Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.

activism, 15, 143, 146, 220n84

Addresses to the German Nation (Fichte), 122

Adorno, Theodor W., 18, 19–20, 155, 175n28

advertising, 10, 16, 20, 40, 56, 140, 176n30

aesthetics, 56, 80, 148, 222n94

affective capitalism, 202n53

affective-computing, xv, 169n8

Agamben, Georgio, xiv, 22, 24, 49, 60, 64, 169n7, 176n3, 214n61

agency, 200n50, 201n51, 202n53

aggression, nationalism and, 135

Alexa, 157

Alexander, Matthias, 221n86

algorithm, xvi, 2, 8, 16–18, 70–71, 78, 83, 88–89, 153–55, 171n12, 193n24, 200n50, 201n51, 225n3

alienation, 37, 40, 218n78

Alone Together (Turkle), 137

ambient attention, ix

ambient awareness, 217n75

ambient intimacy, 3

Anderson, Benedict, 39

Annals of St. Gall, 57, 85

Anonymous, 143, 220n84

antagonism, 221n88, 222n94

anxiety, 31, 81

apathy, 27, 48

apps, 24, 73–74, 78, 82, 89, 113, 195n34, 220n84

Arcades Project (Benjamin), 47

archiving: democratization of, 117; email, 209n35; experts and, 117; of Facebook, 64; formats, 114–15; history and, 113; internet and, 111, 114; mania and, 112; memory and, 112, 209n35; narrative and, 110; photography and, 110–11; recording and, 209n35; self, 113–14; storytelling and, 110; technology, 209n35; websites and, 113

Arrington, Michael, 175n29

art, community-based, 222n94

artificial intelligence, 76, 155, 156

Assmann, Aleida, 170n7

attentional economy, 11, 26, 61, 65, 168n5

attention deficit disorder, 95

authenticity, 61, 87, 93

authorship, 3, 90, 99

autobiography, xvi, 163, 190n15; algorithm and, 201n51; automatic, 161; Facebook and, 88, 200n50; identity and, 88; narrative and, 62; photography and, 56, 72; postmodernity and, 88–89; self-discovery and, 67; social media and, 56

automatic recording, 75

automation, 46, 61, 64, 76, 153, 188n4

avatar, 3, 4

Balász, Béla, 45

banality, 27, 128, 141, 205n9, 214n54, 220n82

barbarism, 152–53

Barthes, Roland, 27

Bataille, Georges, 216n73, 217n76

Bateson, Gregory, 214n60

Baudrillard, Jean, 44–45, 60, 94

Bauman, Zygmunt, 34, 35, 36, 68–69, 182n62

being, 83–85, 139, 144, 146, 216nn73–74, 221n88

Being and Time (Heidegger), 49, 85

Being Singular Plural (Nancy), 93, 137, 216n74

belief, 37, 123, 126, 127, 144, 146, 164

belonging, 77, 134, 164, 215n66, 218n

Benedict (Pope), 180n46

Benjamin, Walter, 25, 46–49, 72, 152, 155–56, 177nn36–37, 186n85, 186nn89–90, 204n8, 224n2

Berlin, Isaiah, 100–101, 107, 205n11

bias, narrative and, 153

Big Brother, 2, 16, 174n25

Big Data, 71, 153

binary, 17, 120

biopolitics, 16

“Birth of a Digital Nation” (Wired), 131

Black Mirror, 75

Bloom, Leopold, 36, 49

boredom, 85, 187n95, 198n44

Borges, Jorge Luis, 111

bourgeois, 14, 30, 53, 182n57

brain, 5, 96, 97

browsers, 100–101, 107, 205n11

browsing history, 115

Büchner, Georg, 37

Buddemeier, Heinz, 171n14

“Building a Global Community” (Zuckerberg), 163–66

bundle theory, 199n48

busyness, 25, 26, 30, 178n42, 205n9

buzzwords, xiii, 162

Caeiro, Alberto, 41, 42, 51, 184n71

camera, 21–24, 45–46, 72, 159. See also photography

Candy Crush, viii

capitalism, 15, 41, 138, 202n53, 205n9

carelessness, 95

Carr, Nicholas, 96, 97

Carroll, Lewis, 111

categorization, 78, 124

cause-and-effect, 57–58, 188n7, 194n28

censorship, 69–70, 140

Chan, Priscilla, 167n3

chats, internet, 216n71

chatter, conversations and, 93, 136, 216n74

children, language and, 184n70

China, 101

Christian era, x

cinema, 204n8, 221n89

Circle, The (Eggers), 173n21

Cistercian order, 134–35

civil society movements, 176n30

close reading, 225n3

cognition, 94–96, 151, 154

cognitive competencies, 63

cognitive unconscious, 202n53

coherence, 56, 86, 87, 91, 92, 98, 99, 119, 120, 153, 158

collective meaning, 110

collective memory, 98–99, 108, 116–19, 124, 208nn27–28, 210n38

collective narrative, 124, 153

commercial domination, 16

commercialization, xii, 20, 41

commitment, 142, 144, 180n46, 213n54, 220n85

commodification, 41

commonality, 37, 38, 218n77

communication, 131; advertisements and, 10; automation and, 153; busyness and, 26; capitalism and, 205n9; commercialization of, 20; community of, 38, 39; compulsion of, xiv; digital, 70; disability and, 9; dis-membering and, 134, 142, 215n70, 216n71; ecstasy of, 136–37, 217n76; exchange and, 40; experience and, 76; through Facebook, xii, 147, 152, 165–66; as flight from now, 21–41; ground of, 137; hyperlinks and context of, 100; information and, 216n74; interactive, 3; language and, xiv–xv; of lived experience, 134; mathematized, 17, 174n27; money and, 196n36; narcissism and, 8; narrative and, 69; networked, 17; phatic, 40, 42, 51, 98, 135, 140, 146–48, 151, 184n70, 198n44; photography and, 26, 35, 50, 60, 178n40; privacy and, 111; reduction of, 18; reflection and, 141; sharing and, 216n74; social networks and, 112, 184n70; spontaneous, 55; superficial, xvi; technology and, vii, 75; with thoughts, 75; utopia, 184n70; visual, 76

