Amanda thought about how she could improve her situation. She realised she would have to reinvigorate her effort to charm others at University. She wanted to find someone rich and generous to her but who did not demand much from her in return. She might also have to do a bit more study this year to get her marks up again, but it would be a pretty dull year if study was all there was.
She started to evaluate the options, both among fellow students and the academics for a generous benefactor, or at least someone who would help with money if the right pressure was applied.
Some of younger lecturers were dishy, but they were early in their careers and still too poor to be of much use. She had yet to discover any students with super rich parents who were not total dropkicks, so this seemed not much of an option; many were too childish for her taste. She had found that older men were generally more rewarding as companions, they did not just want the sex bit; they had seen the world and could also hold an interesting conversation. There were a couple old fart lecturers, who gave her lascivious looks. But they were too old and doddery for her taste; she was not that desperate yet.
However there was one man who did appeal to her, a rising star, a professor in his mid forties. He drove a hot red sports car, dressed well and obviously had good taste. He was also obviously married, as a couple times she had seen him walking around affectionately holding hands with an older woman, at least his age, starting to show a bit of wear and tear.
This woman was stylish, like she came from moneyed stock, and was well groomed. But it seemed like age was not her friend, whereas the Professor was genuinely good looking. That may give her an opening.
Amanda found out the timetable for one of his courses, a fairly small class with only 25 other students. So she went along and sat up the back, deciding to ask him for a private meeting as he was packing to leave at the end of the lecture.
That was her first break, she did not have the marks but he arranged an appointment to see her. She spent a day learning all she could about his subject field, and then turned up on the day modesty dressed but with enough on show to make him aware of her femininity.
She constructed a hard luck story about how things had gone badly for her last year, things outside of her control. Now she was back on track and was really interested in this subject.
It must have worked because the next week her name got added to his course admissions.
She knew she had to move slowly at first, apply herself and build knowledge in this field as a diligent student for a few weeks before she made her moves in her other main game.
After a month in the course she stayed back one day at the end of a lecture to ask him a serious question. She dressed modestly apart from a low cut top. As he sat at his desk working through the detailed answer to her question she bent forward, writing notes as she spoke. Carefully she positioned herself so, as she wrote, he had a close up view into her open topped halter in which her breasts were well outlined. They were directly in front of his eyes. She knew it was working as several furtive glances were directed that way.
Determined not to overplay her hand on day one she asked whether it was OK, once she had worked through some examples on her own, for her to come back to see him next week after class, so as to check her answers and see if her understanding of the questions were correct.
She could tell his interest to see more of her was aroused. He checked his diary and said. “Next week I have a social engagement after this class, however we could do it the following day if you like. My last class ends at five. So I could see you here just after the end of class. I am planning to work back for a couple hours to catch up on a few things.
The day arrived. It was a hot, late spring day. Amanda decided that a light and filmy summer dress, cool and almost see through with lighting at her back, was the best thing to wear. That way, when he was sitting at his desk and she was standing in front of it, her own body silhouette would be impossible to miss.
She tossed up what underwear to put on, whether to skip it so the outline was most revealing. She experimented, looking at herself in the mirror with only the light from the window behind. In the end she decided to skip the bra, that way her breasts and nipples were very visible in side silhouette, and from the front the curves and spaces of her hips, legs and thighs were highlighted for him to see.
On her bottom she wore brief black lace knickers. Their colour, which contrasted against her pale skin, could not be missed and as she stood in front of him. She knew that from there she would be showing him almost everything except the small parts her knickers covered.
She would use the heat of the day to apologise for the lightness of her dress, knowing this would draw his attention to it even more. She timed her arrival for fifteen minutes after the lecture finished, figuring that this would give time enough to slow students to leave, but for it to be unlikely that he would have gone off somewhere else, just in case he had forgotten the appointment.
She saw he was still sitting at his desk near the front of the room as she came in. It was dark and cool at his end of the room away from the windows. She approached from the front of a big bank of windows which cast light from directly behind her.
