THE UTUKOK RIVER FLOWS north out of Alaska’s De Long Mountains in the western Brooks Range, east along the base of a treeless spine called Archimedes Ridge, then north again across the tundra and into the Arctic Ocean at Kasegaluk Lagoon. No one lives along its two hundred miles of braided channels or in the hills nearby. Inupiat people occasionally set up fishing camps at the river’s mouth, but they do not venture far inland. The country, several thousand square miles of it draining into the Utukok, belongs to the resident animals.
The benign and seemingly endless light of an arctic summer here and the abrupt musical notes of nesting birds in the great silence impart a gentleness to this landscape; a profusion of arctic lupine and other flowers vaguely familiar to a temperate-zone eye make the gentle hills seem knowable and hospitable, but this northern edge of the continent must be viewed as foreign territory. Human beings are infrequent summer visitors. Most of them are biologists who stay a few weeks and then are gone. Or geologists, whose prospecting for oil makes the fieldwork of the biologists exploring this ecosystem seem more compelling—and meeting the gaze of resident caribou somewhat unsettling.
It seems presumptuous in a country so far-flung to be inquiring into the lives of animals—wolverine and the wolves and grizzlies that hunt the caribou—but the best biologists know you have to come to places like this to understand animals. A few will go further and tell you that, really, you must spend a lifetime at it, your own and the animal’s. But few are able to. Like the rest of us they run out of money or management transfers them, or they simply go back to thinking about human beings.
So, even though a few field biologists have the wherewithal to get to places as untrammeled as the drainage of the Utukok River, rarely do they approach the heart of our difficulty in assessing animal lives. In addition, under the press of orthodoxy in Western science, they tend to overlook mystery. They dismiss, for fear of the complexity they introduce, many factors that set an individual animal apart from the standard description of the species. Fearful of being thought anthropomorphic, they shy away from any evidence of reason or emotion in animals. In formal reports they imply that such incidents never occur or are rare. But working up your field notes in the earth’s wildest places—up here on the Utukok—you feel vaguely uncomfortable. You are very far from home. Your language is spoken by no one in the region.
IN JUNE 1978 I joined Bob Stephenson, a wolf biologist with Alaska Fish and Game, at a native village in the central Brooks Range called Anaktuvuk Pass. Stephenson owns a home here and for years he has been traveling back and forth from Fairbanks to interview resident Nunamiut (inland Eskimo or Inupiat) about their experiences with animals and to study, with their help, the lives of creatures in the surrounding steep mountains and valleys.
The belief that hunting cultures like the Nunamiut can offer wildlife biologists invaluable information is not new, but it is now an idea in its ascendancy. And it is not just the daily observations of such hunting peoples that contain a wealth of information about wild animals; in their clothing, dance, and artifacts are metaphorical clues about animal behavior. Generally speaking, native people examine intuitive and personal feelings about wild animals with no fear of anthropomorphism or “pathetic fallacy.” And no incident a person witnesses need conform to prior knowledge. This view is based, of course, on assumptions different from Western views, which presume a species’ behavior remains relatively unchanged and that with the right tools it’s possible to figure out what animals are doing, even to predict their behavior.
In a place like Anaktuvuk Pass, a still more-or-less intact hunting culture of 110 people, where the senior men have thirty or forty years of experience with wild animals to call on, and the experience of their fathers and grandfathers, one’s prejudices in favor of a superior Western system of knowledge are so obvious, so racist, they bring conversation to a halt.
During the week we spent in this mountain village, Bob transferred the locations of several new wolf dens to his field maps and made notes every night on a variety of encounters hunters had had with animals during the previous winter. We shared in the Nunamiut’s caribou stew and muktuk (squares of bowhead whale skin and fat, traded up from Eskimos on the coast 200 miles away), and they eagerly partook of our canned fish and cheddar cheese. Late one afternoon a plane took us 230 miles west to a field camp on the Utukok River, where Bob’s current field project with wolves was based and where five other biologists working with grizzly bear, wolverine, and caribou were encamped. I’d just finished writing a book about wolves and was keenly interested in them still, but on this trip I had no greater intention than to pay my respects and to sojourn in their country.
I DON’T KNOW, of course, whether you’ve ever been in the high Arctic in the summer, but I would begin by telling you how striking the light is. For two months or more the sun doesn’t dip below the horizon. In a treeless, winter-hammered landscape like Alaska’s north slope, the light creates a feeling of compassion that is almost palpable. Each minute of light experienced feels like one stolen from a crushing winter. You walk gently about, respectful of flowering plants, with a sense of how your body breaks the sunshine, creating shadow. You converse in soft tones. The light is—perhaps there is no other word—precious. You are careful around it.