communicative deception (Verblendung), 141

communion, intimacy of, 136

communism, 14, 216n73

community, 157, 216n74; alienation and, 40; based art, 222n94; belonging and, 218n77; without commonality, 38; of communication, 38, 39; differences in, 144; Facebook, xiii, 39, 133, 168n6; feeling of, 38; foundation of, 144, 221n88; of friends, 39; global, 163–66, 170n9; groundless, 131–49, 163, 164; identity and, 131, 218n77; imagined, 39; internet, 131–32; like-minded, 8; memory and, 142; technology and, 132–33, 138, 214n65; virtual, 133, 215n66

concealment, humans and, 76

conflict, 151, 221n88, 222n94

conscious control, self-representation as, 13–21

consciousness, 45–46, 82–83, 152, 154, 199n48

consumption/consumerism, x, 15, 37, 38, 127, 140, 148

contemplation, 29, 32, 86, 180n46, 204n8

contemporaneousness, xiv–xvi, 169n7

conversations, 70, 93, 136, 159, 216n74

cookies, 115–16

cool persona, 49

copy-and-paste, 106

corporate leadership, of Facebook, xiii

cosmopolitanism, 103, 121, 127–31, 147–48, 206n18, 211n41, 213n56, 214n54, 222nn91–92

Coupland, Douglas, 92

critical theory, x–xi, 20, 42, 140–41, 175n28

criticism, x, 19

Cronenberg, David, 216n71

crowdsourcing, 174n26

cryptography, 176n30

cultural change, 83

cultural differences, 134

cultural logic, of modernity, 82

cultural memory (kulturelles Gedächtnis), xv, 114, 208n27

cultural recollection (kulturelle Erinnerung), 208n27

cultural revolutions, xii

cultural theory, 21

cultural values, 132

culture: binary and, 120; bourgeois, 14; collective memory and, 124; concept of, 211n41; decline of, vii; environment and, 138; of forgetting, 211n41; identity and, 98, 120–21, 122, 125–26, 215n68; industry, 18–19, 20; meaning, 41–42, 51, 184n72; of memory, 112; narrative and, 99, 145; participation, 49, 224n94; presence, 42, 43, 167n3; protest, 220n84; sharing, 148

Culture of Surveillance, The: Discipline and Social Control in the United States (Staples), 174n25

cybernetic governmentality, 18, 174n27

cybernetics, 20–21, 38, 155, 156–57, 225n5

cybernetic subjectivity, 139, 219n79

Dadaism, digital, 196n36

daily narrative, 120

Danton’s Death (Büchner), 37

data: acquisition of Facebook, 56; analysis, 154; Big Data, 71, 153; circulation, 16; collection, 16, 91; databases, 70–83, 108, 191n18; dataism, 196n36; login, 115; mining, 56, 153, 154; personal, xii

deception, 21, 141, 175n28; self, 74, 91, 119, 136

decision making, 17, 97

delegated enjoyment, 24–25, 177n35

Deleuze, Giles, 29–30, 212n50

democracy, 15, 95, 182n58

de-narrativization, 83

dependency, 218n78

depression, social networks and, 172n20

Derakhshan, Hossein, 141, 220n82

Descartes, 62

desires, 188n3

despotism, 102

detached engagement, 183n69

“Development of Wit” (Jean Paul), 102–3

devil, pact with, 31

diachronic self, 87

dialect, 147

dialectical image, 186n89

Dialectic of Enlightenment (Adorno and Horkheimer), 155, 175n28

diaries, 53, 54, 60, 64, 73–74, 77–78, 195n34

digital: communication, 70; Dadaism, 196n36; humanities, 154, 225n3; materiality of, 174n25; measurement, consciousness and, 82–83; media, 97, 128, 168n6, 175n28; memory, 178n42; photography, 176n34, 189n11

