
BCE and CE are the abbreviations most often used in this volume and deserve a special note. BCE stands for “before the common era,” CE means “of the common era.” “Common” means accepted by all, including non-Christians. The traditional abbreviations BC (“before Christ”) and AD (“anno Domini” or “in the year of the Lord”) are too denominational; moreover, in countries such as China, they are meaningless.

Abbreviations used in the introduction and dictionary

ADC Analytic Dictionary of Chinese & Sino-Japanese
(see Karlgren 1923/1973)
b. born
BCE before the common era
CE of the common era
CT Taoist canon, according to K. Schipper’s Concordance
d. died
EB Encyclopaedia Britannica
ER Encyclopedia of Religion, ed. by M. Eliade, 1967
FECED Far East Chinese-English Dictionary, Taipei, 1992
fl. flourished (refers to the active years of an author)
HCDR Harper Collins Dictionary of Religions, 1995
HNT Huai-nan-tzu (text)
MWT Ma-wang-tui
PRC People’s Republic of China
r. reigned (refers to reign period of an emperor or empress)
TPC T’ai-p’ing ching (Great Peace Scripture)
TT Tao-tsang (Taoist Canon)
TTC Tao-te ching

Abbreviations used in the bibliography

AAr Asian Art
AAS Association of Asian Studies
ACQ Asian Culture Quarterly
AM Asia Major
ArA Artibus Asiae
AS Asiatische Studien
BCAS Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars
BMFEA Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities
BSYS Bulletin of Sung and Yuan Studies
BUA Bulletin de l’Université de l’Aurore
BTS Buddhist and Taoist Studies,
  vol. 1 (M. Saso & D. Chappel, eds., 1977)
  vol. 2 (D. Chappell, ed., 1987)
CC Chinese Culture (Taipei)
CEC Cahiers d’Etudes Chinoises
CEA Cahiers d’Extrême-Asie
CF Ching Feng
CS Chinese Studies
CSP Chinese Studies in Philosophy
EB Encyclopaedia Britannica
EC Early China
ER Encyclopedia of Religion
FT Facets of Taoism (Welch & Seidel, eds.)
HHYC:CS Han-hsueh yen-chiu: Chinese Studies (Taipei)
HJAS Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies
HR History of Religions
IPQ International Philosophical Quarterly
JAAR Journal of the American Academy of Religion
JAH Journal of Asian History
JAOS Journal of the American Oriental Society
JAS Journal of Asian Studies
JCP Journal of Chinese Philosophy
JCR Journal of Chinese Religions
JCS Journal of Chinese Studies
JHI Journal for the History of Ideas
JHKB RAS Journal of the Hong Kong Branch, Royal Asiatic Society
JMS Journal of the Mongolia Society
JNCB RAS Journal of the North China Branch, Royal Asiatic Society
JOS Journal of Oriental Studies
JOSA Journal of the Oriental Society of Australia
JRAS Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society
MS Monumenta Serica
NDGNVO Nachrichten der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens
OA Oriental Art
OE Oriens Extremus
PEW Philosophy East and West
RHR Revue de l’histoire des religions
RPOA Religion und Philosophie in Ost-Asien (Naundorf, ed. 1985)
RR Review of Religion
RRCS Religion and Ritual in Chinese Society (A. Wolf, ed., 1974)
RS Religious Studies
RSR Religious Studies Review
RT Religious Traditions
SCEAR Studies in Central and East Asian Religions
SM Studia Missionalia
SSCRB Society for the Study of Chinese Religions Bulletin
SUNY State University of New York (Press)
TMLT Taoist Meditation and Longevity Teachings (L. Kohn, ed., 1989)
TP T’oung Pao
TR Taoist Resources
TS T’ang Studies
TT-RCT The Turning of the Tide—Religion in China Today (J. Pas, ed., 1989)
TTS (1,2) Taoist and Tantric Studies, vols. 2 and 3 (M. Strickmann, ed., 1983)
WTB Westliche Taoismus-Bibliographie/Western Bibliography of Taoism (K. Walf, ed., 1992)

Abbreviations of Chinese reference works

CMTT Chien-ming Tao-chiao tz’u-tien [Explanatory Dictionary of Taoism], by Huang Hai-te & Li Kang-pien. Chengtu: Szechuan University Press, 1991.
CTCT Cheng-t’ung Tao-chiao ta tz’u-tien [Encyclopedia of Taoism] (2 vols.), by Yang Feng-shih. Taipei: Yi-ch’un Publishing Co., 1989.
TCS Tao-chiao shou-tz’e [Manual of Taoism], edited by Li Yang-cheng. Cheng-chou, China: Ku-chi Publishing Co., 1993.
TCTT-1 Tao-chiao ta tz’u-tien [Encyclopedia of Taoism], by Li Shu-huan, Taipei: Chü-liu Publishing Co., 1979.
TCTT-2 Tao-chiao ta tz’u-tien [Encyclopedia of Taoism], compiled by Kuan Chih-t’ing & Li Yang-cheng. Beijing: Taoist Association of China & Suchou: Taoist Association of Suchou, 1994.
TMSC Taiwan miao shen-chuan [Biographies of Taiwan Temple Deities], Touliu, Taiwan: Hsin-t’ung Bookstore, 1979.
TPK Ta-pai-k’o ch’uan-shu [Great Encyclopedia of China] (vol. “Religion”). Beijing & Shanghai: Great Encyclopedia of China Publishing Co., 1988.
TTTY Tao-tsang t’i-yao [Essentials of the Taoist Canon], Jen Chi-yü, general editor. Beijing: Social Sciences Publishing Co., 1991.