Bible Concordance



Php. 4:12 I know . . . how to be a-ed


Gen. 8:3 the waters were a


Mark 14:36 and he said, A, Father

Rom. 8:15 whereby we cry, A, Father

Gal. 4:6 crying, A, Father


Job 19:19 friends a-ed me

Ps. 119:163 I hate and a lying

Prov. 24:24 nations shall a him

Rom. 12:9 a that which is evil

Abide (see also Abode)

Ps. 15:1 shall a in thy tabernacle

Ps. 91:1 shall a under the shadow

Eccl. 1:4 the earth a-eth forever

Mal. 3:2 a the day of his coming

Luke 2:8 shepherds a-ing

Luke 19:5 I must a at thy house

John 3:36 wrath of God a-eth

John 5:38 have not his word a-ing

John 8:35 the Son a-eth forever

John 15:4 A in me, and I in you

1 Pet. 1:23 liveth and a-eth forever


Ezra 2:69 gave after their a

Acts 11:29 man according to his a

1 Pet. 4:11 a which God giveth


Deut. 16:17 man shall give as he is a

1 Kings 3:9 who is a to judge

Matt. 3:9 God is a of these stones

Matt. 9:28 believe ye that I am a

Matt. 20:22 a to drink of the cup

1 Cor. 10:13 above that ye are a

2 Cor. 3:6 made us a ministers

Php. 3:21 a even to subdue all

2 Tim. 2:2 a to teach others also

James 4:12 a to save and to destroy

Jude 24 a to keep you from falling

Rev. 5:3 a to open the book

Rev. 6:17 who shall be a to stand

Abode (see also Abide)

Deut. 9:9 a in the mount forty days

John 1:32 it a upon him

John 8:44 a not in the truth

John 14:23 make our a with him


Gal. 2:15 a in his flesh the enmity

2 Tim. 1:10 who hath a death


Deut. 14:3 not eat any a thing

Ps. 14:1 have done a works

Ps. 53:1 done a iniquity

Jer. 44:4 this a thing that I hate

1 Pet. 4:3 walked in . . . a idolatries


Exod. 8:26 the a of the Egyptians

Deut. 7:26 bring an a . . . house

Deut. 29:17 their a-s, and their idols

Ps. 88:8 hast made me an a

Prov. 8:7 wickedness is an a

Jer. 4:1 put away thine a-s

Ezekiel. 33:29 because of all their a-s

Dan. 12:11 a that maketh desolate

Luke 16:15 is a in the sight of God

Rev. 17:5 mother of harlots and a-s


1 Cor. 15:58 a-ing in the work of the

2 Cor. 1:5 sufferings of Christ a

Php. 4:12 abased, and . . . how to a

1 Thess. 4:1 a more and more


Col. 3:2 Set your affection on things a


Born Abram son of Terah in Ur, Mesopotamia; married Sarai, then lived in Haran (Gen. 11:31; Acts 7:2-4). Called to Canaan and given a promise of progeny and prosperity (Gen. 12:1-3). Lied to Pharaoh in Egypt about Sarai (12:10-20). Separated from his nephew Lot (Gen. 13). Rescued Lot (14:1-16) and was blessed by Melchizedek (14:17-20; Heb. 7:1-10). God declared him righteous because of his faith (Gen. 15:6; Rom. 4:3,20-22; Gal. 3:6; James 2:23).

Fathered Ishmael by Hagar (Gen. 16). Name changed (17:5); circumcised (17:9-27; Rom. 4:9-12). Visited by angels (Gen. 18); promised a son with Sarah (18:9-14; cp. 17:15-19). Lied to Abimelech in Gerar about Sarah (Gen. 20). Fathered Isaac (21:1-7). Sent Hagar away at Sarah's request (21:8-14). Tested by God concerning Isaac (Gen. 22; Heb. 11:17-19; James 2:21-24). Buried Sarah at Machpelah (Gen. 23). Sent servant to find wife for Isaac (24:1-9). Died and was buried with Sarah (25:7-11).

God promised a covenant with Abraham, then made it and confirmed it (Gen. 12:1-3; 13:14-17; 15; 17; 22:15-18). It was the basis of future blessings for many people (Exod. 2:24; Lev. 26:42; 2 Kings 13:23; Ps. 105:6-11; Acts 3:25).


1 Cor. 5:3 a in body, but present

2 Cor. 5:6 a from the Lord

2 Cor. 5:8 a from the body

2 Cor. 10:1 a am bold toward you


Acts 15:20 a from pollutions

1 Tim. 4:3 a from meats

1 Pet. 2:11 a from fleshly lusts


Ps. 52:7 trusted in the a of his riches

Matt. 12:34 out of the a of the heart

Matt. 13:12 he shall have more a

Mark 12:44 did cast in of their a

Luke 12:15 consisteth not in the a

Rom. 5:17 receive a of grace

2 Cor. 12:7 the a of the revelations


Exod. 34:6 a in goodness and truth


Deut. 33:11 a the work of his hands

Job 13:8 will ye a his person

Prov. 18:5 not good to a the wicked

Luke 4:24 no prophet is a-ed

Rom. 15:31 be a-ed of the saints

2 Cor. 6:2 now is the a-ed time

1 Tim. 1:15 worthy of all a-ation


Ps. 69:13 an a time

Isa. 61:2 proclaim the a year

Gal. 5:10 proving what is a

Php. 4:18 a sacrifice a

1 Tim. 2:3 this is good and a


Prov. 13:19 the desire a is sweet

Luke 1:23 of his ministration were a

John 19:28 all things are now a


Josh. 9:2 to fight . . . with one a

Acts 1:14 continued with one a

Php. 2:2 being of one a, of one mind


Matt. 27:37 over his head his a

John 18:29 What a bring ye against


Prov. 30:10 A not a servant

John 5:45 I will a you to the Father

Titus 1:6 children not a-d of riot


Ps. 32:5 I a-d my sin

Ps. 51:3 I a my transgressions

Prov. 3:6 In all thy ways a him

1 John 2:23 he that a-th the Son


First man. Created by God (Gen. 1:26-27; 2:7). Named animals (2:18-20). Given Eve (2:21-25). Failed to obey and was evicted (1:15-17; 3:6-24; Rom. 5:14; 1 Cor. 15:22). Died at 930 years (Gen. 5:3-5).


Deut. 4:2 not a unto the word

Isa. 30:1 a sin to sin

Matt. 6:27 can a one cubit

Luke 12:31 shall be a-ed unto you

2 Pet. 1:5 a to your faith virtue

Rev. 22:18 any man . . . a unto these


Ps. 58:4 are like the deaf a

Ps. 91:13 tread upon the lion and a


1 Cor. 12:5 are differences of a-s

2 Cor. 9:12 For the a of this service


Rom. 15:14 a one another

Col. 3:16 a-ing one another

2 Thess. 3:15 a him as a brother


1 Cor. 10:11 written for our a

Gal. 6:4 in the nurture and a


Rom. 8:15 received the spirit of a

Rom. 8:23 waiting for the a

Rom. 9:4 pertaineth the a

Gal. 4:5 receive the a of sons


Isa. 61:10 as a bride a-eth herself

1 Tim. 2:9 women a themselves in

1 Pet. 3:3 a-ing . . . outward a-ing


Exod. 20:14 Thou shalt not commit a

Deut. 5:18 Neither . . . commit a

Matt. 5:28 committed a with her

James 2:11 Do not commit a


Rom. 3:1 a then hath the Jew

2 Cor. 2:11 Satan should get an a


Exod. 23:22 an a unto thine a-ies

Matt. 5:25 Agree with thine a

Php. 1:28 terrified by your a-ies

1 Pet. 5:8 because your a the devil


2 Sam. 4:9 my soul out of all a

Prov. 17:17 brother is born for a


1 John 2:1 a with the father, Jesus


Jer. 23:23 and not a God a off

Matt. 26:58 Peter followed him a off


Col. 3:5 inordinate a

2 Tim. 3:3 Without natural a


Ps. 82:3 justice to the a-ed

Isa. 63:9 in . . . affliction he was a-ed

Nah. 1:12 I will a thee no more

James 5:13 is any among you a-ed


Gen. 29:32 hath looked upon my a

Gen. 31:42 God hath seen mine a

Deut. 16:3 even the bread of a

Job 10:15 see thou mine a

Job 30:16 days of a have taken hold

Ps. 25:18 Look upon mine a

Isa. 48:10 in the furnace of a

Acts 20:23 bonds and a-s abide me

2 Cor. 2:4 out of much a . . . I wrote

Php. 1:16 to add a to my bonds


Gen. 3:10 a because I was naked

Lev. 26:6 none shall make you a

Josh. 11:6 be not a because of them

Job 9:28 I am a of all my sorrows

Ps. 27:1 of whom shall I be a

Ps. 91:5 a for the terror by night

Isa. 51:12 be a of a man that shall die

Jer. 2:12 be horribly a

Mark 5:36 Be not a, only believe

Mark 9:32 and were a to ask him

Luke 12:4 a of them that kill

2 Pet. 2:10 are not a to speak evil


Heb. 6:6 crucify . . . Son of God a


Job 12:20 understanding of the a

Job 32:9 neither do the a understand

Titus 2:2, 3 a men be sober . . . a women


Matt. 5:25 A with thine adversary

Matt. 18:19 if two of you shall a

1 John 5:8 and these three a in one


Gen. 1:26, 28 fowl of the a

Job 41:16 no a can come between

Prov. 30:19 way of an eagle in the a

1 Cor. 9:26 as one that beateth the a

1 Cor. 14:9 ye shall speak into the a

Gal. 2:2 prince of the power of the a

1 Thess. 4:17 meet the Lord in the a


Exod. 18:3 a in a strange land

Deut. 14:21 mayest sell it unto an a

Job 19:15 I am an a in their sight

Gal. 2:12 a-s from the commonwealth


Gal. 4:18 a from the life of God

Col. 1:21 that were sometimes a


Deut. 32:39 I kill, and I make a

Luke 15:24 son was dead, and is a

Acts 1:3 shewed himself a

Rom. 6:13 a from dead

1 Cor. 15:22 in Christ shall all be made a

Rev. 1:18 I am a for evermore


Gal. 4:24 which things are an a


Gen. 17:1 I am the A God

Ps. 91:1 shadow of the A

Rev. 11:17 Lord God A, which art


Matt. 6:1 do not your a before men

Luke 12:33 Sell . . . and give a

Acts 10:2 which gave much a


Gen. 2:18 not good that the man should be a

Matt. 4:4 man shall not live by bread a


Ezekiel. 6:4 your a-s shall be desolate

Matt. 5:23 bring thy gift to the a

Matt. 23:19 the gift, or the a

Rev. 9:13 four horns of the golden a


Ezra 6:11 a this word . . . let him be hanged

Luke 9:29 fashion of his countenance was a-ed

Alway, Always

Gen. 6:3 my spirit shall not a strive

Deut. 14:23 fear the Lord thy God a

Matt. 28:20 lo, I am with you a

Mark 14:7 me ye have not a


Exod. 3:14 I A that I A

John 8:58 Before Abraham was, I a

1 Cor. 15:10 I a what I a

Gal. 4:12 be as I a


Rev. 3:14 These things saith the A


Dan. 7:9, 13, 22 A of days


Gen. 24:7 send his a before thee

Luke 20:36 equal unto the a-s

John 20:12 two a-s in white sitting

Acts 6:15 as . . . the face of an a

Acts 23:8 no resurrection, neither a

2 Cor. 11:14 into an a of light

Col. 2:18 and worshipping of a-s

Heb. 13:2 entertained a-s unawares

2 Pet. 2:4 God spared not the a-s

Rev. 2:1, 8, 12 a of the church


Neh. 9:17; Prov. 15:18 slow to a

Jer. 23:20 a of the Lord shall not return, until

Ps. 30:5 a endureth but a moment

Ps. 37:8 cease from a

Col. 3:21 provoke not . . . children to a


Gen. 18:30 let not the Lord be a

Prov. 14:17 he that is soon a

Prov. 29:22 a man stirreth up strife

Jon. 4:4 Doest thou well to be a

Matt. 5:22 is a with his brother

Gal. 4:26 Be ye a, and sin not


Ps. 23:5 thou a-est my head with oil

Ps. 105:15 touch not mine a-ed

Matt. 6:17 when thou fastest, a thine head

Mark 14:8 come to a my body

Luke 7:46 woman hath a-ed my feet

Acts 10:38 God a-ed Jesus


Prov. 15:1 a soft a turneth away

Prov. 26:4, 5 A not a fool . . . A a fool

Eccl. 10:19 money a-eth all things

Luke 2:47 astonished at his . . . a-s

Col. 4:6 how ye ought to a

1 Pet. 3:15 ready . . . to give an a

1 Pet. 3:21 the a of a good conscience


Prov. 6:6 Go to the a, thou sluggard

Prov. 30:25 The a-s are a people


1 John 2:18, 22 a shall come . . . He is a

1 John 4:3 this is that spirit of a

2 John 7 a deceiver and an a


Matt. 10:2 names of the twelve a-s

Luke 11:49 prophets and a-s

Rom. 1:1 called to be an a

Rom. 11:13 a of the Gentiles

Gal. 1:19 other of the a-s saw I none

Gal. 4:11 he gave some, a-s

1 Tim. 2:7; 2 Tim. 1:11 and an a


1 Tim. 2:9 in modest a

James 2:2 gold ring, in goodly a

1 Pet. 3:3 of putting on of a


Deut. 32:10; Ps. 17:8 a of his eye

Prov. 25:11 a-s of gold in pictures


Ps. 79:11 those that are a-ed to die

1 Thess. 5:9 not a-ed us to wrath

Heb. 9:27 a-ed unto men once to die


Acts 2:22 a man a of God

Rom. 14:18 acceptable . . . a of men

2 Tim. 2:15 shew thyself a


1 Thess. 4:16 with the voice of the a

Jude 9 Michael the a,


Gen. 6:14 an a of gopher wood

Exod. 2:3 took for him an a of bulrushes

Exod. 37:1 made the a of shittim wood

Matt. 24:38 Noe entered into the a

Rev. 11:19 the a of his testament


Rom. 13:12 put on the a of light

Gal. 6:11, 13 the whole a of God


Ps. 24:3 who shall a into the hill of

Ps. 139:8 If I a up into heaven

John 3:13 no man hath a-ed

John 6:62 see the son of man a up

John 20:17 I a unto my Father

Rom. 10:6 Who shall a into heaven


Gen. 2:25 and were not a

Ps. 25:2 let me not be a

Isa. 24:23 and the sun a

Mark 8:38 shall the Son of man be a

Rom. 1:16 not a of the gospel

2 Tim. 1:8 not . . . a of the testimony

Heb. 11:16 not a to be called their God


Gen. 18:27 which am but dust and a

Job 42:6 repent in dust and a

Ps. 102:9 I have eaten a like bread

Matt. 11:21 repented . . . in sackcloth and a

Heb. 9:13 a of an heifer sprinkling the unclean


Ps. 2:8 A of me, and I shall give

Isa. 7:11 A thee a sign of the Lord

Matt. 5:42 Give to him that a-eth

Matt. 7:7 A and it shall be given you

Matt. 21:22 whatsoever ye shall a

Luke 11:11 If a son shall a bread

John 14:14 a any thing in my name

James 1:5 lack wisdom, let him a


Mark 4:38 hinder part of the ship, a

Mark 14:40 found them a again

Acts 7:60 he had said this, he fell a

1 Cor. 15:6 but some are fallen a

1 Thess. 4:13, 15 them which are a


Num. 22:30 am not I thine a

Zech. 9:9; Matt. 21:5 riding . . . an a

Matt. 21:2 ye shall find an a tied


Lev. 23:36 it is a solemn a

Ps. 111:1 a of the upright


Col. 2:2 full a of understanding

Heb. 6:11 full a of hope unto the end

Heb. 10:22 full a of faith, having our


Ps. 119:176 gone a like a lost sheep

Isa. 53:6 like sheep have gone a

Matt. 18:13 and nine . . .went not a

1 Pet. 2:25 as sheep going a


Lev. 23:27; 25:9 a day of a

Rom. 5:11 now received the a


1 Cor. 14:33 not the a of confusion

Heb. 5:9 the a of eternal salvation

Heb. 12:2 a and finisher of our faith


Matt. 7:29 taught them as one having a

Matt. 8:9 For I am a man under a

Matt. 21:23 By what a doest thou

Luke 20:8 by what a I do these

1 Tim. 2:12 to usurp a over the man

Titus 2:15 rebuke with all a


Gal. 5:6 neither circumcision a any

James 5:16 prayer of a righteous man a much


Jer. 5:9, 29 shall not my soul be a-d

Luke 18:3 A me of mine adversary

Rom. 12:19 a not yourselves

Rev. 18:20 God hath a-d you


2 Kings 6:5 a head fell into the water

Luke 3:9 the a is laid unto the root



Ps. 8:2 out of the mouth of b-s

Matt. 11:25 revealed them unto b-s

Luke 1:41, 44 the b leaped

1 Pet. 2:2 As newborn b-s


Prov. 19:29 stripes for the b of fools

Isa. 50:6 I gave my b to the smiters

Luke 9:62 man . . . looking b is fit


Prov. 25:23 a b-ing tongue

Rom. 1:30 B-rs, haters of God

2 Cor. 12:20 strifes, b-ings


Prov. 14:14 the b-r in heart shall be

Jer. 3:14 Turn, O b-ing children

Jer. 31:22 O thou b-ing daughter

Hos. 14:4 I will heal their b-ing


Lev. 19:36 Just b-s, just weights

Job 31:6 weighed in an even b

Prov. 11:1; 20:23 a false b

Rev. 6:5 a pair of b-s in his hand


Jer. 8:22 Is there no b in Gilead


Judg. 15:14 his b loosed from off

Ps. 2:3 break their b asunder

Isa. 58:6 loose the b of wickedness

Luke 8:29 he brake the b


Matt. 21:25 The b of John

Mark 1:4 b of repentance

Rom. 6:4 buried with him by b

Gal. 4:5 one Lord, one faith, one b

1 Pet. 3:21 b doth now also save

Baptize (see also Baptized)

Matt. 3:11; Mark 1:8; Luke 3:16 b you with water . . . b with the Holy Ghost

John 1:33 b-th with the Holy Ghost

John 3:26 the same b-th, and all men

1 Cor. 1:17 Christ sent me not to b

Baptized (see also Baptize)

Matt. 3:13 to be b of him

Matt. 20:22 that I am b with

Mark 1:8 have b you with water

Luke 3:21 all the people were b

John 4:2 Jesus himself b not

Acts 1:5 b with the Holy Ghost

Acts 2:38 be b every one of you

Acts 8:36 hinder me to be b

Acts 18:8 believed, and were b

Rom. 6:3 b into Jesus Christ

1 Cor. 1:13 b in the name of Paul

1 Cor. 10:2 b unto Moses

1 Cor. 15:29 are b for the dead

Gal. 3:27 b into Christ


Matt. 6:26 reap, nor gather into b-s

Luke 12:18 pull down my b-s


Gen. 11:30 Sarai was b

Gen. 29:31 Rachel was b

1 Sam. 2:5 the b hath born seven

Luke 23:29 Blessed are the b

2 Pet. 1:8 neither be b nor unfruitful


2 Sam. 6:22 be b in mine own sight

Acts 17:5 lewd fellows of b-r sort

1 Cor. 1:28 b things of the world


Matt. 14:20 remained twelve b-s full

Acts 9:25 let him down . . . in a b

2 Cor. 11:33 b was I let down


Wife of Uriah the Hittite. David committed adultery with her, then married her (2 Sam. 11). Solomon's mother (2 Sam. 12; 1 Kings 1–2).


1 Sam. 17:47 the b is the Lord's

Ps. 18:39 strength unto the b

Ps. 24:8 Lord mighty in b

Eccl. 9:11 nor the b to the strong

Jer. 50:22 sound of b is in the land

Rev. 9:9 horses running to b


Matt. 7:5 cast out the b out of

Bear (n)

2 Kings 2:24 two she b-s

Prov. 17:12 b robbed of her whelps

Isa. 11:7 cow and the b shall feed

Rev. 13:2 feet were as the feet of a b

Bear (v)

Gen. 4:13 greater than I can b

Exod. 20:16 shalt not b false witness

Ps. 91:12 b thee up in their hands

Prov. 18:14 spirit who can b

Matt. 27:32 compelled to b his cross

John 1:7 to b witness of the Light

John 5:31 b witness of myself

John 15:27 ye also shall b witness

Rom. 15:1 b the infirmities of the weak

1 Cor. 13:7 B-eth all things

Gal. 6:2 B ye one another's burdens

Heb. 9:28 b the sins of many


Ps. 73:22 I was as a b

Dan. 4:32 thy dwelling shall be with the b-s

Luke 10:34 set him on his own b


Isa. 52:7 How b upon the mountains

Rom. 10:15 How b are the feet


1 Chron. 16:29 worship the Lord in the b

Ps. 29:2 in the b of holiness

Prov. 20:29 b of old men


1 Chron. 5:1 defiled his father's b

Ps. 63:6 remember thee upon my b

Prov. 7:17 perfumed my b

Isa. 28:20 b is shorter than a man

Matt. 9:6 take up thy b

Mark 4:21 candle . . . under a b

Luke 11:7 children are with me in b

Heb. 13:4 and the b undefiled

Rev. 2:22 cast her into a b


Gen. 1:1 In the b God created

Ps. 111:10; Prov. 9:10 fear of the Lord is the b

Eccl. 7:8 the end . . . than the b

Mark 1:1 The b of the gospel

John 1:1 b was the Word

Rev. 21:6 the b and the end


Ps. 2:7 this day have I b thee

Acts 13:33 my Son . . . have I b thee

John 1:18 the only b Son


Gen. 3:13 The serpent b-d me

2 Cor. 11:3 serpent b-d Eve

Col. 2:4 lest any man should b you

2 Pet. 2:14 b-ing unstable souls


Gen. 15:6 he b-d in the Lord

Matt. 8:13 as thou hast b-d, so be it

Matt. 9:28 B ye that I am able

Matt. 21:22 in prayer, b-ing

Mark 9:24 Lord, I b; help thou mine

Mark 15:32 we may see and b

John 3:18 that b-th on him is not

John 9:35 b on the Son of God

John 11:25 he that b-th in me

John 14:1 ye b in God, b also in me

John 16:31 Do ye now b

Rom. 4:24 b on . . . that raised up Jesus

Rom. 6:8 we b that we shall also live

Rom. 10:16 who hath b-d our report

1 Cor. 13:7 Beareth all things, b-th

Gal. 2:16 even we have b-d in Jesus

1 Thess. 4:14 If we b that Jesus died

James 2:23 Abraham b-d God

1 John 5:1 Whosoever b-th that Jesus

1 John 5:10 b-th on the Son of God


Gen. 3:14 upon thy b shalt thou go

Judg. 3:21 thrust it into his b

Job 15:2 fill his b with the east wind

Prov. 18:20 b shall be satisfied

Jon. 1:17 Jonah was in the b of

Luke 15:16 fain have filled his b

Rom. 16:18 serve . . . their own b

Php. 3:19 whose God is their b


Ps. 127:2 he giveth his b sleep

Isa. 5:1 a song of my b

Matt. 3:17 This is my b Son

Matt. 12:18 my b, in whom my soul

Col. 3:12 elect of God, holy and b


Ps. 103:2 and forget not all his b-s


1 Cor. 13:3 though I b all my goods

1 John 3:1 manner of love . . . hath b-ed


Matt. 26:21 one of you shall b me

Matt. 27:4 b-ed the innocent blood

Mark 13:12 brother shall b the brother

John 18:2 Judas also, which b-ed him

1 Cor. 11:23 night in which he was b-ed


1 Sam. 15:22 obey is b than sacrifice

Ps. 118:8, 9 b to trust in the Lord

Prov. 8:11 wisdom is b than rubies

Prov. 17:1 B is a dry morsel

Eccl. 7:1 A good name is b than

SS. 1:2 love is b than wine

Matt. 6:26 Are ye not much b than

Matt. 18:8 b for thee to enter into life

Mark 9:42 b for him that a millstone

1 Cor. 7:9 b to marry

Heb. 8:6 a b covenant . . . b promises

Heb. 11:35 a b resurrection


Deut. 6:12 b lest thou forget the Lord

Matt. 7:15 B of false prophets

Mark 8:15 b of the leaven

Mark 12:38 B of the scribes

Luke 12:15 b of covetousness

Php. 3:2 B of dogs, b of evil workers

Col. 2:8 B lest any man spoil you


Job 28:11 b-eth the floods

Prov. 3:3 b them about thy neck

Matt. 16:19; 18:18 b on earth shall be bound

Mark 5:3 no man could b him


Gen. 7:14 every b of every sort

Deut. 14:11 all clean b-s ye shall eat

Ps. 11:1 Flee as a b to your

Ps. 124:7 b out of the snare of the

Isa. 16:2 b cast out of the nest

Hos. 9:11 shall fly away like a b

Matt. 8:20 b-s of the air have nests


Job 3:16 untimely b I had not been

Eccl. 7:1 than the day of one's b

Luke 1:14 rejoice at his b

John 9:1 blind from his b


Gen. 25:31 Sell me this day thy b

Heb. 12:16 for . . . meat sold his b


1 Tim. 3:2 b then must be blameless

1 Pet. 2:25 Shepherd and B of your


Exod. 12:8 b herbs they shall eat

Prov. 5:4 b as wormwood

Isa. 5:20 b for sweet . . . sweet for b

Matt. 26:75 went out and wept b-ly

James 3:14 b envying and strife


1 Sam. 15:32 b of death is past

Gal. 4:31 all b, and wrath,

Heb. 12:15 lest any root of b


Gen. 43:9 bear the b for ever

2 Cor. 6:3 the ministry be not b-d


Gen. 44:10 ye shall be b

1 Cor. 1:8 b in the day of our Lord

1 Thess. 5:23 soul and body . . . b

Titus 1:7 a bishop must be b

2 Pet. 3:14 without spot, and b


Lev. 24:16 b-th the name of the Lord

Matt. 9:3 This man b-th

Mark 3:29 b against the Holy Ghost

Acts 6:11 heard him speak b-ous

Rev. 16:9 b the name of God


Matt. 12:31 All manner of sin and b

Matt. 26:65 ye have heard his b

Mark 7:22 evil eye, b, pride

Col. 3:8 wrath, malice, b


Exod. 12:5 lamb shall be without b

Eph. 5:27 should be holy and without b

1 Pet. 1:19 a lamb without b

Bless (see also Blessed, Blessing)

Gen. 1:22 And God b-ed them

Gen. 12:2 I will b thee and make thy

2 Sam. 7:29 please thee to b the house

Ps. 103:1 B the Lord, O my soul

Matt. 5:44 b them that curse you

Mark 14:22 Jesus took bread and b-ed

1 Cor. 10:16 cup of b-ing which we b

James 3:9 Therewith b we God

Blessed (adj)

Job 1:21 b be the name of the Lord

Prov. 31:28 children . . . call her b

Matt. 5:3-10 B are the (they)

Luke 1:48 generations shall call me b

John 12:13 B is the King

Titus 2:13 Looking for that b hope

Rev. 14:13 B are the dead


Gen. 12:2 thou shalt be a b

Gen. 27:36 taken away my b

Deut. 11:26 set before you . . . a b

Prov. 10:6 B-s are upon the head of

Ezekiel. 34:26 showers of b

Mal. 3:10 pour you out a b

Gal. 1:3 spiritual b-s in heavenly

1 Pet. 3:9 ye should inherit a b

Rev. 5:13 B, and honour, . . . be unto him

Blind (see also Blindness)

Deut. 16:19 doth b the eyes of the wise

Job 29:15 I was eyes to the b

John 9:2 who did sin . . . that he was born b

John 12:40 He hath b-ed their eyes

Rom. 2:19 a guide to the b

2 Cor. 3:14 their minds were b-ed

1 John 2:11 darkness hath b-ed his eyes


2 Kings 6:18 Smite this people . . . with b

Rom. 11:25 b in part is happened

Gal. 4:18 the b of their heart


Gen. 4:10 voice of thy brother's b

Gen. 9:6 sheddeth man's b . . . his b

Gen. 49:11 in the b of grapes

Ps. 51:14 Deliver me from b-guiltiness

Isa. 1:15 your hands are full of b

Ezekiel. 33:4 b shall be upon his own head

Matt. 16:17 flesh and b hath not

Matt. 26:28 my b . . . new testament

John 6:53 Except ye . . . drink his b

John 6:55 my b is drink indeed

Acts 17:26 made of one b all nations

Acts 20:28 purchased with his own b

Rom. 3:25 through faith in his b

Rom. 5:9 justified by his b

1 Cor. 15:50 and b cannot inherit

Gal. 1:7 redemption through his b

Heb. 9:22 without shedding of b is no

1 John 1:7 b of Jesus Christ

1 John 5:6 but by water and b

Rev. 7:14 white in the b of the Lamb


Exod. 32:33 b out of my book

Ps. 51:1 b out my transgressions

Isa. 43:25 I am he that b-teth out

Jer. 18:23 b out their sin


Ps. 44:8 In God we b

Prov. 27:1 B not thyself of to morrow

Isa. 10:15 Shall the axe b itself

James 4:16 ye rejoice in your b-ings


Job 19:26 worms destroy this b

Matt. 6:22 light of the b is the eye

Matt. 26:26 Take, eat; this is my b

Matt. 27:58 begged the b of Jesus

Luke 12:4 them that kill the b

John 2:21 temple of his b

Rom. 1:24 dishonour their own b-ies

Rom. 8:10 b is dead because of sin

Rom. 8:11 quicken your mortal b-ies

Rom. 8:23 redemption of our b

Rom. 12:1 present your b-ies a living

1 Cor. 6:20 glorify God in your b

1 Cor. 13:3 I give my b to be burned

1 Cor. 15:44 natural b . . . spiritual b

2 Cor. 5:8 be absent from the b

Gal. 6:17 bear in my b the marks

Gal. 4:4 There is one b

Php. 1:20 magnified in my b

Php. 3:21 change our vile b

Col. 1:18 he is the head of the b

Col. 3:15 ye are called in one b

Heb. 10:22 b-ies washed with pure

1 Pet. 2:24 bare our sins in his own b

Rev. 11:9 see their dead b-ies three


Gal. 3:12 In whom we have b-ness

Eph. 6:19 open my mouth b-ly

Heb. 4:16 Let us therefore come b-ly

1 John 4:17 b-ness in the day


Gal. 4:3 Spirit in the b of peace

1 Cor. 12:13 we be b or free

Gal. 3:28 there is neither b nor free

Php. 1:13 that my b-s in Christ are

Rev. 13:16 rich and poor, free and b


Gen. 2:23 This is now b of my b-s

Job 19:20 b cleaveth to my skin

Prov. 25:15 tongue breaketh the b

Ezekiel. 37:1 valley . . . was full of b-s

Matt. 23:27 full of dead men's b-s

Luke 24:39 hath not flesh and b-s

John 19:36 A b of him . . . not be broken


Exod. 17:14 for a memorial in a b

Job 19:23 printed in a b

Ps. 69:28 blotted out of the b

Eccl. 12:12 many b-s . . . no end

Ezekiel. 2:9 roll of a b was therein

Mal. 3:16 a b of remembrance

John 21:25 world . . . not contain the b-s

Php. 4:3; Rev. 3:5; 22:19 b of life

Rev. 22:19 words of the b of this prophecy


Gen. 15:3 one b in my house

Prov. 17:17 brother is b for adversity

Isa. 9:6 unto us a child is b

Matt. 2:1 Jesus was b in Bethlehem

John 3:3 Except a man be b again

Acts 22:28 But I was free b

Gal. 4:29 b after the flesh

1 Pet. 1:23 b again, not of corruptible


Deut. 15:6 thou shalt lend . . . not b

Ps. 37:21 wicked b-eth,

Prov. 22:7 b-er is servant to the lender

Matt. 5:42 him that would b of thee


Matt. 9:17 put new wine into old b-s


Rev. 9:1 given the key of the b pit

Rev. 20:3 cast him into the b pit


1 Cor. 6:20 For ye are b with a price

2 Pet. 2:1 the Lord that b them


Ps. 13:6 he hath dealt b-ly

2 Cor. 9:6 soweth b-ly . . . reap also b-ly

Bow (n)

Gen. 9:13 I do set my b in the cloud

Hos. 1:5 I will break the b of Israel

Bow (v)

Ps. 57:6 my soul is b-ed down

Isa. 45:23 unto me every knee shall b

Gal. 3:14 I b my knees unto the Father

Php. 2:10 every knee should b


Prov. 11:28 shall flourish as a b

Isa. 4:2 day shall the b of the Lord

John 15:2 every b that beareth fruit


Zech. 3:2 is not this a b plucked out


Gen. 4:22 artificer in b and iron

Num. 21:9 a serpent of b

1 Cor. 13:1 become as sounding b

Rev. 1:15 feet like unto fine b


Ps. 60:2 heal the b-es thereof

Ps. 106:23 stood before him in the b

Isa. 58:12 repairer of the b


Gen. 3:19 sweat of thy face . . . eat b

Deut. 8:3; Matt. 4:4 live by b alone

Deut. 16:8 shalt eat unleavened b

Ps. 102:9 eaten ashes like b

Prov. 9:17 b eaten in secret

Eccl. 11:1 Cast thy b upon the waters

Matt. 6:11 give us . . . our daily b

Luke 11:11 if a son shall ask b

John 6:35 I am the b of life


Gen. 2:7 his nostrils the b of life

Gen. 6:17 wherein is the b of life

Job 33:4 b of the Almighty . . . life

Acts 17:25 he giveth to all life and b


John 20:22 he b-d on them

Acts 9:1 and Saul, yet b-ing out


Ps. 133:1 b to dwell together

Matt. 5:47 if ye salute your b only

Matt. 12:46 mother . . . b stood

Matt. 25:40 least of these my b

Mark 12:20 there were seven b

1 Pet. 1:22 unfeigned love of the b

1 John 3:14 because we love the b


Exod. 5:7 no more straw to make b

Isa. 9:10 the b-s are fallen


Isa. 61:10 as a b adorneth

Isa. 62:5 rejoiceth over the b

Rev. 22:17 Spirit and the b say, Come


Jer. 7:34 the voice of the b

Matt. 9:15 long as the b is with them

Matt. 25:1 went forth to meet the b

John 3:29 hath the bride is the b

Bridle (n)

2 Kings 19:28 put . . . my b in thy lips

Ps. 32:9 must be held in with bit and b

Ps. 39:1 I will keep my mouth with a b

Bridle (v)

James 1:26 and b-th not his tongue

James 3:2 able also to b the whole body


Gen. 19:24 upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah b

Ezekiel. 38:22 hail stones, fire and b

Luke 17:29 rained fire and b


Job 36:16 strait into a b place

Ps. 119:96 commandment is exceeding b

Matt. 7:13 b is the way, that leadeth


John 19:36 bone of him shall not be b

1 Cor. 11:24 body, which is b for you

Gal. 2:14 b down the middle wall


Deut. 8:7 a land of b-s of water

Ps. 42:1 panteth after the water b-s

Prov. 18:4 wisdom as a flowing b


Prov. 17:17 b is born for adversity

Prov. 18:24 sticketh closer than a b

Matt. 12:50 same is my b, and sister

Gal. 1:19 James the Lord's b

1 John 2:9 He that . . . hateth his b


Rom. 12:10 with b love

Heb. 13:1 let b love continue


Gen. 3:15 b thy head, and thou shalt b

Jer. 30:12 Thy b is incurable

Matt. 12:20 b-d reed shall he not

Rom. 16:20 b Satan under your feet

Build (see also Builders, Building)

