Oddly enough, the three-hour car ride with Aspen from Ed’s diner to Nashville was surprisingly pleasant. We managed to catch up on each other’s lives with only a few insults thrown in here and there.
Apparently, Aspen has been putting his business degree to good use. Shocking, I know. Back in college, I used to poke fun at him all the time for working toward the typical default degree. But, he now has a job in commercial real estate, and judging by the pictures he showed me of the house he bought that he’s currently having completely gutted and redesigned, he’s doing well for himself. As he explains what exactly he does for a living, I bite my tongue and try not to tell him his job sounds utterly boring.
I have no room to talk; it’s not like my fashion degree is getting put to good use. I work at an upscale boutique in downtown Dallas, selling my soul to hopefully be able to open up my own boutique one day. That day seems very, very far away. If I’m being honest, right now my work life revolves around doing whatever the hell my boss asks me to do.
“It’s just that, she has the most boring style ever,” I tell him during my rant. “I’m all for a neutral look, but I don’t think she’d know what a statement piece was if it hit her in the face.”
Aspen chuckles. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, but I believe you.” With that, he winks at me—and for some reason, I don’t mind it.
In fact, by the way I can feel the blood rushing to my cheeks, I might actually like it.
Dear God, it’s me, Lily. Don’t let me fall for it. I chant the mantra over and over, trying not to look at his delicious dimple that’s now making an appearance.
He broke your heart, remember? I tell my libido, or whatever the hell is making me look at him right now with a flush to my cheeks.
Not only did he break it, he stomped all over it and moved on ONE day later with someone else. Not bothering to explain himself in the process.
My heart—or lady bits—can gtfo. My brain is taking control. And it says we will not fall for Aspen Bellevue’s antics again. Never, ever, ever again.
I shake my head, trying to free it from any thoughts of Aspen. “Thank you!” I exclaim, tossing my hands out with emphasis. “Every outfit needs something to make it a little less boring. And don’t even get me started on her taste in home décor. I mean, there’s minimalistic, and then there’s trying to compete with Kim and Kanye for the most boring space ever. Have you ever seen their house, Aspen? It’s god awful and Marie thinks it’s tasteful. Ugh!” I groan, pulling at my cheeks in frustration.
“Kim and Kanye live together?” Aspen merges out of the fast lane, letting a semi-truck pass us.
I gasp, my head quickly turning to look at him. My jaw is wide open before I can finally regain control and confirm what I think he just said. “You’re joking, right?” I sit up in my seat.
Surely, he isn’t living that far under a rock.
“Aspen,” I say calmly, internally freaking out at his lack of pop culture. “Kim and Kanye have been together since two thousand twelve. They have like four kids together, all with weird ass names. How do you not know this?” I flick him on his bicep, still in shock he didn’t know the full extent of Kimye’s existence.
“Ow,” he starts, taking one hand off the wheel to rub the spot I just flicked. “I’m sorry for working my big boy job and not paying attention to reality TV stars.”
His phone’s GPS says something about our next turn, but I barely register it.
“I just thought you’d be super into Kim Kardashian, with your type and womanizer tendencies and all,” I mumble, chewing on my bottom lip as soon as the words leave my mouth.
Aspen looks over at me, a taunting smirk on his lips.
Yep, I was just busted fishing for information on his dating life. Freaking sue me.
“We’ve been out of college for years, Lily. You don’t know any of my tendencies anymore. Plus, there’s this girl I’m very much into. I might tell her how I feel one day.” He steers Gladys off the highway and onto an off-ramp while I analyze every one of his last words.
A girl?
“Oh, really?” I stutter out.
“Yep,” he says, popping the ‘p’ at the end. “I think you’d really like her, actually.”
My hesitant gaze finds his, and I’m shocked to find a playful look on his face. Like this girl must really have his heart. He looks like a lovesick dog right now.
What the fuck parallel universe am I living in?
Are Aspen and I really about to talk about a girl he’s apparently so interested in that he’s not a man whore anymore?
“Hmm, okay,” I finally get out, while pulling at one of the denim strands of my shorts. I wrap it around my finger until the tip turns pink, thinking of a response. “So, a girl?”