disability, communication and, 9

discrimination, 119

dis-membering, communication and, 134, 142, 215n70, 216n71

dispositif, xiii, 8, 39, 78, 141, 148, 168n5

distant reading, 225n3

distraction, 26, 96, 148, 205n9

distributed cognition, 154, 202n53

divine temporality, 32

documentation, xiv, xv, 61

dogmatism, 126, 158

double-click principle, 188n4

drama, of photography, 44–45

Dreyfus, Herbert L., 142, 143, 220n85

drift, 199n45

Dropbox, 168n6

Dunbar, Robin, 5

dwelling, 129, 130

education, theory of, 122

ego, 81, 164

egotism, 179n44

Eichmann, Adolph, 95

e-mail, archiving, 209n35

emancipation, 14–15, 106–7, 203n3

emoticons, 192n20

emotional community, 218n77

empathy, 5, 165, 217n75

employers, Facebook and, 200n50

emptiness, 179n44

enforced collectivity, narrative and, 118–31

Enlightenment, x, 8, 15, 31, 33, 42, 57, 95, 99, 121–23, 135

environment, 116, 138

episodic identity, 92, 98, 137

episodic perception, 98

Erfahrung. See longer-term experience

Erlebnis. See incidental lived experience

Ernst und Falk (Lessing), 121–22, 124

“Essay on a Theory of Social Behavior” (Schleiermacher), 7

ethical narrativity, 87

ethics, 221n87

European Union, 134, 215n69

exchange, 40, 218n78

exhibitionism, 14, 15, 157–58

existence, aesthetics of, 80

existentialism, 90, 198n44

existential tourism, 37, 38

eXistenZ, 216n71

Ex Machina, 155

exosocialization, 110, 118, 122, 208n30

experience: camera and, 21–23; communication and, 76; cumulative, 50; delegation of, 178n42; documentation and, xiv; interpretation and, 43, 50–51; lived, 25, 28, 35–36, 43, 47, 50, 177n37; longer-term, 25, 43, 47, 177n37; perception and, 43; photography and, 21–23, 27, 178n42; poverty and, 47, 48, 50; of presence, 30; sharing of, xiv; smartphones and, 21–23; of time, 84; vanishing, 41–51

“Experience and Poverty” (Benjamin), 25, 47, 48, 49, 177n36, 224n2

experts, 70, 117

externalization of self, 202n53

F8, 75

Facebook, viii, 141, 159; “About” section, 67, 68; activity log, 71; advertising, 40, 140; archiving of, 64; artificial intelligence, 76; autobiography and, 88, 200n50; automation of, 64; communication through, xii, 147, 152, 165–66; community, xiii, 39, 133, 168n6; “Connections,” 193n23; corporate leadership of, xiii; criticism of, 19; cultural values of, xi, 140, 148; data acquisition of, 56; employers and, 200n50; fill-in segments of, 67–68; “Friend Request,” 193n23; groups, 139; headings, 67–68; identity and, 67–68; image descriptions on, 193n24; innovations of, 19; journalism and, 194n26; Live, 162; main office of, 14; memory and, 142; mission of, 6, 148, 163, 170n9; Moments, 179n43; narrative and, 69, 70, 192n21; newsfeed, 66; Oculus Rift, 75, 76, 153; page of Zuckerberg, 194n26; pages, 61, 64; photography on, 68; “Pokes,” 193n23; politics and, 139–42, 219n81; popularity, xiii; portrayal of life on, 3; power of, 19–20; profile, 2; psychological relevance of, 36; relationships and, 6; “Say Thanks,” 71, 74; self and, 91; self-description on, 64, 67–68; “Shares,” 193n23; sharing culture, xiv; Snapchat and, 76; social norms and, 19, 175n29; status updates, 44, 54, 59, 69, 78, 88, 119–20, 136–37, 192n21, 193n22, 205n9; storytelling on, 56, 193n24; “Suggested Friends,” 71; surveillance and, 16; timeline, 55, 59–60, 195n34, 200n50; volume of publishing on, 188n1; “Wallposts,” 193n23; as waste of time, 18; “Year in Review,” 64–65, 71, 74. See also algorithm; friends

“Facebook Demetricator” (Grosser), 172n18

Facebook society, xiii, xv–xvi, 49

facial recognition, 16, 179n43

false friends, 5, 9–10, 12

fame, 15

family, 132

fascism, 216n73

#FatIsNotaFeeling, 192n20

fatigue, 48

Faust (Goethe), 1, 32–33, 36, 181n56

fear, 22, 31, 35, 101

feeling, of community, 38

Felton, Nicholas, 80

Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, 122

filter bubble, 8, 164, 171n12

Fincher, David, 170n5

finitude, 37, 40

Firefox browser, 100, 205n11

Flight from God, The (Picard), 29

“Flight from the Story” (Balász), 45

Flusser, Vilém, 129–30, 131, 214n61

forgetting, 109, 133–34, 209n32, 211n41, 215n69

Foucault, Michel, 17, 80, 111, 168n5, 225n5

4chan, 4

Foursquare, 82, 89

Francis (Pope), 180n46

freedom, 165, 213n54

freedom of opinion, 15

free labor, 16

French revolution, 37

Freud, Anna, 14

Freud, Sigmund, 14

frictionless sharing, 61, 82, 96, 153, 162

“Friend Request,” 193n23

friends, xii, 204n6; blocking, 16; close, 4; collecting, 5; community of, 39; difficulty of modern, 172n16; false, 5, 9–10, 12; former classmates, 7; new, 6–7; political postings of, 9, 171n13; real, 12–13; for sale, 12; spatial proximity and, 1; suggestions, 2; tagging, 16; traditional model of, 10