Gen. 11:4 let us b us a city

1 Chron. 17:4 shalt not b me an house

Ps. 127:1 Except the Lord b the

Jer. 29:5 B ye houses, and dwell

Matt. 16:18 this rock will I b my

Gal. 2:18 if I b again . . . which I destroyed


Ps. 118:22 stone . . . the b refused

Matt. 21:42 stone . . . the b rejected


1 Kings 6:38 seven years in b it

1 Cor. 3:9 ye are God's b

Gal. 2:21 the b fitly framed together


Job 7:20 I am a b to myself

Ps. 55:22 Cast thy b upon the Lord

Jer. 23:34 The b of the Lord

Matt. 11:30 my b is light

Matt. 20:12 borne the b and heat of

2 Cor. 12:13, 14 was not b-some to you

Gal. 6:5 man shall bear his own b


Ruth 1:17 and there will I be b

Eccl. 8:10 so I saw the wicked b

Rom. 6:4 we are b with him

Col. 2:12 B with him in baptism


Exod. 3:2 the b burned with fire

Mark 12:26 in the b God spake unto

Acts 7:30 in a flame of fire in a b


Matt. 5:15; Mark 4:21; Luke 11:33 under a b


Ps. 107:23 that do b in great waters

Prov. 22:29 man diligent in his b

Luke 2:49 must be about my Father's b

Rom. 12:11 not slothful in b

1 Thess. 4:11 study . . . to do your own b


2 Thess. 3:11 but are b-ies

1 Tim. 5:13 tattlers also, and b-ies

1 Pet. 4:15 a b in other men's matters


1 Chron. 21:24 I will . . . b it for the full price

Prov. 23:23 B the truth, and sell it not

Isa. 55:1 b wine and milk without money

Amos 8:6 That we may b the poor for silver

James 4:13 and b and sell, and get gain

Rev. 13:17 b or sell, save he that had the mark


Deut. 28:37 an astonishment . . . a b

1 Kings 9:7 and a b among all people

Job 30:9 song, yea, I am their b



Exod. 32:4 he had made it a molten c

Luke 15:23 bring hither the fatted c

Heb. 9:12 blood of goats and c-ves

Rev. 4:7 second beast like a c


Gen. 4:26 men to c upon the name

Ruth 1:20 C me not Naomi, c me Mara

Ps. 4:1 Hear me when I c

Ps. 18:3 I will c upon the Lord

Isa. 5:20 c evil good, and good evil

Matt. 9:13 not come to c the righteous

1 Pet. 1:17 if ye c on the Father


Rom. 11:29 gifts and c of God

1 Cor. 7:20 abide in the same c

2 Tim. 1:9 called us with an holy c

Heb. 3:1 partakers of the heavenly c

2 Pet. 1:10 make your c and election


Matt. 19:24 easier for a c to go through

Matt. 23:24 swallow a c

Mark 1:6 clothed with c-'s hair


Job 18:6 his c shall be put out

Prov. 20:27 c of the Lord

Matt. 5:15 light a c and put it under


Exod. 25:31 a c of pure gold

1 Kings 7:49 the c-s of pure gold


2 Tim. 2:17 will eat as doth a c


Ps. 68:18 thou hast led captivity c

Jer. 13:17 flock is carried away c

Luke 4:18 preach deliverance to the c-s

Gal. 4:8 he led captivity c


Matt. 13:22 the c of this world

Mark 4:38 Master, c-st thou not

1 Pet. 5:7 Casting all your c


Php. 4:6 Be c for nothing


Rom. 8:6 to be c-ly minded is death

2 Cor. 10:4 weapons . . . are not c


Isa. 44:13 c stretched out his rule

Zech. 1:20 Lord shewed me four c-s

Matt. 13:55 Is not this the c-'s son

Mark 6:3 Is not this the c the son of


Isa. 40:11 and c them in his bosom

Isa. 53:4 griefs, and c-ied our sorrows


Gen. 21:10 C out this bondwoman

Ps. 51:11 C me not away from thy

Eccl. 11:1 C thy bread upon the

John 6:37 I will in no wise c out

1 Pet. 5:7 C-ing all your care upon him


Mark 12:13 to c him in his words

Luke 5:10 thou shalt c men


Ps. 50:10 c upon a thousand hills


Deut. 15:11 poor shall never c

Ps. 37:8 C from anger

Ps. 46:9 He maketh wars to c

1 Cor. 13:8 be tongues, they shall c

1 Thess. 5:17 Pray without c-ing


1 Cor. 15:40 there are also c bodies


Ps. 1:4 the c which the wind driveth

Isa. 5:24 the flame consumeth the c

Matt. 3:12 burn up the c with


Gen. 35:2 c your garments

Job 14:14 will I wait, till my c come

Jer. 13:23 the Ethiopian c his skin

Dan. 2:21 c-th the times and

Mal. 3:6 I am the Lord, I c not

1 Cor. 15:51 but we shall all be c-d


Job 1:22 sinned not, nor c-d God

Ps. 91:11 give his angels c over

Matt. 4:6 He shall give his angels c

Mark 5:43 he c-d them straitly

Acts 7:60 lay not this sin to their c

1 Cor. 9:18 gospel of Christ without c

1 Tim. 5:21 I c thee before God


1 Cor. 13:1 and have not c

Col. 3:14 all these things put on c

1 Tim. 1:5 commandment is c out of a pure

1 Pet. 4:8 c shall cover the multitude

3 John 6 borne witness of thy c


2 Cor. 11:2 present you as a c virgin

1 Pet. 3:2 your c conversation


Deut. 8:5 as a man c-eth his son

Ps. 38:1 neither c me in thy hot displeasure

Ps. 94:12 man whom thou c-est

Prov. 19:18 C thy son while there is

Heb. 12:6 the Lord loveth he c-eth


Lev. 26:28 will c you seven times

1 Kings 12:11 c-d you with whips

Luke 23:16 I will therefore c him

Heb. 12:8 if ye be without c-ment


Isa. 50:6 gave . . . my c-s to them

Matt. 5:39 smite thee on thy right c


Judg. 9:13 which c-eth God and man

Prov. 15:13 c-ful countenance

Matt. 9:2 Son, be of good c; thy sins

Matt. 14:27 Be of good c; it is I

John 16:33 be of good c; I have overcome

2 Cor. 9:7 God loveth a c-ful giver


Gen. 3:24 east of the garden of Eden C

Exod. 25:18 make two c of gold

1 Sam. 4:4 Lord . . . dwelleth between the c

1 Kings 6:23 within the oracle he made two c

Ezekiel. 10:16 when the c went, the wheels went


Matt. 23:37 as a hen gathereth her c


Ps. 103:9 He will not always c


Matt. 20:27 whosoever will be c among

Mark 10:44 the c-est shall be servant

Luke 22:26 he that is c doth serve

1 Tim. 1:15 sinners; of whom I am c

Child (see also Children)

Prov. 22:6 Train up a c in the way

Isa. 9:6 unto us a c is born

Isa. 11:6 a little c shall lead them

Matt. 18:2 Jesus called a little c

1 Cor. 13:11 I was a c, I spake as a c

2 Tim. 3:15 from a c thou hast known


Gen. 3:16 sorrow . . . bring forth c

1 Sam. 16:11 Are here all thy c

Ps. 103:13 as a father pitieth his c

Prov. 17:6 C-'s c are the crown of old

Prov. 31:28 her c . . . call her blessed

Isa. 30:9 lying c, c that will not hear

Jer. 31:15 Rachel weeping for her c

Ezekiel. 18:2 c-'s teeth are set on edge

Matt. 18:3 and become as little c

Matt. 19:14 Suffer little c

Mark 7:27 Let the c first be filled

John 12:36 may be the c of light

1 John 2:1 My little c, these things


Matt. 13:22; Mark 4:19 c the word

Luke 8:14 and are c-d with cares

Choose (see also Chosen)

Josh. 24:15 c you this day whom ye

Isa. 7:15 and c the good

Heb. 11:25 C-ing rather to suffer


Deut. 7:6 Lord . . . hath c thee

1 Pet. 2:9 ye are a c` generation


Matt. 16:16 Thou art the C, the Son

John 1:41 found the Messias . . . C

Acts 2:36 Jesus . . . both Lord and C

Php. 1:21 For me to live is C

Col. 3:4 C, who is our life

2 Thess. 2:2 the day of C is at hand


Acts 11:26 called C-s first in

Acts 26:28 persuadest me to be a C

1 Pet. 4:16 any man suffer as a C


Matt. 18:17 tell it unto the c

1 Cor. 11:18 come together in the c

Gal. 5:23 Christ is the head of the c


Gen. 17:10 every man child . . . be c-d

Deut. 30:6 Lord thy God will c thine heart

Luke 1:59 eighth day they came to c

Php. 3:5 C-d the eighth day

Col. 2:11 In whom also ye are c-d

Circumcision (see also Concision)

Acts 10:45 they of the c . . . were astonished

Rom. 2:25 c verily profiteth, if thou keep

Rom. 2:29 c is that of the heart, in the spirit

Rom. 4:11 he received the sign of c, a seal

1 Cor. 7:19 C is nothing, and

Gal. 2:8 Peter to the apostleship of the c

Gal. 5:6; 6:15 in Jesus Christ neither c availeth

Php. 3:3 we are the c, which worship God

Col. 2:11 putting off . . . by the c of Christ

Col. 3:11 is neither Greek nor Jew, c nor


Gen. 4:17 Enoch: and he builded a c

Gen. 11:4 build us a c and a tower

Ps. 46:4 make glad the c of God

Ps. 127:1 except the Lord keep the c

Isa. 1:26 The c of righteousness

Matt. 21:10 all the c was moved

Heb. 12:22 the c of the living God

Rev. 21:2 I John saw the holy c


Job 4:19 that dwell in houses of c

Job 33:6 formed out of the c

Isa. 64:8 the c and thou our potter

Jer. 18:6 c in the potter's hand

Dan. 2:33 part of iron and part of c

Rom. 9:21 potter power over the c


Ps. 19:9 The fear of the Lord is c

Ps. 24:4 He that hath c hands

Ps. 51:10 Create in me a c heart

Matt. 8:3 I will, be thou c

John 13:10 ye are c, but not all


Matt. 23:26 c first that which is within

Luke 4:27 none . . . c-d, saving Naaman

Acts 10:15, 11:9 What God hath c-d

2 Cor. 7:1 c ourselves from all filthiness

James 4:8 C your hands, ye sinners

1 John 1:7 blood of Jesus . . . c-th


Gen. 44:16 how shall we c ourselves

Num. 14:18 by no means c-ing the guilty

2 Sam. 23:4 by c shining after rain

Rom. 1:20 invisible things . . . are c-ly seen

Rev. 22:1 water of life, c as crystal


Matt. 5:40 let him have thy c also

2 Tim. 4:13 c that I left at Troas


Joel 2:16 and the bride out of her c

Matt. 6:6 prayest, enter into thy c

Luke 12:3 spoken in the ear in c-s


Matt. 9:16 new c unto an old garment


Ps. 93:1 he is c-d with majesty

Matt. 6:30; Luke 12:28 God so c the grass

Luke 7:25 A man c-d in soft raiment

2 Cor. 5:2 earnestly desiring to be c-d


Exod. 19:10 let them wash their c

Deut. 29:5 your c are not waxen old

Mark 5:28 If I may but touch his c

Mark 14:63 high priest rent his c

Luke 2:7 swaddling c


Exod. 13:21 by day in a pillar of a c

Exod. 24:15 c covered the mount

Ps. 36:5 reacheth unto the c-s

Ps. 105:39 a c for a covering

Matt. 24:30 Son of man coming in the c-s

Mark 9:7 a voice came out of the c

Luke 21:27 coming in a c with power

Acts 1:9 c received him out of their

1 Thess. 4:17 caught up . . . in the c-s

Jude 12 c-s they are without water

Rev. 1:7 behold he cometh with c-s


Prov. 25:22 heap c-s of fire upon his

Isa. 6:6 a live c in his hand

Rom. 12:20 heap c-s of fire on his head


Gen. 37:3 made . . . c of many colours

Matt. 5:40 any . . . take away thy c

Luke 9:3 neither have two c-s


Matt. 26:34, 75 before the c crow

Mark 13:35 at the c-crowing


Isa. 11:8 shall put his hand on c' den

Isa. 59:5 they hatch c' eggs

Jer. 8:17 will send . . . c-s


Prov. 25:25 c waters to a thirsty

Matt. 10:42 a cup of c water

Matt. 24:12 love of many . . . wax c

Rev. 3:15 thou art neither c nor hot


2 Chron. 24:9 bring in to the Lord the c

1 Cor. 16:1 c for the saints


Zech. 9:9 upon a c the foal of an ass

Matt. 21:2 an ass tied, and a c

John 12:15 King cometh, sitting on an ass's c

Come (see also Coming)

Matt. 6:10 thy kingdom c

Matt. 11:28 C unto me, all ye that

John 17:1 Father, the hour is c

Rev. 22:20 I c quickly . . . Even so c


Ps. 33:1 praise is c for the upright

SS. 1:5 I am black, but c

Isa. 53:2 he hath no form nor c-ness


Ps. 23:4 thy rod and thy staff they c me

Ps. 77:2 my soul refused to be c-ed

Isa. 61:2 to c all that mourn

Lam. 1:21 there is none to c me

Matt. 5:4 that mourn . . . shall be c-ed

Matt. 9:22 Daughter, be of good c

Luke 16:25 now he is c-ed, thou art

John 14:18 I will not leave you c-less

Acts 9:31 in the c of the Holy Ghost

2 Cor. 1:3 and the God of all c

2 Cor. 7:13 were c-ed in your c

Php. 2:1 if any c of love

1 Thess. 4:18 c one another


Job 16:2 miserable c-s are ye all

Eccl. 4:1 they had no c

Ps. 69:20 looked . . . for c-s

John 14:16 shall give you another C


Mal. 3:2 abide the day of his c

Matt. 24:30 see the Son of man c

Matt. 26:64 c in the clouds of heaven

John 5:25 hour is c and now is

1 Cor. 15:23 they that are Christ's at his c

James 5:8 c of the Lord draweth nigh

2 Pet. 3:4 promise of his c


Luke 8:25 he c-eth even the winds

John 15:14 do whatsoever I c you

1 Tim. 4:11 These things c and teach


Exod. 20:6 love me, and keep my c-s

Exod. 34:28 tables . . . the ten c-s

Ps. 19:8 c of the Lord is pure

Prov. 6:20 son, keep thy father's c

Eccl. 12:13 Fear God, and keep his c-s

Matt. 5:19 one of these least c-s

Matt. 22:36 which is the great c

Matt. 22:40 these two c-s hang all the law

John 14:15 If ye love me. Keep my c-s

John 15:10 If ye keep my c-s

1 Tim. 1:5 end of the c is charity


Ps. 31:5 Into thine hand I c my spirit

Ps. 37:5 C thy way unto the Lord

Prov. 16:3 C thy works unto the Lord

John 5:22 hath c-ed all judgment


Num. 16:29 these men die the c death

Eccl. 6:1 There is an evil . . . it is c

Jer. 26:23 graves of the c people

Mark 12:37 the c people heard him

Acts 2:44 and had all things c

Acts 10:15 that call not thou c

Tit. 1:4 after the c faith

Jude 3 write unto you of the c salvation


Gal. 4:29 Let no corrupt c proceed


1 Cor. 10:16 c of the blood of Christ

2 Cor. 6:14 and what c hath light

2 Cor. 13:14 c of the Holy Ghost


Ps. 86:15 a God full of c

Ps. 111:4 gracious and full of c

Matt. 9:36; 14:14 moved with c

Matt. 15:32 I have c on the multitude

Rom. 9:15 have c on whom I will have c

1 Pet. 3:8 having c one of another


1 Sam. 1:16 abundance of my c-t

Job 7:11 c in the bitterness of my


John 1:5 darkness c-ed it not

Gal. 3:18 c with all saints what is the breadth


Prov. 18:11 high wall in his own c

Prov. 26:5 fool wise in his own c

Rom. 11:25 be wise in your own c-s


Num. 11:12 Have I c-d all this

Job 15:35 They c mischief

Ps. 51:5 in sin did my mother c me

Isa. 7:14 virgin shall c and bear

Acts 5:4 why hast thou c-d this thing

James 1:15 when lust hath c-d


Php. 3:2 beware of the c


2 Cor. 6:15 what c hath Christ with


Rom. 7:8 all manner of c

1 Thess. 4:5 Not in the lust of c


Job 9:20 own mouth shall c me

Isa. 50:9 who is he that shall c

Luke 6:37 c not . . . shall not be c-ed

John 3:17 God sent not his Son . . . to c

Rom. 2:1 thou c-est thyself

1 John 3:20 For if our heart c us


Rom. 8:1 no c to them which are in

James 3:1 shall receive the greater c

James 5:12 lest ye fall into c


Rom. 12:16 but c to men of low estate


Gal. 1:16 I c not with flesh and blood


Ps. 32:5 I will c my transgressions

Matt. 10:32 c me before men

Mark 1:5 baptized . . . c-ing their sins

John 1:20 c-ed, and denied not; but c-ed

Rom. 10:9 thou shalt c with thy mouth

Rom. 14:11 every tongue shall c

James 5:16 C your faults one to

1 John 1:9 If we c our sins, he is


Ps. 118:8 than to put c in man

Php. 3:3 and have no c in the flesh

Heb. 3:6 if we hold fast the c


Prov. 14:16 the fool rageth, and is c

Php. 1:6 Being c of this very thing


Rom. 8:29 to be c-ed to the image

Rom. 12:2 be not c-ed to this world

Php. 3:10 made c-able unto his death


Gen. 11:7 c their language

Ps. 22:5 trusted . . . and were not c-ed

1 Pet. 2:6 shall not be c-ed


Ps. 71:1 let me never be put to c

1 Cor. 14:33 God is not the author of c


Rom. 8:37 more than c-ors

Rev. 6:2 went forth c-ing and to c


Acts 23:1 I have lived in all good c

Acts 24:16 a c void of offence

Rom. 2:15 their c also bearing witness

Rom. 13:5 wrath . . . for c sake

1 Cor. 8:7 their c being weak

1 Tim. 3:9 faith in a pure c

1 Tim. 4:2 c seared with a hot iron

Heb. 9:14 purge your c from dead works

Heb. 10:22 hearts sprinkled from an evil c

1 Pet. 3:16 Having a good c


Exod. 32:29 C yourselves today to the

Heb. 7:28 Son . . . c-d for evermore

Heb. 10:20 way, which he hath c-d


Acts 8:1 Saul was c-ing unto his death


Luke 12:15 man's life c-eth not

Col. 1:17 by him all things c


Luke 6:24 ye have received your c

Acts 4:36 the son of c

Php. 2:1 it there be . . . any c in Christ

Heb. 6:18 might have a strong c


2 Cor. 5:14 Love of Christ c-eth us

1 Pet. 5:2 not by c-t, but willingly


Exod. 3:2 the bush was not c-d

Deut. 4:24 God is a c-ing fire

Gal. 5:15 heed that ye be not c-d

2 Thess. 2:8 shall c with the spirit


Job 12:21 poureth c upon princes

Dan. 12:2 to shame and everlasting c

2 Cor. 10:10 and his speech c-ible


Job 40:2 that c-eth with the almighty

Isa. 49:25 will c with him that c-eth

Isa. 57:16 I will not c forever

Jude 3 earnestly c for the faith


Luke 3:14 be c with your wages

Php. 4:11 I have learned . . . to be c

1 Tim. 6:6 godliness with c-ment is

Heb. 13:5 be c with such things as ye


Prov. 21:19 a c and an angry woman

Rom. 2:8 them that are c, and do not obey

1 Cor. 11:6 if any man seem to be c


Rom. 11:24 grafted c to nature

Rom. 16:17 c to the doctrine

Gal. 5:17 c the one to the other

1 Tim. 1:10 c to sound doctrine


Rom. 15:26 certain c for poor saints


Ps. 34:18 saveth such of c spirit

Ps. 51:17 broken and a c heart

Isa. 66:2 poor and of a c spirit


Mark 6:21 when a c day was come

Mark 14:11 how he might c-ly betray


Ps. 50:23 ordereth his c aright

Gal. 1:13 have heard of my c

Php. 1:27 c be as it becometh

1 Pet. 1:15 holy in all manner of e

1 Pet. 2:12 Having your c honest


Ps. 19:7 perfect, c-ing the soul

Matt. 18:3 Except ye be c-ed

Acts 3:19 Repent . . . and be c-ed

James 5:20 he which c-eth the sinner


Gen. 3:8 garden in the c of the day


2 Tim. 4:14 Alexander the c-smith


Deut. 17:18 write him a c of this law

Josh. 8:32 wrote there . . . a c of the law

Prov. 25:1 proverbs . . . HEzekieliah . . . c-ied out


Mark 7:11 if any man shall say, It is C


Gen. 41:5 seven ears of c came up

Matt. 12:1 began to pluck the ears of c

Mark 4:28 after that the full c in the

John 12:24 Except a c of wheat fall


Job 38:6 who laid the c stone thereof

Ps. 118:22 the head stone of the c

Prov. 7:12 in wait at every c

Prov. 21:9 better to dwell in a c . . . than with

Isa. 28:16 precious c stone

Matt. 21:42 become the head of the c

Gal. 2:20 Christ . . . being the chief c

Rev. 7:1 on the four c-s of the earth


1 Chron. 15:28 with sound of the c

Dan. 3:5 sound of the c, flute, harp


Job 5:17 the man whom God c-eth

Prov. 3:12 the Lord loveth he c-eth

Jer. 10:24 c me, but with judgment

2 Tim. 3:16 profitable . . . for c-tion

Corrupt (see also Corruptible, Corruption)

Gen. 6:11 The earth also was c

Ps. 14:1 They are c they have done

Matt. 7:17 a c tree bringeth forth

1 Cor. 15:33 evil communications c

2 Tim. 3:8 men of c minds

James 5:2 Your riches are c-ed


Rom. 1:23 made like to c man

1 Cor. 9:25 do it to obtain a c crown

1 Cor. 15:53, 54 this c must put on

1 Pet. 1:23 not of c seed


Job 17:14 c, Thou art my father

Ps. 16:10; Acts 2:27 Holy One to see c

1 Cor. 15:42 It is sown in c

Gal. 6:8 shall of the flesh reap c

2 Pet. 2:19 are the servants of c


2 Sam. 24:24 which doth c me nothing

John 12:3 spikenard, very c-ly


Matt. 5:22 be in danger of the c

Matt. 10:17 deliver you up to the c-s

Acts 5:27 set them before the c

Counsel (see also Counseller)

2 Sam. 15:31 c of Ahithophel into foolishness

Ps. 1:1 walketh not in the c of

Ps. 33:11 c of the Lord standeth

Ps. 55:14 took sweet c together

Prov. 11:14 Where no c is, the people

Jer. 23:18 stood in the c of the Lord

Acts 9:23 the Jews took c to kill him

Gal. 1:11 after the c of his own will


Prov. 11:14 in the multitude of c-s

Isa. 9:6 shall be called Wonderful, C

Rom. 11:34 or who hath been his c


Gen. 15:6 he c-ed it to him for righteousness

Ps. 44:22 c-ed as sheep for the

Prov. 17:28 his peace, is c-ed wise

Luke 14:28 and c-eth the cost, whether

Php. 3:8 I c all things but loss


Gen. 4:6 why is thy c fallen

Num. 6:26 The Lord lift up his c

1 Sam. 16:12 of a beautiful c, and

Ps. 4:6; 44:3; 89:15 light of thy c

Dan. 1:15 their c-s appeared fairer

Rev. 1:16 c was as the sun shineth


Gen. 12:1 Get thee out of thy c

Prov. 25:25 good news from a far c

Matt. 21:33,25:14 went into a far c


1 Chron. 23:6 divided them into c-s

Acts 20:24 might finish my c with joy

2 Tim. 4:7 I have finished my c


Gen. 6:18; 9:9; 17:7 will I establish my c

2 Kings 23:2 he read . . . the book of the c

Job 31:1 I made a c with mine eyes

Ps. 103:18 To such as keep his c

Gal. 4:24 these are the two c-s

Heb. 13:20 blood of the everlasting c


Ps. 32:1 forgiven, whose sin is c-ed

Ps. 91:4 c thee with his feathers

Prov. 10:12 but love c-eth all sins

Isa. 6:2 with twain he c-ed his face

Luke 23:30 to the hills, C us

1 Cor. 11:4 having his head c-ed

1 Pet. 4:8 charity shall c the multitude of sins


Exod. 20:17 Thou shalt not c

Prov. 21:26 c-eth greedily

Mic. 2:2 c fields, and take them

Acts 20:33 have c-ed no man's silver

1 Cor. 12:31 c earnestly the best


Ps. 119:36 Incline my heart . . . not to c

Luke 12:15 Take heed, and beware of c

1 Thess. 2:5 a cloke of c

Heb. 13:5 conversation be without c


Job 5:13 wise in their own c

Luke 20:23 he perceived their c

2 Cor. 4:2 not walking in c


Gen. 1:1 c-d the heaven and the earth

Ps. 51:10 C in me a clean heart

Isa. 43:1 the Lord that c-d thee

Ma1. 2:10 hath not one God c-d us

Gal. 2:10 c-d in Christ Jesus

Gal. 3:9 c-d all things by Jesus

Col. 1:16 by him were all things c-d


Eccl. 12:1 remember now thy C

Isa. 40:28 C of the ends of the earth

Rom. 1:25 the creature more than the C


2 Cor. 5:17 he is a new c: old things

1 Tim. 4:4 for every c of God is good


Luke 7:41 c which had two debtors

Crew (see also Crow)

Matt. 26:74; Mark 14:68; Luke 22:60 the cock c


Prov. 14:4 no oxen . . . c is clean

Isa. 1:3 the ass his master's c


Isa. 1:18 be red like c they shall be as wool

Jer. 4:30 clothest thyself with c


Acts 14:8 c from his mother's womb


Eccl. 1:15 c cannot be made straight

Luke 3:5 the c shall be made straight

Php. 2:15 c and perverse nation


Matt. 10:38 that taketh not his c

Matt. 27:40 come down from the c

John 19:17 he bearing his c went

1 Cor. 1:17 lest the c of Christ

Gal. 6:14 save in the c of our Lord

Gal. 2:16 in one body by the c

Php. 2:8 even the death of the c

Col. 1:20 peace . . . blood of his c

Heb. 12:2 endured the c, despising

Crow (see also Crew)

Matt. 26:34,75 before the cock c

Luke 22:34 cock shall not c this day


Ps. 8:5 c-ed him with glory

Ps. 21:3 settest a c of pure gold

Ps. 65:11 Thou c-est the year with

Ps. 103:4 c-eth thee with loving

Prov. 12:4 virtuous woman is a c

Prov. 16:31 hoary head is a c of glory

Prov. 17:6 children are the c of old men

1 Cor. 9:25 to obtain a corruptible c

2 Tim. 4:8 a c of righteousness

Heb. 2:9 see Jesus . . . c-ed with glory

Rev. 4:10 elders . . . cast their c-s before the

Rev. 19:12 on his head were many c-s


Matt. 20:19 mock . . . scourge . . . c him

Matt. 27:35 they c-ied him

Matt. 28:5 Jesus, which was c-ied

Mark 15:13 cried out again, C him

1 Cor. 1:13 was Paul c-ied for you

1 Cor. 1:23 we preach Christ c-ied

Gal. 2:20 I am c-ied with Christ

Gal. 6:14 world is c-ied unto me

Heb. 6:6 they c . . . the Son of God afresh


Matt. 15:27 dogs eat of the c

Mark 7:28 eat of the children's c


Gen. 4:10 thy brother's blood c-ieth

Ps. 9:12 the c of the humble

Ps. 17:1 O Lord, attend unto my c

Prov. 8:1 Doth not wisdom c

Isa. 42:2 shall not c . . . nor cause his

Matt. 3:3 one c-ing in the wilderness

Mark 15:37 c-ied with a loud voice

Rev. 21:4 neither sorrow, nor c-ing


Rev. 4:6 sea of glass like unto c

Rev. 21:11 Jasper stone, clear as c


Matt. 6:27 add one c unto his stature


Matt. 23:23 of mint and anise and c


Ps. 23:5 my c runneth over

Ps. 116:13 I will take the c of salvation

Prov. 23:31 his colour in the c

Matt. 10:42 c of cold water only

Matt. 20:22 able to drink of the c

Matt. 23:25 the outside of the c

Matt. 26:27 took the c, and gave thanks

Matt. 26:39 let this c pass from me

Luke 22:20 c is the new testament

John 18:11 the c which my Father

1 Cor. 10:18 The c of blessing

1 Cor. 10:21 the c of devils


Neh. 1:11 for I was the King's c


Gen. 3:14 c-d above all cattle

Gen. 12:3 c him that c-th thee

Mal. 4:6 smite the earth with a c

Mark 14:71 began to c and to swear

Luke 6:28 Bless them that c you

Acts 23:12 bound under a c

Rom. 3:14 mouth is full of c-ing

Rom. 12:14 bless, and c not

Gal. 3:13 redeemed us from the c

James 3:9 therewith c we men


Gen. 31:35 c of women is upon me

Luke 4:16 as his c was

Acts 28:17 c-s of our fathers

1 Cor. 11:16 we have no such c


Lev. 19:28 not make any c-tings in your flesh

Ps. 90:6 ln the evening it is c down

Isa. 45:2 c in sunder the bars of iron

Matt. 5:30 hand offend thee, c it off

Mark 5:5 crying, and c-ting himself

Acts 7:54 they were c to the heart

Rom. 11:22 thou also shalt be c off


Ps. 150:5 upon the high sounding c-s

1 Cor. 13:1 sounding brass . . . tinkling c



2 Pet. 2:1 shall bring in d heresies


Matt. 23:14 receive the greater d

Matt. 23:33 escape the d of hell

John 5:29 unto the resurrection of d

1 Cor. 11:29 drinketh d to himself

2 Pet. 2:3 their d slumbereth not


Mark 16:16 believeth shall not be d

Rom. 14:23 he that doubteth is d

2 Thess. 2:12 they all might be d


2 Sam. 6:14 David d-d before the Lord

Ps. 149:3 Praise his name in the d

Ps. 150:4 with the timbrel and d

Eccl. 3:4 time to mourn . . . time to d

Lam. 5:15 d is turned into mourning

Matt. 11:17; Luke 7:32 ye have not d-d

Mark 6:22 d-d, and pleased Herod


Matt. 5:22 be in d of the judgment

Mark 3:29 in d of eternal damnation


Rom. 5:7 some would even d to the

Rom. 15:18 I will not d to speak

Dark (see also Darkness)

Exod. 10:15 that the land was d-ened

Job 12:25 They grope in the d

Job 38:2 that d-eneth counsel by words

Ps. 49:4; Prov. 1:6 d sayings

Matt. 24:29 sun shall be d-ened

Luke 23:45 sun was d-ened, and the veil

John 20:1 early, when it was yet d

Rom. 1:21 foolish heart was d-ened

Eph 4:18 understanding d-ened

2 Pet. 1:19 shineth in a d place


Gen. 1:2 d was upon the face

2 Sam. 22:10 d was under his feet

Eccl. 2:14 the fool walketh in d

Isa. 5:20 d for light. light for d

Matt. 6:23; Luke 11:34 body . . . full of d

Matt. 10:27 What I tell you in d

Luke 1:79 light to them that sit in d

Luke 23:44 d over all the earth

John 1:5 d comprehended it not

John 3:19 loved d rather than light

Acts 26:18 turn them from d to light

Rom. 13:12 cast off the works of d

1 Cor. 4:5 hidden things of d

2 Cor. 4:6 light to shine out of d

Col. 1:13 from the power of d

1 Pet. 2:9 out of d into his marvellous light

1 John 1:5 in him is no d at all

Rev. 16:10 kingdom was full of d


Gal. 6:16 fiery d-s of the wicked


Ps. 91:12; Matt. 4:6 d thy foot against a stone

Ps. 137:9 d-eth thy little ones


Youngest son of Jesse, anointed king by Samuel (Ruth 4:17-22; 1 Sam. 16:1-13). Sought God's heart (1 Sam. 13:14; Acts 13:22). Killed Goliath (1 Sam. 17). Covenant of friendship with Jonathan (18:1-4; 19–20; 23:16-18). Spared Saul's life (1 Sam. 24; 26). Was anointed king of Judah (2 Sam. 2:1-11) and Israel (5:1-4).

Conquered Jerusalem (5:6-9) and brought the ark there (2 Sam. 6). Was promised by God that He would keep his descendant on the throne (2 Sam. 7). Prepared for building the temple (1 Chron. 22–29). Psalmist, musician (Ps. 23:1), and prophet (Matt. 22:43; Acts 1:16; 4:25).

Committed adultery with Bath-sheba and murdered Uriah, then was confronted by Nathan (2 Sam. 11–12). Family and political troubles followed: Amnon, Tamar, and Absalom (2 Sam. 13–18); Sheba (2 Sam. 20); punished for military census (2 Sam. 24; 1 Chron. 21); Adonijah and Solomon (1 Kings 1–2).

Named Solomon as successor (1 Kings 1:29-30). Died (2 Sam. 23:1-7; 1 Kings 2:10-12; Acts 2:29). Ancestor of Jesus (Matt. 1:1,6); Jesus is heir to his throne forever (Matt. 12:23; 21:9; Mark 11:10; Luke 1:32; Rev. 22:16).


