Chapter 17


Darynn wouldn’t take her eyes off of her as they both stood in the kitchen, Anna sipping hot tea from a cream-colored mug. The slender fingers of both hands wrapped about it, the painted nails slipping under the chipped handle.

“What in blue fuck are you doing here, Shaw?”

Anna glanced across the room, toward the naked, sleeping man sprawled across her couch. “It’s been a while. Maybe I should check on him.”

Darynn snorted. “It’s his first time dealing with endorphins. First timers always sleep — sometimes they even cry. Perfectly normal — even for a twisted fuck like him.”

Anna’s gaze snapped back to the blonde. “You could try dredging up a tiny bit of warmth once in a while, Hauser.”

“Warmth is boring. Besides, they don’t want warmth.”

“Maybe not the men you work with — but I’m not like you.”

“Thank God for small favors.”

“Bitch.” Anna shook her head, sipping again to suppress her smile.

Darynn undid her apron, slapping it down on the counter. “I can’t believe I actually wore that.”

“You looked cute in it. Very domestic.”

“I’d get excited about that if I knew you liked girls.” She planted her palms upon the counter’s edge at either side. “But since you don’t, I’m going to assume you’re a being smartass.”

“You’re a perceptive one, for a jarhead.”

“Count on it,” Darynn snapped, jerking her head in the direction of the slumbering Quinton. “What are you going to do with him? Does Corddray know?”

“Know what?”

She knew exactly what the tough woman meant. There was serious trouble brewing here if she weren’t careful.

But Anna was paid to be careful. Among other things.

“Don’t play stupid with me, Anna. You and I both know Grayson would shit bricks sideways if he knew you were… doing what you’re doing.”

“What is that, by the way?”

The tall woman scowled at her. “You’re really playing coy today, aren’t you? You wanna sit here and tell me you’re not considering taking him on?”

“He’s already mine, Darynn. I know it. He knows it.”

“But is that what you planned all along? Or is this a continual series of what-the-fuck-do-I-do-now contingencies? In my unit, our non-coms called that ‘field improvising’. Grunts like us just called it FUBAR.”

Anna sipped her tea, her ear listening for any stirring from the living room. “He needs to be shown what his new life is — now that he’s not rotting in that cell down there.”

“He’s gonna wish he was back in that cell, if I know Anna Shaw.”

She smiled at Darynn. “Part of him might. I’m not sure about the rest of him though.”

“His little erection was… interesting. I’d never imagined he’d be at all into this.”

“He doesn’t have much choice but to find out, does he?” Anna set her mug down on the counter, stretching her arms over her head. The tension in her own limbs was almost unbearable — a combination of extreme anticipation, and a vague sense of unease.

You’re right to be uneasy. This is uncharted waters for more than just Quinton Trask.

“Last time I checked, forcing a man to submit didn’t mean he was going to enjoy it.”

“Sometimes men need to be led to the truth — even if they don’t want to see it.”

“Where are you… going to…?” Darynn’s sculpted brow arched.

“I could use… his room.”

Saying the words was, oddly, a lot easier than thinking them. She’d hardly even entered the room, much less used it after Greg. She’d shut it out, locked it down — just as she had her own heart. It was easier, cleaner that way. A symbolic turning of the page.

Not to mention a way to protect a certain person’s heart.

“Jesus, you haven’t thought this through, have you?” Darynn looked down with a dramatic sigh. “I’m gonna have to bail her ass out again, aren’t I?”

“You’ve never once bailed me out — more like made things more complicated.”

“You keep on telling yourself that, Shaw,” Darynn muttered, pushing herself away from the counter. “I’ll go get it ready. Everything in the same places?”

Anna stared out toward the living room. Quinton was still motionless. Thankfully.

“Let’s get the display stand set up first — we’ll need the roll-around cart too.”

“Razor then?” Darynn’s eyes glittered, her lips suddenly moist.

“The whole kit. I want to be ready, whatever comes.”

“You mean whoever comes.”

Anna luxuriated in the shiver that coursed down her spine, her nipples suddenly tightening.

“Trust me. He’s not going to be coming anytime soon. Not unless he’s a very, very good boy.”

Darynn padded toward the hallway, muttering under breath. “Thank God the real Anna Shaw finally decided to show up.”