Friendster, 5

fundamentalism, 221n88

fundamentalist gangs, 220n82

future, 34–35

gamification, 16, 82

Garland, Alex, 155

Gatterer, Johann Christoph, 58, 60

Generation X, 92

Generation X (Coupland), 92

Generation Y, 6, 92

geography, 209n34

ghostwriter, algorithm as, 88

global community, 163–66, 170n9

globalization, 17, 138

global linkage, social networks, 170n9

God, 29, 31, 57, 79, 84, 127

Goethe, 1, 31, 32–33, 36, 181n56

Google, 168n6

Google Glass, 75

governance strategies, 16–17

governmentality, 16–18, 174n27

grand narrative, xv, 33, 34, 43, 79, 83, 112, 182n58, 221n89

Greenaway, Peter, 221n89

Grosser, Benjamin, 172n18

groundless community, 131–49, 163, 164

Gumbrecht, Hans Ulrich, 41–43, 50, 167n3, 184nn72–73

habit and habitation, 129

hacking, 81–82

haiku, 212n42

Han, Byung-Chul, 83

happiness, 36, 148

hare-hunting analogy, 35

Harris, Josh, 173n22

health services, 174n27

hearing, 141, 146

“Hedgehog and the Fox, The” (Berlin), 100, 205n11

hedonism, 13, 36

Hegel, xiv, 102

Heidegger, Martin, 36, 49, 85, 146, 157

Herder, Johann Gottfried, 105, 188n7, 207n24

hermeneutics, 145–46, 153–54, 222n90, 222n94

Herodotus, 57

Hesse, Herman, 53

heteronomy, 89, 119

historical thinking, 184n73

historical writing, 43, 56, 58, 186n89

historiography, 43, 57, 58, 90, 201n52

history, 33–34; archiving and, 113; browsing, 115; disappearance of events in, 58; end of, 84, 182n58, 182n62, 197n40; of historiography, 57; image and, 62; of media, 106; memory and, 121, 209n34; narrative and, 57, 72, 83, 197n40, 209n34; oral, 109, 191n19, 208n27; philosophy of, 197n40; photography and, 190n14; technology and, 138

home, 129–30

homelessness, 130

Homer, 25, 57

homo faber, 33, 182n57

Hong Kong, 143, 167n1

hopelessness, 48

Horkheimer, Max, 155, 175n28

horror vacui, 31, 35, 36

“Hostage, The” (Schiller), 11

human agency, 201n51

human condition, 182n62

humanities, 154, 225n3

humanity, 7, 153, 156, 221n87, 226n6

humankind, 210n36

human rights, 113, 121, 123, 127–28, 133, 202n53

humans, 8, 30, 37, 76, 121–22, 124, 154, 202n53

Hume, David, 199n48

hunting, 35, 182n62

hyperactivity, 95, 107

hyperlinks, 99–108, 165

hyper-reading, 106

hyperstimulation, 95

hypertext, 99, 101, 116, 205n10

identity, 87; autobiography and, 88; community and, 131, 218n77; corporate, 65; crisis, 81, 144; culture and, 98, 120–21, 122, 125–26, 215n68; definition of, 199n45; as duty, 119; episodic, 92, 98, 137; Facebook and, 66–67; false, 4; formation, 91, 215n68; integrity and, 4; liquid, 10; management, 64; meaning and, 145; narrative, 62–70, 145, 147, 190n15, 200n49; national, 110, 125, 134; online, 2; postmodernity and, 91; temporalities and, 199n45; truth and, 120; universal, 212n48; workshops, 2, 169n2

ideologies, 101, 127

idolatry, 59

image, 46, 62, 76, 141, 186n89, 190n12, 193n24, 194n27. See also photography

imagined community, 39

immobility, humans and, 30

incidental lived experience (Erlebnis), 25, 47, 113, 177n37

income reporting, 173n24

individual, 2, 174n27, 210n38, 212n49

indulgence, 32

infantilization, 95

information, 113; Bateson on, 214n60; beauty of, 130; communication and, 216n74; exchange, 65; on internet, 194n28; journalism and, 46; management, 158; narrative and, 114; noise and, 214n60; photography and, 44; reflection and, 105; sealing off of, 46; society, 105

inner eye, 59

Instagram, 24, 141, 159, 176n34

integrity, identity and, 4

interaction, thinking and, 205n9

interactive communication, 3

internal automatism, 55

internet, 2; accountability and, 142–43; activities on, 56; archiving and, 111, 114; brain and, 96; browser, 100–101, 205n11; chats, 216n71; collective memory and, 117–18; community, 131–32; cosmopolitanism and, 128–29; dark net, 111; information on, 194n28; knowledge and, 104; memory and, 114, 115; nation, 132; national sovereignty and, 106; nature of, 17; segregation of, 214n58; stateless, 128–29; storage and, 112; studies, 40; time, 132, 214n65; totalitarianism and, 101; total recall of, 210n36; universal access to, 140, 219n80

Internet Governance Forum, 132

interpassivity, 220n84

interpretation, 43, 50–51, 66, 154, 225n3

intimacy, 1, 3, 136

iPad, viii

Iran, 101

irony, 99, 126, 146–47, 221n89

Isay, Dave, 191n19

Islam, 213

JenniCam, 173n22

Jibo, 157

jokes, 1–2

journalism, 46–47, 65–66, 194n26

Joyce, James, 36, 49

Joyce, Michael, 181n49

Kafka, 23, 24, 25

Kant, Immanuel, 20, 170n8, 181n54, 199n48

keywords, 73–74, 95n28, 225n3

Kierkegaard, Sǿren, 142, 143

Kisch, Egon Erwin, 44

knowledge, 16–17, 20–21, 76, 101, 104–5, 118, 192n20

Kodak, 27, 179n43

Kracauer, Siegfried, 35, 49, 53, 60, 85, 93–94, 110, 151, 152, 203n3, 224n2

Kubrick, Stanley, 155

kulturelle Erinnerung. See cultural recollection

kulturelles Gedächtnis. See cultural memory

Lacan, Jacques, 177n35

language, xiv–xv, 141, 184n70

Lasch, Christopher, 179n44

law of historical conservation of energy, 188n7

laziness, 86, 198n44

leisure, 186n85, 198n44

Lejune, Philippe, 88, 201n51

Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, 121–22, 124–27, 213n54, 213n56