Luke 1:78 the d from on high

Day star

2 Pet. 1:19 the d arise in your hearts

Dead (see also Deadly)

Josh. 1:2 Moses my servant is d

Ps. 115:17 d praise not the Lord

Prov. 21:16 congregation of the d

Eccl. 4:2 d which are already d

Eccl. 9:5 d know not anything

Jer. 22:10 Weep ye not for the d

Ezekiel. 24:17 make no mourning for the d

Matt. 8:22 let the d bury their d

Matt. 9:24 maid is not d, but sleepeth

Matt. 22:32 not the God of the d

Luke 16:31 though one rose from the d

John 5:25 the d shall hear the voice

John 11 :44 he that was d came forth

Acts 10:42 Judge of quick and d

1 Cor. 15:12 if . . . he rose from the d

Gal. 2:5 when we were d in sins

Col. 2:13 you, being d in your sins

1 Tim. 5:6 is d while she liveth

2 Tim. 4:1 Judge the quick and the d

Heb. 11:4. he, being d, yet speaketh

James 2:20 faith without works is d

Rev. 1:5 first begotten of the d

Rev. 14:13 Blessed are the d

Rev. 20:13 the sea gave up the d


Exod. 4:11 who maketh the dumb, or d

Lev. 19:14 not curse the d

Matt. 11:5 d hear

Mark 7:37 he maketh both the d to hear


Ruth 1:8 the Lord d kindly with you

John 4:9 Jews have no d-ings with

Rom. 12:3 as God hath d-t to every


Gen. 27:2 know not the day of my d

Num. 16:29 die the common d of all men

Ruth 1:17 but d part thee and me

Job 3:21 long for d . . . cometh not

Job 38:17 gates of d been opened

Ps. 13:3 lest I sleep the sleep of d

Ps. 23:4 valley of the shadow of d

Ps. 116:3 sorrows of d compassed

Prov. 8:36 all they that hate me love d

SS. 8:6 love is strong as d

Isa. 25:8 swallow up d in victory

Jer. 8:3 d shall be chosen rather than life

Jer. 21:8 of life, and the way of d

Ezekiel. 18:32; 33:11 no pleasure in the d

Luke 1:79 and in the shadow of d

John 5:24 is passed from d unto life

Acts 2:24 loosed the pains of d

Rom. 8:38 neither d, nor life

1 Cor. 15:21 since by man came d

1 Cor. 15:54 D is swallowed up

1 Cor. 15:55 O d, where is thy sting

Php. 1:20 by life,or by d

Heb. 2:9 taste of d for every man

James 5:20 save a soul from d

1 John 3:14 passed from d unto life

1 John 5:16 there is a sin unto d

Rev. 21:4 there shall be no more d


2 Kings 4:7 sell the oil, and pay thy d

Matt. 6:12 forgive us our d-s

Matt. 18:27 and forgave him the d


Luke 7:41 creditor which had two d-s

Rom. 8:12 we are d-s, not to the flesh

Gal. 5:3 d to do the whole law

Deceit (see also Deceitful)

Ps. 101:7 He that worketh d

Prov. 20:17 Bread of d is sweet

Isa. 53:9 neither . . . d in his mouth

Col. 2:8 philosophy and vain d

1 Thess. 2:3 exhortation was not of d


Ps. 52:4 O thou d tongue

Prov. 14:25 d witness speaketh lies

Jer. 17:9 heart is d above all things

Matt. 13:22 the d-ness of riches

2 Cor. 4:2 handling the word of God d-ly


Deut. 11:16 your heart be not d-d

Matt. 24:4 Take heed that no man d you

Matt. 27:63 remember . . . d-r said

1 Cor. 3:18 Let no man d himself

2 Tim. 3:13 d-ing, and being d-d

James 1:22 d-ing your own selves

1 John 1:8 no sin, we d ourselves


Exod. 9:16 that my name may be d-d

1 Chron. 16:24 D his glory . . . heathen

Ps. 19:1 heavens d the glory of God

Isa. 42:9 new things do I d

John 1:18 begotten Son . . . hath d-d

Acts 17:23 him d I unto you

Heb. 2:12 I will d thy name


Isa. 10:1 Woe . . . d unrighteous d-s

Dan. 3:10 Thou, O king, hast made a d

Luke 2:1 went out a d from Caesar

Acts 17:7 contrary to the d-s of Caesar


Luke 24:19 a prophet mighty in d

John 3:19 their d-s were evil

Acts 7:22 mighty in words and in d-s

Rom. 8:13 mortify the d-s of the body

Col. 3:17 ye do in word or d

1 John 3:18 in d and in truth


Gen. 1:2 darkness was upon the d

Gen. 2:21 God caused a d sleep to

Job 12:22 He discovereth d things

Ps. 92:5 thy thoughts are very d

Prov. 20:5 Counsel . . . is like d water

Rom. 10:7 shall descend into the d

2 Cor. 8:2 their d poverty abounded


Job 22:25 Almighty shall be thy d

Ps. 59:17 God is my d

Eccl. 7:12 wisdom . . . and money is a d

Acts 22:1 hear ye my d

Php. 1:17 for the d of the gospel


Isa. 59:3 hands are d-ed with blood

Matt. 15:20 things which d a man

Matt. 7:2 eat bread with d-d . . . hands

John 18:28 lest they should be d-d

1 Cor. 8:7 conscience . . . is d-d

James 3:6 it d-th the whole body

Rev. 3:4 have not d-d their garments


Num. 14:8 If the Lord d in us

Deut. 10:15 Lord had a d in thy fathers

Ps. 1:2 his d is in the law

Ps. 37:4 D thy self also in the Lord

Ps. 40:8 I d to do thy wtll

Isa. 58:13 call the sabbath a d


Ps. 18:2 The Lord is . . . my d-er

Ps. 70:1 Make haste, O God, to d me

Matt. 6:13 into temptation, but d us

Matt. 20:19 shall d him to the Gentiles

John 19:11 he that d-ed me unto thee

Rom. 4:25 was d-ed for our offences

Col. 1:13 hath d-ed us from the power

Jude 3 faith . . . d-ed unto the saints


Ps. 32:7 with the songs of d

Luke 4:18 preach d to the captives


Gen. 18:15 Sarah d-ied . . . I laughed not

Matt. 10:33 whosoever shall d me

Matt. 16:24 let him d himself

Mark 14:30 thou shalt d me thrice

1 Tim. 5:8 he hath d-ied the faith

2 Tim. 2:12 d him, he also will d us

Titus 2:12 d-ing ungodliness

2 Peter 2:1 d-ing the Lord that bought

1 John 2:22 he that d-ieth that Jesus

Rev. 2:13 hast not d-ied my faith


Job 28:14 d saith, It is not in me

Ps. 33:7 layeth up the d in storehouses

Ps. 130:1 Out of the d-s have I cried

Mark 4:5 had no d of earth

Rom. 8:39 Nor height, nor d, nor any

Rom. 11:33 O the d of the riches

Gal. 3:18 breadth, and length, and d


Exod. 34:5 Lord d-ed in the cloud

Matt. 3:16 Spirit of God d-ing like

Rom. 10:7 Who shall d into the deep

Gal. 4:10 He that d-ed is the same

1 Thess. 4:16 Lord himself shall d

Desire (see also Desirous)

Gen. 3:16 d shall be to thy husband

2 Chron. 15:15 sought him with . . . d

Ps. 19:10 More to be d-d than gold

Ps. 112:10 d of the wicked shall

Ps. 145:16 satisfiest the d of every

Prov. 13:19 d accomplished is sweet

Ezekiel. 24:21 the d of your eyes

Hag. 2:7 d of all nations shall come

Matt. 13:17 have d-d to see those

Luke 10:24 prophets . . . have d-d to see

2 Cor. 7:7 he told us your earnest d

1 Tim. 3:1 he d-th a good work

Heb. 11:16 now they d a better country

1 Pet. 2:2 newborn babes, d the sincere


Exod. 23:29 lest the land become d

Lev. 26:22 your highways shall be d

Ezekiel. 6:6 your altars . . . made d

Matt. 23:38 house is left unto you d

Acts 1:20 his habitation be d

Gal. 4:27 d hath many more children


Josh. 8:28 a d unto this day

Ps. 46:8 what d-s he hath made

Isa. 47:11 d . . . come upon thee suddenly

Matt. 24:15 the abomination of d


Gen. 25:34 Esau d-d his birthright

2 Sam. 6:16 she d-d him in her heart

Ps. 106:24 d-d the pleasant land

Prov. 1:7 d wisdom . . . instruction

Prov. 15:5 fool d-th his father's

Matt. 6:24 hold to the one, and d the other

Luke 10:16 he that d-th you d-th me

Acts 13:41 Behold, ye d-rs, and wonder

1 Cor. 11:22 d ye the church of God

1 Tim. 4:12 Let no man d thy youth

1 Thess. 4:8 that d-th, d-th not man

Heb. 12:2 the cross, d-ing the shame


Ps. 102:17 regard the prayer of the d

1 Tim. 6:5 minds . . . d of the truth

Heb. 11:37 being d, afflicted


Gen. 6:13 I will d them with the earth

Gen. 18:23 thou also d the righteous

Matt. 2:13 seek the young child to d him

Matt. 5:17 not that I am come to d

Matt. 10:28 d both soul and body

Mark 1:24 art thou come to d us

Mark 14:58 I will d this temple that

John 2:19 D this temple, and in

John 10:10 and to kill, and to d

1 Cor. 1:19 d the wisdom of the wise

Gal. 2:18 build again the things which I d-ed


Ps. 91:6 d that wasteth at noon day

Ps. 103:4 redeemeth thy life from d

Prov. 16:18 Pride goeth before d

Prov. 18:7 A fool's mouth is his d

Matt. 7:13 Broad is the way . . . to d

Rom. 3:16 D . . . in their ways

Rom. 9:22 vessels of wrath fitted to d

2 Thess. 1:9 punished with everlasting d


Ps. 106:37 sons . . . daughters unto d-s

Matt. 4:1 to be tempted of the d

Matt. 9:32 possessed with a d

Luke 7:33 ye say, He hath a d

John 6:70 one of you is a d

John 7:20 Thou hast a d

Acts 13:10 thou child of the d

1 Cor. 10:20 they sacrifice to d-s

Gal. 6:11 against the wiles of the d

2 Tim. 2:26 out of the snare of the d

James 2:19 d-s also believe, and tremble

James 4:7 Resist the d, and he will flee

Rev. 12:9 old serpent, called the D


Gen. 27:28 give thee of the d of heaven

Deut. 32:2 distil as the d

Judg. 6:37 d be on the fleece only

Prov. 19:12 favour is as d upon the grass

SS. 5:2 my head is filled with d

Dan. 4:15 wet with the d of heaven


Jer. 17:1 written . . . point of a d


Gen. 2:17 eatest . . . thou shalt surely d

Gen. 6:17 every thing . . . shall d

Gen. 30:1 Give me children, or else I d

Ruth 1:17 Where thou d-st, will I d

Job 14:14 If a man d, shall he live

Ps. 118:17 I shall not d, but live

Prov. 10:21 fools d for want of wisdom

Eccl. 3:2 to be born, and a time to d

Isa. 22:13 eat . . . for to morrow we shall d

Isa. 51:12 afraid of a man that shall d

Jer. 34:5 Thou shalt d in peace

Ezekiel. 18:4 soul that sinneth, it shall d

Jon. 4:8 better . . . to d than to live

John 11:26 believeth in me shall never d

John 11:50 one man . . . d for the people

1 Cor. 15:3 Christ d-d for our sins

1 Cor. 15:22 For as in Adam all d

1 Thess. 4:14 believe that Jesus d-d


Deut. 4:9 keep thy soul d-1y

Prov. 10:4 hand of the d maketh rich

2 Cor. 8:22 have oftentimes proved d


Gen. 37:31 d-ped the coat in the blood

Lev. 4:6 prlest shall d his finger in

Matt. 26:23 He that d-peth his hand

John 13:26 had d-ped the sop

Rev. 19:13 a vesture d-ped in blood


Ps. 5:3 morning will I d my prayer

Prov. 3:6 he shall d thy paths

Isa. 40:13 Who hath d-ed the Spirit

2 Thess. 3:5 Lord d your hearts into


2 Sam. 14:17 to d good and bad

2 Sam. 19:35 can I d between good and evil

Matt. 16:3 ye can d the face of the sky

1 Cor. 2:14 they are spiritually d-ed

1 Cor. 11:29 not d-ing the Lord's body

Heb. 4:12 is a d-er of the thoughts

Heb. 5:14 to d both good and evil


Isa. 8:16 seal the law among my d-s

Matt. 9:14 came to him the d-s of John

Matt. 10:1 called . . . his twelve d-s

Matt. 10:24 d is not above his master

Matt. 12:1 his d-s were an hungered

Matt. 19:13 the d-s rebuked them

Matt. 26:26 gave it to the d-s

Luke 11:1 as John also taught his d-s

John 13:35 know that ye are my d-s

John 19:26 d . . . whom he loved

John 20:19 the d-s were assembled


Prov. 2:11 D shall preserve thee

Jer. 10:12 stretched out the heavens by his d


Exod. 15:26 will put none of these d-s

Ps. 103:3 who healeth all thy d-s

Eccl. 6:2 it is an evil d

Matt. 4:23 all manner of d among

Matt. 14:35 all that were d-d

Mark 1:34 sick of divers d-s

Luke 9:1 authority . . . to cure d-s


Ezekiel. 22:27 to get d gain

2 Cor. 4:2 the hidden things of d-y


Ps. 35:26 clothed with shame and d

Mic. 7:8 the son d-eth the father

Rom. 1:24 to d their own bodies

1 Cor. 11:4 his head covered, d-eth

1 Cor. 15:43 It is sown in d

2 Tim. 2:20 honour, and some to d


Deut. 31:8 fear not, neither be d

Isa. 41:10 be not d . . . I am thy God

Ezekiel. 3:9 neither be d at their looks


Rom. 5:19 by one man's d

2 Cor, 10:6 revenge all d

Gal. 2:2 in the children of d


Luke 1:17 turn . . . d to the wisdom

Rom. 1:30 d to parents


Job 23:7 the righteous might d

Mark 9:33 What was it . . . ye d-d

1 Cor. 1:20 the d-r of this world

Php. 2:14 Do all things without . . . d-ings

Jude 9 d-d about the body of Moses


Prov. 31:19 her hands hold the d


Gen. 35:3 in the day of my d

Ps. 107:6 delivered them out of their d-es

Prov. 1:27 when d and anguish cometh

Isa. 25:4 to the needy in his d

Zeph. 1:17 I will bring d upon men

Luke 21:23 there shall be great d

1 Cor. 7:26 good for the present d


Job 21:17 God d-th sorrows

Luke 18:22 d unto the poor

John 6:11 d-d to the disciples

1 Cor. 7:17 God hath d-d to every

2 Cor. 9:13 for your liberal d-ion


2 Kings 3:16 valley full of d-es

Prov. 23:27 whore is a deep d

Matt. 15:14 both shall fall into the d


Gen. 1:4 God d-d the light from

Josh. 13:7 d this land for an

1 Kings 3:25 D the living child in two

Prov. 16:19 d the spoil with the proud

Isa. 53:12 will I d him a portion

Dan. 2:41 the kingdom shall be d-d

Dan. 5:28 Thy kingdom is d-d, and given to

Matt. 25:32 shepherd d-th his sheep

Luke 11:17 Every kingdom d-d

2 Tim. 2:15 d-ing the word of truth


Num. 22:7 with the rewards of d

Acts 16:16 with a spirit of d


Mic. 3:11 prophets . . . d for money

Zech. 10:2 the d-rs have seen a lie

Heb. 9:1 ordinances of d service

2 Pet. 1:4 partakers of the d nature


Exod. 8:23 I will put a d between

John 7:43 there was a d among

Rom. 16:17 cause d-s and offenses

1 Cor. 1:10 that there be no d-s


Lev. 21:14 widow, or a d-d woman

Deut. 24:1,3 a bill of d-ment

Matt. 5:31,32 writing of d-ment


Luke 2:46 in the midst of the d-s

Luke 5:17 d-s of the law


Deut. 32:2 My d shall drop as the rain

Job 11:4 My d is pure

Prov. 4:2 I give you good d

Mark 1:22 astonished at his d

John 7:16 My d is not mine, but his

Acts 2:42 in the apostles' d

Rom. 16:17 contrary to the d

Col. 2:22 commandments and d-s of men

Gal. 4:14 every wind of d

1 Tim. 4:6 of faith and good d

2 Tim. 3:10 thou hast fully known my d

Titus 1:9 able by sound d

Heb. 6:2 Of the d of baptisms

2 John 9 not in the d of Christ, hath not God

Rev. 2:24 as many as have not this d


2 Kings 22:5 the d-s of the work

Rom. 2:13 the d-s of the law shall be

James 1:22 be ye d-s of the word

James 4:11 not a d of the law


1 Sam. 17:43 Am I a d

Ps. 22:16 For d-s have compassed

Eccl. 9:4 a living d is better than

Isa. 56:10 they are all dumb d-s

Luke 16:21 the d-s came and licked

Php. 3:2 Beware of d-s

Rev. 22:15 For without are d-s


Gen. 1:26 them have d over the fish

Ps. 8:6 Thou madest him to have d

Zech. 9:10 his d shall be from sea

Matt. 20:25 princes of the Gentiles exercise d

Rom. 6:9 death hath no more d over

2 Cor. 1:24 have d over your faith

Col. 1:16 or d-s, or principalities

1 Pet. 4:11 to whom be praise and d

Rev. 1:6 be glory and d for ever


Gen. 4:7 sin lieth at the d

Gen. 6:16 d of the ark shalt thou set

Gen. 18:1 sat in the tent d

Exod. 12:7 on the upper d post

Exod. 12:23 Lord will pass over the d

2 Sam. 11:9 Uriah slept at the d

Ps. 84:10 had rather be a d keeper

Ps. 141:3 keep the d of my lips

Prov. 26:14 d turneth

Matt. 6:6 when thou hast shut thy d, pray

Matt. 25:10 marriage . . . d was shut

Matt. 27:60 great stone to the d

John 10:9 I am the d

1 Cor. 16:9 a great d and effectual

Rev. 3:8 set before thee an open d

Rev. 4:1 a d was opened in heaven


Deut. 21:17 firstborn . . . a d portion

2 Kings 2:9 d portion of thy spirit

Isa. 40:2 d for all her sins

1 Tim. 5:17 be counted worthy of d


Matt. 14:31 wherefore didst thou d

Matt. 21:21 ye have faith, and d not

Matt. 28:17 but some d-ed

Luke 12:29 neither be ye of d-ful mind

Acts 10:20 go with them, d-ing nothing

Rom. 14:23 that d-eth is damned


Gen. 8:8 he sent forth a d from

Ps. 55:6 O that I had wings like a d

SS. 1:15 thou hast d-'s eyes

Matt. 3:16 Spirit . . . descending like a d

Matt. 10:16 serpents . . . harmless as d-s

John 1:32 from heaven like a d


Deut. 32:33 wine . . . poison of d-s

Job 30:29 I am a brother to d-s

Ps. 91:13 young lion and the d shalt

Ps. 148:7 Praise the Lord . . . ye d-s

Isa. 51:9 wounded the d

Jer. 9:11 Jerusalem . . . a den of d-s

Rev. 13:4 they worshipped the d

Rev. 20:2 the d, that old serpent


Gen. 24:13 come out to d water

Ps. 69:18 D nigh unto my soul

Isa. 12:3 d water out of the wells of

Jer. 31:3 lovingkindness have I d-n

Luke 21:28 your redemption d-eth nigh

John 4:11 nothing to d with

John 12:32 lifted up . . . will d all men

Heb. 10:22 Let us d near with a true

Heb. 10:38 if any man d back

James 4:8 D nigh to God, he will d


Gen. 28:12 he d-ed . . . behold a ladder

Gen. 37:19 Behold, this d-er cometh

Judg. 7:13 I d-ed a d, and lo, a cake

Job 20:8 fly away as a d

Ps. 73:20 As a d when one awaketh

Ps. 126:1 we were like them that d

Dan. 1:17 understanding in all d-s

Joel 2:28 your old men shall d d-s

Matt. 1:20 appeared unto him in a d

Matt. 2:12 warned of God in a d

Matt. 27:19 I have suffered . . . in a d

Acts 2:17 your old men shall d d-s


Gen. 35:14 poured a d offering

Lev. 10:9 Do not d wine or strong d

Num. 6:3 He . . . shall d no vinegar

Ps. 80:5 givest them tears to d

Prov. 5:15 D . . . of thine own cistern

Eccl. 9:7 d thy wine with a merry heart

Isa. 22:13 let us eat and d; for to morrow

Matt. 11:18 neither eating nor d-ing

Matt. 25:35 thirsty, and ye gave me d

Matt. 26:27 D ye all of it

Matt. 27:34 gave him vinegar to d

Luke 22:18 I will not d . . . until the kingdom

John 6:55 my blood is d indeed

John 18:11 cup . . . shall I not d it

1 Cor. 10:4 all d the same spiritual d

1 Cor. 11:25 as oft as ye d it

Heb. 6:7 earth which d-eth in the rain


2 Kings 9:20 d-ing is like the d-ing of Jehu

Mark 1:12 Spirit d-th him into the


John 2:15 d them all out of the temple


Deut. 32:2 doctrine shall d as the rain

Job 36:27 maketh small the d-s of water

Prov. 27:15 d-ping in a very rainy day

Isa. 40:15 nations are as a d

Isa. 45:8 D down, ye heavens

Luke 22:44 great d-s of blood falling

Drunk (see also Drunkenness)

Gen. 9:21 drank of the wine, and was d-en

Deut. 32:42 mine arrows d with blood

Isa. 29:9 d-en but not with wine

Isa. 63:6 make them d in my fury

John 2:10 when men have well d,

Gal. 5:18 be not d with wine

1 Thess. 5:7 are d-en in the night


Deut. 21:20 he is a glutton, and a d

Joel 1:5 Awake, ye d-s, and weep

1 Cor. 5:11 a railer, or a d


Jer. 13:13 I will fill . . . Jerusalem, with d

Ezek. 23:33 be filled with d and sorrow

Rom. 13:13 walk . . . not in rioting and d

Gal. 5:21 d, revellings, and such like


Gen. 1:9 let the d land appear

Ps. 63:1 in a d and thirsty land

Prov. 17:1 Better is a d morsel

Isa. 53:2 as a root out of a d ground

Ezek. 37:4 O ye d bones,

Matt. 12:43 walketh through d places

Mark 11:20 saw the fig tree d-ied up


Lev. 10:13 it is thy d . . . thy sons' d

Lev. 26:4 give you rain in d season

Ps. 104:27 their meat in d season

1 Cor. 15:8 born out of d time

Gal. 6:9 in d season we shall reap


Exod. 4:11 who maketh the d, or deaf

Matt. 9:32 brought to him a d man

Mark 7:37 he maketh . . . d to speak

Luke 1:20 thou shalt be d

1 Cor. 12:2 unto these d idols


Gen. 2:7 Lord God formed man of the d

Gen. 3:14 d shalt thou eat

Gen. 3:19 d thou art . . . unto d

Gen. 13:16 as the d of the earth

1 Sam. 2:8 raiseth . . . poor out of the d

Job 34:15 shall turn again unto d

Job 42:6 I . . . repent in d and ashes

Ps. 30:9 Shall the d praise thee

Ps. 103:14 we are d

Eccl. 12:7 d return to the earth as it was

Isa. 65:25 d shall be the serpent's meat

Dan. 12:2 sleep in the d

Matt. 10:14 shake off the d of your feet

Rev. 18:19 cast d on their heads


Eccl. 12:13 the whole d of man

Luke 17:10 which was our d to do

Rom. 15:27 their d is also to minister


Lev. 19:34 stranger that d-eth with you

Deut. 12:11 cause his name to d there

Ps. 23:6 d in the house of the Lord

John 1:38 where d-est thou

1 Cor. 4:11 have no certain d-ingplace

Gal. 3:17 Christ may d in your hearts

1 Tim. 6:16 d-ing in the light which no man

2 Tim. 1:5 d-t first in thy grandmother

2 Pet. 2:8 righteous man d-ing among

1 John 3:17 how d-eth the love of God

1 John 4:12 God d-eth in us



Exod. 19:4 bare you on e-s' wings

Ps. 103:5 renewed like the e-'s

Prov. 30:19 way of an e in the air

Lam. 4:19 swifter than the e-s

Obad. 4 exalt thyself as the e

Matt. 24:28 e-s be gathered

Rev. 4:7 beast was like a flying e


Ps. 31:2 Bow down thine e to me

Ps. 44:1 We have heard with our e-s

Ps. 94:9 He that planted the e

Ps. 115:6 have e-s, but . . . hear not

Prov. 20:12 hearing e . . . seeing eye

Isa. 55:3 Incline your e

Matt. 11:15 He that hath e-s to hear

Matt. 26:51 smote off his e

Mark 7:33 fingers into his e-s

1 Cor. 2:9 Eye . . . not seen, nor e heard

1 Cor. 12:16 if the e shall say

2 Tim. 4:3 having itching e-s

Rev. 2:7 He that hath an e, let him


Mark 16:9 when Jesus was risen e

John 20:1 cometh Mary Magdalene e

James 5:7 receive the e and latter rain


Rom. 8:19 e expectation of the creature

2 Cor. 1:22 given the e of the Spirit

Gal. 1:14 the e of our inheritance

James 5:17 and he prayed e-ly


Gen. 1:1 created the heaven . . . e

Gen. 12:3 families of the e be blessed

Exod. 20:11 Lord made heaven and e

Josh. 2:11 is God in heaven above and in e

1 Sam. 2:10 Lord shall judge . . . the e

1 Kings 18:1 send rain upon the e

2 Kings 5:15 no God in all the e

Job 19:25 latter day upon the e

Job 38:4 laid the foundations of the e

Ps. 2:2 kings of the e set themselves

Ps. 8:1 excellent is thy name in all the e

Ps. 24:1 The e is the Lord's

Ps. 25:13 seed shall inherit the e

Ps. 37:11 meek shall inherit the e

Ps. 46:2 though the e be removed

Ps. 47:2 great King over all the e

Ps. 65:9 Thou visitest the e, and

Prov. 2:22 wicked . . . cut off from the e

Prov. 10:30 wicked . . . not inhabit the e

Eccl. 12:7 dust return to the e

Isa. 1:2 give ear, O e

Isa. 24:1 Lord maketh the e empty

Isa. 49:6 salvation unto the end of the e

Isa. 55:9 heavens are higher than the e

Isa. 60:2 darkness shall cover the e

Isa. 61:11 the e bringeth forth her bud

Isa. 66:1 the e is my footstool

Jer. 22:29 O e, e, e, hear the word

Jer. 23:24 Do not I fill heaven and e

Joel 3:16 heavens . . . e shall shake

Jon. 2:6 e with her bars was

Mic. 7:2 man is perished out of the e

Nah. 1:5 e is burned at his presence

Hab. 2:20 let the e keep silence

Mal. 4:6 smite the e with a curse

Matt. 5:5 meek . . . shall inherit the e

Matt. 6:10 thy will be done in e

Matt. 6:19 treasures upon e

Matt. 10:34 come to send peace on e

Matt. 11:25 Lord of heaven and e

Matt. 24:35 Heaven and e shall pass

Matt. 25:25 hid thy talent in the e

Matt. 27:51 and the e did quake

Matt. 28:18 power is given . . . in . . . e

Mark 4:5 had no depth of e

Luke 2:14 on e peace, good will

Luke 12:49 to send fire on the e

Luke 18:8 find faith on the e

Luke 23:44 darkness over all the e

John 3:12 If I have told you e-ly

John 12:32 be lifted up from the e

John 17:4 glorified thee on the e

Rom. 10:18 sound went into all the e

1 Cor. 15:47 the first man is of the e, e-y

2 Cor. 4:7 treasure in e-en vessels

2 Cor. 5:1 know that if our e-ly house

Gal. 6:3 mayest live long on the e

Php. 3:19 who mind e-ly things

Col. 3:2 not on things on the e

Heb. 11:13 pilgrims on the e

Heb. 12:26 voice then shook the e

James 3:15 but is e-ly

2 Pet. 3:5 e standing out of the water

1 John 5:8 three . . . witness in e

Rev. 1:5 prince of the kings of the e

Rev. 21:1 a new heaven and a new e


1 Kings 19:11 and after the wind an e

Amos 1:1 two years before the e

Matt. 24:7 shall be famines . . . and e-s

Rev. 8:5 lightnings, and an e

Ease (see also Easy)

Ps. 25:13 His soul shall dwell at e

Isa. 32:9, 11 ye women that are at e

Amos 6:1 Woe to them . . . at e in Zion

Luke 12:19 take thine e, eat, drink


Gen. 3:24 e of the garden of Eden

Gen. 41:6 blasted with the e wind

Exod. 10:13 Lord brought an e wind

Exod. 14:21 by a strong e wind

Judg. 6:3 the children of the e

1 Kings 4:30 wisdom . . . children of the e

Job 1:3 greatest of all the men of the e

Job 27:21 e wind carrieth him away

Ps. 103:12 far as the e is from the west

Matt. 2:1 came wise men from the e

Matt. 8:11 many shall come from the e


Acts 12:4 after E to bring him forth

Easy (see also Ease)

Matt. 9:5 whether is e-ier, to say

Matt. 11:30 my yoke is e, and my burden

Matt. 19:24 It is e-ier for a camel to

Luke 16:17 e-ier for heaven and earth


Gen. 2:16 tree . . . thou mayest freely e

Gen. 9:4 blood . . . shall ye not e

Lev. 21:22 e the bread of his God

Num. 18:10 every male shall e it

Judg. 14:14 Out of the e-er came forth

Ps. 22:26 meek . . . e and be satisfied

Ps. 78:25 man did e angels' food

Ps. 128:2 e the labour of thine hands

Prov. 23:7 E and drink, saith he to

Prov. 27:18 keepeth the fig tree shall e

Prov. 31:27 e-th not the bread of

Eccl. 5:12 e little or much

Isa. 3:14 ye have e-en up the vineyard

Isa. 22:13 e and drink; for to morrow

Isa. 55:1 come ye, buy, and e

Matt. 14:16 give ye them to e

Matt. 26:26 Take, e; this is my body

Mark 5:43 something . . . given her to e

Mark 7:5 e bread with unwashen

Luke 14:15 e bread . . . kingdom of God

Luke 15:23 let us e, and be merry

John 4:32 I have meat to e

Acts 10:13 Rise, Peter; kill, and e

Rom. 14:2 e all things . . . e-eth herbs

1 Cor. 10:3 e the same spiritual meat

2 Tim. 2:17 e as doth a canker

Rev. 2:7 to e of the tree of life


1 Cor. 10:23 but all things e not

1 Cor. 14:4 unknown tongue e-ieth himself

Gal. 4:12 e-ing of the body of Christ


Gal. 3:7 by the e working of his power

1 Thess. 2:13 which e-ly worketh

James 5:16 The e fervent prayer of


Gen. 12:10 Abram went down into E

Gen. 26:2 Go not down into E

Gen. 46:3 fear not to go down into E

Exod. 20:2 brought thee out of the land of E

Ezekiel 29:2 E, and prophesy against him

Hos. 8:13 they shall return to E

Hos 11:1 called my son out of E

Matt. 2:15 Out of E have I called

Heb. 11:26 Christ . . . than the treasures in E


Exod. 24:9 seventy of the e of Israel

Ps. 107:32 praise him in the assembly of the e

Matt. 15:2 tradition of the e

Acts 14:23 e in every church

1 Tim 5:17 Let the e that rule well

James 5:14 call for the e

Rev. 4:4 four and twenty e sitting


Isa. 45:4 Israel mine e

Matt. 24:22 for the e-'s sake

Rom. 8:33 Who shall . . . charge of God's e

1 Pet. 2:6 a chief corner stone, e

1 Pet. 5:13 church . . . e-ed together with you

2 John 1 The elder unto the e lady


Rom. 9:11 purpose of . . . according to e

Rom. 11:5 according to the e of grace

1 Thess. 1:4 your e of God

2 Pet. 1:10 your calling and e sure


Prophet against Ahab and Ahaziah. Predicted famine (1 Kings 17:1; James 5:17). Fed by ravens (1 Kings 17:2-7); fed by widow (17:8-16; Luke 4:26); raised widow's son (1 Kings 17:17-24). Defeated prophets of Baal (18:19-40). Fled Jezebel (19:1-3). Chose Elisha to succeed him (19:16,19-21); taken up into heaven (2 Kings 2:1-12).

Forerunner to the Messiah, embodied in John the Baptist (Mal. 4:5; Matt. 11:14; 17:10-13; Luke 1:17). Appeared with Jesus (Matt. 17:3-4).


Prophet; successor to Elijah (1 Kings 19:16-21; 2 Kings 2:1-18). Made bad water good (2 Kings 2:19-22); called a bear to punish boys (2:23-24); provided water for army (3:13-22). Provided miraculous supply of oil for widow (4:1-7); granted son to barren woman and restored him to life (4:8-37). Healed Naaman and punished Gehazi (5:1-27). Made axe head float (6:5-7). Blinded Syrian army (6:8-7:20). A man was revived by touching his dead bones (13:20-21).

Made Hazael king of Syria (2 Kings 8:7-15) and Jehu king of Israel (9:1-13).

