I have deep appreciation for the many people who saw me through the creation of this book:
The brilliant work and collaboration of Debra Goldstein, who provided immense insight, listened, and fully supported the final outcome of this book.
Everyone at Hay House, especially Reid Tracy and Sally Mason, for empowering and enabling me to publish this book.
Ned Leavitt, my literary agent, who supported and encouraged me every step of the way with patience and love.
Erin Anderson, for her talented cover design.
Pauline Caballero and the rest of the amazing Baptiste Institute team, who supported me through the process of writing this book, in spite of all the time it took me away from the other incredible work of the Baptiste Institute.
The multitude of leaders, teachers, and affiliated studios who are so powerfully carrying forth the message of Baptiste Yoga by creating communities of great people all over the planet.
I am grateful to every participant who has ever attended a program, workshop, or training with me. Your willingness to listen, do the work, and grow is what makes this journey of teaching extraordinary for me.
Last but not least, I thank my family: my parents, Walt and Magana Baptiste, have been wholeheartedly committed to living lives that make a real contribution to others and have shown me the way. My three beautiful sons—Luke, Jacob, and Malachi—are three extraordinary young men committed to living extraordinary lives.