letters, 70

“Letter to Our Daughter, A” (Zuckerberg and Chan), 167n3

Levana, or the Doctrine of Education (Jean Paul), 102–3, 206n18

LGBT, 139

liberalism, 213

liberation, 34

life, 28, 178n42, 199n47

lifestyle, 15

like-minded communities, 8

likes, 11–12, 28, 83, 168n5, 175n28, 188n3

LinkedIn, 55, 200n50

links, 69, 96, 107. See also hyperlinks

listening, viii, 12, 29–30, 66, 146

literary realism, 58–59

literature, 58–59

lived experience, 25, 28, 35–36, 43, 47, 50, 134, 177n37

lived moment, xiv

Living at the Edge of Time (Gumbrecht), 43

lock-in effect, 19–20

loneliness, 28, 29, 37, 40, 159, 170n7, 180n46

long-distance nationalism, 214n61

longer-term experience (Erfahrung), 25, 43, 47, 113, 177n37

longing, 38

loss, 34

lovers, of the moment, 39, 217n76

loyalty, 222n91

Lyotard, Jean-François, 83, 85, 120, 221n89

machines, 24, 76, 202n53

Mad Men, 179n43

Maffesoli, Michael, 167n3, 218n77

magazines, 93–94

management, of knowledge, 101

Manovich, Lev, 79

marketing, 65, 194n26

Marx, Karl, 198n44, 218n78

Marxism, 101, 198n44

materiality, of digital, 174n25

Material Virtualities: Approaching Online Textual Embodiment (Sunden), 169n2

mathematical thinking, 169n8

mathematics, 155, 226n6

mathematized communication, 17, 174n27

meaning: Being and, 216n73; collective, 110; collective memory and, 118; culture, 41–42, 51, 184n72; identity and, 145; of life, 35, 182n62; photography and, 190n12; shared, 216n73; stories and, 151–52

mechanical narrators, databases and, 70–83

mechanical reproduction, of reality, 113, 163

media, 49, 86, 96, 106, 108–18, 156

medicine, 65, 157, 175n27

memory, 96, 125–26; aids, 24; archiving and, 112, 209n35; autological model of, 210n38; collective, 98, 99, 108, 116, 208n27, 208n28; community and, 142; connectivity and, 133; cultural, 208n27; culture of, 112; Darwinism, 114; end of, 114; Facebook and, 142; forgetting and, 109; functional, 109, 208n27; history and, 121, 209n34; of humankind, 210n36; hyptertext and collective, 116; images, 190n12; individual and collective, 210n38; internet and, 114, 115; internet and collective, 117–18; media and, 108–18; object and, 116; outsourcing, 113; photography and, 96, 117; reading and, 97, 204n4; recollection and, 117; shaping of, 117; of society, 115; spatial appearance and, 96, 204n6; spiritualization of, 135, 142; storage, 109–10, 208n27; technical, 204n6; thinking and, 97, 204n4; undesirable, 109; video and, 117; wit and, 103; writing and, 117

metanarratives, 120, 125, 145, 221n89

metaphysical homelessness, Facebook society and, 49

metaphysics, 49, 184n71

Meyrowitz, Joshua, 173nn23–24

migrant, 130, 214n61

mininarratives, 66

minorities, rights of, 15

mobile media, storytelling and, 65

modernism, 29

modernity, 8, 82, 199n45, 209n33

moment. See now

Momento, 73, 74

money, 8, 196n36

moral decadence, vii

moral growth, reflection and, 87–88

morality, forgetting and, 215n69

Morozov, Evgeny, 143, 220n84

mortality, 29, 42, 179n42

Mukurtu software project, 211n39

multiculturalism, 123, 211n41

multitasking, 96, 97, 107

musealization, 113, 209n33, 209n35

mutual acceptance, social networks and, 131

MySpace, 3, 6, 168n6

Nancy, Jean-Luc, 38, 93, 135–37, 141–42, 144, 149, 156–57, 163–64, 216nn73–74, 217n76, 218nn77–78, 219n79, 222n94

narcissism, vii, x, xvi, 8, 14–15, 157–58, 179n44

narrative: algorithm and, 89; archiving and, 110; autobiography and, 62; bias and, 153; cause-and-effect and, 194n28; chains of, 83; in cinema, 221n89; collective, 124, 153; communication and, 69; culture and, 99, 145; daily, 120; database and, 79; end of, 85; endpoint of, 190n14; enforced collectivity and, 118–31; episodic, 87, 199n48; Facebook and, 69, 70, 192n21; historiography as, 58, 201n52; history and, 57, 72, 83, 197n40, 209n34; identity, 62–70, 145, 147, 190n15, 200n49; information and, 114; journalism, 66; knowledge, 192n20; life as, 199n47; mathematics and, 226n6; metanarratives, 120, 125, 145, 221n89; mininarratives, 66; numerical representation and, 17, 80; opposing, 121; outsourcing, 153, 154; passion, 87; personal, 201n51; pointillism of, 67; in politics, 65; pollution, 78; processing and, 78; psychology, 69, 90, 196n36, 199n48; quest, 199n47; reflection and, 98; self and, 190n15; self-deception and, 119; self-description and, 74; self-narration, 76; self-understanding, 92; on social media, 91; temporalities and, 190nn14–15; theory, 83; third person, 69; truth and, 65–66, 71; turn, 65, 66; unified, 120; value of, 98