Emmanuel (see also Immanuel)

Matt. 1:23 call his name E, . . . God with us


Gen. 6:13 the e of all flesh is come

Job 26:10 day and night come to an e

Job 42:12 the latter e of Job

Ps. 37:37 the e of that man is peace

Ps. 39:4 Lord, make me to know mine e

Ps. 102:27 thy years shall have no e

Prov. 14:12 e thereof are the ways of death

Eccl. 4:8 no e of all his labour

Eccl. 4:16 no e of all the people

Eccl. 7:2 that is the e of all men

Eccl. 7:8 Better is the e of a thing

Eccl. 12:12 making . . . books there is no e

Isa. 9:7 peace there shall be no e

Jer. 5:31 what will ye do in the e

Lam. 1:9 remembereth not her last e

Matt. 13:39 harvest is the e of the world

Matt. 24:6 but the e is not yet

Matt. 24:14 then shall the e come

Matt. 28:20 I am with you . . . unto the e

Luke 1:33 his kingdom there shall be no e

John 13:1 he loved them unto the e

John 18:37 To this e was I born

Php. 3:19 Whose e is destruction

1 Tim. 1:5 the e of the commandment

Heb. 6:16 and e of all strife

1 Pet. 1:9 Receiving the e of your

1 Pet. 4:7 the e of all things is at

2 Pet. 2:20 the latter e is worse

Rev. 2:26 keepeth my works unto the e

Rev. 21:6; 22:13 beginning and the e


Ps. 9:7 Lord shall e for ever

Ps. 72:5 as long as the sun and moon e

Ps. 72:17 His name shall e for ever

Ps. 100:5 truth e-th to all generations

Ps. 135:13 name, O Lord, e-th for ever

Ps. 136:1 for his mercy e-th for ever

Matt. 24:13 But he that shall e

John 6:27 meat which e-th unto . . . life

Rom. 9:22 e-d with longsuffering

1 Cor. 13:7 hopeth . . . e-th all things

James 1:12 Blessed is the man that e-th

1 Pet. 1:25 word of the Lord e-th for ever

1 Pet. 2:19 for conscience . . . e grief


Exod. 23:22 an e unto thine e-ies

Judg. 5:31 let all thine e-ies perish

1 Sam. 24:19 For if a man find his e

Ps. 23:5 presence of mine e-ies

Ps. 119:98 wiser than mine e-ies

Prov. 16:7 even his e-ies to be at peace

Prov. 24:17 Rejoice not when thine e

Prov. 27:6 kisses of an e are deceitful

Mic. 7:6 man's own e-ies . . . his own house

Matt. 5:44 I say . . . Love your e-ies

Acts 13:10 thou e of all righteousness

Rom. 5:10 e-ies, we were reconciled

Gal. 4:16 Am I therefore become your e

Php. 3:18 are the e-ies of the cross


Gen. 7:13 selfsame day e-ed Noah

Ps. 100:4 E into his gates with

Ezekiel 2:2 the spirit e-ed into me

Matt. 7:13 E ye in at the strait gate

Matt. 18:3 not e into the kingdom

Matt. 25:21 e thou into the joy of thy Lord

Luke 22:3 then e-d Satan into Judas

Luke 24:26 to e into his glory

John 10:1 that e-eth not by the door

Rom. 5:12 as by one man sin e-ed into

Heb. 3:11 shall not e into my rest

Heb. 9:12 e-d in once into the holy place


Gen. 30:1 Rachel e-ied her sister

Job 5:2 and e slayeth the silly one

Ps. 73:3 I was e-ious at the foolish

Prov. 24:1 Be not thou e-ious against evil men

Ezekiel 35:11 according to thine e

Matt. 27:18 for e they had delivered

Acts 13:45 were filled with e

Rom. 13:13 not in strife and e-ing

Gal. 5:26 e-ing one another

Php. 1:15 preach Christ even of e

1 Tim. 6:4 whereof cometh e, strife

James 3:14 bitter e-ing and strife


Job 28:17 gold . . . crystal cannot e

Ezekiel 18:25 way of the Lord is not e

John 5:18 making himself e with God

Php. 2:6 not robbery to be e with God


Ps. 98:9 Judge . . . people with e

Prov. 2:9 Then shalt thou understand . . . e

Isa. 11:4 reprove with e for the meek


Isa. 35:8 though fools, shall not e

Matt. 22:29 Ye do e, not knowing the


Matt. 27:64 the last e shall be worse

James 5:20 sinner from the e of his

1 John 4:6 spirit of truth, and . . . of e


Gen. 19:17 E for thy life; look not

Josh. 8:22 let none . . . remain or e

Matt. 23:33 can ye e the damnation

Luke 21:36 be accounted worthy to e

John 10:39 but he e-d out of their

Rom. 2:3 shalt e the judgment of God

1 Cor. 10:13 make a way to e

2 Pet. 1:4 having e-d the corruption


Matt. 1:18 his mother Mary was e

Luke 1:27 a virgin e to a man

Luke 2:5 Mary his e wife

2 Cor. 11:2 e you to one husband


Deut. 28:9 e thee an holy people

Ps. 93:2 Thy throne is e-ed of old

Prov. 20:18 Every purpose is e-ed

Isa. 9:7 e it with judgment . . . justice

Jer. 10:12 he hath e-ed the world

Dan. 6:8 O king, e the decree

Matt. 18:16 every word may be e-ed

Rom. 3:31 yea, we e the law

Heb. 13:9 the heart be e-ed with grace


Deut. 32:15 lightly e-ed the Rock of

Job 36:19 Will he e thy riches

Isa. 53:3 despised, and we e-ed him not

Luke 16:15 highly e-ed among men

Php. 2:3 each e other better than


Deut. 33:27 the e God is thy refuge

Matt. 25:46 the righteous into life e

Mark 10:30 world to come e life

John 3:15 not perish, but have e life

John 4:36 gathereth fruit unto life e

John 6:54 eateth my flesh . . . hath e

John 10:28 I give unto them e life

John 17:3 this is life e

Acts 13:48 were ordained to e life

Rom. 6:23 the gift of God is e life

2 Cor. 4:17 e weight of glory

Gal. 3:11 According to the e purpose

1 Tim. 6:12 lay hold on e life

Titus 1:2 In hope of e life

Heb. 5:9 the author of e salvation

Heb. 6:2 dead, and of e judgment

Heb. 9:12 e redemption

1 Pet. 5:10 called us unto his e glory

Jude 7 the vengeance of e fire


Isa. 57:15 inhabiteth e, whose name is Holy


Acts 21:8 Philip the e

Gal. 4:11 prophets; and some, e-s

2 Tim. 4:5 work of an e


Gen. 9:16 remember the e covenant

Ps. 24:7 be ye lift up, ye e doors

Ps. 90:2 from e to e, thou art God

Ps. 119:142 Thy . . . is an e righteousness

Ps. 145:13 Thy . . . is an e kingdom

Isa. 9:6 e Father, The Prince of Peace

Matt. 18:8 to be cast into e fire

Matt. 19:29 shall inherit e life

Matt. 25:46 e punishment

John 3:16 not perish, but have e life

2 Thess. 1:9 with e destruction

Heb. 13:20 blood of the e covenant

Jude 6 he hath reserved in e chains

Rev. 14:6 having the e gospel to preach


Gen. 2:9 tree . . . of good and e

Exod. 32:14 Lord repented of the e

Deut. 13:5 put the e away from the midst

1 Sam. 25:21 requited me e for good

2 Kings 6:33 this e is of the Lord

Job 30:26 looked for good, then e came

Ps. 34:13 Keep thy tongue from e

Ps. 37:27 Depart from e

Ps. 51:4 done this e in thy sight

Ps. 91:10 There shall no e befall

Ps. 97:10 love the Lord, hate e

Prov. 3:7 depart from e

Prov. 13:21 E pursueth sinners

Isa. 7:15 he may know to refuse the e

Isa. 59:7 Their feet run to e

Matt. 5:11 say all manner of e

Matt. 6:13 but deliver us from e

Matt. 12:34 how can ye, being e

Matt. 27:23 what e hath he done

Luke 11:34 when thine eye is e

Rom. 12:17 Recompense to no man e for e

1 Thess. 5:15 none render e for e

1 Tim. 6:10 money . . . root of all e

1 Pet. 3:9 Not rendering e for e


Exod. 15:2 father's God, and I will e

Ps. 34:3 let us e his name together

Prov. 14:34 Righteousness e-eth

Luke 1:52 and e-ed them of low degree

Acts 5:31 Him hath God e-ed

Php. 2:9 God . . . hath highly e-ed

James 1:9 rejoice in that he is e-ed

1 Pet. 5:6 that he may e you in due


Matt. 1:19 make her a publick e

John 13:15 I have given you an e

1 Pet. 2:21 leaving us an e


Isa. 35:2 see . . . e of our God

1 Cor. 2:1 came not with e of speech

Php. 3:8 e of the knowledge of Christ


Job 37:23 he is e in power

Ps. 8:1 how e is thy name

Ps. 36:7 How e is thy loving kindness

Ps. 148:13 his name alone is e

Isa. 12:5 for he hath done e things

Hab. 1:4 obtained a more e name


Exod. 12:12 I will e judgment

Num. 8:11 e the service of the Lord

1 Kings 6:12 and e my judgments

John 5:27 authority to e judgment


Acts 13:15 any word of e-ation for

Rom. 12:8 he that e-eth, on e-ation

1 Tim. 6:2 These things teach and e

2 Tim. 4:2 e with all long suffering

Titus 1:9 may be able . . . to e

Titus 2:15 speak, and e, and rebuke

Heb. 3:13 e one another daily

Heb. 10:25 e-ing one another: and


Ps. 9:18 the e of the poor . . . not perish

Ps. 62:5 my e is from him

Prov. 10:28 e of the wicked shall perish

Rom. 8:19 earnest e of the creature


John 11:50 e for us, that one man should die

John 16:7 e for you that I go

1 Cor. 6:12 all things are not e


1 Tim. 4:1 Spirit speaketh e-ly

Heb. 1:3 e image of his person

Eye (see also Eyeservice)

Gen. 3:5 your e-s shall be opened

Exod. 21:24 E for e, tooth for tooth

Deut. 32:10 as the apple of his e

Deut. 34:7 when he died: his e was not dim

2 Kings 6:17 I pray thee, open his e-s

Job 28:21 it is hid from the e-s

Ps. 6:7 Mine e is consumed because

Ps. 17:8 as the apple of the e

Ps. 19:8 enlightening the e-s

Ps. 32:8 will guide thee with mine e

Ps. 34:15 e-s of the Lord are upon

Ps. 36:1 no fear of God before his e-s

Ps. 121:1 I will lift up mine e-s unto

Ps. 145:15 e-s of all wait upon thee

Prov. 3:7 not wise in thine own e-s

Prov. 10:10 winketh with the e

Eccl. 6:9 Better is the sight of the e-s

Isa. 35:5 e-s of the blind . . . be opened

Isa. 52:8 they shall see e to e

Jer. 9:1 mine e-s a fountain of tears

Ezekiel 12:2 e-s to see, and see not

Hab. 1:13 Thou art of purer e

Matt. 5:29 if thy right e offend thee

Matt. 7:3 mote . . . in thy brother's e

Matt. 9:29 Then touched he their e-s

Matt. 13:16 blessed are your e-s

Matt. 20:15 Is thine e evil, because

Mark 10:25 e of a needle

Luke 2:30 e-s have seen thy salvation

Luke 24:31 their e-s were opened

John 9:6 anointed the e-s of the blind

1 Cor. 2:9 E hath not seen, nor ear

1 Cor. 15:52 in the twinkling of an e

Gal 3:1 before whose e-s Jesus

Gal. 1:18 e-s of your understanding

1 Pet. 3:12 For the e-s of the Lord

Rev. 1:7 and every e shall see him


Gal. 6:6; Col. 3:22 not with e, as menpleasers


Luke 1:2 were e, and ministers of the word

2 Pet. 1:16 but were e of his majesty



1 Tim. 1:4 Neither give heed to f

1 Tim. 4:7 profane and old wives' f

Titus 1:14 giving heed to Jewish f

2 Pet. 1:16 cunningly devised f


Gen. 1:2 darkness was upon the f of

Gen. 3:19 In the sweat of thy f shalt

Gen. 32:30 for I have seen God f to f

Exod. 33:11 Lord spake unto Moses f to f

Exod. 33:23 my f shall not be seen

Num. 6:25 The Lord make his f shine

Ps. 13:1 How long . . . hide thy f from me

Ps. 27:8 Seek thy f

Ps. 67:1 cause his f to shine upon us

Prov. 27:19 f answereth to f

Jer. 5:3 f-s harder than a rock

Ezek. 10:14 had four f-s: the first f was

Luke 22:64 they struck him on the f

2 Cor. 3:18 with open f beholding

1 Pet. 3:12 f of the Lord is against


Ps. 84:2 My soul . . . f-eth for the courts of

Isa. 40:30 Even the youths shall f

Dan. 8:27 And I Daniel f-ed, and was sick

Luke 18:1 ought always to pray, and not to f

Gal. 6:9 we shall reap, if we f not

Faith (see also Faithful, Faithless)

Hab. 2:4 the just shall live by his f

Matt. 6:30 clothe you, O ye of little f

Matt. 9:2 Jesus seeing their f said

Matt. 15:28 O woman, great is thy f

Matt. 17:20 f as a grain of mustard

Mark 11:22 saith . . . Have f in God

Luke 7:50 Thy f hath saved thee

Luke 8:25 Where is your f

Luke 17:5 Increase our f

Luke 18:8 shall he find f on the earth

Luke 22:32 prayed for thee, that thy f fail not

Acts 6:5 full of f and of the Holy Ghost

Acts 14:27 opened the door of f

Acts 15:9 purifying their hearts by f

Acts 20:21 f toward our Lord Jesus

Rom. 4:14 f is made void

Rom. 5:1 being justified by f, we have peace

Rom. 10:17 f cometh by hearing

1 Cor. 13:2 though I have all f, so that

1 Cor. 15:14 your f is also vain

2 Cor. 13:5 whether ye be in the f

Gal. 2:16 justified by the f of Jesus Christ

Gal. 5:5 hope of righteousness by f

Gal. 2:8 saved through f

Gal. 4:5 One Lord, one f, one baptism

Gal. 6:16 taking the shield of f

1 Thess. 1:3 work of f

1 Thess. 5:8 the breastplate of f and love

1 Tim. 1:2 my own son in the f

1 Tim. 3:9 mystery of the f in a pure

1 Tim. 4:1 some shall depart from the f

1 Tim. 5:12 cast off their first f

2 Tim. 4:7 I have kept the f

Heb. 10:22 in full assurance of f

Heb. 11:1 f is the substance of

Heb. 12:2 author and finisher of our f

1 Pet. 1:5 through f unto salvation

2 Pet. 1:5 add to your f virtue

Jude 20 your most holy f

Rev. 2:13 and hast not denied my f


Num. 12:7 Moses . . . f in all mine house

Deut. 7:9 he is God, the f God

1 Sam. 2:35 will raise me up a f priest

Neh. 9:8 foundest his heart f

Ps. 31:23 the Lord preserveth the f

Ps. 89:1 make known thy f-ness

Ps. 101:6 Mine eyes . . . be f

Ps. 119:86 All thy commandments are f

Prov. 20:6 f man who can find

Prov. 27:6 F are the wounds

Isa. 1:21 How is the f city become

Jer. 23:28 speak my word f-ly

Matt. 24:45 a f and wise servant

Matt. 25:23 good and f servant

1 Cor. 1:9; 10:13 God is f

1 Thess. 5:24 F is he that calleth

1 Tim. 1:12 for that he counted me f

1 Tim. 1:15; 4:9 This is a f saying

2 Tim. 2:2 commit thou to f men

Titus 1:6 having f children

Heb. 10:23 for he is f that promised

Rev. 1:5 Christ, who is the f witness

Rev. 2:10 be thou f unto death, and

Rev. 19:11 was called F and True


Matt. 17:17 O f and perverse generation

John 20:27 be not f, but believing


Ps. 16:6 are f-en . . . in pleasant

Prov. 16:18 haughty spirit before a f

Prov. 24:16 just man f-eth seven

Eccl. 11:3 where the tree f-eth,

Dan. 11:26 shall f down slain

Mic. 7:8 when I f, I shall rise

Matt. 7:27 and great was the f of it

Matt. 10:29 shall not f on the ground

Matt. 12:11 f into the pit on the

Matt. 15:14 both shall f into the ditch

Luke 2:34 set for the f and rising

Luke 8:13 in time of temptation f away

Rom. 11:12 the f of them be the riches

Rom. 14:13 no man put . . . an occasion to f

1 Cor. 10:12 take heed lest he f

Gal. 5:4 ye are f-en from grace

1 Tim. 6:9 rich f into temptation

Heb. 4:11 lest any man f

Heb. 6:6 If they shall f away

Heb. 10:31 f into the hands of . . . God

2 Pet. 1:10 ye shall never f

Jude 24 that is able to keep you from f-ing

Rev. 2:5 from whence thou art f-en

Rev. 6:16 rocks, F on us

Rev. 14:8; 18:2 Babylon . . . is f-en, is f-en


Exod. 20:16 shalt not bear f witness

Ps. 119:104, 128 I hate every f way

Prov. 6:19; 12:17; 14:5; 19:5, 9; 21:28 f witness

Prov. 11:1; 20:23 f balance

Prov. 17:4 heed to f lips

Matt. 19:18 not bear f witness

Matt. 24:24 f Christs, and f prophets

Mark 13:22 For f Christs


Lev. 20:6 such as have f spirits

1 Sam. 28:7 f spirit at Endor

Job 19:14 f friends have forgotten

Ps. 41:9 mine own f friend

Jer. 20:10 all my f-s watched


Gen. 12:10; 26:1 was a f

Amos 8:11 f in the land . . . but of hearing

Matt. 24:7 and there shall be f-s, and


Job 10:8 thine hands have . . . f-ed me

Job 31:15 did not one f us in the womb

Isa. 44:12 f-eth it with hammers

Isa. 45:9 clay say to him that f-eth it

Php. 2:8 being found in f as a man


Isa. 58:3 we f-ed . . . and thou seest not

Isa. 58:6 is not this the f that I have

Joel 1:14 Sanctify ye a f, call a

Zech. 7:5 did ye at all f unto me

Matt. 4:2 had f-ed forty days

Matt. 6:16 when ye f, be not, as the

Mark 2:18 Pharisees f . . . disciples f not

Mark 2:19 children of the bridechamber f

Luke 18:12 I f twice in the week

Acts 13:3 had f-ed and prayed


Gen. 45:18 shall eat the f of the land

Prov. 11:25; 13:4 shall be made f

Prov. 15:30 report maketh the bones f

Isa. 6:10 the heart of this people f

Luke 15:23 bring hither the f-ted calf


Gen. 2:24 leave his f and his mother

Exod. 20:12 Honour thy f and thy mother

Exod. 21:15 he that smiteth his f, or

Deut. 5:9 the iniquity of the f-s

2 Sam. 7:14 I will be his f

Job 17:14 Thou art my f

Job 29:16 I was a f to the poor

Job 38:28 Hath the rain a f

Ps. 22:4 Our f-s trusted in thee

Ps. 68:5 A f of the fatherless, and

Ps. 89:26 Thou art my f, my God

Ps. 103:13 Like as a f pitieth his

Prov. 1:8 hear the instruction of thy f

Prov. 10:1 wise son maketh a glad f

Isa. 9:6 The everlasting F, the Prince

Isa. 63:16 Doubtless thou art our F

Jer. 3:19 Thou shalt call me, My f

Mal. 2:10 Have we not all one f

Matt. 5:16 glorify your F . . . in heaven

Matt. 6:9 F which art in heaven

Matt. 7:21 doeth the will of my f

Matt. 11:25 I thank thee, O F

Matt. 11:27 knoweth the Son, . . . F

Matt. 26:29 with you in my F-'s kingdom

Matt. 28:19 baptizing . . . in the name of the F

Mark 8:38 cometh in the glory of his F

Mark 14:36 he said, Abba, F

Luke 2:49 be about my F-'s business

Luke 11:2 Our F which art in heaven

Luke 15:18 arise and go to my f

Luke 23:34 said Jesus, F, forgive them

Luke 24:49 the promise of my F

John 2:16 make not my F-'s house

John 5:17 My F worketh hitherto,

John 10:15 even so know I the F

John 14:2 In my F-'s house

John 17:1 F, the hour is come;

1 Cor. 4:15 yet have ye not many f-s

2 Cor. 1:3 F of mercies . . . God of all

Gal. 3:14 I bow my knees unto the F

Gal. 6:4 f-s, provoke not your children

Heb. 1:5 I will be to him a F

1 Pet. 1:3 Blessed be the God and F

1 John 2:13 because ye have known the F

Jude 1 are sanctified by God the F

Rev. 1:6 priests unto God and his F


Exod. 22:22 not afflict any widow, or f

Ps. 10:14 thou art the helper of the f

Ps. 68:5 A father of the f

James 1:27 To visit the f and widows


Ps. 19:12 from secret f-s

Matt. 18:15 tell him his f between

Luke 23:4 I find no f in this man

Heb. 8:7 covenant had been f-less

James 5:16 Confess your f-s one to

Jude 24 to present you f-less

Rev. 14:5 they are without f before the throne


Gen. 18:3 if now I have found f in thy sight

Prov. 3:4 So shalt thou find f

Jer. 16:13 will not shew you f

Luke 1:28 thou that are highly f-ed

Luke 1:30 hast found f with God

Luke 2:52 in f with God and man


Gen. 9:2 f of you and the dread

Gen. 15:1 F not, Abram. I am thy

Gen. 26:24 f not, for I am with thee

Exod. 14:31 the people f-ed the Lord

Deut. 6:13 shall f the Lord thy God

Deut. 31:8 f not, neither be dismayed

Josh. 4:14 f-ed him, as they f-ed Moses

Job 2:9 Job f God for naught

Ps. 19:9 The f of the Lord is clean

Ps. 23:4 I will f no evil; for thou

Ps. 25:12 what man . . . f-eth the Lord

Ps. 27:1 whom shall I f

Ps. 76:8 earth f-ed, and was still

Ps. 96:4 be f-ed above all gods

Ps. 112:1 Blessed is the man that f-eth

Prov. 1:7 f of the Lord . . . beginning

Prov. 14:16 A wise man f-eth

Prov. 24:21 f thou the Lord and the king

Eccl. 12:13 F God, and keep his

Jer. 5:24 Let us now f the Lord

Matt. 8:26 Why are ye f-ful, O ye

Matt. 14:5 he f-ed the multitude

Luke 1:30 F not, Mary; for thou hast

Luke 2:10 F not . . . behold, I bring you

Luke 12:32 F not, little flock

Luke 20:19 and they f-ed the people

Luke 21:11 f-ful sights and great signs

Luke 23:40 Dost not thou f God

John 12:15 F not, daughter of Sion

Acts 5:26 for they f-ed the people, lest

Acts 9:31 walking in the f of the Lord

2 Tim. 1:7 given us the spirit of f

1 John 4:18 There is no f in love

Rev. 21:8 The f-ful, and unbelieving


Lev. 23:2 the f-s of the Lord

Deut. 16:16 the f of unleavened bread

Isa. 1:14 appointed f-s my soul hateth

Dan. 5:1 Belshazzar the king made a great f

Amos 8:10 turn your f-s into mourning

Acts 18:21 by all means keep this f

1 Cor. 5:8 keep the f, not with old leaven

Jude 12 spots in your f-s of charity


Job 4:4 strengthened the f knees

Ps. 38:8 I am f and sore broken

Isa. 35:3 confirm the f knees

Ezek. 7:17 All hands shall be f, and

Zech. 12:8 he that is f among them

1 Cor. 12:22 seem to be more f

1 Thess. 5:14 comfort the f-minded

Heb. 12:12 the f knees


2 Sam. 5:2 shalt f my people Israel

1 Kings 17:4 commanded the ravens to f thee

Ps. 49:14 death shall f on them

Isa. 40:11 f his flock like a shepherd

Jer. 3:15 f you with knowledge

Ezek. 34:10 cease from f-ing the flock

Zeph. 3:13 shall f and lie down

Matt. 6:26 heavenly Father f-eth

John 21:15 saith unto him, F my lambs

Acts 20:28 f the church of God

Rom. 12:20 thine enemy hunger, f him

1 Cor. 13:3 my goods to f the poor

1 Pet. 5:2 F the flock of God which

Feet (see also Foot)

Ruth 3:8 a woman lay at his f

2 Sam. 22:37 so that my f did not slip

Ps. 8:6 put all things under his f

Ps. 22:16 pierced my hands and my f

Ps. 40:2 and set my f upon a rock

Ps. 66:9 not our f to be moved

Ps. 115:7 f have they, but they walk not

Ps. 119:105 a lamp unto my f

Prov. 1:16 their f run to evil

Prov. 29:5 spreadeth a net for his f

Isa. 3:16 a tinkling with their f

Isa. 59:7 Their f run to evil

Jer. 38:22 f are sunk in the mire

Ezek. 1:7 their f were straight f

Luke 7:44 washed my f with tears

Luke 10:39 also sat at Jesus' f

John 11:2 wiped his f with her hair

John 12:3 anointed the f of Jesus

John 13:5 wash the disciples' f

Rom. 3:15 f are swift to shed blood

Rom. 10:15 How beautiful are the f of them

Gal. 1:22 hath put all things under his f

Heb. 2:8 all things in subjection under his f


Acts 2:42 They devoted themselves to . . . f

2 Cor. 6:14 f hath righteousness

Gal. 2:9 the right hand of f

Gal. 3:9 the f of the mystery

Gal. 5:11 no f with the unfruitful

1 John 1:3 ye also may have f

1 John 1:3 our f is with the Father

1 John 1:7 f one with another


Gen. 1:27 male and f created he

Lev. 5:6 a f from the flock, a lamb

Deut. 4:16 likeness of male or f

Matt. 19:4; Mark 10:6 made them male and f

Gal. 3:28 neither male nor f


Rom. 12:11 f in spirit; serving

2 Cor. 7:7 your f mind toward me

James 5:16 effectual f prayer of a

1 Pet. 4:8 have f charity among

2 Pet. 3:10 melt with the f heat


Matt. 8:14 wife's mother . . . sick of a f

John 4:52 seventh hour the f left

Acts 28:8 lay sick of a f and of a


1 Sam. 14:6 save by many or by f

Ps. 109:8 Let his days be f

Eccl. 5:2 let thy words be f

Matt. 9:37 but the labourers are f

Matt. 20:16 but f chosen

Matt. 25:21 faithful over a f

Luke 12:48 beaten with f stripes

Luke 13:23 are there f that be saved


Lev. 19:9 reap the corners of thy f

Ruth 2:3 gleaned in the f after the

Prov. 24:27 f; and afterwards build thine house

Prov. 24:30 the f of the slothful

Prov. 31:16 She considereth a f

Jer. 26:18 be plowed like a f

Jer. 32:44 shall buy f-s for money

Matt. 6:28 the lilies of the f

Matt. 13:38 The f is the world

Matt. 27:10 gave them for the potter's f

Luke 2:8 shepherds abiding in the f

Luke 15:15 sent him into his f-s

John 4:35 look on the f-s

Acts 1:18 purchased a f


Num. 21:6; Deut. 8:15 f serpents

Dan. 3:6 a burning f furnace

Dan. 7:9 throne was like the f flame

Gal. 6:16 the f darts of the wicked

1 Pet. 4:12 concerning the f trial


Gen. 3:7 they sewed f leaves

Deut. 8:8 and vines, and f trees

2 Kings 4:25; Mic. 4:4 his own f tree

Judg. 9:11 But the f tree said

Jer. 24:1 behold, two baskets of f-s

Matt. 21:9 the f tree withered away

Mark 11:13 a f tree afar off having

Mark 13:28 a parable of the f tree

Luke 6:44 men do not gather f-s

James 3:12 Can the f tree

Rev. 6:13 f tree casteth her untimely f-s

Fight (see also Fought)

Exod. 14:14 Lord shall f for you

1 Sam. 8:20 and f our battles

Neh. 4:20 our God shall f for us

Ps. 35:1 f against them that f against

1 Tim. 6:12 F the good f of faith

James 4:2 ye f and war


Isa. 4:4 Lord . . . washed away the f

Isa. 28:8 full of vomit and f-iness

Isa. 64:6 are as f-y rags

2 Cor. 7:1 cleanse . . . from all f-iness

Col. 3:8 f-y communication out of

Titus 1:11 for f-y lucre's sake

James 1:21 lay apart all f-iness

1 Pet. 3:21 putting away of the f

Find (see also Found)

Num. 32:33 your sin will f you out

Deut. 4:29 thou shalt f him, if thou

Job 11:7 searching f out God

Prov. 1:13 We shall f all precious

Prov. 8:35 f-eth me f-eth life

Prov. 18:22 f-eth a wife f-eth a good thing

SS. 5:8 if ye f my beloved

Matt. 7:7 seek, and ye shall f

Matt. 10:39 that f-eth his life shall

Matt. 11:29 f rest unto your souls

Matt. 21:2 ye shall f an ass tied

Mark 11:2 ye shall f a colt tied

Mark 13:36 he f you sleeping

Mark 14:37 f-eth them sleeping

Luke 2:12 shall f the babe wrapped

Luke 11:9 seek, and ye shall f

Luke 15:8 seek . . . till she f it

Acts 23:9 We f no evil in this man

Rom. 11:33 his ways past f-ing out


Exod. 8:19 This the f of God

Lev. 4:6 dip his f in the blood

Deut. 9:10 written with the f of God

1 Kings 12:10 little f shall be thicker

Luke 11:20 the f of God cast out

John 20:25 f into the print of the


Gen. 2:1 heavens . . . earth were f-ed

Exod. 40:33 So Moses f-ed the work

2 Chron. 7:11 Solomon f-ed the house

John 17:4 I have f-ed the work

John 19:30 he said, it is f-ed

2 Tim. 4:7 I have f-ed my course

Heb. 12:2 the author and f-er


Gen. 19:24 f from the Lord out of

Gen. 22:6 he took the f in his hand

Exod. 3:2 flame, of f out of . . . a bush

Exod. 9:24 f mingled with the hail

Exod. 13:21 by night in a pillar of f

Num. 3:4 offered strange f

Deut. 9:3 as a consuming f he shall destroy

1 Kings 18:38 the f of the Lord fell

Isa. 66:15 the Lord will come with f

Jer. 23:29 my word like as a f

Dan. 3:25 walking in the midst of the f

Dan. 10:6 his eyes as lamps of f

Mark 9:47 be cast into hell f

Luke 3:17 burn with f inquenchable

Luke 12:49 come to send f on the earth

Acts 2:3 cloven tongues like as of f

Rom. 12:20 coals of f on his head

1 Cor. 3:13 shall be revealed by f

James 3:6 the tongue is a f

Jude 7 the vengeance of eternal f

Rev. 3:18 gold tried in the f

Rev. 21:8 with f and brimstone


Gen. 1:6 there be a f in the midst

Ps. 19:1 the f sheweth his handywork


Gen. 1:5 and the morning were the f day

Isa. 44:6 I am the f, and I am the last

Matt. 6:33 seek ye f the kingdom of God

Matt. 19:30 f shall be last

Matt. 22:38 f and great commandment

Matt. 28:1 the f day of the week

1 John 4:19 because he f loved us

Jude 6 kept not their f estate

Rev. 1:17 I am the f and the last

Rev. 2:4 thou hast left thy f love

Rev. 22:13 end, the f and the last


Exod. 11:5 the f in the land of Egypt

Deut. 21:17 the right of the f is his

Matt. 1:25; Luke 2:7 brought forth her f son

Rom. 8:29 be the f among many brethren

Col. 1:15 the f of every creature

Heb. 12:23 church of the f


Exod. 23:16 the f of thy labours

Prov. 3:9 f of all thine increase

Rom. 8:23 f of the Spirit

1 Cor. 15:20 become the f of them that slept

James 1:18 f of his creatures

Rev. 14:4 f unto God and to the Lamb

Fish (see also Fishers)

Gen. 1:26 dominion over the f of the sea

Jon. 1:17 had prepared a great f

Matt. 14:17 loaves, and two f-es

Luke 5:6 great multitude of f-es

Luke 11:11 or if he ask a f

John 21:9 coals there, and f laid thereon


Isa. 19:8 f also shall mourn

Jer. 16:16 I will send for many f

Matt. 4:19 make you f of men

Mark 1:17 to become f of men


Luke 9:62 f for the kingdom of God

Gal. 4:16 whole body f-ly joined


Ps. 57:7; 108:1; 112:7 heart is f

Luke 16:26 there is a great gulf f


SS. 8:6 hath a most vehement f

Isa. 10:17 his Holy One for a f

Ezek. 20:47 the f-ing f shall

2 Thess. 1:8 f-ing fire taking

Rev. 19:12 eyes were as a f of fire


Job 17:5 he that speaketh f-y

Ps. 5:9 f with their tongue

Prov. 6:24 from the f-y of the tongue

Prov. 26:28 a f-ing mouth worketh ruin

1 Thess. 2:5 used we f-ing words


Judg. 15:14 cords . . . became as f

Matt. 12:20 smoking f shall he not


Lev. 26:17 f when none pursueth

Prov. 28:1 wicked f when no man

Matt. 3:7 f from the wrath to come

1 Tim. 6:1 man of God, f these things

2 Tim. 2:22 F also youthful lusts

Rev. 9:6 death shall f from them


Gen. 2:23 and f of my f

Gen. 2:24 They shall be one f

Exod. 16:3 we sat by the f pots . . . and did eat

Deut. 12:20 thou mayest eat f

Job 19:26 In my f shall I see God

Ps. 84:2 f crieth out for the living

Eccl. 4:5 The fool . . . eateth his own f

Isa. 40:6 All f is grass

Matt. 16:17 f and blood hath not

Matt. 26:41 but the f is weak

Luke 24:39 spirit hath not f and bones

John 1:14 the Word was made f

John 3:6 born of the f is f

Rom. 8:1 who walk not after the f

Gal. 6:8 f shall of the f reap

Eph. 5:31 two shall be one f

Gal. 6:12 wrestle not against f

1 Pet. 2:11 abstain from f-ly lusts

Jude 23 garment spotted by the f


Lev. 26:8 put ten thousand to f

Amos 2:14 f shall perish from the swift

Matt. 24:20 f be not in winter


Gen. 4:4 the firstlings of his f and

Ps. 77:20 leddest thy people like a f

Prov. 27:23 state of thy f-s

Isa. 40:11 feed his f like a shepherd

Jer. 23:2 Ye have scattered my f

Luke 2:8 watch over their f by night

Luke 12:32 Fear not, little f

1 Pet. 5:2 f of God which is among


Gen. 6:17 I, do bring a f of waters

Gen. 7:17 f was forty days upon the

Gen. 9:15 no more become a f

Ps. 24:2 established it upon the f-s

Ps. 66:6 went through the f on foot

Dan. 9:26 end . . . shall be with a f

Matt. 7:25 f-s came, and the winds

Luke 17:27 f came, and destroyed


Ps. 72:7 shall the righteous f

Ps. 103:15 as a flower . . . so he f-eth

Prov. 11:28 shall f as a branch

Isa. 17:11 make thy seed to f


Exod. 3:8 land f-ing with milk and

Job 20:28 goods shall f away in the

Joel 3:18 hills shall f with milk

John 7:38 shall f rivers of living


Job 14:2 cometh forth like a f

Ps. 103:15 as a f of the field, so he

1 Cor. 7:36 pass the f of her age

1 Pet. 1:24 f thereof falleth away


Prov. 6:10 little f-ing of the hands

John 10:16 which are not of this f

John 10:16 one f, and one shepherd

Heb. 1:12 shalt thou f them up


Ruth 1:16 return from f-ing after

1 Sam. 12:14 f-ing the Lord

Ps. 23:6 goodness . . . mercy . . . f me

Ps. 63:8 soul f-eth hard after thee

Matt. 4:19 he saith unto them, F me

Matt. 4:20 left their nets, and f-ed

Matt. 8:19 f thee whithersoever

Matt. 16:24 take up his cross, and f

Matt. 19:21 and come and f me

Mark 14:54 Peter f-ed him afar off

John 10:27 I know them, and they f me

John 18:15 Peter f-ed Jesus

Gal. 5:1 Be ye . . . f-ers of God

1 Thess. 2:14 f-ers of the churches

Rev. 14:13 their works do f them


Judg. 19:23 do not this f

Prov. 14:18 The simple inherit f

Isa. 9:17 every mouth speaketh f

Jer. 23:13 seen f in the prophets


Gen. 2:9 and good for f

Gen. 3:6 the tree was good for f

Gen. 43:2 buy us a little f

Job 38:41 for the raven his f

Ps. 78:25 Man did eat angels' f

Ps. 136:25 Who giveth f to all flesh

Prov. 6:8 her f in the harvest

Prov. 30:8 feed me with f convenient

1 Tim. 6:8 having f . . . content

James 2:15 destitute of daily f

Fool (see also Foolish)

1 Sam. 26:21 I have played the f

Ps. 14:1 The f hath said in his heart

Prov. 1:7 f-s despise . . . instruction

Prov. 15:5 f despiseth his father's

Prov. 24:7 Wisdom is too high for a f

Prov. 29:11 A f uttereth all his mind

Eccl. 10:14 A f also is full of words

Hos. 9:7 the prophet is a f

Matt. 5:22 shall say, Thou f

Matt. 23:17 Ye f-s and blind

Luke 24:25 O f-s, and slow of heart

Rom. 1:22 wise, they became f-s

1 Cor. 3:18 let him become a f

1 Cor. 4:10 f-s for Christ's sake


Job 1:22 nor charged God f-ly

Ps. 5:5 f shall not stand in thy

Ps. 75:4 Deal not f-ly

Prov. 14:24 f-ness of fools is folly

Prov. 15:2 mouth . . . poureth . . . f-ness

Prov. 24:9 thought of f-ness is sin

Lam. 2:14 seen vain and f things

Matt. 25:2 were wise, and five were f

1 Cor. 1:18 preaching of the cross is . . . f-ness

2 Cor. 11:21 I speak f-ly

Gal. 3:1 O f Galatians

Foot (see also Feet)

