Command History Branch, Commander in Chief Pacific Command History 1975 Appendix VI – The SS Mayaguez Incident (Top Secret), Camp Smith, HI, Office of the Joint Secretary (1976) (Declassified)

General Accounting Office, The Seizure of the Mayaguez – A Case Study of Crisis Management, Washington, DC, Comptroller General of the United States (1976)

Guilmartin, John F., Jr., A Very Short War: The Mayaguez and the Battle of Koh Tang, College Station, TX, Texas A&M University Press (1995)

Head, Richard G., et al., Crisis Resolution: Presidential Decision Making in the Mayaguez and Korean Confrontations, Boulder, CO, Westview Press (1978)

Johnson, Thomas R., (U) American Cryptology during the Cold War, 1945–1989 (U) Book III: Retrenchment and Reform, 1972–1980 (Top Secret), CCH-S54-98-01, Fort Meade, MD, Center for Cryptologic History, National Security Agency (1998) (Declassified)

Joint Chiefs of Staff, After Action Report US Military Operations SS Mayaguez/Kaoh Tang Island 12–15 May 1975 (Secret), Washington, DC, Office of Joint Chiefs of Staff (undated) (Declassified)

Joint Secretariat, Note to the Joint Chiefs of Staff on The Rescue of the “SS Mayaguez” and its Crew (U) (Secret), Washington, DC, Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (May 19, 1975) (Declassified)

Lamb, Christopher Jon, Belief Systems and Decision Making in the Mayaguez Crisis, Gainsville, FL, University of Florida Press (1989)

Messengee, J.A. et al, “‘Mayday’ for the Mayaguez,” Naval Institute Proceedings (November 1976)

Lavelle, A.C.J. (ed.), The Vietnamese Air Force, 1951–1975: An Analysis of its Role in Combat and Fourteen Hours at Koh Tang, Washington, DC, Office of Air Force History (1985)

Office of the Historian, History of the Pacific Air Forces 1 Jul 74–31 Dec 75 (Secret), Hickam AFB, HI, CINCPACAF/HO (1976) (Declassified)


Major R.E. Porter (left) and Captain Walt Wood (right) raise the colors on the Mayaguez after its boarding. Wood’s Company D, support personnel, explosive ordnance disposal team, and others searched the ship. They later helped get the ship ready to steam on her own, once the Wilson returned Miller to his ship. (US Navy)

Office of the Secretary of Defense, Memorandum For the President Subject: Seizure of U.S. Ship Mayaguez (Top Secret), Washington, DC, Office of the Secretary of Defense (undated) (Declassified)

Rowan, Roy, The Four Days of Mayaguez, New York, W. W. Norton (1975)

Wetterhahn, Ralph, The Last Battle: The Mayaguez Incident and the End of the Vietnam War, New York, Carroll & Graf (2001)

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