He looked up at her footfalls. She paused to convey a level of anxious timidity, saying, “Sorry to keep you waiting. It is so hot out there. I hope you don’t mind my wearing a light summer dress; it was too hot for jeans.”
As she spoke, standing a body length back from his desk, she made a little luxuriant stretch, half raising her arms with her legs apart. She could feel her dress hem slide up to her mid thighs as she raised her arms above her head.
She spoke in her throatiest voice, “It is so lovely here in the cool, it feels so good to have that cool air wash over me.”
She knew in that instant he had seen a full view of her almost naked body shimmering through the dress, it felt like she had sent a little current of electricity to him as his body reacted.
She now came right up to the front of his desk, putting her written sheets to the front of his work papers.
“I hope it is still OK if I ask you to check these,” she said.
His eyes went down to her work. As they did she turned her profile sideways, moving half a step across to the side. She leaned in towards the front of the desk, knowing that way that her breasts were clearly seen side on, illuminated by the light of the window behind her. She felt them hanging forward from her body. She held her pose for a several seconds, surreptitiously watching his eyes being drawn to look at her.
She straightened, pulling her body taut and pressing her nipples out against the filmy dress, knowing they were now the focal point, saying. “Sorry, I must be blocking your light.” She walked behind him and stood leaning over his shoulder, allowing the curve of one breast to slide against the top of his shoulder, moving it slightly to maintain contact and increase his awareness. It also heightened her own arousal.
She knew from her biology studies, that her body was pumping out pheromones which were going straight from his nose to his brain. In this position they stayed for a couple minutes, he forcing himself to read her work though it was clearly a struggle.
He pushed back against her, making full contact with his shoulders and both of her breasts, a seemingly deliberate motion. He appeared to be about to speak.
She pre-empted him. “Thank you for taking the time to read my examples, your kindness really means a lot to me.”
She rested her hand on his shoulder. As if abstractedly, she ran her fingers through his hair.
He spoke with difficulty, “Actually you seemed to have really grasped the key concepts.”
He paused as seeking to go further before the situation overwhelmed him. Now she felt his hand go around her waist and work down, beginning to caress her buttocks.
She said, “I am glad you like it, but I am finding it very hard to think about my writing, when you put your hand there, it feels so incredibly sexy and delicious.”
She put both arms around his neck from behind and pressed her full body against his shoulders while she ran both her hands through his hair and down the front of his chest, nibbling his ears as she did.
From there it was a cascade of hands touching, lips connecting and clothes discarded until they were naked together on the floor.
After it was done they dressed. She decided to play the bashful maiden once more. “I am always a sucker for serious handsome men in suits. I did not mean it to come to this but you looked so sexy sitting there I just could not help myself.”
“Me neither,” he nodded, ruefully. “I am not in the habit of seducing students. But when I saw you with the light behind you I felt something come over me.”
She said, “Well don’t feel bad, I really liked it, the feel of your strong body. I hope we can do it again some time. That would be really special. Though here is probably not the best place in case someone walks in.”
So they started their weekly assignments, mostly on a Thursday afternoon when he had established a tradition of working late; now little work was done. The next week it was in his office with a locked door. The week after was in a hotel room near the University. By the fourth week she was ready to take it to the next stage.
By this time Amanda had mapped out his life and assets in their post lovemaking conversations. He was clearly still attached to his wife and felt guilt at what he was doing, but found himself powerless to stop the affair.
From her point of view he was a mediocre lover and, while he gave her little gifts, perfume and minor jewellery, they were of no great value. She wanted something substantial as the result of this affair. She knew to get this she needed some bargaining chips.
For the fourth week she arranged to meet him at a friend’s place, someone who was conveniently out of town for a week. Amanda had suggested she use the place for a night or two to improve security, so the friend left Amanda the keys, giving her unfettered access.
Amanda set it up the day before, packing up all her friend’s personal effects and substituting things of her own, a framed photo of her with her father from last year, a similar one of her and her mother from a couple years earlier and a third one of her with both her Mum and Dad when she was little. She added a couple nick-knacks to give a personal feel.