Narrative Clip, 72, 77, 82

Narrative Science, 72

narrativity, 66, 68, 87, 127, 145, 199n48

Nathan the Wise (Lessing), 124–27, 213n54, 213n56

national identity, 110, 125, 134

nationalism, 123, 135, 214n61

National Socialism, 112, 199n48

national sovereignty, internet and, 106

naturalism, 189n11

neo-liberal individualization, 174n27

Net Decision, The (Morozov), 143, 220n84

Netflix, 61

networked communication, 17

networked objects, 178n42

networking, of hypertext, 99

New Journalism, 66

New Left, 15

new media, viii–ix, x, 65–66

news, as database, 191n18

newspapers, 105, 106, 142

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 35, 36, 86, 198n44

nihilism, 145–46, 154, 196n36

Nike+, 196n35

noise, 129–31, 214n60

non-belonging, 36

noncommitment, relationships and, 10

nonconscious cognition, 154

non-goal-directed activity, 198n44

non-participation, 36

nonverbal documentation, xv, 169n8

Nora, Pierre, 112–13, 209n35

normativity, 17

No Sense of Place: The Impact of Electronic Media on Social Behavior (Meyrowitz), 173nn23–24

nostalgia, 178n42

nothing, metaphysics and, 184n71

nothingness, 84

now, 21–41, 46, 176n32, 178n41, 180n45

numerical narrative, 80

numerical representation, narrative and, 17

objectivity, 43–44, 59, 66, 72, 203n3

objects, 60, 94, 116

observation, camera and, 45

Oculus Rift, 75, 76, 153

“Of Struction” (Nancy), 219n79

1secondeveryday, 24, 73

“On Exactitude in Science” (Borges), 111

“On Some Motifs in Baudelaire” (Benjamin), 177n37

opportunism, likes and, 11–12

OptimizeMe, 174n27

oral history, 109, 191n19, 208n27

Orkut, 168n6

pact with devil, 31

painting, 58–59, 110

Panopticon, 16

“Panther, The” (Rilke), 6

participation, 30, 49, 224n94

participatory journalism, 65

Pascal, Blaise, 29, 31, 35

passion, 27, 42, 87, 129

passionless archive, 113

passionless mania, 110

past, 109, 112, 117, 208n27

patriotism, passion and, 129

Paul, Jean, 102, 103–4, 106, 107, 108, 113, 122, 130, 206n12, 206nn15–18, 207n26

Peirce, Charles Sanders, 59, 189n11

perception, 24, 43, 98

perfectibility, 33

Periscope, 75, 162

personal data, xii

Pessoa, Fernando, 41

Pfaller, Robert, 177n35

Phaedrus (Plato), 109

phatic communication, 40, 42, 51, 98, 140, 146–48, 151, 184n70, 198n44

philosophy: anti-philosophy of the object, 44, 60, 94; of history, x, xii, 197n40; of information, 61; of language, 102; non-subject of, 49; postmodern, 106, 126; postpolitical, 139

photography, 141, 186n90; archive of images, 24; archiving and, 110–11; autobiography and, 56, 72; Barthes on, 27; Baudrillard on, 44–45, 60, 94; as betrayal, 23, 176n34; busyness and, 178n42; cognition and, 94–95, 151; communication and, 26, 35, 50, 60, 178n40; consciousness and, 152; context of, 44; cost-free nature of, 24; death and, 2; digital, 176n34, 189n11; drama of, 44–45; emancipation and, 203n3; as evidence, 178n42; experience and, 21–23, 27, 178n42; on Facebook, 68; history and, 190n14; indexicality of, 60, 189n11; information and, 44; Kracauer on, 53, 60, 93–94, 110, 151, 152, 203n3, 224n2; manipulation of, 189n11; meaning and, 190n12; memory and, 96, 117; now and, 176n32; object and, 94; objectivity of, 59, 66, 203n3; objects and, 60; obsession with, 35; popularity of, 152; reality and, 94; respectability and, 26, 50; retouching, 189n11; self-presentation and, 152; self-representation and, 151; society and, 152; Sontag on, 178n42; storage, 176n34; truth and, 59, 94–95; volume of, 23–24

