Brother woke up before his alarm went off. His mind registered a noise, but he was still half asleep and couldn’t quite make out what he heard. He opened his eyes and listened to see if the noise would manifest itself again, but he heard nothing.
Stretching and yawning, Brother got up and quickly got himself clean-shaven and dressed. He headed downstairs, but no one else was up yet. He brewed some coffee, poured a cup, and headed to the den. Picking up his copy of the Good Book, Brother sat down to read his daily lessons. When he was done, he started praying to the One True Lord for a successful rescue of his little brother and protection of the entire rescue team.
“You’re up early.”
Brother turned toward the voice to see Father dressed and ready to go. A look of concern was written all over Father’s face.
“Where’s Mom?” Brother asked.
“She’s not down here with you?” Father inquired.
“Haven’t seen her,” Brother said.
There was a long pause.
“You don’t think…surely, she wouldn’t…” but the sentence was left unfinished.
Both Father and Brother raced to the garage; sure enough, Mother’s car was gone.
“I thought I heard something just before I got up,” Brother said. “Never occurred to me that Mother would take off on her own. Do you really think she’ll head to Next Port without us?”
“If I know your mother, that’s exactly what she’s doing,” Father said with an anxious tone. “She’s probably halfway there by now.”
“What should we do?” Brother said with stress in his voice. He was desperately afraid of what might happen to his mom.
“I really don’t know. All this stuff is too new to me,” Father replied. “Suggestions?”
Father and Brother looked at each other for a few seconds, minds racing to find solutions.
“All I know to do is call Pastor,” Brother replied. “He needs to know she’s gone. With his experience, he’s the only one that can really guide us.”
Father walked over to the phone and immediately dialed Pastor’s number. After a few minutes’ discussion, with Brother pacing back and forth because he could only hear one end of the conversation, Father hung up the phone.
“So what did he say?” Brother asked anxiously.
“Pastor said that he and his wife talked about this last night; they were both convinced Mother would try to get the jump on us,” Father explained. “As it happens, Pastor asked Warrior and Seaman to head to Next Port last night. Apparently, both of them went home, threw some things in an overnight bag, and headed to Next Port last night. They stayed with Minister and will be at the docks before dawn.”
“Allll…rrrr…iii…ght!” Brother exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear. “Pastor’s the best!”
“I have to agree with you,” Father said, smiling. “Pastor said we can head to Next Port as soon as we’re ready. We can join up with Warrior and Seaman immediately when we arrive. He said he and his wife were leaving in just a couple of minutes.”
“Ready, Dad?” Brother asked.
“Let’s do this!” Father replied.
Both men headed out the door and drove off in the direction of the highway that connects to Next Port.
Pastor hung up the phone and looked at his wife as she finished getting ready; he always admired the poise she had. He thanked the One True Lord that they were partners.
“Who was that?” Pastor’s Wife asked.
“That was Father,” Pastor replied. “Apparently, we were right to send Warrior and Seaman to Next Port last night. Mother was gone before Father or Brother got up. They’re heading out now.”
“Well, I’m not surprised,” Pastor’s Wife replied. “The One True Lord was telling me this was going to happen; that’s why I need to be there. The prayer team is already working, and I’m ready to go if you are.”
“Let’s go,” Pastor said.
They kissed each other, and then husband and wife climbed into their sedan and headed for the highway.
The night before, Warrior and Seaman rode their bikes to Next Port, arriving late. Knocking on the door to Minister’s house, they were both warmly greeted and given a place to bunk for the night. All three men were up before dawn. Minister provided them with a quick breakfast, and they headed for the docks. It was still too dark to see anything clearly, but they could tell that the dark ship had not yet arrived. They scanned the area looking for any signs that Mother had arrived, but the docks were quiet.
“There’s a place to sit over here,” Minister indicated, pointing to an area that was partially sheltered. “We’ll have a good view of everything and can see immediately when someone shows up. There’s a clear view of the dock; we can see the ship as it approaches.”
The men hunkered down in the spot Minister indicated and hugged their steaming cups of coffee and waited.
Mother had slept with her earphones in during the night so that her phone alarm wouldn’t wake anyone but herself. When the alarm went off, she quietly and carefully slipped out of bed and into her clothes. She ran a brush through her hair and a toothbrush over her teeth and tiptoed downstairs. Grabbing a box of breakfast bars, Mother headed out the door. She stopped at a drive-through near the highway and grabbed a cup of coffee and sped off in the direction of Next Port.
Teenager woke up suddenly. Something felt different, but he wasn’t sure what. He sat up and listened intently. There were the usual noises of the ship, but the motion was different. He wondered where the ship was going. Everything was quiet…too quiet. It made him even more scared.
“Please, please help me,” Teenager whispered. “I’m sorry! Please, God, let me go home,” tears began rolling down his cheeks.
