This book was hard, y’all, in part because I challenged myself to step outside my usual suspense shoes (only one hacking scene!) and in part because it’s so personal. But for all the hair pulling, cursing, coffee, and self-doubt that went into Medley, I’m very happy with how Bas and Jacob’s love story turned out. Special thanks to my agent, Laura Bradford, for her enthusiasm for this project, to Kristi for the editorial assistance, to Garrett and LC for the cover and layout, to Tera, Mirna and Anna for their beta reads, to my author support crew who worked overtime holding my hand with this one, and to Judith and Keyanna for making my hectic life a little less so. I owe you all a big, Dane-style Southern breakfast to show my appreciation. And finally, thank you, readers, for embracing Alex, Dane, Bas, and Jacob as they swam their way to love and gold. I hope you enjoyed the race with us!