Hidden in room corners she carefully placed cameras giving views from two angles in the bedroom, and another camera giving a view of the lounge in the living room to capture the preliminaries. She checked the recordings but the noise volume was low so she added separate audio recordings in both rooms. All were set up to run with a single quick flick of a switch on his arrival.
When ready she showered quickly, put on a bathrobe, sprayed her body with perfume and part dried her hair, knowing her visible nakedness underneath would quickly arouse him.
Now all she had to do was to wait for him to buzz the apartment entrance door for her to let him in. She set up two wine glasses on the lounge table and poured herself two inches, a nerve steadier.
The doorbell buzzed and she spoke through the intercom. Come on up, second floor, first door on the right after the stairs.
She greeted him with a kiss on the lips, and brought him to the couch where she poured his wine. As he sipped she let the bathrobe slide part open over her thighs. Now his hand was caressing her all the way up, pushing the robe aside as he stroked her intimately. She glanced at where the camera was positioned, knowing it had got a full view. Then his mouth was on her nipples and working down to the bottom of her naked belly.
She pulled his head back. “The bed will be much more comfortable, let’s go in there.”
He picked her up and carried her through the door, setting her down beside the bed while he took off her bathrobe then stripped off his own clothes. Now he was on top of her grunting and groaning. She looked up at the two tiny camera lenses and smiled, thinking, This is perfect.
Then before he could come she flipped his body under hers and worked herself up and down over him like a gymnast while he smiled unknowing at the camera, his face clear for all to see.
That night after he went home to his wife she replayed it all, both the video action and the sound. It was perfect; the game, set and match to Amanda in Round 1 against Mr Professor.
She thought she should feel sorry for him about what was coming his way. But all she felt was contempt. It would be easy from here. It would cost him big time if he wanted to keep his job and his marriage. Plus she felt entitled to have him pay her to use her body, he was an ordinary lover and there had to be other compensations.
She skipped seeing him for a week, wanting to heighten his desire and anxiety. In the interim she had two copies made of the video and audio recordings. She also had three little sample bottles which held three cotton buds with his DNA. They were taken from his sperm which filled the condom he had removed and left in her bin. Her sample collection procedure and bottle labelling was also on video tape lest he try and claim they had not come from her.
The next week she agreed to meet him in his office an hour after lectures finished, so as to ensure that on this day there were no other uninvited guests.
As he was pouring her a drink she placed the USB stick with the video recording in his office TV and switched it on. When the memory stick was installed she watched as the file loaded then pressed the play button. His back was turned.
She called to him, “You might want to look at this.”
He turned to see Amanda sitting on the lounge as a back view of a man showed with him sliding apart her robe and moving his hand and mouth over her body. There was a period of silence as his mind slowly absorbed the evidence.
He was shaking his head in horror and disbelief.
She decided to play with him before her ultimatum, now opening her top and baring her naked breasts.
“Do you recognise these?” she said, with her sweetest smile, “They are here now for you to play with, though now the price has gone up. Tonight is your last free taste. From next week the price will be $10,000 a month, payable at the start of the month, all in cash of course.
“That will give you access to continue this fun one night a week. If the money does not come on the due date I will be sending one of these little USB things to the University Chancellor and the week after another to the local paper. I think it is obvious what follows from there.”
She had to give it to him, he was cool; he knew his goose was cooked but was determined to keep eating while the course was on offer.
It seemed the heightened stakes improved his lovemaking, giving an added edge for them both, knowing they were now playing for so much higher stakes.
The next week, before he got down to business, he handed her a sealed envelope with the ten thousand dollars. Their life continued peacefully for a further month with ever more wild and adventurous sex.
Now the payment was due again. She reminded him and, even though she could see this time it was really hurting, the money came again the next week. Another month rolled by.
This time, when she indicated the date was due, he shook his head. “You have cleaned me out. I have given you all that I can give. I can’t pay that much anymore. It will have to come back to $1000 a month; that is all I can afford from here.”
As she kissed him goodnight after their best sex yet, he looked at her, almost pleading. “You know I really can’t pay what you are asking.”
She shook her head and turned away, “Well, you know what comes next; it is all downhill from here. Goodbye career”