Even though the town wasn’t very far from her own, Mother had never been to Next Port. She could see the lights of the sleepy little town as she crested the hill. Slowing her speed as she entered the city limits, Mother realized she had no idea where to go. She hadn’t really made a plan; she was just determined to be there when everything went down.
Mother saw the church spire not too far away. The town was small enough that Mother had no trouble locating the church, but it appeared that everything was quiet and locked up. Not knowing what else to do, Mother drove around for a few minutes. She finally spotted the dock area and drove her car to a place just around the curve of the cove. She could see the dock area and had a clear view of the ocean; it was a good place to park. She didn’t want to alert anyone to her presence, so she quickly doused the lights on the car. She scanned the darkness and could make out that the ship had not yet docked. Not knowing what else to do, she decided to wait until the ship arrived. She pushed the seat back, ate a breakfast bar and sipped her coffee, and waited.
“Look,” Minister said, pointing.
Warrior and Seaman looked in the direction Minister was pointing. They could make out the silhouette of a small SUV as it slowly pulled up in an area across the way. The lights of the vehicle were turned off quickly, but no one got out.
“Bet that’s Mother,” Warrior said.
“Probably so,” Seaman replied.
“So what’s the plan, men?” asked Minister.
“Well,” Warrior replied, “Pastor told us to keep a look out for Teenager’s mom. He was certain she would show up early on her own; that’s why he sent us to you last night.”
“Any idea why she would come alone?” Minister inquired.
“She admits she’s not a believer in the One True Lord,” Seaman answered. “She was put out over her husband’s announcement about becoming a believer last night. She also got agitated during a conversation with Pastor’s Wife about the role of women. You could tell she was afraid she was going to be left out.”
“If that’s her,” Minister responded, “she doesn’t appear to be getting out of the car. Did Pastor instruct you what to do if she approaches?”
“I think we’ll just sit tight for now. Hopefully, if it is her, she’ll wait in the car out of danger at least until Pastor and the rest of the crew arrive. Everyone’s due to be here at the docks by 7 a.m.,” Warrior informed.
The men continued to sit and watch the SUV. They also continued to scan the water for any sign of the dark ship.
Father and Brother drove past the Welcome to Next Port sign at 6:30 a.m. Since Brother had been there the day before, he had no trouble directing Father to the docks. The car crunched gravel as it came to a stop near the area where Warrior, Seaman, and Minister were sitting.
Father and Brother got out of the car and greeted the other men.
“Looks like you made good time,” Seaman said.
“I’ll admit to speeding a bit,” Father said with a slight grin. “Just a bit anxious.”
“I’ll bet,” Warrior responded.
The men shook hands all around. The sky was beginning to get lighter even though the sun had not yet risen. The area was brightening as the darkness began to recede.
“Is that your wife’s car?” Warrior asked, pointing toward where the SUV was parked.
Brother and Father peered in the direction where Warrior was pointing. They could clearly see the vehicle but not the driver.
“Looks like it,” Father responded, “but can’t tell for sure in this light. Did anyone get out of the vehicle?”
“Nope,” Seaman said. “Appears whoever’s there is content to watch for now. The ship hasn’t arrived yet either.”
“Pastor and his wife should be here soon,” Brother said.
Just as he finished speaking, Pastor’s sedan pulled up beside Father’s car; Pastor and his wife immediately got out and headed to where the others were standing.
“Glad you guys all made it here safely,” Pastor said, shaking hands with the group.
After shaking hands with Minister, Pastor introduced his wife.
“Pleased to meet you, ma’am!” Minister replied. “A bit surprised you came, though; rough business dealing with these dark ships and their crew.”
“I’m here for her,” Pastor’s Wife responded, looking directly at the SUV parked across the way. “That’s her, isn’t it?”
“Definitely,” Father replied. “Now that the sun’s up a bit, I can tell that it’s Mother’s car.”
“What do we do now?” inquired Pastor’s Wife.
“We wait and pray,” Minister replied. “No action until the ship arrives at 9 a.m.”
“Is that the ship?” asked Pastor’s Wife, pointing seaward.
Everyone turned to look. There in the distance, a dark shape could barely be discerned on the water as it rounded the point. It appeared to be stationary, not moving at all, but there was something there.
“If that’s the ship,” Minister replied, “it’s early; it’s never been early before. Something’s up.”
Sitting in her car, Mother saw the arrival of her family, Pastor, and his wife. She was still undecided about what to do when she noticed the group pointing in the direction of the sea. Mother scanned the ocean and finally noticed a dark shape.
That must be the ship, Mother thought to herself. She still wasn’t sure what she should do. She decided to wait until the ship was nearer before she got out; she didn’t want anyone interfering with her being there.