Ps. 91:12 dash thy f against

Ps. 121:3 suffer thy f to be moved

Prov. 3:23 thy f shall not stumble

Luke 4:11 dash thy f against

Rev. 10:2 right f upon the sea


1 Chron. 28:2 for the f of our God

Ps. 99:5 and worship at his f

Ps. 110:1 enemies thy f

Ps. 132:7 we will worship at his f

Isa. 66:1 earth is my f

Mark 12:36 thine enemies thy f

James 2:3 or sit here under my f


Prov. 24:11 If thou f to deliver them

Prov. 25:15 by long f-ing is a prince

Jer. 20:9 was weary with f-ing, and

Ezek. 24:17 F to cry, make no mourning

Rom. 3:25 through the f-ance of God

Gal. 4:2; Col. 3:13 f-ing one another


Mark 9:39 But Jesus said, F him not

Acts 10:47 Can any man f water,

1 Cor. 14:39 f not to speak with tongues

1 Tim. 4:3 F-ing to marry, and


1 Sam. 17:49 stone sunk into his f

Jer. 3:3 thou hadst a whore's f

Ezek. 9:4 mark upon the f-s of the men

Rev. 9:4 the seal of God in their f-s

Rev. 17:5 upon her f was a name


Exod. 12:45 f and a hired servant

Deut. 15:3 Of a f thou mayest exact it

Obad. 11 f-s entered into his gates

Gal. 2:19 no more strangers and f-s


1 Kings 7:2 house of the f of Lebanon

Ps. 50:10 every beast of the f is mine

Jer. 21:14 kindle a fire in the f

Ezek. 15:2 among the trees of the f

Amos 3:4 Will a lion roar in the f

Forgave (see also Forgive, -ness)

Ps. 78:38 f their iniquity, and

Ps. 99:8 a God that f-st them

Matt. 18:27 and f him the debt

Luke 7:43 to whom he f most

Forget (see also Forgotten)

Gen. 41:51 made me f all my toil

Deut. 4:9 lest thou f the things

Deut. 6:12 lest thou f the Lord

Ps. 13:1 How long will thou f me

Ps. 88:12 land of f-fulness

Ps. 119:176 f thy commandments

Prov. 3:1 My son, f not my law; but

Prov. 31:5 they drink, and f the law

Isa. 54:4 f the shame of thy youth

Jer. 2:32 maid f her ornaments

Jer. 23:27 cause my people to f my

Heb. 6:10 f your work and labour of

Heb. 13:2 f-ful to entertain strangers

Heb. 13:18 to communicate f not

James 1:24 f-eth what manner of man

Forgive (see also Forgave)

Exod. 32:32 wilt f their sin

Num. 30:5 the Lord shall f her

Ps. 25:18 and f all my sins

Ps. 86:5 good and ready to f

Jer. 18:23 f not their iniquity

Matt. 6:12 f us our debts, as we f

Matt. 9:5 say, Thy sins be f-n thee

Matt. 9:6 on earth to f sins

Mark 2:7 who can f sins but God

Mark 11:26 if ye do not f

Luke 6:37 f, and ye shall be f-n

Luke 7:47 her sins . . . many, are f-n

Luke 23:34 Father, f them; for they

2 Cor. 2:10 ye f any thing, I f also

Eph. 4:32 f-ing one another

Col. 2:13 f-n you all trespasses

1 John 1:9 and just to f us our sins


Ps. 130:4 there is f with thee

Mark 3:29 Holy Ghost hath never f

Acts 13:38 preached unto you the f

Acts 26:18 may receive f of sins

Gal. 1:7 f of sins, according to

Col. 1:14 even the f of sins

Forgotten (see also Forget)

Deut. 32:18 f God that formed thee

Job 19:14 friends have f me

Ps. 9:18 needy . . . not alway be f

Ps. 31:12 I am f as a dead man

Ps. 77:9 Hath God f to be gracious

Jer. 2:32 my people have f me

Lam. 2:6 caused . . . sabbaths to be f

Heb. 12:5 ye have f the exhortation


Gen. 1:2 the earth was without f

Gen. 2:7 God f-ed man of the dust

Job 33:6 f-ed out of the clay

Ps. 95:5 hands f-ed the dry land

Prov. 26:10 that f-ed all things

Isa. 45:7 I f the light, and create

Isa. 53:2 no f nor comeliness

Amos 4:13 that f-eth the mountains

Mark 16:12 appeared in another f

Gal. 4:19 until Christ be f-ed in you

1 Tim. 2:13 Adam was f-ed first, then Eve


Eccl. 1:11 no remembrance of f things

Eccl. 7:10 the f days were better

Heb. 10:32 call to remembrance the f days

Rev. 21:4 the f things are passed away


Ezek. 16:15 pouredst out thy f on every one

Matt. 19:9 except it be for f

John 8:41 We be not born of f

1 Cor. 6:18 Flee f . . . f sinneth against his own

1 Thess. 4:3 should abstain from f

Rev. 17:2 the wine of her f

Forsake (see also Forsook)

Deut. 4:31 he will not f thee

Josh. 1:5 not fail thee, nor f thee

2 Chron. 15:2 If ye f him, he will f

Ezra 9:9 our God hath not f-n us

Ps. 22:1 God, why hast thou f-n me

Ps. 27:9 leave me not, neither f me

Ps. 38:21 F me not, O God

Prov. 1:8 f not the law of thy mother

Isa. 55:7 Let the wicked f his way

Jer. 5:7 thy children have f-n me

Ezek. 9:9 Lord hath f-n the earth

Matt. 19:27 f-n all, and followed

Matt. 27:46 God, why hast thou f-n me

Mark 15:34 God, why hast thou f-n me

2 Cor. 4:9 Persecuted, but not f-n

Heb. 13:5 never leave thee, nor f

Forsook (see also Forsake)

2 Chron. 12:1 f the law of the Lord

Matt. 26:56 disciples f him, and fled

Mark 1:18 f their nets, and followed

Luke 5:11 they f all, and followed

2 Tim. 4:16 but all men f me

Heb. 11:27 By faith he f Egypt


2 Sam. 22:2; Ps. 18:2; 91:2 and my f

Jer. 6:27 a tower and a f among my


Gen. 7:4 rain . . . f days and f nights

Exod. 16:35 Israel did eat manna f years

Exod. 34:28 f days and f nights

Jon. 3:4 Yet f days, and Nineveh shall be

Ps. 95:10 F years long was I grieved

Matt. 4:2 f days and f nights

Mark 1:13 in the wilderness f days

2 Cor. 11:24 f stripes save one

Fought (see also Fight)

Judg. 5:20 They f from heaven

2 Chron. 20:29 the Lord f against

1 Cor. 15:32 I have f with beasts

2 Tim. 4:7 I have f a good fight

Rev. 12:7 angels f . . . dragon f

Found (see also Find, Founded)

Gen. 2:20 there was not f an help meet

Gen. 6:8 Noah f grace in the eyes of

Lev. 6:3 have f that which was lost

Ruth 2:10 Why have I f grace in thine

Job 28:12 where shall wisdom be f

Prov. 30:6 thou be f a liar

Eccl. 7:29 this only have I f

SS. 3:1 sought him, but I f him not

Isa. 51:3 joy and gladness shall be f

Jer. 15:16 Thy words were f, and I did

Dan. 5:27 balances, and art f wanting

Mal. 2:6 iniquity was not f in his

Matt. 8:10 not f so great faith

Mark 11:4 and f the colt tied

Luke 2:46 they f him in the temple

Luke 15:6 I have f my sheep

Luke 24:2 f the stone rolled away

John 1:41 We have f the Messias

Acts 13:22 I have f David the son of Jesse

Php. 2:8 being f in fashion

Rev. 18:24 in her was f the blood of


2 Sam. 22:8 f-s of heaven moved

Ps. 104:5 laid the f-s of the earth

Isa. 28:16 corner stone, a sure f

Luke 6:48 and laid the f on a rock

Rom. 15:20 upon another man's f

1 Cor. 3:10 I have laid the f, and another

2 Tim. 2:19 the f of God standeth

Heb. 1:10 hast laid the f of the earth

Heb. 6:1 the f of repentance


Ps. 24:2 he hath f it upon the seas

Prov. 3:19 by wisdom hath f the earth

Matt. 7:25 for it was f upon a rock


Gen. 7:11 f-s of the great deep broken up

Ps. 36:9 with thee is the f of life

Prov. 5:16 Let thy f-s be dispersed

Prov. 14:27 fear of the Lord is a f

Prov. 25:26 a troubled f, and a corrupt spring

James 3:12 no f both yield salt

Rev. 7:17 living f-s of water

Rev. 21:6 of the f of the water of life


Ps. 8:8 f of the air, and the fish

Matt. 6:26 Behold, the f-s of the air

Rev. 19:17 saying to all the f-s


Judg. 15:4 caught three hundred f-es

Neh. 4:3 if a f go up, he shall even break

SS. 2:15 the f-es, the little f-es

Matt. 8:20 The f-es have holes, and

Luke 13:32 Go ye, and tell that f


Matt. 14:20 they took up of the f

Mark 6:43; 8:19 baskets full of f

John 6:12 Gather up the f


Exod. 30:34 sweet spices with pure f

SS. 4:6 to the hill of f

Matt. 2:11 gold, and f, and myrrh


Gen. 2:16 garden . . . mayest f-ly eat

Exod. 21:2 go out f for nothing

Ps. 51:12 with thy f spirit

Isa. 58:6 let the oppressed go f

Matt. 10:8 f-ly . . . received, f-ly give

Matt. 17:26 Then are the children f

John 8:32 truth shall make you f

Acts 22:28 obtained I this f-dom

Rom. 6:7 he that is dead is f-d

Rom. 6:22 being made f from sin

Rom. 8:2 f from the law

Gal. 5:1 Christ hath made us f


Exod. 33:11 a man speaketh unto his f

Judg. 14:20 he had used as his f

Job 16:20 My f-s scorn me

Ps. 38:11 My lovers . . . f-s stand aloof

Prov. 17:17 A f loveth at all times

Prov. 18:24 a f that sticketh closer

Matt. 11:19 f of publicans

John 15:13 lay down his life for his f-s

James 4:4 know ye not that the f-ship


Gen. 1:11 f tree yielding f after

Gen. 3:6 took of the f thereof, and

Exod. 21:22 her f depart from her

Lev. 25:19 land shall yield her f

Ps. 1:3 bringeth forth his f in his

Prov. 11:30 f of the righteous

Amos 8:1 behold a basket of summer f

Matt. 7:16 know them by their f-s

Luke 3:8 Bring . . . f-s worthy of repentance

John 15:4 branch cannot bear f of itself

Rom. 7:4 bring forth f unto God

Gal. 5:22 the f of the Spirit is love, joy

Col. 1:10 f-ful in every good work

James 5:18 earth brought forth her f


Gal. 2:21 I do not f the grace of God


2 Chron. 36:21 f the word of the Lord

Ps. 20:5 Lord f all thy petitions

Matt. 1:22 done that it might be f-led

Matt. 5:17 not come to destroy, but to f

Luke 22:16 it be f-led in the kingdom

Gal. 6:2 f the law of Christ

Col. 1:25 you, to f the word of God

Rev. 20:3 thousand years . . . f-led

Full (see also Fulness)

Ps. 33:5 Earth is f of the goodness of

Isa. 11:9 shall be f of the knowledge

Mic. 3:8 f of power by the spirit

Matt. 23:27 f of dead men's bones

Luke 4:1 being f of the Holy Ghost

Luke 11:34 body also is f of light

John 1:14 f of grace and truth

Acts 2:13 men are f of new wine

1 Cor. 4:8 ye are f, now ye are rich

1 John 1:4 that your joy may be f


Mal. 3:2 and like f-'s soap

Mark 9:3 no f . . . can white them


Ps. 24:1 earth is the Lord's, and the f

John 1:16 of his f have all we received

Rom. 11:12 how much more their f

Rom. 11:25 until the f of the Gentiles be

1 Cor. 10:26 earth is the Lord's, and the f

Gal. 4:4 when the f of the time was come

Gal. 1:23 the f of him that filleth all in all

Gal. 3:19 filled with all the f of God

Gal. 4:13 of the stature of the f of Christ

Col. 1:19 in him should all f dwell


Gen. 15:17 smoking f, and a burning

Ps. 12:6 silver tried in a f

Dan. 3:15 midst of a burning fiery f

Matt. 13:42 shall cast them into a f of fire


Ps. 78:19 can God f a table in the wilderness

2 Tim. 3:17 f-ed unto all good works


Job 38:11 Hitherto shalt thou come, but no f

Php. 1:12 unto the f-ance of the gospel


Gen. 27:44 until thy brother's f turn

Jer. 6:11 full of the f of the Lord

Mic. 5:15 anger and f upon the heathen



Prov. 3:14 g thereof than fine gold

Ezek. 22:27 to get dishonest g

Dan. 11:39 divide the land for g

Matt. 16:26 shall g the whole world

Matt. 18:15 hast g-ed thy brother

Luke 9:25 shall g the whole world, and lose

Acts 16:19 hope of their g-s was gone

Acts 19:24 brought no small g unto

2 Cor. 12:17 Did I make a g of you

1 Tim. 6:5 supposing that g is godliness


Deut. 29:18 root that beareth g and wormwood

Ps. 69:21 They gave me also g for my meat

Matt. 27:34 They gave him . . . g

Acts 8:23 in the g of bitterness


Gen. 2:8 the Lord God planted a g

Gen. 3:8 God walking in the g

SS. 6:11 down into the g of nuts

Isa. 58:11 be like a watered g

Joel 2:3 land is as the g of Eden

John 18:1 where was a g

John 19:41 in the g a new sepulchre

John 20:15 supposing him to be the g-er


Gen. 25:25 red . . . like an hairy g

Exod. 28:2 make holy g-s for Aaron

Ps. 22:18 part my g-s among them

Ps. 102:26 wax old like a g

Isa. 59:17 the g-s of vengeance

Dan. 7:9 whose g was white as snow

Joel 2:13 heart and not your g-s

Matt. 9:20 touched the hem of his g

Matt. 22:11 had not on a wedding g

Luke 24:4 two men . . . in shining g-s

Heb. 1:11 wax old as doth as g


Ps. 144:13 That our g-s may be full


Matt. 23:29 g the sepulchres of the righteous

Luke 11:25 swept and g-ed


Gen. 22:17 thy seed . . . possess the g of

Gen. 28:17 this is the g of heaven

Exod. 20:10 stranger . . . within thy g-s

Judg. 16:3 took the doors of the g

Ps. 24:7 Lift up your heads, O ye g-s

Ps. 100:4 Enter into his g-s with

Matt. 7:13 Enter ye in at the strait g

Matt. 16:18 g-s of hell shall not

Acts 12:14 Peter stood before the g


Isa. 40:11 g the lambs with his arm

Isa. 66:18 g all nations and tongues

John 4:36 g-eth fruit unto life

John 6:12 G up the fragments

Rev. 14:19 g-ed the vine of the earth

Gave (see also Give)

Gen. 2:20 Adam g names to all cattle

Gen. 3:12 she g me of the tree

Job 1:21 Lord g . . . Lord hath taken

Eccl. 12:7 return unto God who g

Isa. 50:6 I g my back to the smiters

Matt. 10:1 he g them power . . . unclean

Matt. 15:36 g thanks, and brake them

Mark 8:6 and g thanks, and brake

John 3:16 g his only begotten son

John 13:26 sop, he g it to Judas

John 19:30 g up the ghost

Acts 12:23 he g not God the glory

Rom. 1:28 g them over to a reprobate


Gen. 2:4; 5:1; 6:9; 10:1; 11:10, 27; 25:12,19; 36:1; 37:2 these are the g-s of

Deut. 1:35 not one . . . of this evil g

Ps. 90:1 dwelling place in all g-s

Ps. 100:5 truth endureth to all g-s

Matt. 3:7 O g of vipers, who hath

Matt. 24:34 This g shall not pass

Luke 1:48 all g-s shall call me blessed

1 Pet. 2:9 a chosen g, a royal


Isa. 66:19 my glory among the G-s

Luke 2:32 light to lighten the G-s

Rom. 2:9 Jew first . . . also of the G

1 Cor. 12:13 we be Jews or G-s

Rev. 11:2 it is given unto the G-s


2 Cor. 10:1 g-ness of Christ

1 Thess. 2:7 But we were g among you

Ghost (see also Holy Ghost)

Gen. 25:8 Then Abraham gave up the g

Matt. 1:18 with child of the Holy G

Matt. 27:50 cried . . . yielded up the g

Matt. 28:19 Son, and of the Holy G

Mark 1:8 baptize you with the Holy G

Luke 1:15 be filled with the Holy G

Acts 2:4 all filled with the Holy G

2 Cor. 13:14 communion of the Holy G


Judge (Judg. 6–8; Heb. 11:32). The fleece (Judg. 6:36-40). God reduced his army (7:2-8).


Exod. 23:8 no g: for the g blindeth

Ps. 68:18 hast received g-s for men

Prov. 18:16 A man's g maketh room

Prov. 21:14 A g in secret pacifieth

Matt. 2:11 presented unto him g-s

Matt. 5:23 bring thy g to the altar

John 4:10 thou knewest the g of God

Acts 2:38 the g of the Holy Ghost

Rom. 6:23 g of God is eternal life

James 1:17 good g and every perfect g


2 Kings 1:8 girt with a g of leather

Jer. 13:1 Go and get thee a linen g

Matt. 3:4 leathern g about his loins

Give (see also Gave)

Gen. 1:29 have g-n you every herb

Isa. 9:6 unto us as a son is g-n

Matt. 6:11 G us this day our daily

Matt. 10:8 freely g

Matt. 28:18 All power is g-n unto me

Mark 12:15 Shall we g, or . . . not g

Luke 6:38 G, and it shall be g-n

Luke 11:9 Ask, and it shall be g-n

Luke 22:19 my body . . . g-n for you

John 6:11 when he had g-n thanks

John 10:11 good shepherd g-th his life

John 14:27 my peace I g unto you

Acts 20:35 more blessed to g than to

Rom. 14:6 for he g-th God thanks

1 Cor. 3:10 grace of God which is g-n

2 Cor. 12:7 was g-n to me a thorn in

Gal. 5:20 G-ing thanks always


1 Chron. 16:31 Let the heavens be g

Ps. 16:9 my heart is g, and my glory

Ps. 32:11 Be g in the Lord

Ps. 100:2 Serve the Lord with g-ness

Ps. 122:1 was g when they said unto me

Prov. 10:1 wise son maketh a g father

Isa. 16:10 And g-ness is taken away

Luke 1:19 shew thee these g tidings

Luke 8:1 g tidings of the kingdom

Acts 2:46 g-ness and singleness of heart

2 Cor. 11:19 For ye suffer fools g-ly


1 Cor. 13:12 through a g darkly

James 1:23 his natural face in a g

Rev. 4:6 was a sea of g like unto


Lev. 19:10 not g thy vineyard

Ruth 2:17 she g-ed in the field

Jer. 49:9 leave some g-ing grapes


Ps. 86:12 g thy name for evermore

Matt. 5:16 g your Father . . . in heaven

John 12:28 Father, g thy name

John 13:31 is the Son of man g-ied

Rom. 1:21 they g-ied him not as God

Rom. 8:30 he justified, them he also g-ied

1 Cor. 6:20 g God in your body


Exod. 15:1 he hath triumphed g-ly

Neh. 9:5 blessed be thy g name

Ps. 87:3 G things are spoken of thee

2 Cor. 4:4 g gospel of Christ

Php. 3:21 like . . . his g body

1 Tim. 1:11 the g gospel of the blessed


Exod. 16:7 see the g of the Lord

Exod. 33:18 shew me thy g

1 Kings 8:11 g of the Lord had filled the house

1 Chron. 16:24 declare his g among

1 Chron. 29:11 the power, and the g

Ps. 24:7 King of g shall come in

Ps. 105:3 G ye in his holy name

Prov. 16:31 hoary head . . . crown of g

Isa. 6:3 earth is full of his g

Isa. 35:2 shall see the g of the Lord

Isa. 66:19 my g among the Gentiles

Ezek. 10:4 the g of the Lord went up

Hos. 4:7 change their g into shame

Matt. 6:29 Solomon in all his g was

Luke 2:9 g of the Lord shone round

Luke 2:14 G to God in the highest

Luke 17:18 returned to give g to God

Rom. 3:23 come short of the g of God

Gal. 5:26 not be desirous of vain g

Heb. 2:9 crowned with g and honour


Matt. 23:24 which strain at a g

Go (see also Going)

Exod. 5:1 Let my people g, that they

Ruth 1:16 thou g-est, I will g

2 Kings 2:23 G up, thou bald head

Matt. 28:19 G ye therefore, and teach

Mark 16:15 G ye into all the world

John 14:2 I g to prepare a place for

John 14:5 not whither thou g-est


Lev. 3:12 if his offering be a g

Lev. 16:22 let go the g in the wilderness

1 Sam. 19:13 a pillow of g-s' hair

Dan. 8:5 the g had a notable horn

Matt. 25:32 sheep from the g-s

Heb. 9:13 blood of bulls and of g-s

God (see also Gods)

Gen. 1:1 G created the heaven and

Gen. 17:1 I am the Almighty G

Exod. 3:15 and the G of Jacob

Exod. 20:2 I am the Lord thy G, which

Deut. 10:17 your G, is G of g-s

Ruth 1:16 and thy G my G

2 Sam. 16:16 G save the King

2 Sam. 22:32 who is G, save the Lord

1 Kings 18:21 if the Lord be G, follow

2 Kings 5:7 Am I G, to kill and make

Ps. 14:1 heart, There is no G

Ps. 46:5 G is in the midst of her; she

Ps. 67:6 G, even our own G, shall

Ps. 86:10 thou art G alone

Eccl. 5:2 G is in heaven

Isa. 44:8 Is there a G beside me

Jer. 23:23 a G at hand . . . G afar off

Ezek. 37:27 I will be their G, and

Dan. 2:47 your G is a G of g-s

Hos. 11:9 for I am G, and not man

Matt. 27:46 My G, my G, why hast

Mark 11:22 Have faith in G

John 3:16 G so loved the world, that

John 3:17 G sent not his Son into

John 4:24 G is a Spirit

John 14:1 believe in G, believe also

John 20:17 to my G, and your G

Acts 10:40 Him G raised up the third

Acts 12:22 the voice of a g

Acts 17:24 G that made the world and

1 Cor. 15:57 thanks be to G, which

Gal. 5:21 Inherit the kingdom of G

Gal. 6:7 G is not mocked

Gal. 4:6 One G and Father of all

Heb. 12:29 G is a consuming fire

1 John 3:20 G is greater than our

1 John 4:12 No man hath seen G

2 John 10 neither bid him G speed

Rev. 7:17 G shall wipe away all tears

Rev. 11:17 O Lord G Almighty


Rom. 1:20 his eternal power and G

Col. 2:9 fulness of the G bodily


1 Tim. 3:16 great is the mystery of g

1 Tim. 4:8 but g is profitable

1 Tim. 6:6 g with contentment

2 Tim. 3:5 having a form of g

2 Pet. 1:7 to g brotherly kindness


Ps. 12:1 for the g man ceaseth

2 Cor. 7:10 g sorrow worketh

Heb. 12:28 with reverence and g fear

2 Pet. 2:9 how to deliver the g out of


Gen. 3:5 as g, knowing good and evil

Exod. 20:3 have no other g before me

Judg. 5:8 They chose new g

Isa. 37:12 g of the nations delivered

Jer. 22:9 and worshipped other g

Dan. 2:47 your God is a God of g

Gal. 4:8 by nature are no g

Going (see also Go)

2 Kings 19:27 But I know . . . thy g out, and

Job 1:7 g to and fro in the earth

Ps. 121:8 shall preserve thy g out

Mic. 5:2 whose g-s forth have been

1 Pet. 2:25 as sheep g astray

Jude 7 g after strange flesh


Gen. 2:12 g of that land is good

Job 31:24 If I have made g my hope

Ps. 19:10 yea, than much fine g

Prov. 16:16 better . . . get wisdom than g

Prov. 25:11 apples of g in pictures

Matt. 10:9 neither g, nor silver, nor

Acts 3:6 Silver and g have I none

James 2:2 man with a g ring

James 5:3 g and silver is cankered

1 Pet. 1:7 more precious than of g

Rev. 3:18 buy of me g tried in the


Philistine giant from Gath killed by David (1 Sam. 17).

Good (see also Goods)

Gen. 1:4 the light, that it was g

Gen. 50:20 God meant it unto g

Ps. 106:1 give thanks unto the Lord; for he is g

Ps. 136:1 for he is g: for his mercy

Prov. 22:1 A g name is rather to be chosen

Prov. 25:25 g news from a far country

Isa. 39:8 G is the word of the Lord

Jer. 33:11 Lord is g; for his mercy

Amos 5:14 Seek g, and not evil

Matt. 3:10 bringeth not forth g fruit

Matt. 25:23 g and faithful servant

Luke 6:27 do g to them which hate you

Luke 10:42 hath chosen that g part

Luke 18:19 Why callest thou me g

Rom. 2:10 every man that worketh g

Rom. 12:21 overcome evil with g

Gal. 6:10 do g unto all men

Php. 4:8 things are of g report

James 1:17 Every g gift and every

1 Pet. 3:11 eschew evil, and do g


Exod. 33:19 my g pass before thee

Ps. 23:6 g and mercy shall follow

Ps. 25:7 remember . . . for thy g-' sake

Ps. 31:19 how great is thy g, which

Rom. 11:22 g and severity of God

Gal. 5:22 gentleness, g, faith


Job 20:28 his g shall flow away

Luke 12:19 hast much g laid up

Luke 19:8 half of my g I give to the


Matt. 4:23 the g of the Kingdom

Matt. 11:5 poor have the g preached

Mark 16:15 preach the g to every

Luke 4:18 preach the g to the poor

Rom. 1:16 I am not ashamed of the g

Rom. 10:18 not all obeyed the g

2 Cor. 11:4 or another g

Gal. 1:8 preach any other g unto you

Gal. 6:15 the g of peace

Php. 1:5 fellowship in the g

Col. 1:23 from the hope of the g

1 Pet. 4:17 that obey not the g

Rev. 14:6 the everlasting g


Isa. 9:6 g shall be upon his shoulder

1 Cor. 12:28 helps, g-s, diversities of tongues

2 Pet. 2:10 and despise g


Matt. 2:6 come a G, that shall rule


Gen. 6:8 Noah found g in the eyes of

John 1:16 received, and g for g

Rom. 1:5 By whom we have received g

Rom. 5:2 this g wherein we stand

2 Cor. 9:8 make all g abound

2 Cor. 12:9 My g is sufficient

2 Thess. 2:16 good hope through g

Heb. 4:16 the throne of g

James 4:6 giveth g unto the humble

2 Pet. 3:18 grow in g, and in the


Exod. 33:19 g to whom I will be g

Neh. 9:31 art a g and merciful God

Ps. 77:9 Hath God forgotten to be g

Ps. 111:4; 112:4 g, and full of compassion

Ps. 119:29 grant me thy law g-ly

Luke 4:22 wondered at the g words

1 Pet. 2:3 tasted that the Lord is g


2 Tim. 1:5 dwelt first in thy g Lois


Num. 13:23 branch with one cluster of g-s

Jer. 31:29 fathers have eaten a sour g

Ezek. 18:2 fathers have eaten sour g-s

Matt. 7:16 men gather g-s of thorns

Rev. 14:18 for her g-s are fully ripe


Ps. 103:15 man, his days are as g

Prov. 27:25 tender g sheweth itself

Isa. 40:6 All flesh is g

Isa. 40:7 The g withereth, the flower

Dan. 5:21 fed him with g like oxen

Matt. 6:30 God so clothe the g of the

1 Pet. 1:24 all flesh is as g, and


Ps. 30:3 brought . . . soul from the g

Ps. 49:15 from the power of the g

SS. 8:6 jealousy is cruel as the g

Ezek. 37:12 I will open your g-s

Matt. 27:52 and the g-s were opened

John 11:17 lain in the g four days

1 Cor. 15:55 g, where is thy victory

Rev. 11:9 not suffer . . . to be put in g-s


Exod. 20:4 not make unto thee any g image

Exod. 32:16 of God, g upon the tables

Ps. 97:7 they that serve g images

Jer. 50:38 the land of g images

Acts 17:29 stones, g by art


Gen. 42:38 g hairs with sorrow

Prov. 20:29 beauty of old men is the g head


Gen. 12:2 will make of thee a g nation

Exod. 18:11 g-er than all gods

1 Chron. 16:25; Ps. 48:1 g is the Lord

Matt. 4:16 darkness saw g light

Matt. 11:11 not risen a g-er than John

Matt. 15:28 g is thy faith

Luke 2:10 good tidings of g joy

Luke 6:23 your reward is g in heaven

John 5:20 g-er works than these

John 15:13 G-er love hath no man

Rev. 15:3 G and marvelous are thy


Prov. 15:27 He that is g of gain

1 Tim. 3:8 not g of filthy lucre


Luke 23:38 G, and Latin, and Hebrew

Acts 16:1 but his father was a G

Acts 21:37 Canst thou speak G

Gal. 3:28 There is neither Jew nor G

Col. 3:11 there is neither G nor Jew

Grew (see also Grow)

Exod. 1:12 more they multiplied and g

Mark 4:7 thorns g up, and choked it

Luke 2:40 And the child g

Acts 12:24 word of God g and multiplied

Acts 19:20 mightily g the word of God


Job 2:13 that his g was very great

Ps. 31:10 my life is spent with g

Prov. 17:25 foolish son is a g to his

Isa. 53:4 hath borne our g-s

Jer. 45:3 hath added g to my sorrow

Heb. 13:17 with joy, and not with g


Ps. 95:10 Forty years long was I g-d

Mark 3:5 g-d for the hardness

John 21:17 Peter was g-d

Gal. 4:30 G not the holy Spirit

Heb. 3:10 I was g-d with that generation


Eccl. 12:3 the g-ers cease

Isa. 3:15 g the faces of the poor

Matt. 24:41 women g-ing at the mill


Exod. 2:24 God heard their g-ing

Acts 7:34 I have heard their g-ing

Rom. 8:22 creation g-eth and travaileth

Rom. 8:26 g-ings which cannot be

2 Cor. 5:2 in this we g, earnestly


Gen. 2:7 man of the dust of the g

Gen. 8:21 will not again curse the g

1 Sam. 3:19 his words fall to the g

Jer. 4:3 Break up your fallow g

Hos. 10:12 break up your fallow g

Matt. 13:8 other fell into good g

Mark 4:5 And some fell on stony g

John 8:6 his finger wrote on the g

John 9:6 he spat on the g

Acts 7:33 thou standest is holy g


Gen. 21:33 Abraham planted a g

Exod. 34:13 and cut down their g-s

2 Kings 17:10 g-s in every high hill

2 Chron. 19:3 hast taken away the g-s

2 Chron. 33:19 set up g-s and graven

Mic. 5:14 will pluck up thy g-s

Grow (see also Grew)

Ps. 147:8 who maketh grass to g

Isa. 11:1 Branch shall g out of his

Matt. 6:28 lilies . . . how they g

Gal. 4:15 g up into him in all things

2 Pet. 3:18 g in grace, and in the


2 Cor. 9:7 not g-ingly, or of

James 5:9 G not one against another

1 Pet. 4:9 use hospitality . . . without g-ing


Ps. 48:14 our g even unto death

Isa. 58:11 And the Lord shall g thee

Matt. 23:16 unto you, ye blind g-s

Acts 8:31 some man should g me

Rom. 2:19 art a g of the blind


Ps. 32:2 whose spirit there is no g

Ps. 34:13 thy lips from speaking g

John 1:47 in whom is no g

1 Pet. 2:22 neither was g found in

Rev. 14:5 in their mouth was found no g


Gen. 42:21 g concerning our brother

Matt. 26:66 He is g of death

Rom. 3:19 world may become g before God

1 Cor. 11:27 g of the body and blood

James 2:10 one point, he is g of all



Deut. 26:15 Look down from thy holy h

Ps. 71:3 Be thou my strong h

Luke 16:9 into everlasting h-s

Acts 1:20 Let his h be desolate

Rev. 18:2 is become the h of devils


Exod. 9:18 rain a very grievous h

Ps. 105:32 gave them h for rain

Ps. 148:8 Fire, and h; snow, and

Mark 15:18 H, King of the Jews!

