Some of these essays, several under different titles and in a slightly different form, originally appeared in the following publications:

“Searching for Depth in Bonaire,” The Georgia Review (autumn 1996); “A Short Passage in Northern Hokkaido,” The New York Times Magazine, The Sophisticated Traveler (October 5, 1986); “Orchids on the Volcanoes,” The North American Review (June 1989); “Informed by Indifference,” Harper’s (May 1988); “Flight,” Harper’s (October 1995); “Apologia,” Witness (winter 1989); “In a Country of Light, Among Animals,” Outside (June/July 1981); “The American Geographies,” Orion (autumn 1989); “Effleurage: The Stroke of Fire,” Harper’s (January 1998); “The Whaleboat,” Outside (May 1998); “Replacing Memory,” The Georgia Review (spring 1993); “A Passage of the Hands,” Men’s Journal (December 1996/January 1997); “Learning to See,” DoubleTake (spring 1998); “Murder,” Rocky Mountain Magazine (May/June 1981) and Oregon Quarterly (spring 1998).