Stewart Bird et al, Solidarity Forever: An Oral History of the Wobblies (London 1987)
Peter Carlson, Roughneck: The Life and Times of Big Bill Haywood (New York 1983)
Ralph Chaplin (Wobbly, Chicago 1948)
Eric Thomas Chester, The Wobblies in their Heyday (Santa Barbara 2014)
Peter Cole, Ben Fletcher: The Life and Times of a Black Wobbly (Chicago 2007)
Joseph Conlin, Bread and Roses Too, Westport (Conn 1969)
Joseph Conlin, Big Bill Haywood and the Radical Union Movement (New York 1969)
Ralph Darlington, Syndicalism and the Transition to Communism (Aldershot 2008)
Melvyn Dubofsky, Big Bill Haywood (Manchester 1987)
Melvyn Dubofsky, We Shall Be All (Chicago 1969)
Philip Foner, The Industrial Workers of the World 1905-1917 (New York 1973)
John Gambs, The Decline of the IWW (New York 1966)
Greg Hall, Harvest Wobblies (Corvallis 2001)
George Hardy, Those Stormy Years (London 1956)
Bill Haywood, Autobiography (New York 1969)
Joyce Kornbluh, Rebel Voices: An IWW Anthology (Chicago 1988)
John Newsinger, Fighting Back: The American Working Class in the 1930s (London 2012)
John Newsinger, On the Picket Line with the IWW: The Revolutionary Journalism of Big Bill Haywood (London 2016)
Bryan Palmer, James Cannon and the Origins of the American Revolutionary Left (Urbana 2007)
Carl Reeve and Ann Barton Reeve, James Connolly and the United States (New Jersey 1978)
Franklin Rosemont, Joe Hill, the IWW and the Making of a Revolutionary Counterculture (Chicago 2003)
Allen Ruff, ‘We Called Each Other Comrade’: Charles H Kerr and Company, Radical Publishers (Urbana 1997)
Salvatore Salerno, Red November, Black November: Culture and Community in the Industrial Workers of the World (New York 1989)
Nigel Sellars, Oil, Wheat and Wobblies (Norman 1998)
Fred Thompson and Jon Bekken, The IWW: Its First One Hundred Years (Cincinnati 2006)