He laughs quietly, leaning over to look in the passenger side mirror, bringing him closer to me. “Yes, Lily. I’m interested in girls. Well, one girl. But she doesn’t know it—yet.”
I nod curiously, looking down at the strand now cutting circulation off to my index finger. “Yet?” I can’t seem to form sentences at the moment. I’m too caught up in the fact that Aspen Bellevue is interested in only one girl. And is claiming he’s changed his ways for her.
Lucky her.
Wait, no—not lucky. Or…?
I don’t fucking know. I don’t care. Right?
I try not to think too much into it, but it’s hard for me not to wonder what she has that I didn’t have years ago.
“Are you only going to respond with one-word answers now?” he asks, calling me out.
“Shut up,” I snap, giving him the evil eye.
He mock-gasps, “Well, that was two, at least. Baby steps.”
Well, at least asshole Aspen is back. I didn’t quite know how to handle his sentimental counterpart.
The two of us are silent until he swings into a hotel parking lot and puts Gladys in park.
His head turns toward me. “We’re here.”
“I gathered.” Grabbing my purse, I hightail it out of the car. I need some space from him, the fresh air a welcomed reprieve.
We both grab our bags from the bed of the truck and head inside the hotel, where I’m slightly impressed with how nice it is. It’s modern, with a Nashville country twist.
Our feet make screeching noises over the freshly-polished floor. As I look around the lobby, I’m highly taken with their décor. We make it to the front desk, which is made out of reclaimed wood. The young woman sitting there shamelessly flirts with Aspen the whole time we check in.
I roll my eyes at how completely obvious she’s being.
Might as well come around the desk and straddle him, why don’t ya?
As soon as she hands us the room key, I snatch it out of her hand, shooting her a look that hopefully makes her rethink her professionalism. I don’t bother to check if Aspen is following behind me. I find the elevator and get in it—alone.
Part of me wants to be annoyed he’s still talking to Miss Desperate, but honestly, I shouldn’t have expected anything different.
It’s comical that ten minutes ago he was telling me how interested he was in some girl.
Yeah, right.
Seeing as he’s still down there flirting while I search for our room tells me everything I need to know about him.
He hasn’t changed one bit.
I let myself into our room, happy to see that finally, we have two separate full-size beds. I decide that, since he’s still busy downstairs, I’ll take the bed closer to the window. It’s only fair.
Plus, it’s always been my thing to sleep furthest away from the door if possible. That way, if a murderer happens to come through, I won’t be the first to go down.
I drop my bag onto the bed, my body following suit. I practically melt into the mattress, and it’s oddly comfy for a hotel bed. Just when I’m starting to doze off from the car ride, my phone vibrates from my pocket. I pull it out, checking to see who it is.
Veronica: Hey! Where are you now?
Lily: Nashville
Veronica: Yee-haw! *cowboy emoji*
Veronica: Are you going to ride Aspen tonight?
Lily: STOP IT!!!!!
Veronica: Stop what?
Lily: You know exactly what. We are no longer friends.
Veronica: Aww, don’t say that. You’re stuck with me, babe.
Lily: Nope.
Veronica: Oh, c’mon. You love me. Plus, I’m not the one that admitted to having the best sex of my life with Aspen…
Veronica: Is it technically speaking if it’s texted? Asking for a friend…
Lily: I confessed that after way too many margaritas. We aren’t speaking of it. Or texting of it. Nothing.
Veronica: Suit yourself. All I’m saying is…giddy up, cowgirl!
I throw my phone into my bag, deciding to ignore Veronica and her antics. She must think she’s hilarious, taunting me with information I gave her while very inebriated. I don’t know what her fasciation is, with Aspen and I sleeping together, but she’ll get over it. Eventually.
My stomach growls, alerting me to the fact that I haven’t eaten in forever, the lone piece of beef jerky Aspen shared with me barely counting as sustenance. I don’t know if Aspen has plans for us for food, but considering he’s still not in here, I start my search for the room service menu.