The wind always feels close here, a gentle breeze, a heavy blow, the breathing of an unfathomable welter of clouds which passes continually overhead, an ocean in which weather is being conceived. It’s figuring out what it wants to do before moving south and east across North America: now altostratus, now cirrus, now cumulonimbus, like exercises. After lunch a mare’s tail sky; at one in the morning a rainbow appears to the south, half as broad as my fist, driven into the tundra like a sheet of iridescent steel.
But for the wind against your ear and the keening of fifty species of birds, it is as quiet as the moon. The wind surrounds the bark of a fox and it evaporates. In sun-warmed, goose-down clothing, you turn your cheek to the source of light and feel sheltered; you see amid the dwarf birch and dwarf willow at your feet speckled eggs cradled in birds’ nests. The grace so apparent in first life seems nowhere else so tender, because night never comes here.
From the slope of a hill above this river, you can look out across two hundred square miles of tundra through air transparent as a polished windowpane. If the Earth were flat you could see all the way to Iowa. It was into this expansive country, this place of interminable light and clear, rolling air, that Bob and I had come. In it we would watch wolves.
BOB SPENT our first morning in base camp transferring data from his field notebooks to a pile of topographic maps. I heated three gallons of river water, stripped my clothes, and bathed. We were sharing this wall-tent camp with other biologists from Alaska and Montana living in varying degrees of general excitement and anxiety about, respectively, the calving close by of a herd of thirty thousand caribou and the proximity of tundra grizzlies.
Fourteen miles to the west of us was an active wolf den, set just below the rim of a high cutbank above a twenty-foot-wide stream called Iligluruk Creek. Two miles south of the den, across an open valley, was an elongated barren rise where Bob and I planned to camp. From this ridge, running roughly parallel to the cutbank, Bob and I could watch the seven Iligluruk adult wolves in this pack and the four pups born to them earlier that June.
One evening Craig Lofstedt, a pilot Bob and I had flown with on other wolf research trips in Nelchina Basin in the Alaska Range, six hundred miles to the southeast, helicoptered us out to our campsite on Ilingnorak Ridge. On the way we landed to inspect a caribou kill made just the day before by a yearling Iligluruk wolf. Bob retrieved the lower jaw, from which the caribou’s age could be determined, and a femur. From its bone marrow the animal’s general state of health could be deduced. The carcass had been picked clean. One kill had fed many of amaguk’s neighbors, likely tulugak, raven, and kaiyukuk, red fox.
As Craig flew us in a wide arc high above the den, we watched a light-colored yearling female stand up and stretch—she was “baby-sitting” while the other wolves were off to the west, hunting into a good wind.
Craig put us and our gear down on the ridge. We agreed on a rendezvous hour three days hence and he slipped away, lifting the Bell 206 off quietly to the south before heading back east, a courtesy to the wolf at the den.
Bob and I set up our spotting scopes immediately. Straight across the tundra plain in front of us the light-colored female had lain back down. To the east and west were a scatter of caribou, sixty or seventy of them. The wind was strong from the northwest, gusting to twenty-five miles per hour, and the air was chilly. An hour after we began our watch, two adult wolves loped into view from the west, headed for home. We studied them while they followed the cutbank above Iligluruk Creek for three miles. When they arrived the pups bounded up out of the den. Amid much tail wagging and face licking, the returning adults regurgitated meat for the pups, which they ravenously consumed. A few minutes later the scene was still. All seven animals were resting on the shallow slope above the den entrance.
Bob and I felt initiated into the country.
BECAUSE OF the perpetual light and our unobstructed view, we were able to observe animals at any hour over almost forty square miles of tundra. During the odd hours we chose to sleep, we set up a spotting scope in the tent entrance. If you woke up, you’d take a quick look around. Something new—a ground squirrel hiding behind a rock from something, a wolverine preparing to lie down—was always going on.
The suffusion of sunlight, seeming to empty the landscape of any threat, could make you forget how very remote the country was. When I lay down to sleep I was aware the soil only a few feet below my head was frozen solid, that in the hills around us grizzly bears were tearing up the earth in pursuit of ground squirrels, that somewhere a willow ptarmigan had become an explosion of feathers in a gyrfalcon’s fists.