On the ship, the captain was seething with rage. He had never encountered so much interference before. The young ape in the holding cell was covered in so much prayer that none of the crew could stand to go near the place. To relieve his anger, the captain had ordered the crew to drive the slaves below deck hard. He wanted to arrive early at the town of Next Port. The crew had gleefully obeyed and whipped the humans at the oars excessively. The humans had been staining doubly hard at the oars all night; the sea was calm, and the ship was arriving two hours ahead of schedule.
“You, get over here!” growled the captain pointing to the first mate.
“Aye, Cap!” replied the creature as he hustled his heavy frame as quickly as possible.
“We’re coming into that wretched town of Next Port shortly. I have work to do in town that will take some time. I want you to have that young ape in the holding cell below deck and in chains when I get back. Do I make myself clear?” said the captain with a look of rage on his face.
“Aye,” said the first mate timidly, “but, Cap, you knnnooowwww…that kid’s covered in so much prayer that we can’t go near the place.”
“No excuses!” snapped the captain. “Find a way, or I’ll have you chained up down there with them, understand!” the captain snarled at the first mate while pointing to the hold below deck.
The first mate didn’t respond; he stood there frozen, gripped with fear, not knowing what to do or say.
“Understand!” bellowed the captain right in the first mate’s face.
“Aye, aye, sir,” bleated the first mate as he saluted.
The captain whirled around, hands behind his back, and began to pace up and down the deck, his agitation level increasing with every turn.
Something’s wrong, the captain thought to himself. I can sense something’s up.
He needed guidance, so he slipped into his cabin to consider his options out of sight of the crew. He would have liked to consult the Dark Lord but was fearful of his wrath. He knew that if he bothered his eminence with something as petty as this, he would lose his head…literally!
As the group on the dock watched the ship grow closer, they decided to move out of sight into the building behind them.
“Let’s pray before the ship arrives,” Minister said.
The group moved into the building behind them. Standing together, they bowed their heads.
“Dear One True Lord,” Minister began, “we come to You today with expectant, hopeful hearts. We thank You for the victory we’re about to receive but ask that You cover everyone here and especially Teenager with Your mercy and grace.”
“Give us Your strength and wisdom,” prayed Pastor. “Send Your angels to form a hedge of protection around all of us.”
“Dearest Lord,” Pastor’s Wife said, “I sense that this is an unusual circumstance. You asked for my presence, Lord, so here I am. Use me, Lord, as You see fit. Give me courage to withstand the wiles of the enemy.”
“Lord, I haven’t been much on praying, as You know, but this isn’t about me; it’s about my son,” Father prayed with a hesitant tone in his voice. “Help us do whatever it is we need to do to rescue him out of the clutches of evil.”
“Amen, Lord,” Brother interjected.
“Lord, I seek Your specific guidance regarding Mother,” Pastor’s Wife continued. “Help me to know what to do for her, say to her, and how to guide her. Give her faith, peace, and wisdom. Transform and renew her mind so that she may hear and understand what You want her to hear. Help her to know how much You love her.”
“Amen,” the group voiced in unison.
“Lord,” Warrior began, “I ask You now to send a legion of angels to surround and protect all of us. I sense in my spirit that something is different this time. Something unexpected is about to happen, something dangerous; we need help beyond what we have.”
“Amen,” said the group.
“And, Lord,” Seaman joined in, “grant us Your peace that passes all understanding as we go through this time of uncertainty knowing that You have this in hand.”
“And let us not forget that all things will turn out for good because we love You,” Brother prayed. “But we love You only because You loved us first,” interjected Brother.
“Amen,” they said again in unison.
The group remained quiet for a few minutes, heads bowed, eyes closed.
In answer to their heartfelt prayers, a large group of angels was immediately dispatched from the throne room into the building where the believers were praying.
Suddenly, the dark room grew incredibly bright, and it wasn’t because the sun was coming up. No lights had been turned on in the building. This light was supernatural, spiritual, emanating from the throne angels that had recently been in the presence of the One True Lord.
The group of believers was standing still, heads bowed, eyes closed. Then, as each one began to feel the presence of the Lord in a powerful way, they lifted their heads and hands skyward, tears streaming from their eyes, hope and strength filling their souls, faces radiating with the love of the One True Lord.
Mother watched as the group left the dock and entered the building behind them. Now was her chance. She got out of the car and jogged quickly to the dock area. She looked around and saw no one else. It was early, but she knew other people would begin to arrive shortly. Still not knowing what to do, Mother walked around the building until she saw some windows. Peering in, she could see the group of believers praying.
“Ridiculous!” Mother snapped out loud to herself. “What do they hope to accomplish with that?”
Mother watched as each person talked in turns. Then, they all raised their heads and hands skyward, eyes closed. Mother noticed tears streaming down all the faces, even the faces of the burly bikers.