Rev. 8:7 h and fire mingled with


2 Sam. 14:26 weighed the h of his

Dan. 3:27 nor was an h . . . singed

Matt. 5:36 one h white or black

Matt. 10:30 h-s . . . are all numbered

Mark 1:6 clothed with camel's h

John 11:2 wiped his feet with her h

1 Cor. 11:14 if a man have long h

1 Pet. 3:3 plaiting the h


Exod. 20:11 sabbath day, and h it

Matt. 6:9 heaven, H be thy name


1 Kings 18:21 h ye between two opinions

Matt. 18:8 better . . . enter into life h

Luke 14:21 maimed, and the h


Jer. 50:23 h of the whole earth cut asunder


Exod. 17:12 Moses' h-s were heavy

Exod. 33:22 cover thee with my h

Num. 11:23 Lord's h waxed short

Deut. 15:8 open thine h wide

2 Kings 19:18 work of men's h-s

Job 2:6 Behold, he is in thine h

Ps. 16:8 he is at my right h

Ps. 22:16 pierced my h-s . . . feet

Ps. 24:4 clean h-s, and a pure

Ps. 31:5 Into thine h I commit

Prov. 3:16 left h riches and honour

Prov. 24:33 a little folding of the h-s

Eccl. 9:10 thy h findeth to do

Isa. 6:6 having a live coal in his h

Isa. 40:12 waters in the hollow of his h

Ezek. 37:1 h of the Lord was upon me

Dan. 4:35 none can stay his h

Mic. 7:3 do evil with both h-s

Matt. 3:2 kingdom of heaven is at h

Matt. 5:30 right h offend thee

Matt. 6:3 let not thy left h know

Matt. 12:13 Stretch forth thine h

Matt. 18:8 thy h or thy foot offend

Matt. 22:44 Sit thou on my right h

Mark 16:19 on the right h of God

John 20:27 reach hither thy h

2 Cor. 5:1 house not made with h-s

1 Tim. 2:8 lifting up holy h-s

Heb. 1:13 Sit on my right h

Rev. 1:3 for the time is at h


Gen. 16:1 she had an h, an Egyptian

Luke 1:38 Behold the h of the Lord


Col. 2:14 Blotting out the h of ordinances


Deut. 21:23 he that is h-ed is accursed

Job 26:7 h-eth the earth upon nothing

Matt. 27:5 went and h-ed

Acts 5:30 ye slew and h-ed on a tree


Job 5:17 h is the man whom God

Ps. 144:15 H is that people

Prov. 3:13 H is the man that findeth

John 13:17 h are ye if you do them

1 Cor. 7:40 h-ier if she so abide

James 5:11 count them h

Hard (see also Harden)

Gen. 18:14 anything too h for the Lord

2 Chron. 9:1 Solomon with h questions

Prov. 13:15 way of transgressors is h

Jer. 32:27 any thing too h for me

Matt. 25:24 thou art an h man

John 6:60 This is an h saying

2 Pet. 3:16 h to be understood


Exod. 4:21 but I will h his heart

Deut. 15:7 shalt not h thine heart

Ps. 95:8 H not your heart

Mark 6:52 for their heart was h-ed

John 12:40 blinded their eyes, and h-ed


Mark 3:5 grieved for the h of their hearts

2 Tim. 2:3 endure h, as a good


2 Kings 4:41 no h in the pot

Ps. 105:15 do my prophets no h

Matt. 10:16 h-less as doves

Php. 2:15 blameless and h-less

Heb. 7:26 holy, h-less, undefiled

1 Pet. 3:13 who is he that will h you


1 Sam. 16:23 Saul, that David took an h

1 Chron. 25:3 prophesied with a h

Ps. 33:2 Praise the Lord with h

Ps. 137:2 hanged our h-s upon the

Rev. 14:2 harping with their h-s


Gen. 8:22 seedtime and h . . . not cease

Exod. 23:16 feast of h, the firstfruits

Prov. 6:8 gathereth her food in the h

Prov. 10:5 he that sleepeth in h

Prov. 26:1 as rain in h, so honour

Jer. 8:20 h is past, the summer is

Joel 3:13 sickle, for the h is ripe

Matt. 9:37 h truly is plenteous, but

Matt. 13:30 grow together until the h

Luke 10:2 The h truly is great, but

John 4:35 white ready to h

Rev. 14:15 h of the earth is ripe


Exod. 20:5 generation of them that h

Lev. 19:17 shalt not h thy brother

Ps. 97:10 love the Lord, h evil

Ps. 119:163 I h and abhor lying

Ps. 139:22 h them with perfect h-red

Prov. 1:22 and fools h knowledge

Prov. 8:13 froward mouth, do I h

Prov. 13:24 spareth his rod h-th his

Prov. 15:10 that h-th reproof shall die

Eccl. 3:8 a time to love, and a time to h

Isa. 1:14 your . . . feasts my soul h-th

Amos 5:15 H the evil, and love the

Mic. 3:2 h the good, and love the evil

Matt. 5:44 good to them that h you

Matt. 6:24 either he will h the one

Luke 6:22 when men shall h you

Luke 14:26 h not his father, and mother

John 15:18 If the world h you

Eph. 5:29 ever yet h-d his own flesh

1 John 3:15 Whosoever h-th his brother


2 Sam. 22:28 eyes are upon the h

Ps. 131:1 my heart is not h

Prov. 16:18 h spirit before a fall

Isa. 2:17 h-iness of men . . . made low


Gen. 3:15 it shall bruise thy h

Ps. 24:7 Lift up your h-s, O ye

Ps. 118:22 h stone of the corner

Prov. 25:22 coals of fire upon his h

Eccl. 2:14 man's eyes are in his h

Matt. 5:36 swear by thy h

Matt. 14:8 Give me . . . John Baptist's h

Mark 12:10 the h of the corner

Luke 21:18 not an hair of your h

Luke 21:28 up, and lift up your h-s

John 13:9 also my hands and my h

1 Cor. 11:3 h of every man is Christ

Gal. 1:22 h over all things

Gal. 5:23 Christ is the h of the church

1 Pet. 2:7 made the h of the corner


Exod. 15:26 the Lord that h-eth thee

Num. 12:13 H her now, O God

Deut. 32:29 alive; I wound, and h

2 Kings 2:21 I have h-ed these waters

2 Chron. 7:14 and will h their land

Ps. 147:3 h-eth the broken in heart

Isa. 53:5 his stripes we are h-ed

Jer. 17:14 h me . . . I shall be h-ed

Matt. 4:23 h-ing all manner of sickness

Matt. 10:8 H the sick

Mark 3:2 would h him on the sabbath

Mark 3:15 power to h sicknesses

Luke 4:18 to h the brokenhearted

Luke 4:23 Physician, h thyself

1 Cor. 12:9 gifts of h-ing by the same spirit

James 5:16 pray . . . that ye may be h-ed

Rev. 22:2 the h-ing of the nations


Gen. 31:48 this h is a witness

Exod. 15:8 floods . . . upright as an h

Prov. 25:22 h coals of fire upon

Isa. 25:2 made of a city an h

James 5:3 have h-ed treasure


Gen. 3:10 h-d thy voice in the garden

Exod. 20:19 Speak . . . and we will h

Deut. 6:4 H, O Israel: the Lord is

1 Kings 8:30 h thou in heaven

Job 27:9 Will God h his cry

Ps. 4:1 H me when I call, O God

Ps. 135:17 ears, but they h not

Prov. 20:12 h-ing ear . . . seeing eye

Isa. 65:19 voice of weeping . . . no more h-d

Jer. 31:15 voice was h-d in Ramah

Ezek. 37:4 dry bones, h the word

Matt. 6:7 h-d for their much speaking

Matt. 11:15 ears to h, let him h

Matt. 13:13 h-ing they h not

Matt. 15:10 H and understand

Matt. 17:5 I am well pleased: h ye him

Mark 4:24 Take heed what ye h

Mark 7:37 the deaf to h

Luke 1:13 thy prayer is h-d

John 5:24 He that h-eth my word

John 10:3 and the sheep h his voice

John 12:47 any man h my words

Acts 4:4 which h-d the word believed

Acts 17:32 We will h thee again

Rom. 10:17 faith cometh by h-ing

Rom. 11:8 ears that they should not h

1 Cor. 2:9 Eye . . . not seen, nor ear h-d

Php. 4:9 and received, and h-d, and seen

Heb. 5:11 seeing ye are dull of h-ing

James 1:19 every man be swift to h

Rev. 3:20 If any man h my voice


Exod. 4:21 I will harden his h

1 Sam. 10:9 God gave him another h

1 Sam. 13:14 a man after his own h

1 Sam. 16:7 Lord looketh on the h

1 Kings 3:9 an understanding h

1 Kings 15:3 his h was not perfect

1 Chron. 28:9 serve him with a perfect h

Job 23:16 God maketh my h soft

Ps. 4:7 put gladness in my h

Ps. 9:1 O Lord, with my whole h

Ps. 12:2 and with a double h

Ps. 19:14 the meditation of my h

Ps. 22:14 my h is like wax

Ps. 38:10 My h panteth

Ps. 44:21 knoweth the secrets of the h

Ps. 51:10 Create in me a clean h

Ps. 51:17 broken and a contrite h

Ps. 111:1 praise . . . with my whole h

Ps. 119:11 word have I hid in mine h

Prov. 4:23 keep thy h . . . all diligence

Prov. 17:22 merry h doeth good like

Prov. 23:7 thinketh in his h so is he

Prov. 25:20 singeth songs to a heavy h

Isa. 35:4 say to them . . . of a fearful h

Jer. 17:9 h is deceitful above all

Jer. 17:10 I, the Lord, search the h

Jer. 24:7 give them an h to know me

Jer. 31:33 and write it in their h-s

Ezek. 11:19 stony h . . . h of flesh

Ezek. 18:31 make you a new h

Ezek. 44:7,9 uncircumcised in h

Joel 2:13 rend your h, and not your

Matt. 4:6 turn the h of the fathers

Matt. 5:8 Blessed are the pure in h

Matt. 6:21 treasure is . . . your h be also

Matt. 12:34 abundance of the h

Matt. 15:8 their h is far from me

Matt. 15:19 out of the h proceed evil thoughts

Matt. 19:8 the hardness of your h-s

Mark 12:30 love the Lord . . . with all thy h

Luke 2:19, 51 kept all these . . . in her h

Luke 24:25 slow of h to believe all

John 14:1 not your h be troubled

Acts 2:37 pricked in their h

Acts 7:54 they were cut to the h

Rom. 8:27 he that searcheth the h-s

Rom. 10:10 with the h man believeth

2 Cor. 3:3 fleshy tables of the h

2 Cor. 9:7 he purposeth in his h

Col. 3:22 but in singleness of h

2 Thess. 3:5 Lord direct your h-s

Heb. 4:12 intents of the h

Heb. 10:22 draw near with a true h


Gen. 8:22 cold and h, and summer

Gen. 18:1 in the h of the day

Matt. 20:12 burden and h of the day


Lev. 26:33 scatter you among the h

Ps. 2:1 Why do the h rage

Matt. 6:7 repetitions, as the h do

Acts 4:25 Why did the h rage

Gal. 1:16 preach him among the h


Gen. 1:1 God created the h

Gen. 28:17 this is the gate of h

1 Kings 8:27 h and h of h-s cannot contain

Job 11:8 It is as high as h

Ps. 19:1 h-s declare the glory of God

Ps. 103:11 h is high above the earth

Eccl. 5:2 God is in h, and thou

Isa. 14:12 art thou fallen from h

Isa. 65:17 new h-s and a new earth

Jer. 23:24 Do I not fill h and earth

Ezek. 32:8 All the bright lights of h

Mal. 3:10 open you the windows of h

Matt. 5:3 theirs is the kingdom of h

Matt. 5:12 great is your reward in h

Matt. 6:9 Father which art in h

Matt. 16:19 keys . . . kingdom of h

Mark 13:31 H and earth shall pass

Luke 10:20 your names are written in h

Luke 15:18 have sinned against h

John 3:12 if I tell you of h-ly things

1 Cor. 15:47 second man is . . . from h

2 Cor. 12:2 caught up to the third h

Gal. 1:8 or an angel from h, preach

Php. 3:20 our conversation is in h

Heb. 12:23 written in h

James 5:12 swear not, neither by h

Rev. 21:1 I saw a new h


Gen. 3:15 thou shalt bruise his h

Gen. 25:26 took hold on Esau's h

Ps. 41:9 lifted up his h against me


Matt. 21:38 This is the h; come

Rom. 8:17 then h-s; h-s of God

Gal. 4:7 h of God through Christ

James 2:5 and h-s of the kingdom


Job 26:6 H is naked before him

Ps. 16:10 not leave my soul in h

Ps. 18:5 sorrows of h compassed me

Ps. 139:8 if I make my bed in h

Prov. 5:5 her steps take hold on h

Amos 9:2 Though they dig into h

Jon. 2:2 out of the belly of h

Matt. 5:22 in danger of h fire

Matt. 10:28 destroy . . . body in h

Matt. 16:18 gates of h shall not prevail

Matt. 23:15 more the child of h

Luke 16:23 in h he lift up his eyes

Acts 2:31 soul was not left in h

James 3:6 tongue . . . set on fire of h

2 Pet. 2:4 cast them down to h

Rev. 1:18 have the keys of h

Rev. 20:14 death and h were cast into


Isa. 59:17; Gal. 6:17 h of salvation

Help (see also Helper)

Gen. 2:18 an h meet for him

2 Chron. 20:9 thou wilt hear and h

Ps. 33:20 our h and our shield

Ps. 46:1 very present h in trouble

Ps. 121:1 hills, from whence cometh my h

Isa. 41:13 Fear not; I will h thee

Mark 9:24 h thou mine unbelief

Heb. 4:16 grace to h in time of need


Ps. 10:14 the h of the fatherless

Ps. 30:10 Lord, be thou my h

Ps. 54:4 God is mine h

Heb. 13:6 Lord is my h


Exod. 6:8 give it you for an h

Ps. 16:6 I have a goodly h

Ps. 127:3 children . . . h of the Lord


1. The Great; King in Judea at the time of Jesus' birth; executed male babies (Matt. 2).

2. Archelaus; son of 1. (Matt. 2:22).

3. Philip; son of 1. (Mark 6:17).

4. Antipas; son of 1.; tetrarch of Galilee; arrested and executed John the Baptist (Matt. 14:1-12).

5. Agrippa I; grandson of 1.; persecuted the church; died when he didn't give glory to God (Acts 12).

6. Agrippa II; son of 5. (Acts 25:13). Heard Paul's defense (25:22–26:32).


Gen. 3:8 Adam and his wife h

Ps. 69:5 my sins are not h from thee

Matt. 13:44 treasure h in a field

Matt. 4:22 For there is nothing h

John 8:59 Jesus h himself

1 Cor. 2:7 even the h-den wisdom

Col. 3:3 your life is h with Christ

Hide (see also Hid)

Gen. 18:17 Shall I h from Abraham

Ps. 27:9 H not thy face far from me

Isa. 2:10 h thee in the dust

James 5:20 h a multitude of sins


Job 11:8 It is as h as heaven

Ps. 62:9 men of h degree are a lie

Ps. 103:11 as the heaven is h above

Prov. 24:7 Wisdom is too h for a fool

Mark 11:10 Hosanna in the h-est

Luke 2:14 Glory to God in the h-est

Rom. 12:16 Mind not h things

Php. 3:14 prize of the h calling


Ps. 15:1 dwell in thy holy h

Ps. 24:3 Who shall ascend into the h

Ps. 50:10 cattle upon a thousand h-s

Ps. 121:1 lift up mine eyes unto the h-s

Matt. 5:14 city that is set on an h

Luke 4:29 unto the brow of the h


1 Cor. 9:12 we should h the gospel

Gal. 5:7 who did h you that ye

1 Thess. 2:18 but Satan h-ed us

1 Pet. 3:7 your prayers be not h-ed


Gen. 30:16 h-d thee with . . . mandrakes

Mic. 3:11 priests . . . teach for h

Luke 10:7 labourer is worthy of his h


Exod. 20:7 not h him guiltless

Job 27:6 righteousness I h fast

Ps. 119:117 H thou me up

Prov. 4:13 Take fast h of instruction

Isa. 41:13 God will h thy right hand

Php. 2:16 H-ing forth the word of

1 Thess. 5:21 h fast that which is good

1 Tim. 6:12 lay h on eternal life

Titus 1:9 H-ing fast the faithful word


Exod. 28:36 signet, H to the Lord

1 Chron. 16:29; Ps. 29:2 in the beauty of h

Ps. 93:5 h becometh thine house

Isa. 35:8 be called The way of h

2 Cor. 7:1 perfecting h in the fear

1 Tim. 2:15 faith . . . charity and h

Heb. 12:10 partakers of his h

Holy (see also Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit)

Exod. 3:5 the place . . . is h ground

Exod. 20:8 sabbath day, to keep it h

Lev. 11:44 ye shall be h; for I am h

Lev. 20:26 be h unto me: for I the Lord am h

Deut. 7:6 thou art an h people

Ps. 11:4 Lord is in his h temple

Ps. 16:10 suffer thine H One to see

Ps. 99:9 worship at his h hill

Ps. 145:21 bless his h name

Isa. 6:3 H, h, h, is the Lord

Hab. 2:20 Lord is in his h temple

Matt. 7:6 give not that which is h

Luke 4:34 the H One of God

Acts 2:27 thine H One to see corruption

Rom. 12:1 a living sacrifice, h

Rom. 16:16; 1 Cor. 16:20; 2 Cor. 13:12; 1 Thess. 5:26 with an h kiss

1 Cor. 7:34 h both in body and in spirit

Gal. 1:4 be h and without blame

Col. 1:22 to present you h and unblameable

1 Tim. 2:8 lifting up h hands

2 Tim. 1:9 called us with an h calling

2 Tim. 3:15 hast known the h scriptures

Holy Ghost

Matt. 1:20 in her is of the H G

Matt. 3:11 baptize you with the H G

Matt. 12:31 blasphemy against the H G

Luke 3:22 H G descended

Luke 4:1 full of the H G

Luke 12:12 H G shall teach you

John 14:26 Comforter . . . the H G

John 20:22 Receive ye the H G

Acts 2:4 all filled with the H G

Acts 2:38 the gift of the H G

Acts 7:51 do always resist the H G

Acts 10:38 the H G and with power

Acts 19:2 Have ye received the H G

1 Cor. 2:13 which the H G teacheth

Holy Spirit

Ps. 51:1 take not thy h s from me

Luke 11:13 give the H S to them

Gal. 1:13 sealed with that h S of promise

Gal. 4:30 grieve not the h S of God


Acts 6:3 seven men of h report

Rom. 13:13 Let us walk h-ly, as in

Php. 4:8 whatsoever things are h

1 Thess. 4:12 That we may walk h-ly


Ps. 19:10 sweeter also than h and the h-comb

Ps. 81:16 and with h out of the rock

Prov. 25:16 Hast thou found h? eat so much

Prov. 25:27 not good to eat much h

Matt. 3:4 his meat was locusts and wild h


Exod. 20:12 H thy father and thy mother

1 Sam. 2:30 them that h me I will h

1 Kings 3:13 given thee . . . both riches and h

Ps. 96:6 H and majesty are before

Prov. 15:33 and before h is humility

Matt. 13:57 prophet is not without h

Matt. 15:4 H thy father and mother

Matt. 15:8 h-eth me with their lips

John 5:23 all men should h the Son

John 5:44 receive h one of another

Rom. 2:10 glory, h, and peace

Rom. 13:7 dues: . . . h to whom h

1 Tim. 5:17 worthy of double h

1 Tim. 6:16 h and power everlasting

1 Pet. 2:17 H all men . . . H the king

1 Pet. 3:7 giving h unto the wife


Job 7:6 days . . . spent without h

Job 31:24 have made gold my h

Ps. 39:7 my h is in thee

Ps. 71:5 thou art my h, O Lord

Ps. 119:81 I h in thy word

Prov. 13:12 H deferred maketh the heart sick

Prov. 19:18 while there is h

Prov. 26:12 more h of a fool

Eccl. 9:4 to all the living . . . h

Acts 23:6 of the h and resurrection . . . dead

Acts 28:20 h of Israel I am bound

Rom. 4:18 against h believed in h

Rom. 5:5 h maketh not ashamed

Rom. 8:24 h . . . seen is not h

Rom. 12:12 Rejoicing in h

1 Cor. 13:7 h-eth all things

2 Cor. 1:7 h of you is stedfast

Gal. 5:5 the h of righteousness

Col. 1:23 moved away from the h of the gospel

Col. 1:27 the h of glory

1 Thess. 4:13 as others which have no h

1 Thess. 5:8 helmet, the h of salvation

Titus 3:7 the h of eternal life

Heb. 6:19 h we have as an anchor

Heb. 11:1 substance of things h-d for

1 Pet. 1:3 begotten . . . a lively h


Ps. 20:7 trust in chariots, and some in h-s

Ps. 32:9 Be ye not as the h . . . mule

Ps. 33:17 h is a vain thing for

Rev. 6:2 and behold a white h


Rom. 12:13; 1 Tim. 3:2 given to h

Titus 1:8 but a lover of h

1 Pet. 4:9 Use h one to another


Gen. 32:2 This is God's h

Deut. 4:19 even all the h of heaven

Josh. 5:15 captain of the Lord's h

Ps. 24:10 Lord of h-s, he is the King

Ps. 27:3 Though an h should encamp

Isa. 48:2 Lord of h-s is his name

Luke 2:13 the heavenly h


Matt. 20:9 hired . . . the eleventh h

Matt. 26:40 watch with me one h

Mark 13:32 that h knoweth no man

Luke 12:39 what h the thief would

John 5:25 the h is coming, and now is

John 11:9 are there not twelve h-s

John 12:27 Father, save me from this h

John 17:1 Father, the h is come

Rev. 3:10 the h of temptation


1 Sam. 2:35 I will build him a sure h

2 Sam. 7:13 He shall build an h for my name

2 Kings 20:1 Set thine h in order

Neh. 13:11 the h of God forsaken

Ps. 23:6 dwell in the h of the Lord

Ps. 84:3 sparrow hath found an h

Ps. 127:1 Except the Lord build the h

Prov. 9:1 Wisdom hath builded her h

Prov. 24:3 through wisdom is an h builded

Isa. 5:8 them that join h to h

Amos 3:15 winter h with the summer h

Matt. 12:25 h divided against itself

Matt. 21:13 h shall be called the h of prayer

Matt. 23:38 your h is left . . . desolate

Mark 12:40 devour widows' h-s

Luke 11:17 a h divided against a h

John 14:2 Father's h are many mansions

Acts 7:49 what h will ye build me

Rom. 16:5 church that is in their h

2 Cor. 5:1 h not made with hands

1 Tim. 3:4 ruleth well his own h

1 Pet. 2:5 built up a spiritual h


Prov. 31:27 looketh well to . . . her h

Matt. 10:36 man's foes . . . of his own h

Gal. 6:10 them who are of the h of faith

Gal. 2:19 and of the h of God


Deut. 8:2 to h thee, and to prove thee

2 Chron. 7:14 shall h themselves, and pray

Mic. 6:8 walk h-y with thy God

James 4:6 giveth grace unto the h


Prov. 19:15 idle soul shall suffer h

Isa. 49:10 shall not h nor thirst

Matt. 5:6 Blessed are they which do h

Matt. 25:35 I was an h-ed

John 6:35 cometh to me shall never h

Rom. 12:20 If thine enemy h, feed him


Ps. 146:7 giveth food to the h

Prov. 25:21 If thine enemy be h

Ezek. 18:7 given his bread to the h

1 Cor. 11:21 one is h and another is

Php. 4:12 to be full and to be h


Gen. 3:16 desire shall be to thy h

Exod. 4:25 a bloody h art thou

Prov. 12:4 woman is a crown to her h

Isa. 54:5 thy Maker is thine h

John 4:16 Go, call thy h

Rom. 7:2, 3 if her h be dead

1 Cor. 7:2 every woman . . . her own h

2 Cor. 11:2 espoused you to one h

Gal. 5:23 h is the head of the wife

Gal. 5:25 h-s love your wives

Rev. 21:2 bride adorned for her h


Matt. 26:30 sung an h, they went

Gal. 5:19 psalms and h-s and


Matt. 23:28 within ye are full of h

1 Tim. 4:2 Speaking lies in h

James 3:17 wisdom . . . without h


Job 15:34 the congregation of h-s

Isa. 9:17 for every one is an h

Matt. 6:16 be not, as the h-s, of a sad

Matt. 7:5 Thou h, first cast out

Matt. 23:13 scribes and Pharisees, h-s

Luke 12:56 Ye h-s, ye can discern



Prov. 19:15 i soul shall suffer hunger

Prov. 31:27 bread of i-ness

Matt. 12:36 every i word that men

Matt. 20:6 Why stand ye here . . . i

1 Tim. 5:13 not only i, but tattlers


Lev. 19:4 Turn ye not unto i-s

Acts 15:20 abstain from . . . i-s

1 Cor. 10:7 Neither be i-aters

1 John 5:21 keep yourself from i-s


Lev. 4:2 soul shall sin through i

Acts 17:30 this i God winked at

1 Pet. 1:14 former lusts in your i

1 Pet. 2:15 silence the i of foolish


Acts 4:13 unlearned and i men

Rom. 1:13 would not have you i

1 Cor. 14:38 man be i, let him be i

2 Cor. 2:11 not i of his devices


Rom. 13:10 Love worketh no i


Gen. 1:26 Let us make man in our i

Gen. 9:6 i of God made he man

Exod. 20:4 not make . . . any graven i

Matt. 22:20 i and superscription

1 Cor. 11:7 the i and glory of God

Col. 1:15 i of the invisible God


Gen. 6:5 every i . . . was only evil

Jer. 9:14 after the i of their own heart

Rom. 1:21 become vain in their i-s

2 Cor. 10:5 Casting down i-s

Immanuel (see also Emmanuel)

Isa. 7:14 a son, and shall call his name I


1 Cor. 15:53 mortal must put on i

1 Tim. 6:16 Whom only hath i

2 Tim. 1:10 brought life and i to


Matt. 19:26 With men this is i

Luke 1:37 with God nothing shall be i

Heb. 6:18 it was i for God to lie

Heb. 11:6 without faith it is i to please him


Rom. 4:6 God i-th righteousness

2 Cor. 5:19 not i-ing their trespasses


Josh. 24:23 i your heart unto the Lord

Ps. 119:36 i my heart unto thy

Isa. 37:17 i thine ear, O Lord


1 Cor. 9:25 corruptible crown; but we an i

1 Cor. 15:52 dead shall be raised i

1 Pet. 1:4 To an inheritance i


Deut. 14:22 tithe all the i

Ps. 62:10 riches i, set not your heart

Ps. 67:6 the earth yield her i

Eccl. 1:18 i-th knowledge, i-th

Luke 2:52 Jesus i-d in wisdom

1 Cor. 3:6 but God gave the i


Ps. 69:24 Pour out thine i upon them

Jer. 15:17 thou hast filled me with i

Nah. 1:6 who can stand before his i

Luke 13:14 answered with i


Matt. 8:17 himself took our i-s

Luke 13:12 art loosed from thine i

John 5:5 an i thirty and eight years

Rom. 15:1 bear the i-s of the weak

2 Cor. 12:9 I rather glory in mine i-s

Gal. 4:13 through i of the flesh

Heb. 4:15 feeling of our i-s


Gen. 15:7 give thee this land to i it

Exod. 32:13 they shall i it for ever

Ps. 37:11 meek shall i the earth

Prov. 3:35 The wise shall i glory

Isa. 54:3 shall i the Gentiles

Matt. 5:5 meek . . . shall i the earth

Matt. 19:29 shall i everlasting life

Matt. 25:34 i the Kingdom prepared

Luke 10:25 what shall I do to i eternal life

1 Cor. 6:9 shall not i the kingdom

Rev. 21:7 overcometh shall i all things


Exod. 34:9 take us for thine i

Deut. 4:20 unto him a people of i

Ps. 2:8 give . . . heathen for thine i

Ps. 94:14 neither will he forsake his i

Prov. 13:22 man leaveth an i to his

Eccl. 7:11 Wisdom is good with an i

Gal. 1:1 In whom also we have obtained an i

1 Pet. 1:4 an i incorruptible


Lev. 16:22 goat shall bear . . . all their i-ies

Deut. 5:9 visiting the i of the fathers

Ps. 25:11 pardon mine i, for it is

Ps. 51:5 I was shapen in i; and in sin

Ps. 51:9 blot out all mine i-ies

Prov. 22:8 that soweth i shall reap vanity

Isa. 1:4 a people laden with i

Isa. 53:5 he was bruised for our i-ies

Jer. 31:30 shall die for his own i

Ezek. 18:30 i shall not be your ruin

Matt. 24:12 because i shall abound

Luke 13:27 depart . . . all ye workers of i

1 Cor. 13:6 Rejoiceth not in i, but

James 3:6 tongue is . . . a world of i


Job 4:7 who ever perished, being i

Prov. 6:17; Isa. 59:7 shed i blood

Matt. 27:4 have betrayed the i blood

Matt. 27:24 I am i of the blood of


2 Kings 1:3 ye go to i of Baalzebub

1 Chron. 10:14 And i-d not of the Lord

Ps. 78:34 i-d early after God

Prov. 20:25 after vows to make i-y

Ezek. 14:3 should I be i-d of at all

Matt. 2:7 Herod . . . i-d . . . diligently

1 Pet. 1:10 the prophets have i-d


Deut. 4:36 that he might i thee

Neh. 9:20 thy good spirit to i them

Ps. 32:8 I will i thee and teach thee

Prov. 16:22 i-ion of fools is folly

Rom. 2:18 being i-ed out of the law

1 Cor. 4:15 ten thousand i-ers in Christ

2 Tim. 3:16 for i-ion in righteousness


Gen. 20:5 i of my heart

Job 2:3 he holdeth fast his i

Ps. 26:1 have walked in mine i

Prov. 19:1; 20:7 walketh in his i


Isa. 53:12 i for the transgressors

Rom. 8:26 Spirit . . . maketh i for us

1 Tim. 2:1 prayers, i-s . . . be made for all

Heb. 7:25 ever liveth to make i


Exod. 8:8 I the Lord, that he may

Ruth 1:16 I me not to leave thee

1 Tim. 5:1 i him as a father

James 3:17 and easy to be i-ed


Judg. 1:19 they had chariots of i

2 Kings 6:6 the i did swim

Job 19:24 graven with an i pen

1 Tim. 4:2 seared with a hot i


Son of Abraham and Sarah; fulfillment of a promise (Gen. 17:17; 21:5). God tested Abraham by asking him to sacrifice Isaac (Gen. 22; Heb. 11:17-19). Married Rebekah (Gen. 24). Heir to Abraham's promise (Gen. 25:5,11; Ps. 105:9; Rom. 9:7). Father of Esau and Jacob (Gen. 25:21-26); blessed Jacob (Gen. 27). Lied to Abimelech in Gerar about Rebekah (26:7-11). Died in Hebron (35:27-29).


Name God gave Jacob (Gen. 32:28; 35:10). Also his descendants—God's chosen people—and their land (Exod. 3:16; 1 Sam. 13:19; 15:35; 1 Kings 4:1; Matt. 2:6,20; Php. 3:5). In the divided kingdom, the northern (1 Kings 12:20).



1. Son of Isaac and Rebekah; younger twin brother of Esau (Gen. 25:21-26). Took birthright (25:33); fled Esau (27:41–28:5). Received the promise (28:10-22). Worked for his wives (29:1-30). Wrestled with God (32:22-32); God changed his name to Israel (32:28; 49:2). Reconciled with Esau (33:4-16). Fathered the twelve tribes (29:21–30:24; 35:16-18). Went to Egypt (46:1-7). Died there, buried in Hebron (49:29–50:14). Ancestor of Jesus (Matt. 1:2).

2. Father of Mary's husband, Joseph (Matt. 1:15-16).


Exod. 20:5 Lord thy God am a j God

Exod. 34:14 name is J, is a j God

Num. 5:14 spirit of j-y come upon

Josh. 24:19 holy God; he is a j God

1 Kings 19:10 very j for the Lord

Prov. 6:34 j-y is the rage of a man

SS. 8:6 j-y is cruel as the grave

Rom. 10:19 provoke you to j-y by them

2 Cor. 11:2 j . . . with godly j-y


Gileadite judge who made rash vow affecting his daughter (Judg. 11–12; 1 Sam. 12:11; Heb. 11:32).


1. Messiah and Lord (Acts 2:36; Gal. 3:11; 1 Pet. 3:15). Born in Bethlehem (Matt. 1:18-25; Luke 2:1-7) to a virgin, Mary (Matt. 1:20; Luke 1:26-38). Genealogy (Matt. 1:1-17; Luke 3:23-38). Raised in Nazareth (Matt. 2:19-23; Luke 2:39-40). Visited the temple at age 12 (Luke 2:41-50).

Baptized by John (Matt. 3:13-17; Luke 3:21). Tempted in the wilderness (Matt. 4:1-11; Luke 4:1-13). Chose apostles (Luke 5:1-11; 27-28; 6:12-16; John 1:35-51).

Transformation (Matt. 17:1-9; Mark 9:2-10). Triumphal entry into Jerusalem (Matt. 21:1-11; Luke 19:28-40). Betrayal and arrest (Matt. 26:17-25,47-56; Mark 14:17-21,43-50; Luke 22:1-6,47-54), trial (Matt. 26:57-66; 27:11-31; Mark 14:53-65; 15:1-20; Luke 22:6623:25), crucifixion (Matt. 27:32-56; Mark 15:21-39; Luke 23:32-49), and resurrection (Matt. 28; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 20–21).

2. Jewish Christian, Paul's co-worker; called Justus (Col. 4:11).


1. The baptizer; Son of Zachariah; prophet. Annunciation and birth (Luke 1:5-25,57-66). Preached repentance, announced the coming Messiah (Matt. 3:1-12; Mark 1:1-8; Luke 3:1-18; 7:27-28), and baptized Jesus (Matt. 3:13-15; Mark 1:9; Luke 3:21-22). Fulfilled the role of Elijah (Matt. 11:13-14; 17:12-13; Mark 9:12-13; Matt. 3:4 cp. 2 Kings 1:8). Asked Jesus to verify His identity (Matt. 11:2-6; Luke 7:18-23). Beheaded by Herod Antipas (Matt. 14:1-12; Mark 6:14-29; Luke 3:19-20; 9:7-9).

2. Apostle; Son of Zebedee; brother of James. Called (Matt. 4:21-22; Mark 1:19-20). Among the inner three at special occasions (Mark 9:2; 14:32-33). With James, called "Sons of Thunder" (Mark 3:17); asked for places of honor (Mark 10:35-41). Often with Peter (Acts 1:13; 3:1-11; 4:13-20; 8:14); a leader in Jerusalem (Gal. 2:9). In his Gospel, called the disciple Jesus loved (John 13:23; 19:26; 20:2; 21:7,20); also wrote three letters and Revelation.

3. Member of Annas' family (Acts 4:6).

4. John Mark (see Mark)


Isa. 5:8 woe, unto them that j house

Matt. 19:6 what . . . God hath j-ed together

Eph. 5:31 shall be j-ed unto his wife


Ps. 22:14 my bones are out of j

Rom. 8:17 and j-heirs with Christ


Josh. 3:17 on dry ground in the midst of J

2 Kings 5:10 Go and wash in J seven times

Matt. 3:6 were baptized of him in J


1. Son of Jacob and Rachel. Sold into slavery in Egypt (Gen. 37); imprisoned on false accusations (Gen. 39); became Pharaoh's second in command (41:39-45); sold grain to brothers (Gen. 42–45); enabled his father and brothers to move to Egypt (Gen. 46–47). Sons Ephraim and Manasseh each became tribes (Gen. 48). Died in Egypt, buried in Canaan (50:22-26; Exod. 13:19; Josh. 24:32; Acts 7:16).

2. Descendant of Asaph (1 Chron. 25:9).

3. Descendant of Bani; married a foreigner (Ezra 10:42).

4. Descendant of Shebaniah; priest (Neh. 12:14).

5. Ancestors of Jesus (Luke 3:24,30).

6. Husband of Mary; foster father of Jesus (Matt. 1:16,20; Luke 2:4; 3:23: 4:22; John 1:45; 6:42). Carpenter (Matt. 13:55). Told in a dream not to divorce Mary (Matt. 1:18-25); told in a dream to flee to Egypt (2:13-23).

7. Of Arimathea; a righteous member of the Sanhedrin who sought the kingdom of God; put Jesus' body in his tomb (Matt. 27:57-60; Mark 15:43-46; Luke 23:50-53; John 19:38-42).

8. Brother of Jesus (Matt. 13:55).

9. Brother of James (Matt. 27:56).

10. Called Barasabbas or Justus; candidate to replace Judas (Acts 1:23).


1. Son of Nun; successor to Moses as leader of Israelites. Leader of Moses' army (Exod. 17:8-13); Moses' servant on Mount Sinai (32:17). Scouted Canaan and, along with Caleb, recommended invasion (Num. 13:30–14:38). Chosen, comissioned, and encouraged by God (Num. 27:15-23; Deut. 31:14-15,23; Josh. 1:1-9).

Conquered Canaan (Josh. 2–11) and distributed the land (Josh. 12–21). Renewed the covenant and charged the people (Josh. 23–24).

