

About the Baptiste Institute

Baptiste Institute is an organization changing lives by bringing yoga to the world as a leadership skill. We inspire people to fulfill their purpose of making a difference for themselves and others, teaching yoga as a path of transformation to a healthier, happier, and more powerful life. We develop and design our products, programs, and classes so they are relevant to your every waking moment and accessible for all levels of abilities, ages, and interests.

Continue your journey into the art and soul of yoga practice and explore some of the many tools for transformation we offer.

Online Offerings

Our video and audio products, books, and podcasts are an easy way for you to explore the transformational process at home or on the road. Additionally, we offer a wide range of yoga clothing to enhance your practice.

Visit or call 1-800-936-9642 for the latest product offerings.

Program Offerings

If you are ready to take a bold step in your life and enter the flow at a totally different angle, consider one of our programs. We offer programs that range from one day to one week for those aspiring to expand their practice or their teaching.

Baptiste Institute’s programs are an exclusive hands-on opportunity to hone your practice on and off the mat. Aspiring teachers will be empowered to transform the lives of others seeking physical and spiritual growth, leading them to a healthier state of existence. We establish a unique learning environment in which you can challenge yourself like never before. You won’t just learn skills intellectually—you will put them into practice immediately, achieving incredible results that will stay with you forever. Attend one of our programs and you will learn more, do more, achieve more, and grow more than you could ever imagine.

Visit or call 1-800-936-9642 for the latest program offerings.

Baptiste Yoga Partner Studios

Our partner studios offer all-levels classes for students of different levels of experience and fitness abilities. We teach a practice with a solid physical base coupled with an intellectual understanding in which to continue your journey into power. Attending classes at our partner studios will expand your peace of mind and vitality of spirit while helping you build strength, stamina, flexibility, and encourage an overall renewed personal force.

Visit or call 1-800-936-9642 for studio locations.

Baptiste Foundation

Baptiste Foundation is a non-profit organization contributing to individuals and communities in need by sharing the powerful tools and techniques of Baptiste Yoga. When the timeless principles of Baptiste Yoga are practiced, we believe that our struggles can be transcended, bringing light to darkness. Baptiste Yoga is practiced by everyone across the world and from all walks of life: CEOs, professional athletes, recovering addicts, Wounded Warriors, veterans with PTSD and more, all with similar results that include inner peace, sparked inspiration in purpose, and the creation of new possibilities in every realm of life.

Visit to get involved, contribute, and for more information.

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