What is this? Mother asked herself. Some kind of mass hysteria or hypnosis?
Looking at the whole scene made her so uncomfortable that she couldn’t stand to be there anymore. Turning her back on the building, Mother looked around for somewhere else to be. She noticed what looked like a tavern across the way. It appeared to be open since a couple of people had entered the building. It had a large window that faced the ocean, and Mother felt she could sit there until the ship arrived. She quickly crossed the street and entered, noticing the sign Lucky’s Tavern above the door. In the dim light, Mother could make out a couple of people sitting at the bar.
“We ain’t open yet,” drawled a shaggy-looking man behind the bar.
“That’s okay,” Mother replied. “I’m just waiting for the ship that’s coming in. Is it okay if I just sit over there by the window?”
“Your choice,” slurred the man. “Only thing we got is some coffee…fifty cents if you want a cup.”
Mother looked around and determined that it probably wasn’t a sanitary place to drink a cup of coffee, so she politely declined. She settled herself into a table near the window and began to watch the dock.
Back in the building, the believers slowly dropped their hands one by one. Each felt as if they had been bathed in the glory of the One True Lord. It was an amazing experience, unlike anything any of them had ever experienced before.
Pastor’s Wife was the last one to lower her hands. She knew in her heart of hearts what she had to do. She reached over and tapped her husband on the shoulder and motioned for him to step away from the group.
“I don’t know why,” Pastor’s Wife said, “but I know that the Lord wants me to go to that bar across the street.”
“Doubt it’s open yet,” Pastor responded. “Why?”
“Have to go anyway, love…orders,” Pastor’s Wife said smiling sweetly.
“I’ll walk you over there,” said Pastor.
“No, no! Look at Father; he needs you,” Pastor’s Wife replied, nodding her head toward Father. “You can tell he’s shaken up; go to him. I’ll be fine.”
She kissed her husband on the cheek and left the building.
Pastor stood there and watched his wife cross the street and enter the tavern. When he was sure she was safe, he turned back to the group.
“Wow!” Brother finally let out a word. “What just happened?”
“Baptism in the Spirit and an answer to prayer,” Pastor replied with a smile that lit up his face.
“Wow again!” Brother responded.
Father was visibly shaking. The experience had overwhelmed him.
“I need to sit down,” Father said.
Seaman looked around and found a couple of burlap bags full of potatoes for Father to sit on.
“How ya doin’, man?” Seaman asked, placing his hand on Father’s shoulder.
“What just happened? What was that?” Father inquired.
“That,” Minister responded, “was a special gift directly from the One True Lord in answer to our prayers. Can you see what I see?”
Warrior and Seaman turned and looked around the room. There before their eyes was a heavenly host of mighty warrior angels filling the room.
Father looked up, his eyes bugged out, and his jaw dropped.
“What? Who? What?” Father babbled, pointing toward the angels.
Warrior, Seaman, Minister, and Brother started to chuckle under their breath.
“Angels, Dad,” Brother replied. “The mighty angels of the One True Lord!”
“You mean they’re real?” Father asked incredulously.
“More real than anything here,” Pastor replied.
“So what are they doing here?” Father asked.
One of the larger angels approached Minister and Pastor.
“Men of God,” spoke the angel, “my name is Strength. I am a throne angel of the One True Lord and the commander of this host of angels. We are here by the order of the One True Lord in answer to your prayers.”
“Humbled, sir. Honored and humbled,” Minister replied. “What do you suggest? Does the Lord have a word for us? What do we do?”
“We will disburse around the town; the main body of my group will remain here with you and your guardians,” Strength replied. “We will dim the Shekinah to prevent detection. The evil ship is nearly here; proceed with the plan you committed to the One True Lord, and He will make it fruitful.”
With the last statement, Strength turned on his heel and disbursed the heavenly host. Many of the angels remained and closed ranks behind the guardian angels of Minister, Pastor, Warrior, Seaman, Brother, and Father.
Father was still sitting on the burlap bags. He had about a million questions but knew now was not the time for a Sunday school lesson.
“Strength is right,” Warrior said, pointing toward the dock. “Look, the ship is almost here.”
Everyone turned to look at the window facing the water. There it was, the dark ship gleaming in the light of the new day. It needed only one more maneuver to come alongside the dock.
“Get ready, men,” Pastor replied.
The men watched as the boat slipped sideways and the oars snapped upward. A crewman leaped from the deck and snugged the boat with a rope to the horn cleat.
“Where’s the crowd?” Brother asked.
“We don’t get a big fanfare here like where you come from,” Minister replied. “People don’t get excited about these ships.”
After the boat was secure, the crewman boarded the ship again. They could see no other crew members.
“What now?” asked Father.
“We wait for the Lord’s go before we execute the plan,” Pastor replied.