While walking toward the desk against the middle of the wall, it occurs to me I haven’t examined the room much. Looking around, I finally realize how nice this room is. The floors are a beautiful dark hardwood, a sharp contrast against the stark white walls and hotel bedding. The headboards of our two beds are made of a beautiful, dark wood, both resting against a polka-dot wallpapered wall. It all flows together seamlessly, mixing modern textures with minimalistic features.
My jaw drops when I walk into the bathroom, falling instantly in love with the floor. Black and white tiles, placed together in a beautiful mosaic. I stare at where my bare feet stand over the design, wiggling my toes against the cold floor. The walls of the bathroom are black, with a white tub and a shower sitting in opposite corners. The towels are an emerald green. Part of me wants to live in this bathroom. The design is gorgeous, something I’d love to put in a house of my own one day.
Continuing my mission, I leave the bathroom and pick up the room service menu. I call the front desk (not getting the receptionist who’s probably still flirting with Aspen) and order enough food to feed a small army.
Fifteen minutes later, Aspen’s still gone, but there’s a knock on the door.
“Come in,” I yell, hopping off the bed and closing the distance to the door. Once I open the door, I’m met with a multitude of delicious aromas.
“Where would you like the food?” the waiter asks, pushing the cart in while I step aside.
“Right here is good.” I point to the spot directly in front of my bed. He wastes no time aligning the cart in front of my bed and excusing himself.
I dig into my food, channel surfing while shoveling the food into my mouth at record speed. I land on an old episode of reality TV, getting suckered into the housewife drama while I feast on all the carbs—pasta, bread, fries. You name it, I ordered it all.
After god knows how long, Aspen finally walks into the room, setting his bag on the floor.
“Have fun?” I ask innocently, chewing my fry.
“Yep. After I finished talking with Giselle, I had to make a phone call. After that, I went to the hotel store and got us some party favors.” He pulls out a few bottles of liquor and lines them up on the desk under the TV.
“I have no desire to drink and have a hangover in the car tomorrow.”
“You ordered food?” Aspen asks, sizing up the spread I have out in front of me.
With a mouth full of garlic bread, I respond, “I was starving, and I didn’t know how long you would be with Giselle.”
“Give me some.” Aspen plops down beside me, his weight displacing me on the bed. He reaches for a piece of garlic bread, but I quickly swat it out of his hands.
“No touching my carbs!” I exclaim, shoving the piece of bread he was just holding into my mouth.
In all honesty, I’m getting full. But I also feel like he should at least ask to eat the food that I took the time to order while he was with Giselle.
Aspen pays no attention to me, though. He picks up the fork I was just using, twirls a heaping amount of pasta on it, and shovels it into his mouth. He looks over at me, smiling through a mouth full of chicken alfredo.
“Gross. Close your mouth while you’re eating,” I chide, scooting away from him.
He finishes the rest of my food quickly, not leaving a single scrap behind. The two of us clean up the mess in silence, Aspen rolling the dishes out into the hallway when we’re done.
When he comes back from the hallway, he holds up the liquor bottle and shakes it like that might change my mind on drinking.
It doesn’t.
I shake my head, not saying anything to Aspen as I walk into the bathroom and shut the door behind me. After I turn the shower on, I undress from my clothes for the day. It’s at this exact moment I realize I forgot to bring my bag in.
Shit on a stick.

Already naked and ready for a long hot shower, I hop in, deciding I’ll worry about getting fresh clothes later. My muscles are sore from sitting in the car today, so the hot water is a nice relief against my tense muscles.
I stay in the shower much longer than I’d anticipated, allowing the water to go cold in the process. After tightly wrapping a towel around my body, I open the bathroom door. A scream—and a few curse words—leave my mouth when I’m greeted with a grinning Aspen.
“Aspen!” I shriek, pulling the knot under my armpit tighter, praying nothing is hanging out for him to see. “What the hell are you doing?”
He snickers, his shoulder propped against the doorframe. He lifts one of the bottles of alcohol from earlier. “I figured there was only one good way to get you to drink with me. So,” he says mischievously, his eyes darting to take in the room, “I took your bag and hid it. I’ll give it back to you, of course—after you take a shot with me.”
