Past - Age Nineteen
I’m sitting awkwardly in the corner of the crowded party, my toes dangling in the water of the heated pool. Most of the people here are huddled on the makeshift dance floor or in the hot tub, but I risked the cold toes to get some personal space. It’s still nice weather outside for us to be on the cusp of spring, and the added bonus of a heated pool helps things.
I scan over the underage college kids that surround me. Only a few feet away from me, my friend, Traci, is busy dry humping the leg of a guy on the baseball team. My nose scrunches as I move on from being a peeping Tom to the two of them. I continue to look around the party, searching for somebody I know that doesn’t have their tongue down another person’s throat.
My eyes involuntarily narrow when they land on Aspen getting touchy-feely with two girls on the dingy lawn furniture. Earlier, when Selma was looking for her shoes and he said he would see me later, I didn’t quite register what he meant.
He probably hasn’t even noticed that I’m here. He’s been too busy entertaining the girls at the party.
“Can I join you?” a voice asks from my peripheral. It breaks me from the trance of watching Aspen and his two groupies. I pull my eyes away from that train wreck, happy to find the person they land on. Blaine.
Standing in front of me is the boy I’ve had a crush on since freshman year. His blond hair is shorter than it was when we first met a year ago, but his big brown eyes are still the same.
“Blaine?” I say in disbelief. “Uh, hi. I mean sure, yeah.” So smooth, Lily.
He smiles, showing off the one crooked tooth he has. I’ve been obsessed with it since I first noticed it at a party. It adds to his charm, to his good looks.
“I’ve been looking all over for you,” he states, the denim of his jeans briefly scratching against my thigh during his attempt to sit down.
“Excuse me, what?” I blurt.
“I said, I’ve been looking all over for you.” He enunciates every word clearly, as if I’m a toddler and I only understand half of what he’s saying.
Which might be the case here because, holy fuck, Batman.
Did I hear him correctly?
Did Blaine just admit to looking for me?
Does he love me? Are we getting married?
“I’m sorry, I’m trying to process this right now.” A shriek comes from the other side of the yard and my eyes follow the noise, landing on one of Aspen’s girls. He’s untied the straps of her cover-up, exposing her almost-naked back to the party.
“Well, if we’re being honest here, I’ve had a crush on you for a while. It’s just…I’ve only now gotten the nerve to tell you.” He looks over at me and gives me a sheepish smile.
That man’s smile may be the death of me and my hormones.
“Sorry, I’m trying to play catch-up in this conversation. You? Crush on me? Please elaborate.”
“I think everyone around us knows I have a thing for you. You never seemed super interested in me, so I just held my tongue. If we’re being completely honest, I always thought you had a thing for Aspen. I was trying to respect you, not ignore you.” He looks at me and I notice how awesome his brown eyes are—a rich caramel-chocolate brown.
“You know, you have kickass eyes.” Oh my god. Did I just say that out loud?
By the way he’s laughing, I definitely said that out loud. He’s seriously doubled over right now. I’m never going to live this down. Kill. Me. Now.
I’m sure my face is the color of a tomato right about now, and he’s still freaking laughing. The sound can be heard over the noise of the party—which is really saying something because this isn’t the tamest of college parties.
“Well, that was supposed to be said in my head, not out loud. Sometimes my filter doesn’t exactly work, especially when I’m nervous.” I try looking up from my feet to him, and I see tears running down his face. Why am I so awkward? Face, meet palm.
“Don’t be embarrassed, even though you’re cute when you are.” He winks at me and then wipes his face with his shirt.
I get a glimpse of the body underneath the shirt, and oh my god, those abs.
He scoots even closer to me, making a splashing sound as his feet travel through the water. He gets so close that our feet touch in the water.
Is pool footsie a thing? Because we’re totally playing pool footsie.
“So tell me, what are you doing sitting all alone over here?”
I’m still processing his words from a minute ago when finally, my brain catches up. “Wait, you thought I had a thing for Aspen?!” My gaze absentmindedly finds the object of our conversation across the party. He’s currently kissing the neck of some blonde, oblivious to the world around him.
I look back to Blaine once again, finding an adorable smile on his face.
He shrugs. “I think a lot of people thought it for a while. Y’all have that whole argumentative sexual tension thing going on.”
More like argumentative I-might-murder-him-and-end-up-on-a-murder-podcast tension.
His foot lazily slides against mine. “You look beautiful today by the way.” He takes a piece of my hair that has fallen forward and tucks it behind my ear.
I can feel the blush beginning on my chest. I’m sure he can see it.
When I look up, I realize he’s even closer to me, and looking right at my lips. My breathing picks up.
The party fades to black around us. All I can think of is the pair of lips in front of me. I’ve been pining for him for an entire year. I’ve envisioned our first kiss more times than I’d care to admit. I just didn’t expect it to ever occur.
What do I do with my head? I’ve suddenly forgotten how to kiss. I internally panic, hoping he doesn’t think I’m a bad kisser.
He starts leaning closer and I mimic his action. He lifts his arm, his hand brushing my hair away before it rests on my neck. I can smell his scent and it smells so good, like pine and lemongrass. His breath hits my lips, which are just about to brush his, when a throat clears.
I look up to see Aspen standing a few feet away from us.
Typical Aspen, being a cockblock. I swear his main mission in life is to make sure to annoy the hell out of me and piss me off simultaneously.
I widen my eyes at him, motioning to the opposite side of the party in a hint.
Much to my dismay, Aspen steps a little closer before firmly planting his feet.