“Photography” (Kracauer), 53

phubbing, 1

Picard, Max, 29, 30, 86, 191n49

Plato, 109

pluralism, 106, 126, 132, 213n54

poetics, 91, 102, 118

police, 167n1

political activism, 15

political bloggers, 220n82

political economy, of social media, 174n26

political engagement, 143

political postings, of friends, 9, 171n13

politics, 65, 127, 139–42, 148, 219n81

populism, 165

positivism, 203n3

posthuman self-description, 83–92, 154

Postman, Neil, 209n34

postmodernism, cosmopolitanism and, 222n91

postmodernity, 33, 86, 88–89, 91, 103–4

postmodern literary theory, 205n10

postmodern poetics, 118

poverty, 25–26, 47, 48, 50, 144

power, of Facebook, 19–20

pragmatism, 32

predilections, 188n3

presence, 30, 42, 43, 45, 46

present, 112, 128

presentism, 87

printed media, 117

printing press, 101

privacy, 14–16, 21, 41, 111, 173n24, 175n29, 177n36, 179n43

private enterprises, state and, 174n25

private sphere, public sphere and, 177n36

processing, narrative and, 78

Production of Presence (Gumbrecht), 184n73

“Prometheus” (Goethe), 31

propaganda, 171n12

“Proper Diet for the Listener, The,” 29

protection, camera as, 24

protest culture, 220n84

Pschera, Alexander, 216n76

psychoanalytic theory, 14

psychology, narrative, 90, 196n36, 199n48

psychotherapy, 80

publication, of privacy, 21

public sphere, private sphere and, 177n36

purposefulness, 39

QQ, 168n6

Quantified Self movement, 79–80, 91, 174n27, 195n34

questionnaires, 66, 78, 192n20

Quit Facebook Day, 176n30

radio, 29, 106, 128, 173n24, 207n24

rationality, 154, 155

raw content, 162

reading, 97, 100, 104–8, 204n4, 225n3

realism, literary, 58–59

reality, 94, 113, 128, 163

reality principle, 106–7

realpolitik, 112, 211n41

reasoning, democracy and, 95

receiver, sender and, 205n9

reception theory, 18

recollection, 24, 117, 121, 133, 134, 154, 208n27

recording, archiving and, 209n35

recording media, 96

reflection, xv, xvi, 46, 51, 56, 77–78, 87–88, 98, 105, 141, 166, 182n62

reflexivity, 202n53, 205n9

refugee, 214n61

Reich, Wilhelm, 14

relational aesthetics, 148, 222n94

relationships, 6, 10, 63, 180n46

relativism, 15

religion, 8, 125–27, 148, 209n34

remote seeing, xii

Reporter (app), 74, 195n34

“Reporters” (Gumbrecht), 43–44

reporting, reflection and, 77–78

representation, xv

repression, 44

repressive tolerance, 140–41, 219n81

resistance, 176n30

respectability, photography and, 26, 50

restlessness, fear and, 31

retouching photography, 189n11

revolt, 38

Rheingold, Howard, 133

Ricoeur, Paul, 68, 193n22, 199n48

Rilke, Rainer Maria, 6, 22–23, 25

Ringley, Jennifer, 173n22

Romanticism, 10–11, 13, 198n44

ruling class, 186n89

Rushkoff, Douglas, 26, 178n41

Safari browser, 205n11

Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de, 30

salvation, 37, 38

Sandberg, Sheryl, 170n9

Schiller, Friedrich, 11

Schleiermacher, Friedrich, 7, 30

Schopenhauer, Arthur, 104–6, 107, 207n23, 207n24

Scientology, 220n84

screenshots, 194n27

search engines, 111

Second Life, 2, 4–5

segregation, of internet, 214n58

Selbstdenken. See thinking for oneself

Selected Writings (Benjamin), 177n37

self: archiving, 113–14; avoidance, 27; branding, 16, 54–55; celebration of, 51; censorship, 69–70, 140; construct, 55; cultivation, 105; databases and, 81; deception, 13, 91, 119, 172n20; description, 64, 67–68, 73–74, 83–92, 98, 154; diachronic, 87; discovery, 67; estrangement, 50; experience, 154; exploration, 13, 80; expression, 15, 30; externalization of, 202n53; Facebook and, 91; focus on, 63; image, 166; improvement, 36; justification, 51; knowledge, 21, 54, 79; management, 70; measurement, 80, 174n27; narration, 76; narrative and, 190n15; observation, 74, 76, 77, 79; optimization, 82; perception, 3, 56, 63; presentation, 75, 110, 152; promotion, 154, 155; quantification, 81; reflection, 54, 64, 145; relationship with, 63; representation, xiii, 13–21, 28, 50–51, 54, 56, 63–64, 66, 90, 151, 158, 163, 178n42; return to, 85; skepticism, 106–7; surveillance, 173n22; tracking, 55, 78–79, 81–82, 113, 153, 196n35; true, 79; understanding, 55, 92, 154, 163

self-deleting images/videos, 76, 163, 194n26

selfies, viii, 77

sender, receiver and, 205n9

Sennett, Richard, 2

serenity, 90

Shallows, The: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brain (Carr), 96

sharing, xiv, 4, 28, 46, 61, 82, 96, 146, 148, 153, 158, 162, 168n5, 194n26, 216n74

Shoah project, 211n39

short-termism, 95

silence, 25, 29–30, 180n46

Silverman, Jacob, 178n42

singularity, 120, 137, 139, 144

Siri, 157

skepticism, about new media, x

Skype, viii, 168n6

slacktivism, 143, 146

Sleep (Warhol), 187n95

small talk, 39–40

smartphones, 21–23, 73

Smith, Zadie, 170n5

Snapchat, xiv–xv, 25, 60–61, 76, 77, 91, 96, 141, 162–63, 194nn26–27

Snapstreak, 194n27

SNS. See social network site

social bonds, 180n46

social capacity, 5

social circle, 7

social context, 34

social control, 17

social determinism, 189n11

social discipline, 3

social dispositifs, xiii, 78, 141, 148, 168n5

social distance, individual freedom and, 2

social hope, 40

socialism, 33, 199n48

social isolation, 35

social media, 20, 56, 91, 141, 174n26, 180n46, 187n95

Social Network, The, 170n5

social networks, 149; attentional economy and, 26, 65; automation and, 46; busyness and, 25; communication and, 112, 184n70; concept of, 168n6; cosmopolitanism and, 131; critique of, 30; depression and, 172n20; dispositifs and, xiii, 168n5; as drug, 28; global linkage, 170n9; managers of, 13; mutual acceptance and, 131; relationships and, 10; self-branding and, 54–55; self-description on, 98; self-observation on, 77; self-representation and, 51, 56; theater on, 3; universal language and, 183n69