2. Owner of the field where the ark returned (1 Sam. 6:14).

3. Governor (2 Kings 23:8).

4. High priest who returned from Babylon (Hag 1:1; Zech. 3:1).


Matt. 10:10 Nor scrip for your j

Mark 13:34 man taking a far j

Acts 1:12 a Sabbath day's j

2 Cor. 11:26 in j-ings, often, in perils


Ps. 66:1 Make a j-ful noise unto

Ps. 126:5 sow in tears shall reap in j

Prov. 17:21 father of a fool hath no j

Eccl. 9:7 eat thy bread with j

Isa. 52:9 Break forth into j

Joel 1:12 j is withered away

Matt. 25:21 enter thou into the j of

Luke 15:7 j shall be in heaven over

John 15:11 that your j might be full

Rom. 14:17 and j in the Holy Ghost

Php. 2:2 Fulfil ye my j

James 1:2 count it all j when ye fall

1 John 1:4 that your j may be full


1. Also spelled Juda. Son of Jacob and Leah (Gen. 29:35); tribe with large territory west and south of Jerusalem (Josh. 15:20-63). Tricked by daughter-in-law (Gen. 38). Ancestor of David and Jesus (Gen. 49:10; 1 Sam. 17:12; Matt. 1:3,6,16; Rev. 5:5). Name of the southern part of the divided kingdom (2 Kings 12:20; 14:21; 23:27; Ezek. 37:15-23) and the Persian province in the restoration (Neh. 5:14; Hag. 1:1).

2. Naphtalite border city (Josh. 19:34).

3. Priest with Zerubbabel (Ezra 3:9; Neh. 12:8).

4. Levite who married a foreigner (Ezra 10:23).

5. Benjamite official who returned (Neh. 11:9; 12:34).

6. Priest; musician (Neh. 12:36).

Judge (see also Judgment)

Gen. 18:25 the J of all the earth

Matt. 7:1 J not . . . be not j-d

John 7:51 our law j any man

John 12:47 came not to j the world

Acts 10:42 J of quick and dead

1 Cor. 6:2 the saints shall j the world

Heb. 12:23 God the J of all


Exod. 12:12 I will execute j

Lev. 18:4 Ye shall do my j-s

Deut. 1:17 the j is God's

Deut. 16:19 shalt not wrest j

Ezra 7:26 let j be executed speedily

Job 8:3 Doth God pervert j

Ps. 1:5 ungodly . . . not stand in the j

Ps. 19:9 j-s of the Lord are true

Ps. 119:66 Teach me good j

Amos 5:24 let j run down as waters

Matt. 5:21 be in danger of the j

Matt. 7:2 what j ye judge

John 5:30 I judge: and my j is just

Heb. 9:27 but after this the j

Heb. 10:27 fearful looking for of j

2 Pet. 3:7 against the day of j

Jude 15 To execute j upon all


Gen. 6:9 Noah was a j man

Lev. 19:36 J balances, j weights, a j ephah

Job 9:2 how should man be j with

Prov. 4:18 path of the j . . . shining

Hab. 2:4 j shall live by his faith

Matt. 5:45 rain on the j and on the unjust

Matt. 27:24 blood of this j person

John 5:30 my judgment is j

Acts 7:52 the coming of the J One

Rom. 1:17 The j shall live by faith

Php. 4:8 whatsoever things are j

1 John 1:9 j to forgive us our sins


Ps. 89:14 J and judgment are the

Isa. 59:14 and j standeth afar off

Jer. 31:23 O habitation of j


Job 9:20 If I j myself, mine own

Job 25:4 can man be j-ied with God

Matt. 11:19 wisdom is j-ied of her children

Luke 10:29 willing to j himself

Rom. 8:33 It is God that j-ieth


Mic. 6:8 to do j, and to love mercy

Luke 23:41 we indeed j; for we receive


Keep (see also Keeper)

Gen. 18:19 k the way of the Lord

Exod. 20:6 k my commandments

Num. 6:24 Lord bless thee, and k thee

Ps. 34:13 K thy tongue from evil

Prov. 4:23 K thy heart with all diligence

Luke 11:28 word of God, and k it

John 8:51 If a man k my saying

John 12:25 k it unto life eternal

John 14:23 he will k my words

John 17:15 k them from the evil

Php. 4:7 k your hearts and minds

1 Tim. 5:22 k thyself pure

1 Tim. 6:20 k that which is committed

1 John 5:21 k yourselves from idols


Gen. 4:9 Am I my brother's k

Ps. 121:5 The Lord is thy k


Matt. 16:19 k-s of the kingdom

Rev. 1:18 k-s of hell and of death

Rev. 9:1; 20:1 k of the bottomless pit


Exod. 20:13 Thou shalt not k

Deut. 32:39 I k, and I make alive

Matt. 5:21 Thou shalt not k

Matt. 10:28 them which k the body

John 5:18 Jews sought . . . to k him

John 7:19 Why go ye about to k me

Acts 10:13 Rise, Peter; k, and eat

Rom. 8:36 we are k-ed all the day

2 Cor. 3:6 letter k-eth, but the spirit


Gen. 1:11, 25 after his k

2 Chron. 10:7 If thou be k to this people

Matt. 17:21 this k goeth not out

Eph. 4:32 be ye k one to another


Ps. 117:2 his merciful k is great

Col. 3:12 k, humbleness

King (see also Kingdom)

Judg. 9:8 trees went . . . to anoint a k

Judg. 17:6 there was no k in Israel

1 Sam. 8:5 make us a k to judge us

Ps. 5:2 my K, and my God

Ps. 24:8 Who is this K of glory

Prov. 8:15 By me k-s reign

Prov. 22:29 he shall stand before k-s

Eccl. 10:20 Curse not the k

Isa. 43:15 the creator of Israel, your K

Jer. 10:7 fear thee, O K of nations

Zech. 9:9 behold, thy K cometh unto thee

Matt. 2:2 is born K of the Jews

Matt. 21:5 Behold, thy K cometh

Matt. 27:11 Art thou the K of the

John 12:15 thy K cometh

1 Tim. 6:15; Rev. 17:14; 19:16 K of k-s

1 Pet. 2:17 Fear God, Honour the k


Exod. 19:6 be unto me a k of priests

1 Chron. 29:11 thine is the k, O Lord

Ps. 22:28 For the k is the Lord's

Ps. 145:13 Thy k is an everlasting k

Obad. 21 the k shall be the Lord's

Matt. 3:2 the k of heaven is at hand

Matt. 4:23 the gospel of the k

Matt. 6:10 Thy k come. Thy will be

Matt. 16:19 the keys of the k

Matt. 26:29 in my Father's k

Mark 12:34 not far from the k of God

Luke 6:20 for yours is the k of God

John 3:3 cannot see the k of God

John 18:36 My k is not of this world

Rom. 14:17 the k of God is not meat


Matt. 26:48 whomsoever I shall k

Luke 7:45 not ceased to k my feet

Luke 15:20 on his neck, and k-ed

Luke 22:48 Son of man with a k

Rom. 16:16; 1 Cor. 16:20; 2 Cor. 13:12; 1 Thess. 5:26 with an holy k

1 Pet. 5:14 with a k of charity


Rom. 14:11 every k shall bow to me

Php. 2:10 Jesus every k should bow

Knew (see also Know)

Gen. 28:16 this place; and I k it not

Exod. 1:8 which k not Joseph

Jer. 1:5 Before I formed thee . . . I k thee

Matt. 7:23 profess unto them, I never k you

Luke 6:8 but he k their thoughts

1 Cor. 1:21 by wisdom k not God

2 Cor. 5:21 sin for us, who k no sin


Matt. 7:7 k, and it shall be opened

Acts 12:13 as Peter k-ed at the door

Rev. 3:20 I stand at the door, and k

Know (see also Knew, Knowledge)

Gen. 3:22 to k good and evil

Job 19:25 k that my redeemer liveth

Ps. 46:10 k that I am God

Ps. 56:9 this I k; for God is for me

Prov. 27:1 k-est not what a day may

Eccl. 9:5 living k . . . dead k not

Isa. 7:15 k to refuse the evil

Jer. 17:9 wicked; who can k it

Hos. 6:3 k, if we follow on to k

Matt. 6:3 left hand k what thy right

Matt. 25:12 I k you not

Luke 10:22 man k-eth who the Son

John 8:32 k the truth, and the truth

John 10:14 k my sheep, and am k-n

John 14:7 if ye had k-n me

Acts 1:7 not for you to k the times

Acts 19:15 Jesus I k, and Paul I k

1 Cor. 13:9 For we k in part

Gal. 3:19 to k the love of Christ

2 Tim. 3:15 k-n the holy scriptures

Rev. 2:2 I k thy works


Gen. 2:9 tree of k of good and evil

Deut. 1:39 no k between good and evil

1 Sam. 2:3 Lord is a God of k

2 Chron. 1:10 Give me now wisdom and k

Job 21:22 Shall any teach God k

Ps. 19:2 night unto night sheweth k

Ps. 139:6 Such k is too wonderful

Prov. 1:7 is the beginning of k

Eccl. 1:18 k increaseth sorrow

Isa. 11:9 full of the k of the Lord

Hos. 4:6 destroyed for lack of k

Rom. 10:2 but not according to k

1 Cor. 8:1 K puffeth up, but charity

1 Cor. 13:8 k, it shall vanish away

1 Cor. 15:34 have not the k of God

Gal. 3:19 love of Christ, which passeth k

1 Tim. 2:4 unto the k of the truth

2 Pet. 3:18 vow in grace, and in the k



Exod. 20:9 Six days shalt thou l

Ps. 127:1 they l in vain that build it

Prov. 14:23 In all l there is profit

Eccl. 2:22 hath man of all his l

Eccl. 4:9 good reward for their l

Eccl. 5:12 sleep of a l-ing man

Matt. 11:28 Come . . . all ye that l

Rom. 16:12 who l in the Lord

1 Cor. 15:58 your l is not in vain

Gal. 4:11 bestowed . . . l in vain

Gal. 4:28 rather let him l, working

1 Thess. 1:3 work of faith, and l of love


Gen. 28:12 behold a l set up on the earth

Laid (see also Lay)

John 11:34 Where have ye l him

1 John 3:16 he l down his life


Rev. 19:20 were cast alive into a l of fire


Gen. 22:8 God will provide . . . a l

Isa. 40:11 gather the l-s with his

Isa. 53:7 as a l to the slaughter

Isa. 11:6; 65:25 wolf and the l shall feed

Luke 10:3 send you forth as l-s

John 1:29 Behold the L of God

John 21:15 Feed my l-s

Acts 8:32 like a l dumb before

1 Pet. 1:19 a l without blemish


1 Sam. 3:3 ere the l of God went out

2 Sam. 22:29 For thou art my l

Ps. 119:105 Thy word is a l unto

Matt. 25:8 for our l-s are gone out


Gen. 12:7 Unto thy seed will I give this l

Job 28:13 in the l of the living

Ps. 37:29 righteous . . . inherit the l

Acts 4:37 Having l, sold it


Gen. 11:1 whole earth was of one l

Ps. 19:3 There is no speech or l

Acts 2:6 speak in his own l


Matt. 12:45; Luke 11:26 l state of that man

John 6:39 raise it . . . at the l day

1 Cor. 15:45 the l Adam was made

1 Cor. 15:52 twinkling of an eye, at the l trump

1 Pet. 1:5 revealed in the l time


Josh. 1:8 This book of the l shall

2 Kings 22:8 found the book of the l

Ps. 19:7 l of the Lord is perfect

Prov. 28:7 keepeth the l is a wise

Matt. 5:17 not come to destroy the l

Matt. 7:12 is the l and the prophets

John 7:51 Doth our l judge any man

Rom. 2:14 having not the l, are a l unto

Rom. 4:15 the l worketh wrath

Rom. 13:10 love is the fulfilling of the l

1 Cor. 6:7 go to l one with another

Gal. 3:24 l was our schoolmaster

Gal. 5:23 against such there is no l

Gal. 6:2 so fulfill the l of Christ

Heb. 7:19 l made nothing perfect

James 1:25 the perfect l of liberty

Lay (see also Laid)

Num. 12:11 l not the sin upon us

Ps. 4:8 l me down in peace

Matt. 6:19 L not up . . . treasures

John 10:15 I l down my life

Acts 7:60 l not this sin to their

Heb. 6:2 l-ing on of hands


Ps. 23:2 l-eth me beside the still

Ps. 25:5 L me in thy truth

Isa. 11:6 a little child shall l them

Matt. 6:13 l us not into temptation

Matt. 15:14 the blind l the blind


Deut. 31:13 l to fear the Lord

Prov. 1:5 will increase l-ing

Isa. 2:4 neither shall they l war

Matt. 11:29 l of me

Acts 26:24 much l-ing . . . make thee mad

Rom. 15:4 were written for our l-ing

Gal. 4:20 ye have so l-ed Christ

2 Tim. 3:7 Ever l-ing, and never able to

Heb. 5:8 Yet l-ed he obedience


Matt. 5:19 of these l commandments

Matt. 5:19 l in the kingdom of

Luke 16:10 faithful in that which is l

1 Cor. 15:9 I am the l of the apostles


Gen. 2:24 Therefore shall a man l his father

Ruth 1:16 Intreat me not to l thee

Ps. 16:10 not l my soul in hell

Matt. 19:5 l father and mother

Heb. 13:5 I will never l thee, nor


Exod. 12:15 put away l out of your houses

Matt. 13:33 kingdom . . . is like unto l

Matt. 16:6 beware of the l

Luke 13:21 It is like l

1 Cor. 5:6 a little l leaveneth

1 Cor. 5:7 Purge out . . . the old l


1. Son of Jacob and Leah (Gen. 29:34). Ancestor of priestly tribe (Exod. 32:25-29; Num. 3:11-13; Deut. 10:6-9); received no allotment of land, only scattered towns and cities of refuge (Num. 18:20; 35:1-8; Josh. 13:14,33); supported by tithes (Num. 18:21; Heb. 7:5). Assisted descendants of Aaron in worship (Num. 3:5-9; 1 Chron. 6:16,31-32,49; 23:24-32; 2 Chron. 29:12-21); taught the word of God (2 Chron. 17:7-9; Neh. 8:9-12).

2. Two ancestors of Jesus (Luke 3:24,29).

3. Apostle, called Matthew (Mark 2:14; Luke 5:27-29; cp. Matt. 9:9).


Job 24:25 who will make me a l

John 8:44 he is a l, and the father of it

Rom. 3:4 God be true . . . every man a l


Lev. 25:10 proclaim l throughout

Isa. 61:1 proclaim l to the captives

Rom. 8:21 glorious l of the children

2 Cor. 3:17 Spirit of the Lord is, there is l

Gal. 2:4 to spy out our l

Gal. 5:13 ye have been called unto l

James 1:25 into the perfect law of l

Lie (see also Lying)

Ps. 23:2 l down in green pastures

Eccl. 4:11 if two l together

Acts 5:3 Satan filled thine heart to l

Rom. 1:25 truth of God into a l

Col. 3:9 L not one to another

1 Tim. 4:2 speaking l-s in hypocrisy

Heb. 6:18 impossible for God to l


Gen. 2:7 nostrils the breath of l

Deut. 30:19 set before you l and death

Job 10:1 My soul is weary of my l

Ps. 16:11 shew me the path of l

Ps. 133:3 even l for evermore

Prov. 8:35 findeth me findeth l

Jer. 21:8 set before you the way of l

Dan. 12:2 awake, some to everlasting l

Matt. 6:25 take no thought for your l

Matt. 10:39 loseth his l for my sake

Matt. 16:25 save his l shall lose it

Matt. 19:1 that I may have eternal l

Matt. 20:28 his l a ransom for many

Luke 12:15 man's l consisteth not

Luke 12:23 The l is more than meat

Luke 18:30 world to come l everlasting

John 4:36 gathered fruit into l eternal

John 5:24 is passed from death unto l

John 6:35 I am the bread of l

John 10:1 giveth his l for the sheep

John 11:25 resurrection, and the l

John 12:25 He that loveth his l

John 14:6 way, the truth, and the l

John 15:13 lay down his l for his

John 17:3 this is l eternal

John 20:31 have l through his name

Acts 3:15 killed the Prince of l

Rom. 6:4 walk in newness of l

Rom. 6:23 gift of God is eternal l

2 Cor. 3:6 but the spirit giveth l

Gal. 6:8 of the Spirit reap l everlasting

Php. 2:16 the word of l

Php. 4:3 names are in the book of l

Col. 3:4 Christ, who is our l

Titus 3:7 hope of eternal l

James 1:12 receive the crown of l

1 John 1:1 of the Word of l

1 John 5:12 that hath the Son hath l

Rev. 2:10 give thee a crown of l

Rev. 13:8 written in the book of l


Ps. 24:7 L up your heads, O ye gates

Ps. 121:1 l up mine eyes unto the hills

John 3:14 Son of man be l-ed up

James 4:10 and he shall l you up


Gen. 1:3 Let there be l . . . was l

Ps. 27:1 my l and my salvation

Ps. 119:105 a l unto my path

Isa. 2:5 let us walk in the l

Isa. 60:1 Arise, shine; for thy l is come

Mic. 7:9 bring me forth to the l

Matt. 5:14 Ye are the l of the world

Matt. 6:22 l of the body is the eye

Matt. 11:30 my burden is l

Luke 2:32 l to lighten the Gentiles

Luke 16:8 the children of l

John 1:7 to bear witness of the l

John 1:9 That was the true L

John 3:19 men loved darkness rather than l

John 8:12 I am the l of the world

John 12:35 Walk white ye have the l

Gal. 5:8 walk as children of l

1 John 1:7 If we walk in the l, as he


Exod. 20:18 all the people saw . . . the l-s

Matt. 24:27 as the l cometh out of the east

Luke 10:18 Satan as l fall from heaven


Gen. 1:26 in our image, after our l

Exod. 20:4 or any l of any thing that is

Rom. 8:3 l of sinful flesh

Php. 2:7 made in the l of men


SS. 2:1 the l of the valleys

Matt. 6:28 Consider the l-ies


Gen. 49:9 Judah is a l-'s whelp

1 Sam. 17:37 out of the paw of the l

Prov. 22:13; 26:13 slothful man . . . There is a l

Eccl. 9:4 living dog . . . dead l

1 Pet. 5:8 the devil, as a roaring l


Ps. 31:18 lying l be put to silence

Isa. 6:5 a man of unclean l

Isa. 28:11 with stammering l

Matt. 15:8 honoureth me with their l


Ps. 37:16 l that a righteous man

Prov. 15:16; 16:8 Better is a l with

Isa. 28:10 here a l, and there a l

Matt. 6:30 O ye of l faith

Luke 7:47 l is forgiven . . . loveth l

John 7:33 Yet a l while am I with

James 3:5 tongue is a l member

Live (see also Living)

Gen. 3:22 eat, and l forever

Gen. 42:18 This do, and l

Job 19:25 my redeemer l-eth

Ps. 119:175 Let my soul l

Hab. 2:4 the just shall l by his faith

Luke 10:28 this do, and thou shalt l

Luke 20:38 for all l unto him

John 11:25 were dead, yet shall he l

Rom. 1:17 just shall l by faith

Rom. 14:8 whether we l, we l unto the Lord

2 Cor. 5:15 not henceforth l unto themselves

Php. 1:21 to me to l is Christ

James 4:15 if the Lord will, we shall l


Gen. 2:7 man became a l soul

Deut. 5:26 voice of the l God

Job 28:13 in the land of the l

Dan. 6:26 he is the l God

Matt. 16:16 Son of the l God

John 4:10 have given thee l water

John 6:51 I am the l bread

John 7:38 rivers of l water

Rom. 12:1 bodies a l sacrifice

1 Cor. 15:45 Adam was made a l soul

2 Cor. 6:16 temple of the l God

Rev. 7:17 unto l fountains of waters


Matt. 14:17 five l, and two fishes

Mark 6:52 the miracle of the l


Exod. 10:13 east wind brought the l

Prov. 30:27 The l have no king

Matt. 3:4 his meat was l


Job 3:21 Which l for death

Matt. 23:14 pretence make l prayer

1 Cor. 11:14 If a man have l hair

Gal. 6:3 live l on the earth

Rev. 6:10 How l,0 Lord


Num. 14:18 Lord is l, and of great

Ps. 86:15 l, and plenteous


Gen. 19:17 l not behind thee

Exod. 3:6 afraid to l upon God

Esther 1:11 she was fair to l on

Job 30:26 I l-ed for good . . . evil

SS. 1:6 L not upon me

Isa. 22:4 L away from me

Matt. 11:3 do we l for another

Matt. 14:19 l-ing up to heaven, he

Luke 2:38 that l-ed for redemption

Luke 9:62 plough, and l-ing back

John 4:35 l on the fields

Php. 2:4 L not every man

Php. 3:20 we l for the Saviour

2 Pet. 3:13 l for new heavens


Ps. 116:16 thou hast l-d my bonds

Eccl. 12:6 the silver cord be l-d

Matt. 16:19 l on earth . . . l-d in


Deut. 4:35 that the L he is God

Deut. 6:4 L our God is one L

Deut. 10:17 L of l-s, a great God

Ruth 2:4 L be with you . . . L bless

Ps. 8:1 O L our L, how excellent

Ps. 110:1 The L said unto my L, Sit thou

Matt. 7:21 one that saith . . . L, L

Mark 12:29 L our God is one L

Luke 6:46 why call ye me, L, L, and do not

John 13:13 Ye call me Master and L

John 20:28 My L and my God

Acts 2:36 crucified, both L and

Rom. 10:9 confess . . . the L Jesus

Gal. 4:5 One L, one faith, one

Php. 2:11 that Jesus Christ is L

Rev. 1:10 Spirit of the L-'s day

Rev. 4:8 Holy, holy, holy, L God


Matt. 16:25 save his life shall l it

Mark 9:41 shall not l his reward


Ps. 119:176 astray like a l sheep

Ezek. 34:16 I will seek that which was l

Matt. 18:11 save that which was l

Luke 15:24 he was l, and is found


Ps. 22:18 cast l-s upon my vesture

Prov. 1:14 Cast in thy l among us

Luke 17:32 Remember L-'s wife

John 19:24 not rend it, but cast l-s

Acts 1:26 the l fell upon Matthias

Acts 8:21 neither part nor l in this


Gen. 29:20 the l he had to her

Deut. 6:5 l the Lord thy God with all

Prov. 3:12 Lord l-th he correcteth

Prov. 8:17 I l them that l me

Prov. 17:17 A friend l-th at all

Eccl. 3:8 A time to l, and a time

Amos 5:15 Hate the evil, and l the good

Matt. 5:44; Luke 6:27 L your enemies

Matt. 6:24 hate the one, and l the

Matt. 22:39 l thy neighbour as thy

John 3:16 God so l-d the world

John 13:35 have l one to another

John 15:13 greater l hath no man

2 Cor. 9:7 God l-th a cheerful giver

Gal. 5:2 And walk in l, as Christ

Col. 3:19 Husbands, l your wives

1 Tim. 6:10 l of money is the root

Titus 2:4 l their husbands

Heb. 13:1 Let brotherly l continue

1 John 4:7 let us l one another

Jude 21 Keep . . . in the l of God

Rev. 2:4 thou hast left thy first l


1 Sam. 2:7 bringeth l, and lifteth up

Job 40:12 proud . . . and bring him l

Matt. 11:29 I am meek and l-ly in heart

Rom. 12:16 condescend to men of l

Php. 2:3 in l-liness of mind


1 Sam. 8:3 turned aside after l

1 Tim. 3:3 not greedy of filthy l


Matt. 5:28 looketh on a woman to l

1 John 2:16 l of the flesh . . . l of the eyes

James 1:15 when l hath conceived, it bringeth

Lying (see also Lie)

Ps. 119:163 I hate and abhor l

Prov. 12:22 L lips are abomination

Gal. 4:25 putting away l



John 1:3 All things were m by him

2 Cor. 5:21 m him to be sin for us


Job 7:17 man . . . shouldest m him

Ps. 34:3 O m the Lord with me

Luke 1:46 My soul doth m the Lord

Acts 19:17 name Jesus was m-ied

Php. 1:20 Christ . . . m-ed in my


Exod. 22:16 if a man entice a m

Prov. 30:19 way of a man with a m

Jer. 2:32 m forget her ornaments


Ps. 93:1 he is clothed with m

Heb. 1:3 on the right hand of the m

Jude 25 glory and m, dominion and power


Job 35:10 Where is God my m

Isa. 54:5 thy M is thine husband

Heb. 11:10 builder and m is God


Gen. 1:27; 5:2 M and female created

Matt. 19:4 made them m and female

Gal. 3:28 neither m nor female


Gal. 4:31 from you, with all m

1 Pet. 2:1 laying aside all m

Man (see also Men)

Gen. 1:26 Let us make m

2 Kings 5:8 Elisha the m of God

Job 33:12 God is greater than m

Eccl. 12:13 the whole duty of m

Mark 2:27 not m for the sabbath

John 1:6 a m sent from God

John 19:5 Behold the m

1 Cor. 15:21 by m came death

2 Cor. 12:2 I knew a m in Christ

Col. 3:9 put off the old m


John 17:6 m-ed thy name

Rom. 8:19 m-ation of the sons of

Col. 1:26 but now is made m

1 Tim. 3:16 God was m in the flesh


Neh. 9:27 according to thy m mercies

Ps. 104:24 how m are thy works

Gal. 3:10 m wisdom of God


Exod. 16:15 Israel saw it, they said . . . It is m

John 6:31 Our fathers did eat m


Matt. 5:11 say all m of evil against

1 Cor. 15:33 corrupt good m-s

Gal. 3:15 speak after the m of men


1 Kings 19:19 cast his m upon him


1 Kings 11:1 Solomon loved m

Job 13:23 m are my iniquities

SS. 8:7 M waters cannot quench

Jer. 14:7 our backslidings are m

Matt. 7:22 M will say to me in that

Matt. 22:14 m are called, but few

Luke 7:47 Her sins, which are m

Luke 21:8 m shall come in my name

John 14:2 are m mansions


Gen. 4:15 Lord set a m upon Cain

Php. 3:14 press toward the m

Rev. 14:9 his m in his forehead

Rev. 19:20 m of the beast


Deut. 7:3 Neither shalt thou make m-s with

Matt. 22:30 nor are given in m

John 2:1 there was a m in Cana

Heb. 13:4 M is honourable in all

Rev. 19:7 m of the Lamb

Marry (see also Marriage)

Matt. 19:9 m another, committeth adultery

Mark 12:25 they neither m, nor are

1 Cor. 7:9 better to m than to burn

1 Tim. 5:11 younger women m


Sister of Mary and Lazarus (Luke 10:38-42; John 11:1–12:2).


1. Mother of Jesus (Matt. 1:16; Luke 1:26-56; 2:1-20,34-35). Present at the cross (John 19:25-27); among the believers (Acts 1:14).

2. Magdalene; delivered from demons (Luke 8:2); follower and supporter of Jesus (Mark 15:40-41). Witness to the crucifixion and resurrection (Matt. 27:54–28:10; Mark 16:1-10; Luke 24:10; John 19:25–20:18).

3. Mother of James and Joseph/Joses; follower and supporter of Jesus (Mark 15:40-41). Witness to the crucifixion and resurrection (Matt. 27:54–28:10; Mark 16:1-8; Luke 24:10).

4. Sister of Martha and Lazarus (John 11); anointed Jesus' feet (12:1-3).

5. Wife of Clopas (John 19:25).

6. Mother of John Mark (Acts 12:12).

7. Believer in Rome (Rom. 16:6).


Matt. 6:24 can serve two m-s

Matt. 23:8 one is your M, even Christ

John 13:13 Ye call me M and Lord

Gal. 6:5 to them that are your m-s

James 3:1 be not many m-s


Gen. 50:20 but God m-t it unto good

Prov. 22:29 not stand before m men

Matt. 9:13 learn what that m-eth

1 Cor. 14:11 know not the m-ing of the voice


Deut. 25:15 just m shalt thou have

2 Kings 7:1 m of fine flour be sold for

Ezek. 40:5 m-ing reed of six cubits

Matt. 7:2 and with what m ye mete

Matt. 13:33 hid in three m-s of meal

Rev. 21:16 he m-ed the city with the reed


Gen. 1:29 it shall be for m

Gen. 27:4 make me savoury m

Ps. 145:15 m in due season

Matt. 3:4 m was locusts and wild honey

Matt. 6:25 Is not the life more than m

Matt. 25:35 and ye gave me m

Luke 24:41 have ye here any m

John 4:34 My m is to do the will of

John 6:55 For my flesh is m indeed

1 Cor. 6:13 M-s for the belly

1 Cor. 8:13 if m make my brother to offend


Gal 3:19 in the hand of a m

1 Tim. 2:5 m between God and men

Heb. 8:6 m of a better covenant

Heb. 12:24 Jesus the m of a new covenant


Ps. 1:2 law doth he m day and night

Ps. 19:14 m-ion of my heart

1 Tim. 4:15 M upon these things


Num. 12:3 man Moses was very m

Ps. 37:11 m shall inherit the earth

Ps. 147:6 Lord lifteth up the m

Matt. 5:5 Blessed are the m

Matt. 11:29 for I am m and lowly

Matt. 21:5 m, and sitting upon an

1 Cor. 4:21 in the spirit of m-ness

1 Pet. 3:4 a m and quiet spirit


Also spelled Melchisedec. King of Salem and priest (Gen. 14:18); represents undying priesthood (Ps. 110:4; Heb. 5:6,10; 6:20; 7).


Gal. 5:19 making m in your heart


Josh. 2:11 our hearts did m

Ps. 97:5 hills m-ed like wax

2 Pet. 3:10 the elements shall m


Matt. 5:29 one of thy m-s . . . perish

Rom. 12:4 many m-s in one body, and all m-s

1 Cor. 6:15 the m-s of Christ

1 Cor. 12:12 body . . . hath many m-s

James 3:5 the tongue is a little m


Exod. 3:15 m unto all generations

Josh. 4:7 stones shall be for a m

Matt. 26:13 told for a m of her

Men (see also Man)

1 Sam. 4:9 quit yourselves like m

Ps. 82:7 But ye shall die like m

Isa. 46:8 and shew yourselves m

Matt. 10:17 beware of m

Mark 1:17 become fishers of m

Luke 20:4 from heaven, or of m

Rom. 6:19 after the manner of m

1 Cor. 16:13 quit you like m, be strong

1 Thess. 2:4 not as pleasing m, but


Rom. 1:9 m of you . . . in my prayers


Exod. 34:6 Lord God, m and gracious

2 Sam. 22:26 wilt shew thyself m

Ps. 67:1 God be m unto us, and bless

Matt. 5:7 Blessed are the m

Luke 18:13 be m to me a sinner


Exod. 33:19 m on whom I will shew m

2 Sam. 24:14 for his m-s are great

Ezra 3:11 his m endureth for ever

Ps. 89:1 I will sing of thy m-s

Ps. 136:1 for his m endureth for ever

Matt. 5:7 for they shall obtain m

Rom. 12:1 by the m-s of God

Gal. 2:4 God, who is rich in m


Judg. 16:25 their hearts were m

Prov. 17:22 m heart doeth good like

Eccl. 8:15 eat . . . drink . . . be m

Luke 12:19 eat, drink, and be m


Mal. 3:1; Matt. 11:10 send my m

2 Cor. 12:7 the m of Satan


Matt. 18:20 there am I in the m of

Luke 24:36 Jesus . . . stood in the m

John 20:26 in the m, and said, Peace


Deut. 6:5 and with all thy m

Judg. 6:14 Go in this thy m

Zech. 4:6 Not by m, nor by power


2 Sam. 1:19 how are the m fallen

Ps. 24:8 strong and m, m in battle

Isa. 63:1 m to save

Jer. 32:18 the Great, the M God

Luke 9:43 the m power of God

Acts 18:24 m in the scriptures

2 Cor. 13:3 but is m in you

Gal. 1:19 working of his m power

Col. 1:29 worketh in me m-ly

1 Pet. 5:6 the m hand of God


Matt. 5:41 compel thee to go a m, go


Gen. 49:12 teeth white with m

Exod. 3:8 land flowing with m and honey

Judg. 4:19 she opened a bottle of m

Prov. 30:33 churning of m bringeth

1 Cor. 3:2 have fed you with m

Heb. 5:12 such as have need of m

1 Pet. 2:2 the sincere m of the word


Ps. 31:12 as a dead man out of m

Hab. 1:11 Then shall his m change

Mark 5:15 and in his right m

Rom. 1:28 over to a reprobate m

Rom. 8:7 carnal m is enmity against

Rom. 12:2 by the renewing of your m

1 Cor. 1:10 joined . . . in the same m

2 Cor. 8:12 there be first a willing m

2 Cor. 13:11 be of one m, live in

Php. 2:2 one accord, of one m

James 1:8 A double m-ed man

1 Pet. 3:8 be ye all of one m


Isa. 61:6 call you the M-s of our God

Matt. 20:26 let him be your m

Luke 1:2 and m-s of the word

2 Cor. 11:23 Are they m-s of Christ

Gal. 3:7 Whereof I was made a m

1 Tim. 4:6 be a good m of Jesus


Acts 6:4 to the m of the word

2 Cor. 5:18 m of reconciliation

Gal. 4:12 for the work of the m

Cal. 4:17 Take heed to the m

2 Tim. 4:5 make full proof of thy m

Heb. 8:6 a more excellent m


Matt. 23:23 ye pay tithe of m and anise


John 2:11 This beginning of m-s did

John 10:41 John did no m

Acts 15:12 m-s and wonders God

1 Cor. 12:10 the working of m-s


Exod. 21:22 yet no m follow

Job 15:35 They conceive m

Prov. 6:18 swift in running to m

Prov. 24:16 wicked shall fall into m


Eccl. 8:6 m of man is great

1 Cor. 15:19 we are of all men most m-able


2 Kings 2:23 children . . . m-ed him

Prov. 14:9 Fools make a m at sin

Prov. 20:1 Wine is a m-er

Matt. 27:29 before him, and m-ed him

Gal. 6:7 God is not m-ed


Ps. 30:5 his anger endureth but a m

1 Cor. 15:52 In a m, in the twinkling of


2 Kings 5:26 Is it a time to receive m

Eccl. 7:12 m is a defence

Eccl. 10:19 m answereth all

Matt. 21:12 the m-changers

Matt. 22:19 shew me the tribute m

Mark 6:8 no m their purse

Acts 8:20 Thy m perish with thee


Ps. 136:9 m and stars to rule by

Isa. 1:13 new m-s and sabbaths

Isa. 24:23 the m shall be confounded

Joel 2:31 and the m into blood

Matt. 24:29 m shall not give her

Luke 21:25 signs in the sun . . . m

Acts 2:20 and the m into blood


Job 38:7 m stars sang together

Ps. 139:9 take the wings of the m

Eccl. 11:6 In the m sow thy seed

Mark 16:2 in the m, the first day

Rev. 22:16 the bright and m star


Job 4:17 shall m man be more just

Rom. 6:12 reign in your m body

Rom. 8:11 quicken your m bodies

1 Cor. 15:53 m must put on immortality

2 Cor. 4:11 manifest in our m flesh


Leader of Israel; Levite; brother of Aaron and Miriam (1 Chron. 6:3). Born under Egyptian oppression (Exod. 1); set adrift on Nile; rescued and raised by Pharaoh's daughter (2:1-10). Killed Egyptian; fled to Midian and married Zipporah (2:11-22). Called by God from burning bush (Exod. 3–4). Announced ten plagues (Exod. 7–11).