I want to slap the devilish grin right off his face. My eyes narrow at him as I try to think of a way out of this situation. The last thing I want to do is drink—and possibly embarrass myself—around him. Time to remind him how hardheaded I can be.
“I guess I’ll just have to stay in my towel then,” I suggest, tightening my hold on it. My shoulder hits his as I shove past him. My eyes scan over the room as I try to see if he really did take my bag or not. I discover he wasn’t lying.
Aspen turns around to face me at the same time I come up with a plan. I take small steps closer and closer to him, trying to faze him enough to tell me where my bag is.
“You see, Aspen.” Two steps closer. “I’m not really in the mood to drink.” Another step. We’re now chest to chest and I have to look up at him to be able to see his mossy eyes.
His Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows slowly, his nostrils flaring. His green stare meets my blue one. It’s quiet enough in the hotel room that I can hear the rapid sound of his heartbeat, pounding in his chest.
My finger lazily traces the bare skin of his tan arm. I look up at him from my eyelashes. “My clothes?”
“Lily, I—”
Just then, I hear the ring of my phone, giving away the location of my bag. I clutch my towel to my body and sprint toward the sound. I find my bag hidden in a cabinet, my phone vibrating inside it. Aspen lunges for it right after me, his bulky arms caging me in against the cabinet. We both look down to see the name on the screen.
While Aspen stares at the name blinking on my phone, I dip underneath his arm, walking myself back to the bathroom.
Once I’m in there, I swipe to answer, putting my back against the cold wood door. “Blaine, hi. How are you?”
“Blaine?” Aspen asks curtly from the other side of the door.
My feet take me away from the door and Aspen’s prying ears.
“Hey there, Lily. I’m doing great. I have some news for you, actually. But first, I miss you. How the hell have you been?”
“I miss you too,” I respond, sitting on the edge of the bathtub.
Blaine and I have kept in touch over the years. Even though we broke up when he moved away, and even though we never quite managed to cover all the bases together, in the process of dating, we formed a solid friendship. One I still cherish today.
“You miss him?” There’s a thud on the other side of the door as Aspen mutters the words, louder this time.
Blaine whispers something to someone on the other side of the line before there’s rustling and he’s back. “Oh my god, Lily, are you with a guy?”
Okay, Blaine and I have stayed really close over the years. He’s become my best guy friend. Because of that, he knows all about my recent dry spell.
“Oh, it’s no one,” I tell him, raising my voice to ensure it reaches Aspen on the other side of the door. Then I pull the phone away from my ear to better hear Aspen on the other side. Moments later, the items on the bathroom counter rattle when the door to our room slams.
“Lily, I heard a guy in the background. Spill—now,” Blaine instructs, being direct as always.
“Well, Aspen and I are on a road trip right now.”
“Are you for fucking real?”
“Yep.” I graze over a spot on my knee where I missed a spot shaving, my fingers brushing over the hairs.
“The Aspen?” A pause and then, “Well, this is a wild turn of events.”
I switch my phone from one ear to the other, shifting my weight on the tub. “Anyway… you said you had news?”
“Violet and I are engaged!” I can hear the excitement in his voice, and it makes me smile wide.
I jump up off the tub. “Oh my god, Blaine. Congratulations!”
Violet was Blaine’s best friend growing up. When he moved away to college, she stayed back home. During our relationship, he always talked about her fondly. A year after he and I broke up, he told me they were dating. He speaks of her like she put the stars in the sky, like a man desperately in love.
“Thank you,” he says with a long sigh. “I was so fucking nervous asking her, but she said yes. She’s stuck with me forever.”
Blaine and I talk for another thirty minutes as he catches me up on what he’s been doing.
My butt has long since fallen asleep by the time the two of us say goodbye. When I cautiously open the bathroom door, very aware I still don’t have my clothes, I find the room empty.
My bag sits on my bed, no longer hidden in the cabinet.
Aspen is nowhere to be found. Even after I get dressed and get ready for bed, he hasn’t made an appearance. Alone in the room as Nashville bustles outside our window, I decide to take him up on that drink.