
So many people have wittingly or unwittingly helped Stella and me. A massive THANK YOU to you all.


Caron Freeborn told me I could write.

The late Gordon Burn told me I could write better.

Patrick Gale suggested I put Stella into a novel.

April Moon let me borrow her name.

Janette Jenkins took me aside.

Laura Degnan said I could do it.

Sean O’Brien, Gail-Nina Anderson and Chaz Brenchley – Phantoms at the Phil.

Jackie Kay taught me, inspired me and has always believed in me – very special thanks for supplies of magic dust.

Olivia Chapman and Claire Malcolm at New Writing North, and the family of the late Andrea Badenoch, recognised Stella’s potential when she was only half formed. They gave me the award that changed my life. Their ongoing support has made all the difference.

Charles Boyle offered to read my scrappy first draft but in the end I didn’t need to inflict it on him: the fact that he offered was amazing.

Lucy Ellman and Todd McEwen: sharp critics, always encour-

The Literary Consultancy – Helen Gordon and Becky Swift – gave editorial feedback, believed Stella had commercial potential and helped me find my agent.

Helen Ivory said Stella had stayed with her even after the book was closed.

Peggy Hughes and Ali Bowden and everyone then at the Edinburgh UNESCO City of Literature picked me to be one of their Emerging Writers in 2013 and gave me the opportunity to read at the Edinburgh International Book Festival.

Everyone at the Scottish Book Trust was generous and inclusive and helpful and kind.

Russel McLean suggested parings and re-orderings and caused mild panic.

AL Kennedy said fear was the only enemy I needed to be afraid of.

My agent Jenny Brown, whose unwavering belief in Stella kept me going as I revised and bit my fingernails and revised some more.

Sara Hunt at Saraband who fell for Stella and who has been so brilliant to work with. A very, very special thank you Jenny and to Sara, my excellent editor, Louise Hutcheson, and all the team at Saraband.

My friends, all of you, fellow writers, real friends and Facebook friends, my teachers and mentors at the NCLA Newcastle University and Edinburgh University, who’ve been rooting for me all the way. You know who you are, and I’m so very grateful.

Finally, my partner Andrew, and my kids Poppy and Nico, who’ve always been there with their love and their support and only the occasional dollop of disapproval.

Thank you so much, everyone!