stability, breathed in deeply, imagining the air freeze-drying the bones and ligaments into solid mass. She jerked her head to the side, and Avery took two very slow steps away from the door, trying not to make a sound. After pressing her ear to the door, Joyce unlocked it, held her breath, and mentally begged the storm to mask the sound of her opening the door.

Coalesced indeed. The storm granted her wish and a heart-starting rumble of thunder covered not just the sound of the door opening, but her quick and not too quiet steps as she rushed down the hall to the bedroom to grab their phones. The storm, however, was not on the side of the intruder, and just as she was walking back into the office, the sound of glass breaking echoed up to their hiding place. And in an instant, her security alarm blared with a high-pitched, rapid siren that hurt their ears, and hopefully sent the intruders fleeing. But Joyce wasn’t willing to take the chance. She locked them in the office and quickly unlocked her cellphone.

She didn’t want to risk calling and being heard, so she sent a text to Raya.


Joyce: Someone just broke in. We’re hiding. Call the police.


She was worried it was too early and her friend wouldn’t see the text, but a minute later, a message came through that Henry was calling, then a second came through asking if they were hurt.


Joyce: No, Avery heard them before they got in the house.

Raya: Are they still inside?

Joyce: Yes. I just brought up the app for my security system. They’ve also notified the police. The camera in the foyer saw two figures come in, one is standing near the front door. I don’t see the other. Maybe in the living room.


Joyce and Avery were huddled around her computer watching the live camera feed. The second figure came out of the living room, and the two appeared to be arguing. They were wearing all black and ski masks with just a thin oval around the eyes revealing fleshy pink skin. Then Joyce’s pulse quickened impossibly faster and she rapidly typed a message to Raya.


Joyce: They have guns.

Raya: Shit. Police are on the way, honey. Try to stay calm and stay quiet. Where are they?

Joyce: One is pointing upstairs and the other is pointing at the back door. I think they are arguing about staying or leaving.

Joyce: They’re coming upstairs. I can’t see them anymore.


Joyce had to bite her lips to keep from whimpering, and she set her silenced cellphone on the desk and just clung to Avery. Her partner was also shaking and tears were filling her wide eyes.

At the other end of the hall, Joyce could hear them loudly opening and closing dresser drawers in her bedroom, looking through her walk-in closet, and cursing.

Screaming above the siren, one demanded, “Where the hell is it?”

“Jason, the alarm. We need to leave.”

Avery looked at Joyce questioningly, as if to ask if she knew the name, so she just nodded once, afraid if she spoke, she would give away their hiding place.

“We’re not leaving without everything those lesbos found on Mickey. There’s no way they gave a real lead to Heath. Probably sent that moron on a wild goose chase. Five-mile stretch of forest – what kind of lead is that? Dad had an exact location for those crates. You know damn well they probably found the exact location for those jewels. Dad always thought the crates were dumped and the jewels were stashed somewhere else. There has to be a record of it. And they found it. I just know it. They just bought some time with Heath.”

Still sounding nervous, the other said, “Yeah, I guess. If someone can sell a story, it’s Joyce Peterson.”

“Exactly. They’re just waiting for Heath to give up or get dead. And if everything goes as planned, he should be having a neck-breaking accident right about now.”

Avery and Joyce shared a look of dread. The intruders were two of the deceased Zack Kinder’s sons and Joyce had no doubt the third was with the Albertson men, doing only God knows what to Heath Gunderson.

“Let’s check the next room.”

“Where are they?”

“Where are who?”

“Joyce and that girl? Their cars are outside. Don’t you think it’s odd they’re not here?”

“Maybe they went on a trip. Isn’t the new girl a travel blogger or something stupid like that?”

“Maybe it’s not here. Maybe it’s at her house.”

“If we don’t find anything here, we’ll check there next.”

They briefly rummaged through the hall linen closet, then as they got closer, the bossy one, Jason, said, “Check out what that door is. I’ll look in this room.”

A heavy hand gripped and roughly jiggled the locked knob of her office, and Avery’s hands dug into her back.

“It’s locked.”

“Then act like a man and throw a shoulder.”

“We’ve been in here too long. The police are going to be here any minute.”

“Stop being a fucking pussy and throw your goddamn shoulder into that door!”

“We need to…”

The distinct sound of a pistol slide being pulled back and a round being chambered sounded in the hallway.

“Jason, what are…?”

“Throw your fucking shoulder into that door, brother.”

The word ‘brother’ trickled into Joyce’s ear canals like water and she wanted to shake it free and be rid of it. She had no doubt it felt worse than just an irritation to the younger Kinder. It was bitter and loathsome.

“You’re not going to shoot me just because…”

Voice firm and loud, Jason demanded, “Break in that fucking door, now!”

Heavy boots slowly stepped away from the door to the other side of the hall, then squeaked and stomped on the wooden floor thrice, then boom! His shoulder hit in time with a thundering roar from the clouds, masking the quiet whimper that escaped Avery’s lips. Joyce covered her mouth and pulled her with her as they quietly shuffled backwards on the floor to the other side of the office. With their backs to the wall, Joyce wedged Avery up against a cherry wood filing cabinet and drew her knees up to shield her as best as possible.

If the door gave way, they may be shielded just enough that the Kinder brothers might not notice them. Not till they decided to search the filing cabinets. There wasn’t anywhere to hide. If the door failed, it would only be a few minutes at most before they were found. And what would happen then?

Joyce didn’t want to think about it.

The police were on their way. Surely, they would show up before the Kinder brothers could break in the office door.

A few moments later, the shoulder hit again and the heavy wooden door and frame groaned, but it remained intact.

“It won’t budge.”


Feet fell back, ran forward, and a body met the wood with the same effect.

“It’s too strong. We need a crowbar or something.”

“You’re such a fucking pussy. Move, I’ll do it.”

Even heavier, angrier steps approached the door, but instead of taking the four-foot running start from the other side of the hall, they remained planted in front of the door. Boom! Something, presumably a foot, hit the door hard. Boom! It struck again. Boom! On the third impact, the frame splintered near the knob. Joyce’s heart fell into her clenched and boiling stomach, burning up in the acid of terror swirling like a sinkhole, sucking out the last remaining flicker of hope she had left.

Boom! The wood splintered up the length of the frame, the jagged sliver of raw and cherry stained wood flew through the air, and the door wobbled open.

The heavy door stopped at a ninety-degree angle, shielding them, for the time being.

As Jason’s successful boot fell heavy on the floor, his hulking shadow spread across the office floor and onto the wall like black ooze that defied gravity.