The third volume of this anthology series arrives into a time of constantly changing travel and border restrictions. While the rest of the world opens up, Aotearoa and our neighbours across the ditch are more likely to be transported on the wings of imagination than via more literal means.
Fortunate, then, that the barriers to sharing the written and spoken word are so low even as we get such a clear reminder of the physical barrier of distance. Far from being cut off from the rest of the SFF world, writers from Aotearoa continue to share their words and worlds around the globe. The stories in this anthology are only a small selection of the incredible writing from local authors over the past year, published online and in print in venues that range from traditional anthologies to Instagram Live storytelling events.
This is the longest of these anthologies yet, and this is the shortest introduction. These stories have been around the world and come back home – I’ll let them speak for themselves.