At 2:30 one morning Bob rose to look through his scope and spotted a grizzly bear at the wolf den. A yearling male, the lone sentinel with the pups, charged immediately and drove it back down the cutbank. Even at this distance we could see the puffs of dust at their feet as they raced down the incline. Suddenly the bear spun around and chased the wolf, but only about twenty-five feet before they faced off. Motionless, they stared at each other for a few seconds; then the wolf turned his back and walked away. The bear, now some four hundred feet from the den entrance, his curiosity piqued, walked around to the north and stood up on his hind legs, looking around, sniffing. The young wolf eyed him. The bear quartered back slowly toward the den and then charged. The wolf ran to meet him. Both stopped short, staring. In a few moments the wolf turned around and walked calmly back to the den. The bear ambled down to the creek and disappeared in the willows. The wolf weighed perhaps eighty pounds; the bear weighed three to four hundred pounds and appeared to Bob to be a young boar.
The wolf spent the next fifteen minutes with his nose to the ground, retracing all the bear’s movements before finally lying down to sleep.
Baby-sitting. And learning about aklak.
I left my spotting scope occasionally to stretch and walk around Ilingnorak Ridge, inspecting frost-shattered rocks, bending close to see tiny Persian blue forget-me-nots, five blooms of which did not cover my thumbnail, and craning my neck at the phantasms of cloud. I picked up fox dung and short-tailed weasel dung to discover what they had been eating.
Within a few yards of the tent a golden plover, a horned lark, and a whimbrel had built nests—without trees everyone must nest on the ground, relying for protection on camouflage and distraction ploys when predators show up. With patience you can locate the epicenter of a bird’s distraction displays and find the nest—four or five speckled or spotted or brindled eggs in a grass-lined cup. But the feeling that you’ve invaded the bird’s privacy is too sharp, the skree, skree, skree of the alarmed plover somehow humiliating. I would back away carefully.
Four and a half hours after the yearling wolf drove the bear off, about seven in the morning, we saw an adult female wolf traveling toward the den at a steady trot, a laminar flow over the contours of the land. The slight discoloration of hair around her mammae, her round-as-a-melon belly, and her overall bearing revealed—to the Nunamiut, who taught Bob, who showed me—who she was (mother), where she’d been (successfully hunting), and where she was going (home). She stopped briefly a quarter mile west of her current den at a new den site the wolves had been excavating, and then continued on. She came to a sudden dead halt at a spot where the bear’s still fresh trail crossed hers. She investigated it for a few moments before going on quickly to the den. The pups charged up out of the ground to greet her, jumping and pawing and bowling one another over in their efforts, seemingly, to embrace. She regurgitated meat for them and the yearling. After nursing the pups, she sniffed all around the den area and curled up to sleep.
An hour and a half later she roused her pups and headed west with all of them trailing clumsily after her. She led them to the new den, a move, we speculated, precipitated by the bear.
ONE EVENING I sat on the tundra near the tent watching nagrulik, horned lark, on her nest. It was cold. The lark, her feathers ruffled to insulate herself, sat resolutely on four eggs, staring back at me. I recalled a story. Bob and several Nunamiut were out looking for animals one summer night when a chilling fog settled over them. The men began gathering willows for a fire to heat tea. Suddenly one man made a beckoning gesture with a willow stick. At first no one could see what was up—he was waving at a porcupine, telling him to come over and join them.
When I looked up (it was as though I had been telling nagrulik this story), a caribou cow was looking at me, a hundred feet away. When finally she caught my scent she snorted violently and trotted off. Whatever I was to her, she’d grasped it and dispensed with me. A good feeling, I thought, for an interloper like myself to imagine here.
At midnight each night, when the sun was low in the northern sky, the clouds seemed to glow in greatest spectacle. We’d fix dinner and sit with our tin cups of tea, bundled in parkas and wind pants, and watch solar iridescence, a faint, translucent lime green and soft pink marbling in the clouds. Our rudimentary meals, under such auspices, seemed exquisite. We would glance at each other and cock our heads, speechless before the expanse of pleasure.
At 3:30 one morning a light-gray female wolf appeared at our camp. She came up over a rise, watched us for fifteen or twenty seconds, then moved away obliquely downhill. Every hundred yards or so she stopped and looked back at us, until she was about six hundred yards away. We watched her for a half hour as she continued north toward the den, investigating a clump of dwarf birch, flushing a ptarmigan, rolling on her back in the lichens, leaping in the air repeatedly to snap at long-tailed jaegers divebombing her.
She might have stumbled onto us while returning from a hunt, or come over on purpose to see who we were, in her country.