social network site (SNS), 168n6

social norms, 19, 175n29

social psychology, 46

social theory, xv, 167n3

social utopia, 32, 34

social violence, 135

Socialyup, 12

society, 41, 115, 152, 172n16

sociology, 5, 65

software, 16, 21, 76, 211n39

solidarity, 28

solitude, 28, 29–30, 35, 37, 180n45

“Song of Myself” (Whitman), 51

Sontag, Susan, 178n42

spatial appearance, 94, 96, 154, 204n6

spatial continuum, 93

spatial proximity, 1

speech, 30, 146

spherical video, 75

Spielberg, Steven, 211n39

Spirit of Film, The (Balász), 45

spiritualization, of memory, 135, 142

Spotify, 61

SpreadSheets, 82

Staples, William G., 174n25

state, private enterprises and, 174n25

status updates, 44, 54, 59, 69, 78, 88, 119–20, 136–37, 192n21, 193n22, 205n9

Steppenwolf (Hesse), 53

Stiegler, Bernard, 95–96, 97, 98, 157, 203n4

stillness, 73

storage, 112, 114, 176n34, 210n37

stories, meaning and, 151–52

StoryBooths, 191n19

StoryCorps, 191n19

storytelling, 24, 47, 56, 62–63, 65, 69, 70, 74, 92, 110, 191n19, 193n24

strategic forgetting, 109

strategic remembering, 109

Strawson, 199n48

streaming, 162

students, mental condition of, 221n86

subjectivity, 139, 202n53

sublation, xiv

suffering, 28, 35, 85

Sunden, Jenny, 169n2

surveillance, 16, 20, 21, 116, 173n21, 173n22, 174n25, 176n30

survivalism, 179n44

Swarm, 82, 89

Sylvie and Bruno (Carroll), 111

symbolic systems, 119

sympathy, 136, 217n75

synapse creation, 97, 204n4

synthesis, 63

systems thinking, 99–108

taboo, 183n69

Tacitus, 57

tagging, 16, 193n24

Talbot, William Henry Fox, 59

Taylor, Charles, xi

technocratic rationality, 155

technology, vii, x, 44, 72, 74–75, 82, 96, 132–33, 138, 161, 172n16, 209n35, 214n65

Technopoly, 209n34

telematics dispositif, 39

telephone conversations, 70

television, 65, 106, 128, 173n24, 187n95

temporalities, 28, 32, 190nn14–15, 199n45

texting, ix, 77, 167n1

Thamus (king), 108–9

theater, on social networks, 3

theoretical constructs, 102

Theory of Bloom (Tiqqun collective), 36, 38

thinking, 97, 145–47, 151–53, 204n4, 205n9, 222nn93–94

thinking for oneself (Selbstdenken), 104–6, 207n23

third person narrative, 69

thoughts, communication with, 75

Thus Spake Zarathustra (Nietzsche), 86, 198n44

Tieck, Ludwig, 32, 36

time, 84, 86, 132, 197n40, 199n45, 214n65

timeline, Facebook, 55, 59–60, 195n34, 200n50

Timoner, Ondi, 173n22

Tiqqun collective, 36, 37, 38, 49

togetherness, 1, 222n94

tolerance, 126, 127, 129, 131, 140–41, 143, 213n54, 219n81, 222n92

totalitarianism, 37, 101

total recall, of internet, 210n36

tourism, existential, 37, 38

tourists, 21–22, 176n32

tracking, self, 55, 78–79, 81–82, 113, 153, 196n35

traffic, texting in, 167n1

transhumanism, 157

transience, of life, 178n42

transparency, 13–14, 61, 77, 162, 165, 173n21

Transparent Society, The (Vattimo), 207n24

true shared contemporaneity, 64

Trump, Donald, 165

truth, 44, 58–59, 65–66, 71, 90, 94–95, 120, 125–26, 162, 186n90, 201n52

Turkle, Sherry, 137

Twitter, 24, 39, 75, 141, 162

Two Ages: A Literary Review (Kierkegaard), 142

2001: A Space Odyssey, 155

tyranny of the moment, 26, 178n41

Ulysses (Joyce), 36, 49

UN Charter of Human Rights, 212n49

unconditional contemporaneity, 169n7

unconscious, cognitive, 202n53

unconscious sharing, 194n26

understanding, hyperlinks and, 165

unequal opportunities, 16

unified narrative, 120

unity, 104–5, 199n47, 199n48

universal human element, 8

universalism, 121, 122, 123, 212n49

universal language, social network and, 183n69

universal republic, 103

universal values, 113

utopia, 138, 182n62, 184n70

values, 113, 123, 132, 211n41, 212n49, 212n50

vanity, 28

Vattimo, Gianni, 107, 108, 128, 145, 147, 207n24, 222n91

Verblendung. See communicative deception

video, 75, 117, 141, 163

videorecorders, 96, 113

Vietnam Veterans Memorial, 211n39

Vietnam War, 211n39

virtual community, 133, 215n66

Virtual Community, The (Rheingold), 133

virtual lynching, 148

virtual reality (VR), 8, 75, 153, 157, 194n26

virtual self, 81

visual communication, 76, 96

visual stories, 24

vita activa, 50

vita contemplativa, 50, 85

voyeurism, 8, 15

VR. See virtual reality

waiting, 86

wakefulness, 95

Warhol, Andy, 15, 187n95

wasting time, x, 18, 183n69

weak thinking, 145–46, 147, 151–52, 153, 222n93

weapon, camera as, 21–22

wearables, 169n8

Web 2.0, 111

Web 2.0 Suicide Machine, 176n30

websites, 113

Weibo, 158, 159, 168n6

We Live in Public (Timoner), 173n22

WELL, 133

“What Is the Contemporary?,” 1n769

WhatsApp, viii, 11, 178n40

White, Hayden, 43

Whitman, Walt, 51

Wikipedia, 168n6

William Lovell (Tieck), 32

Wired, 131

wit, 102–3, 107, 130

witness, consciousness and, 46

witnessing, 75, 191n18

Wolf, Maryanne, 96–97

women, 15, 107–8

“Work of Art That Observes Itself, The” (Pfaler), 177n35

world, as database, 79

world affirmation, 167n3

world-improvement, 36, 42

World of Silence, The (Picard), 29, 181n49

World of Warcraft, 4

World War I, 48, 196n36

writing, 73, 89, 109, 117

younger generation, vii–ix

youth, 48

YouTube, 13

Zuckerberg, Mark, 2, 13–14, 75, 140, 162–66, 167n3, 170n9, 175n29, 194n26, 219n80