Late one afternoon we started out across the stretch of tundra that separated us from the den, to see if we could get any closer to the wolves. There is no walking on level, open ground as arduous as walking across wet tundra in summer. It’s like walking across a field of bedsprings covered with a layer of basketballs. In an hour we’d gotten no more than three quarters of a mile. By then we’d lost sight of the den behind a rise of land and a storm had begun piling up clouds in the west. We turned back. Nipailuktak, short-eared owl, watched us from his hunting perch on a tussock. We passed avinnak’s house. Avinnak, tundra vole, was poised right there in his entrance. Hey, nipailuktak! Look at this! On the vast plain, Bob and I were like two small birds, sparrows or warblers, against the sky.
The wind changed around to the east that evening. When the wolves left to hunt they headed east for the first time since we’d arrived. We followed a single wolf with our scopes. He was sneaking up a willow-lined ravine, drawing close to several grazing caribou. The caribou got wind of him and exploded away. A second wolf appeared and both wolves gave chase. The gap between the caribou and the first wolf remained at two hundred yards or so for four or five hundred yards before the second wolf broke away to disappear over a rise, followed soon by the first wolf. A mile later the caribou slowed back to a walk.
The storm came up while we slept, holding us tent-bound for twelve hours. When I stepped outside once to re-anchor the tent against the savage punch of the wind, I suddenly saw golden plover in my mind and horned lark, the birds I’d been visiting, sitting there on their nests in the wind and rain.
After the storm passed, the evening warmed and a few mosquitoes came out, the first we’d seen. Nunamiut distinguish between juvenile mosquitoes, migulaitchiak (literally, “white socks”), and larger mosquitoes, kiktugiak. These were kiktugiak, big as horseflies. But the wind picked up and they were swept away.
About eight that night Bob stood away from his scope, stretched, and wandered off. I continued to study the country in slow, methodical sweeps, along Iligluruk Creek, along the ridges, down each crease in the land, the likeliest places to pick up something. Caribou were moving west, several hundred of them in enclaves small and large, drifting over some twenty square miles. One group of fourteen would pass, I saw, within three or four hundred yards of the den if they grazed on in a straight line. Four of the adult wolves were off hunting and two more were asleep in willows at the foot of the cutbank, where they wouldn’t see the caribou. The seventh adult was sleeping at the crest of the bank. If for some reason she woke and stood up, she might see them.
The caribou came on unawares. I called to Bob to return to his scope, though it seemed unlikely anything dramatic would happen. The caribou were now almost in line with the den, just to the north of it. The three wolves remained asleep. Then the one at the crest rose to stretch. She saw the caribou and took off quickly to the east, downwind of them. One of the two wolves at the foot of the cutbank, responding to some signal, bounded out of the willows and ran up the cutbank. He, too, looked at the caribou before taking off after the first wolf.
Several minutes later, fourteen placidly grazing caribou jerked their heads upright and bolted west in a stiff-legged trot. The wolves might have let themselves be seen, to set up an ambush by the third wolf, or the caribou might have caught the scent of the den. We didn’t see them following in the caribou’s wake. Like most caribou-wolf encounters, this one came to nothing.
While we were watching this event unfold, Craig Lofstedt flew up and landed on Ilingnorak Ridge. He shut down the helicopter’s turbine. The ridge fell back into its deep quiet. The three of us stood there with our hands in our parkas. I wondered if I would be able to remember the skree of the plovers, if I could make that sound in my head again; or remember the resistance to my arms and shoulders of rocks the size of oil barrels a grizzly bear had shoved aside in its search for a ground squirrel; or recall an image of caribou crossing the gray-green Utukok late at night, shaking off water in twos and threes against the sun, the explosion of diamond fragments.
After we loaded the helicopter I walked away in a wide circle to say good-bye to the birds.
The following day I flew out of our base camp, south up the Utukok, over the De Long Mountains, and down the Noatak River into Kotzebue. A single seat was available on a commercial flight headed south to Nome, then on to Anchorage. I took it, and phoned a friend in Anchorage to arrange for a shower during the layover necessary before I could get a flight south to Oregon, a straight-line descent from Iligluruk Creek of 2,300 miles.
The evening of the day I arrived at my home in the western Cascades, I walked down to the riverbank below the house and stood in the Douglas fir and ash trees. The sky above was newly dark to me, blue-black with thousands of stars shining. A visible moon. It was warm enough to stand there barefoot. I heard salmon slapping the water. Ikalugruak, the Nunamiut might have hazarded, male migrating salmon, their bellies red as the edge of a rainbow. Swimming right here, in this place, on this night.