Divided the Red Sea (Exod. 14). Brought water from a rock (17:1-7); held up God's staff and defeated Amalek (17:8-13). Delegated judging (18:13-26).

God spoke to him at Sinai: law (Exod. 19–23); tabernacle, equipment, and garments (Exod. 25–28; 30); consecration of priests (Exod. 29). Discovered golden calf and broke tablets (Exod. 32). Saw God's glory (33:12–34:28). Ordained Aaron and his sons (Lev. 8–9).

Opposed by Aaron and Miram (Num. 12); opposed by Korah (Num. 16). Excluded from promised land for striking rock (Num. 20:1-13; 27:12-14; Deut. 32:51). Made a bronze snake for healing (Num. 21:4-9; John 3:14). Wrote the book of the law (Josh. 23:6; 2 Chron. 34:14). Saw promised land from a distance (Deut. 3:23-27; 34:1-4); commissioned Joshua as successor (Num. 27:12-23); buried by God (34:5-8).


Gen. 2:24 leave his father and his m

Gen. 3:20 the m of all living

Gen. 17:16 she shall be a m of nations

Exod. 20:12 thy father and thy m

Job 17:14 Thou art my m

Matt. 12:48 Who is my m? and who

John 19:27 Behold thy m

Heb. 7:3 Without father, without m


Isa. 2:3 let us go up to the m of the Lord

Isa. 11:9 hurt nor destroy in all my holy m

Isa. 52:7 beautiful upon the m-s are the feet

Matt. 17:20 say unto this m, Remove hence

1 Cor. 13:2 faith, so that I could remove m-s


Isa. 61:2 to comfort all that m

Matt. 5:4 Blessed are they that m

Luke 6:25 for ye shall m and weep

James 4:9 be turned to m-ing


Exod. 4:11 Who hath made man's m

Judg. 7:6 their hand to their m

Job 15:6 own m condemneth thee

Job 29:10 to the roof of their m

Ps. 8:2 Out of the m of babes and

Ps. 19:14 Let the words of my m

Ps. 39:1 keep my m with a bridle

Ps. 71:15 My m shall shew forth

Prov. 13:3 He that keepeth his m

Eccl. 5:2 Be not rash with thy m

Luke 21:15 I will give you a m and wisdom

Titus 1:11 Whose m-s must be stopped

James 3:3 put bits in the horses' m-s


Gen. 1:2 Spirit of God m-d upon the

1 Sam. 1:13 only her lips m-d

Matt. 9:36 m-d with compassion

John 5:3 the m-ing of the water

Acts 17:28 in him we live, and m

2 Pet. 1:21 m-d by the Holy Ghost


Gen. 1:22 Be fruitful, and m

Gen. 6:1 when men began to m on the face

Exod. 32:13 I will m your seed

Acts 6:7 number of the disciples m-ed

Acts 12:24 word of God grew and m-ed


Gen. 16:10 not be numbered for m

Exod. 23:2 not follow a m to do evil

Prov. 24:6 m of counsellors

James 5:20 hide a m of sins

1 Pet. 4:8 cover a m of sins


Num. 35:16 m shall surely be put to death

John 8:44 a m from the beginning

Acts 28:4 this man is a m

1 John 3:15 hateth his brother is a m


Exod. 16:2; 17:3 m-ed against Moses

Php. 2:4 Do . . . without m-ings


Deut. 25:4; 1 Tim. 5:18 shalt not m the ox

1 Cor. 9:9 not m the mouth of the ox


SS. 5:13 sweet smelling m

Matt. 2:11 frankincense and m

John 19:39 mixture of m and aloes


Matt. 13:11 m-s of the kingdom

1 Cor. 2:7 wisdom of God in a m

1 Cor. 13:2 and understand all m-s

Eph. 6:19 the m of the gospel

Col. 1:26 m which hath been hid from ages

Rev. 17:5 written, M, BABYLON THE GREAT



Judg. 4:21 took a n of the tent

Dan. 4:33 his n-s like bird claws

John 20:25 the print of the n-s


Gen. 2:25 they were both n

Lev. 18:7 shalt not uncover her n-ness

Job 1:21 N came I out . . . and n

Matt. 25:36 N, and ye clothed me

Heb. 4:13 all things are n


Exod. 3:15 this is my n forever

Exod. 20:7 n of the Lord thy God

Deut. 29:20 blot out his n

Job 1:21 blessed be the n of the Lord

Ps. 8:1 how excellent is thy n

Ps. 72:17 His n shall endure for ever

Ps. 102:15 fear the n of the Lord

Prov. 22:1 good n is rather to be

Isa. 48:2 Lord of hosts is his n

Ezek. 36:22 but for mine holy n-'s sake

Matt. 6:9 Hallowed be thy n

Matt. 10:22 for my n-'s sake

Matt. 18:5 little child in my n

Mark 5:9 My n is Legion: for we are

Luke 21:8 many shall come in my n

John 15:16 ye shall ask . . . in my n

Acts 3:16 through faith in his n

Acts 4:12 none other n under

Gal. 1:21 every n that is n-d

Php. 2:9 n which is above every n

Php. 4:3 whose n-s are in the book


Gen. 12:2 make of thee a great n

Ps. 33:12 Blessed . . . n whose God

Isa. 2:4 n shall not lift up sword

Matt. 24:7 n shall rise against n

Matt. 28:19 Go . . . and teach all n-s

Acts 2:5 devout men, out of every n

Gal. 3:8 shall all n-s be blessed


Rom. 1:31 without n affection

1 Cor. 2:14 n man receiveth not the things

1 Cor. 15:44 It is sown a n body


Rom. 1:26 that which is against n

1 Cor. 11:14 Doth not even n


Prov. 27:10 a neighbour that is n

Joel 3:14 day of the Lord is n

Heb. 10:22 draw n with a true heart

Need (see also Needy)

Matt. 6:8 what things ye have n of

Matt. 21:3 The Lord hath n of them

Luke 10:42 But one thing is n-ful

1 Cor. 12:21 to the hand, I have no n of thee

Php. 4:19 supply all your n

Heb. 4:16 help in time of n

1 John 3:17 seeth his brother have n

Rev. 3:17 have n of nothing


Ps. 40:17 But I am poor and n

Ps. 72:12 deliver the n when he crieth


Lev. 19:18; Matt. 5:43 thou shalt love thy n

Hab. 2:15 that giveth his n drink

Luke 10:29 And who is my n

Heb. 8:11 teach every man his n


Matt. 8:20 birds of the air have n-s


Deut. 15:11 poor shall n cease out of

Ps. 31:1 let me n be ashamed

Matt. 7:23 I n knew you

John 4:14 of the water . . . shall n thirst

John 8:51 shall n see death


Ps. 33:3 Sing unto him a n song

Eccl. 1:9 no n thing under the sun

Isa. 65:17 n heavens and a n earth

Ezek. 11:19 put a n spirit within you

Matt. 26:28 blood of the n testament

John 13:34 A n commandment I

2 Cor. 5:17 he is a n creature

Gal. 4:24 put on the n man

Rev. 21:1 n heaven . . . n earth


Deut. 4:7 who hath God so n

Ps. 145:18 n unto all them that call

Gal. 2:13 made n by the blood of

James 4:8 Draw n to God . . . draw n


Gen. 1:5 the darkness he called N

Exod. 13:21 by n in a pillar of fire

Ps. 19:2 n unto n sheweth

Ps. 91:5 afraid for the terror by n

Isa. 21:11 Watchman, what of the n

John 9:4 the n cometh, when no

Rom. 13:12 The n is far spent

1 Thess. 5:2 as a thief in the n


Exod. 32:17 n of war in the camp

Ps. 66:1 Make a joyful n unto God


Job 26:7 hangeth the earth upon n

Ps. 49:17 he shall carry n away

Prov. 13:7 himself rich, yet hath n

Mark 14:60 Answerest thou n

Luke 6:35 lend, hoping for n again

John 15:5 without me ye can do n

1 Cor. 4:4 I know n by myself

Gal. 6:3 be something, when he is n

Php. 4:6 Be careful of n


Gen. 15:5 stars, if thou be able to n

Num. 1:3 n them by their armies

2 Sam. 24:4 to n the people of Israel

Matt. 10:30 hairs . . . are all n-ed


Exod. 2:7 a n of the Hebrew women

Num. 11:12 as a n-ing father

1 Thess. 2:7 as a n cherisheth her



Gen. 26:3 I will perform the o

Zech. 8:17 love no false o

Matt. 5:33 perform . . . thine o-s


Rom. 16:26 for the o of faith

2 Cor. 10:5 to the o of Christ

Heb. 5:8 yet learned he o by the


Isa. 1:19 If ye be willing and o

Php. 2:8 o unto death

Titus 2:5 o to their own husbands


Exod. 19:5 if ye will o my voice

Deut. 11:27 A blessing, if ye o

1 Sam. 15:22 to o is better than

Matt. 8:27 and the sea o him

Acts 5:29 o God rather than men

Gal. 6:1 Children, o your parents


Eccl. 11:4 He that o-eth the wind

Matt. 28:20 Teaching them to o all

Mark 10:20 have I o-ed from my youth

Gal. 4:10 Ye o days, and months


Gal. 5:13 use not liberty for an o

1 Tim. 5:14 give none o to the


Isa. 8:14 a rock of o to both

Matt. 18:7 Woe . . . because of o-s

Acts 24:16 conscience void of o

1 Cor. 10:32 Give none o

1 Pet. 2:8 and a rock of o


Matt. 5:29 right eye o thee, pluck it

Mark 14:27 All shall be o-ed

James 3:2 For in many things we o all


Judg. 5:2 willingly o-ed themselves

Ps. 50:14 O unto God thanksgiving

Mal. 1:8 o the blind . . . o the lame

Luke 6:29 one cheek o also the other

1 Cor. 8:1 things o-ed unto idols

Php. 2:17 I be o-ed upon the

Heb. 9:14 o-ed himself without spot


Gal. 5:2 hath given himself for us an o

Heb. 10:14 by one o he hath perfected

Heb. 10:18 remission . . . there is no more o


Ps. 109:8 and let another take his o

1 Tim. 3:1 desire the o of a bishop

1 Tim. 3:10 use the o of a deacon

Heb. 7:5 o of the priesthood


Luke 13:34 o would I have gathered

1 Cor. 11:26 For as o as ye eat this

1 Tim. 5:23 thine o infirmities


Job 29:6 rock poured me out rivers of o

Ps. 23:5 anointest my head with o

Ps. 45:7 with the o of gladness

Ps. 104:15 o to make his face

Matt. 25:3 foolish . . . took no o

Rev. 6:6 hurt not the o and the wine


Ps. 133:2 like precious o upon

Matt. 26:7 alabaster box . . . precious o

Luke 7:46 anointed my feet with o

John 12:5 Why was not this o sold


Gen. 44:20 child of his o age

Ruth 1:12 too o to have an husband

Job 42:17 being o and full of days

Prov. 20:29 beauty of o men is the

Matt. 9:16 new cloth unto an o

John 3:4 man be born when he is o

Rom. 6:6 our o man is crucified

1 Cor. 5:7 Purge out . . . the o leaven

2 Cor. 5:17 o things are passed

Gal. 4:22 put off . . . the o man

Col. 3:9 put off the o man


Gen. 2:24 they shall be o flesh

Deut. 6:4 Lord our God is o Lord

Matt. 19:5 they twain shall be o flesh

John 10:30 I and my Father are o

John 17:21 they all may be o

Gal. 4:4 o Spirit . . . o hope

1 Tim. 2:5 o God, and o mediator

James 4:12 There is o lawgiver


Gen. 3:5 your eyes shall be o-ed

Ps. 51:15 Lord, o thou my lips

Prov. 27:5 O rebuke is better than

Isa. 42:7 To o the blind eyes

Matt. 7:7 knock, and it shall be o-ed

Matt. 20:33 our eyes may be o-ed

Luke 13:25 Lord, Lord, o unto us

Luke 24:32 he o-ed to us the scriptures

John 1:51 ye shall see heaven o

Rev. 5:2 Who is worthy to o the book


Lev. 25:14 shall not o one another

Acts 10:38 healing all that were o-ed


Ps. 8:3 stars, which thou hast o-ed

Mark 3:14 o-ed twelve, that they

John 15:16 chosen you, and o-ed

1 Tim. 2:7 I am o-ed a preacher

Titus 1:5 and o elders in every city


2 Sam. 17:23 put his household in o

2 Kings 20:1 Set thine house in o

Heb. 5:6 the o of Melchisedec


Job 38:33 the o-s of heaven

Mal. 3:7 gone away from mine o-s

Rom. 13:2 resisteth the o of God

Col. 2:14 the handwriting of o-s


1 Sam. 16:7 on the o appearance

Rom. 2:28 o in the flesh

2 Cor. 4:16 our o man perish


John 16:33 I have o the world

Rom. 12:21 Be not o of evil

1 John 2:13 ye have o the wicked


Amos 9:10 evil shall not o . . . us

Gal. 6:1 man be o-n in a fault

1 Thess. 5:4 day . . . o you as a thief


2 Tim. 2:18 o the faith of some


Rom. 13:8 O no man any thing

Phm. 19 o-st unto me even thine


John 1:11 unto his o . . . o received

1 Tim. 5:8 any provide not for his o


Deut. 25:4 shalt not muzzle the o when

Prov. 14:4 no o-en are, the crib is clean

Prov. 15:17 stalled o and hatred

1 Cor. 9:9 not muzzle the mouth of the o

1 Tim. 5:18 shalt not muzzle the o that



Ps. 116:3 p-s of hell gat hold upon

Acts 2:24 loosed the p-s of death

Rev. 21:4 neither . . . be any more p


Num. 23:7 he took up his p

Ps. 78:2 I will open my mouth in a p

Matt. 13:10 Why speakest thou . . . in p-s

Mark 4:34 But without a p spake he not


Exod. 23:21 not p your transgressions

Neh. 9:17 art a God ready to p

Ps. 25:11 O Lord, p mine iniquity

Isa. 55:7 he will abundantly p


Matt. 10:21 rise up against their p

Luke 18:29 house, or p, or brethren

John 9:2 did sin, this man, or his p

Rom. 1:30 disobedient to p

Gal. 6:1 obey your p

2 Tim. 3:2 disobedient to p,


Ps. 22:18 p my garments among

Matt. 27:35 and p-ed his garments

Luke 10:42 hath chosen that good p

John 13:8 hast no p with me


Ps. 50:18 been p with adulterers

Matt. 23:30 we would not have been p-s

Heb. 3:14 we are made p-s of Christ

Heb. 6:4 p-s of the Holy Ghost

2 Pet. 1:4 p-s of the divine nature


Matt. 26:39 let this cup p from me

John 5:24 p-ed from death unto life

2 Cor. 5:17 old things are p-ed away

Rev. 21:1 first earth were p-ed away


Exod. 12:11 eat it in haste: it is the Lord's p

Matt. 26:18 I will keep the p at thy house

John 6:4 the p, a feast of the Jews, was nigh

1 Cor. 5:7 Christ our p is sacrificed for us


SS. 2:11 the winter is p, the rain

Jer. 8:20 harvest is p, the summer is


Jer. 3:15 I will give you p

Jer. 23:1 Woe be unto the p

Gal. 4:11 and some, p and teachers


Ps. 16:11 shew me the p of life

Ps. 119:105 a light unto my p

Prov. 4:18 p of the just shining

Matt. 3:3 make his p-s straight


Luke 21:19 In your p possess ye

Rom. 5:3 tribulation worketh p

2 Thess. 1:4 for your p and faith

James 1:4 p have her perfect work

James 5:11 the p of Job


Ps. 40:1 I waited p-ly for the Lord

Rom. 12:12 hope; p in tribulation

2 Thess. 3:5 p waiting for Christ


Early church missionary, theologian, and writer. Also called Saul (Acts 13:9). Citizen of Tarsus, a Benjamite, raised in Jerusalem as a rabbinical student and Pharisee (Acts 21:39; 22:3,28; 26:5; Gal. 1:14; Php. 3:5). Persecuted Christians, including Stephen (Acts 8:1; 26:9-11); converted on the way to Damascus (9:1-19); began preaching Christ in Arabia and Damascus and was threatened (9:20-22; Gal. 1:17; 2 Cor. 11:32-33).

Introduced to the church at Jerusalem by Barnabas (Acts 9:26-30); carried money with Barnabas from Antioch to Judea (11:27-30). Set apart with Barnabas to go through Cyprus and Galatia as missionaries (Acts 13–14); stoned (Acts 14:19-20). Focused on Gentile evangelism (Acts 9:15; Gal. 2:7; Gal. 3:8). Attended Jerusalem council (Acts 15). Split with Barnabas over John Mark (15:36-39).

Traveled with Silas and Timothy through Asia Minor and Greece (15:39–16:3). Hindered by the Spirit from entering Bithynia; called to Macedonia in a vision (16:7-10). Beaten, imprisoned, and released in Philippi (16:16-40). Spoke at Areopagus in Athens (17:19-34). Preached at Corinth and Ephesus (Acts 18–19). Said farewell in Ephesus (20:17-38).

Arrested at riot in Jerusalem (21:26-36); testified before the Sanhedrin (23:1-10), Governors Felix and Festus (24:10-21; 25:1-12), and King Agrippa (Acts 26); appealed to Caesar (25:11). Shipwrecked on the way to Rome (Acts 27); ministered in Malta, then Rome (Acts 28).


Lev. 26:6 I will give p in the land

Num. 6:26 countenance . . . give thee p

Ps. 4:8 lay me down in p

Ps. 34:14 seek p, and pursue it

Ps. 119:165 Great p have they which

Prov. 16:7 his enemies be at p with

Eccl. 3:8 time of war . . . time of p

Isa. 9:6 Father, The Prince of P

Isa. 52:7 tidings, that publisheth p

Isa. 57:19 P, p to him that is far off

Jer. 6:14 P, p; when there is no p

Matt. 10:34 I came not to send p

Luke 2:14 on earth p, good will

John 14:27 p I leave with you, my p

John 20:19 saith . . . P be unto you

Rom. 15:33 the God of p be with you

1 Cor. 7:15 God hath called us to p

Gal. 2:14 For he is our p

Php. 4:7 p of God, which passeth

Heb. 12:14 follow p with all men

James 2:16 Depart in p

Rev. 6:4 to take p from the earth


Exod. 6:7 take you to me for a p

Ruth 1:16 thy p shall be my p

Job 12:2 No doubt but ye are the p

Ps. 100:3 we are his p, and the sheep

Matt. 1:21 save his p from their sins

John 11:50 one man should die for the p


Deut. 29:4 given you an heart to p

Luke 8:46 I p that virtue is gone

1 John 3:16 p we the love of God


Deut. 32:4 He is the Rock, his work is p

Ps. 19:7 law of the Lord is p

Matt. 5:48 Be ye therefore p

1 Cor. 13:10 when that which is p is

2 Cor. 12:9 strength is made p in weakness

James 1 :4 her p work, that ye may be p

James 1:25 p law of liberty

1 John 4:17 our love made p


2 Cor. 8:11 Now therefore p the doing of it


Job 34:15 All flesh shall p together

Ps. 1:6 way of the ungodly shall p

Matt. 8:25 Lord, save us: we p

Matt. 18:14 Little ones should p

2 Pet. 3:9 not willing that any should p


Job 19:22 Why do ye p me as God

Ps. 7:1 save me from all them that p

Matt. 5:11 revile you, and p you

John 15:20 If they have p-d me

Acts 9:4 Saul, why p-st thou me

1 Cor. 4:12 we bless; being p-d

2 Cor. 4:9 P-d, but not forsaken


Deut. 1:17 shall not respect p-s

Matt. 22:16 thou regardest not the p

Rom. 2:11 no respect of p-s with


Acts 26:28 Almost thou p-st me

Rom. 14:5 Let every man be fully p-d

Heb. 6:9 p-d better things of you


Deut. 32:5 a p and crooked generation

Job 6:30 cannot my taste discern p things

Prov. 4:24 p lips put far from thee

Acts 20:30 speaking p things

Php. 2:15 a crooked and p nation


Job 8:3 Doth God p judgment

Gal. 1:7 p the gospel of Christ


Apostle; originally named Simon; also called Simeon (Acts 15:14) and Cephas. A fisherman in business with James and John (Luke 5:2-3,10); married, lived in Capernaum (Mark 1:21,29-30).

Walked on water (Matt. 14:28-31). Confessed Jesus as Messiah (Matt. 16:13-20; Mark 8:27-30; Luke 9:18-21). At transfiguration (Matt. 17:1-9; Mark 9:2-8; Luke 9:28-36; 2 Pet. 1:16-18). Jesus predicted he would deny Him (Matt. 26:31-35; Mark 14:27-31; Luke 22:31-34; John 13:36-38); denial (Matt. 26:69-75; Mark 14:66-72; Luke 22:54-62; John 18:15-18,25-27); restoration to "feed My sheep" (John 21:15-19).

Spoke at Pentecost (Acts 2:14-40). Healed people (3:1-10; 5:15; 9:34); raised Tabitha from the dead (9:36-43). Arrested and forbidden to preach (4:1-31; 5:17-41). Saw vision: sent to Cornelius (Acts 10); reported Gentile conversions (Acts 11; 15); confronted by Paul for inconsistency (Gal. 2:11-14). Imprisoned by Herod; freed by angel (Acts 12:1-19).

Focused on Jewish evangelism (Gal. 2:7). Wrote two letters (1 Pet. 1:1; 2 Pet. 1:1).


1 Sam. 1:17 God . . . grant thee thy p

1 Kings 2:16 I ask one p of thee

Ps. 20:5 the Lord fulfill all thy p-s

Dan. 6:7 shall ask a p of any God or


Jer. 8:22 Gilead; is there no p there

Matt. 9:12 be whole need not a p

Luke 4:23 P, heal thyself

Col. 4:14 Luke, the beloved p


Zech. 11:12 for my price thirty p-s

Matt. 9:16 p of new cloth

Luke 24:42 a p of a broiled fish


Ps. 22:16 they p-d my hands and my feet

Zech. 12:10 whom they have p

Luke 2:35 p through thy own soul

John 19:34 with a spear p-d his side


Gen. 19:26 she became a p of salt

Job 26:11 The p-s of heaven tremble

Prov. 9:1 hewn out her seven p-s

Gal. 2:9 John, who seemed to be p-s

1 Tim. 3:15 p and ground of the


Matt. 11:17 We have p unto you


Gen. 37:20 cast him into some p

Job 33:18 his soul from the p


Gen. 24:14 Let down thy p, I pray

Judg. 7:16 lamps within the p-s

Eccl. 12:6 p be broken at the

Mark 14:13 man bearing a p


Deut. 7:16 eye shall have no p

Ps. 103:13 father p-ieth his children

Prov. 19:17 hath p upon the poor

Matt. 18:33 I had p on thee


Exod. 3:5 p . . . thou standest is holy

Prov. 15:3 eyes of the Lord are in every p

Matt. 27:33 Golgotha . . . p of a skull

Matt. 28:6 p where the Lord lay

Luke 4:17 p where it was written

John 14:2 go to prepare a p for you

Gal. 4:27 Neither give p to the devil


Exod. 9:14 I will at this time send all my p-s

Rev. 21:9 the seven last p-s


Ps. 27:11 lead me in a p path

Prov. 15:18 righteous is made p

Hab. 2:2 make it p upon tables


Deut. 27:8 write all the word . . . p

John 16:25 shew you p of the Father


Gen. 2:8 God p-ed a garden

Deut. 6:11 trees, which thou p-edst not

Ps. 1:3 tree p-ed by the rivers

Eccl. 3:2 a time to p, and a time to

Isa. 53:2 grow up . . . as a tender p

Matt. 15:13 p . . . Father hath not p-ed

1 Cor. 3:6 I have p-ed, Apollos


Exod. 32:6 and rose up to p

Ps. 33:3 p skillfully with a loud

Isa. 11:8 p on the hole of the asp


Ps. 43:1 Judge me . . . and p my

Isa. 1:17 p for the widow

Jer. 2:9 I will yet p with you


Gen. 2:9 tree . . . p to the sight

Ps. 133:1 p it is for brethren to

Prov. 9:17 bread eaten in secret is p

Prov. 16:24 P words are as an honeycomb

Dan. 10:3 I ate no p bread


1 Kings 3:10 the speech p-d the Lord

Prov. 16:7 man's ways p the Lord

Matt. 3:17 in whom I am well p-d

John 8:29 those things that p him

Rom. 15:1 not to p ourselves

1 Cor. 7:33 how he may p his wife

Heb. 13:16 sacrifices God is well p-d


Job 36:11 and their years in p-s

Ps. 16:11 there are p-s for evermore

Ps. 149:4 Lord taketh p in his people

Eccl. 5:4 he hath no p in fools

Luke 8:14 cares and riches and p-s

Luke 12:32 Father's good p to give

Heb. 11:25 p-s of sin for a season


Gen. 41:29 seven years of great p

Prov. 3:10 thy barns be filled with p

Joel 2:26 And ye shall eat in p


Isa. 2:4; Mic. 4:3 their swords into p-shares

Joel 3:10 p-shares into swords

Luke 9:62 put his hand to the p


Matt. 5:29 offend thee, p it out

Mark 2:23 to p the ears of corn

Luke 17:6 p-ed up by the root

John 10:28 p them out of my hand


Amos 7:8 I will set a p in the midst of


Prov. 4:26 P the path of thy feet

Luke 2:19 p-ed them in her heart


Deut. 15:11 the p shall never cease

1 Sam. 2:8 raiseth up the p out of the dust

Ps. 69:33 the Lord heareth the p

Prov. 13:7 is that maketh himself p

Isa. 3:15 grind the faces of the p

Matt. 5:3 Blessed are the p in

Matt. 26:11 ye have the p always

Mark 10:21 and give to the p

Luke 19:8 my goods I give to the p

1 Cor. 13:3 my goods to feed the p

2 Cor. 8:9 your sakes he became p

James 2:5 God chosen the p of this


Deut. 32:9 Lord's p is his people

2 Kings 2:9 double p of thy spirit

2 Chron. 10:16 What p have we in

Ps. 119:57 Thou an my p, O Lord

Dan. 1:8 the p of the king's meat

Matt. 24:51 p with the hypocrites

Luke 15:12 give me the p of goods


Lev. 20:24 I will give it unto you to p it

Deut. 1:8 go in and p the land

Matt. 4:24 p-ed with devils

Luke 18:12 tithes of all that I p


Gen. 17:8 for an everlasting p

Matt. 19:2 for he had great p-s

Acts 2:45 sold their p-s and goods


Matt. 26:39 if it be p, let this cup pass

Luke 18:27 are p with God

Rom. 12:18 If it be p, as much as


1 Sam. 1:15 p-ed out my soul

Job 10:10 p-ed me out as milk

Joel 2:28 p out my spirit upon all flesh

Rev. 16:2 p-ed out his vial


Deut. 8:18 thee p to get wealth

2 Sam. 22:33 my strength and p

1 Chron. 29:11 the p, and the glory

Ps. 49:15 from the p of the grave

Prov. 3:27 p of thine hand to do it

Eccl. 8:8 p in the day of death

Matt. 6:13 kingdom, and the p, and

Matt. 9:6 p on earth to forgive

Mark 9:1 God come with p

Mark 13:26 clouds with great p

Mark 14:62 on the right hand of p

Luke 1:35 p of the Highest shall

Luke 4:6 All this p will I give thee

Luke 5:24 Son of man hath p

Luke 12:5 p to cast into hell

John 1:12 p to become the sons of

John 10:18 p to lay it down . . . p to

John 17:2 p over all flesh

Acts 1:8 ye shall receive p, after

Acts 8:10 This man is the great p of

Rom. 1:4 Son of God with p

Rom. 9:21 potter p over the clay

Rom. 13:1 no p but of God

1 Cor. 1:24 Christ the p of God

1 Cor. 5:4 p of our Lord Jesus Christ

1 Cor. 9:18 I abuse not my p

Gal. 2:2 prince of the p of the air

Col. 1:13 from the p of darkness

1 Pet. 3:22 p-s being made subject

Jude 25 majesty, dominion and p


Exod. 15:11 fearful in p-s

Ps. 22:25 My p shall be of thee

Ps. 89:5 the heavens shall p thy

Ps. 150:6 that hath breath p the Lord

Prov. 27:21 so is a man to his p

John 9:24 Give God the p

Rom. 2:29 whose p is not of men

Pray (see also Prayer)

Gen. 20:7 he shall p for thee

1 Sam. 7:5 I will p for you unto

1 Sam. 12:23 sin . . . in ceasing to p

Job 21:15 what profit . . . if we p

Ps. 55:17 morning . . . noon, will I p

Matt. 5:44 p for them which despitefully

Matt. 6:6 p to thy Father

Matt. 14:23 mountain apart to p

Matt. 26:41 Watch, and p, that ye

Mark 11:24 when ye p, believe

Luke 11:1 Lord, teach us to p

Luke 18:1 men ought always to p

John 14:16 I will p the Father

1 Cor. 14:14 p in an unknown

Col. 1:9 do not cease to p for you

1 Thess. 5:17 P without ceasing

James 5:13 afflicted? let him p


1 Kings 8:45 then hear thou in heaven their p

Neh. 11:17 to begin the thanksgiving in p

Ps. 4:1 hear my p

Ps. 55:1 Give ear to my p

Isa. 56:7 called an house of p

Matt. 17:21 not out but by p and

Matt. 21:22 whatsoever . . . ask in p

Luke 6:12 continued all night in p

Luke 19:46 My house . . . house of p

1 Cor. 7:5 fasting and p

Col. 4:2 Continue in p, and watch

1 Pet. 3:7 your p-s be not hindered

Preach (see also Preacher)

Isa. 61:1 anointed me to p good

Matt. 4:17 Jesus began to p

Matt. 11:5 poor . . . gospel p-ed to

Mark 16:15 p the gospel to every

Acts 17:3 Jesus, whom I p unto you

1 Cor. 1:23 We p Christ crucified

2 Tim. 4:2 P the word; be instant

1 Pet. 3:19 p-ed unto the spirits


Eccl. 1:1 The words of the P

Matt. 3:1 p-ing in the wilderness

Acts 8:4 every where p-ing the word

Rom. 10:14 hear without a p

1 Cor. 15:14 then is our p-ing vain

1 Tim. 2:7 I am ordained a p

2 Pet. 2:5 p of righteousness


Isa. 28:10 p upon p; line upon line


1 Sam. 3:1 word of the Lord was p

Ps. 116:15 P in the sight of the Lord

Prov. 3:15 more p than rubies

Isa. 13:12 man more p than fine gold

Matt. 26:7 box of very p ointment

1 Pet. 1:7 more p than of gold that


Ps. 23:5 p-d a table before me

Isa. 40:3 P ye the way of the Lord

John 14:2 I go to p a place for you


Exod. 33:14 My p shall go with thee

Ps. 23:5 p of mine enemies

Ps. 95:2 before his p with thanksgiving

Rev. 14:10 in the p of the Lamb


Ps. 46:1 a very p help in trouble

John 14:25 being yet p with you

Rom. 12:1 p your bodies a living

1 Cor. 5:3 but p in spirit

Col. 1:22 p you holy and

Jude 24 p you faultless before the


Deut. 6:24 he might p us alive

Ps. 16:1 P me, God; for in thee

Prov. 2:11 Discretion shall p thee

Luke 17:33 lose his life shall p it


Luke 6:38 good measure, p-ed down


Gen. 7:18 And the waters p-ed

Matt. 16:18 of hell shall not p


Jer. 38:2 shall have his life for a p


Prov. 31:10 her p is far above rubies

Zech. 11:12 for my p thirty pieces of sliver

Matt. 13:46 one pearl of great p

Acts 5:2 kept back part of the p

1 Cor. 6:20 ye are bought with a p


Prov. 16:18 P goeth before destruction

1 John 2:16 and the p of life


Gen. 14:18 p of the most high God

Exod. 19:6 a kingdom of p-s

1 Sam. 2:35 raise me up a faithful p

2 Chron. 15:3 without a teaching p

Ps. 110:4 p . . . order of Melchizedek

Isa. 24:2 people, so with the p

Heb. 2:17 faithful high p

Heb. 3:1 High P of our profession


Exod. 2:14 a p and a judge over us

Isa. 9:6 P of Peace

Matt. 9:34 the p of the devils

John 12:31 the p of this world

Acts 3:15 killed the P of life

Gal. 2:2 p of the power of the air


Rom. 8:38 nor p-ies, nor powers, nor

Gal. 6:12 and blood, but against p-ies


Ps. 142:7 Bring my soul out of p

Matt. 4:12 John was cast into p

Acts 5:19 Lord . . . opened the p

Acts 16:27 keeper of the p awaking


Ps. 146:7 The Lord looseth the p-s

Gal. 3:1; Phm. 1 Paul, the p of Jesus Christ


1 Cor. 9:24 run all, but one receiveth the p

Php. 3:14 for the p of the high calling


Deut. 8:3 word that p-eth out of the

Matt. 4:4 that p-eth out of the mouth


Exod. 33:19 p the name of the Lord

Isa. 61:1 p liberty to the captives

Luke 12:3 p-ed upon the housetops


Ezek. 36:20 they p-d my holy name

Matt. 12:5 priests . . . p the sabbath

2 Tim. 2:16 p and vain babblings


Rom. 1:22 P-ing themselves to be wise

1 Tim. 6:12 hast p-ed a good p-ion

Titus 1:16 p that they know God

Heb. 10:23 hold fast the p-ion of our


Prov. 14:23 In all labour there is p

Jer. 7:8 lying words, that cannot p

Matt. 16:26 For what is a man p-ed

1 Tim. 4:8 bodily exercise p-eth

2 Tim. 3:16 p-able for doctrine


Acts 2:33 p of the Holy Ghost

Acts 26:6 the hope of the p

Gal. 3:14 receive the p of the Spirit

Gal. 6:2 first commandment with p

Titus 1:2 p-d before the world began

Heb. 10:23 he is faithful that p-d

2 Pet. 1:4 great and precious p-s


Dan. 9:24 seal up the vision and p

1 Cor. 13:2 I have the gift of p

2 Pet. 1:19 a more sure word of p


1 Sam. 10:11 p-ied among the

Isa. 30:10 P not unto us right things

Ezek. 37:4 P upon these bones

Joel 2:28 sons . . . daughters . . . p

Matt. 7:22 we not p-ied in thy name

1 Cor. 13:9 part, and we p in part

1 Thess. 5:20 Despise not p-ings


Deut. 18:18 I will raise them up a p

Judg. 4:4 Deborah, a p-ess

1 Kings 20:35 of the sons of the p-s

Ezek. 13:3 Woe unto the foolish p-s

Amos 7:14 neither was I a p-'s son

Matt. 5:12 persecuted they the p-s

Matt. 10:41 receiveth a p . . . a p-'s reward

Matt. 13:57 p is not without honour

Matt. 21:11 Jesus the p of Nazareth

Luke 7:28 greater p than John the

John 1:21 Art thou that p

John 4:19 perceive that thou art a p

John 7:52 out of Galilee ariseth no p

1 Cor. 14:37 man think himself to be a p

Gal. 4:11 apostles; and some p-s

Heb. 1:1 unto the fathers by the p-s


Ps. 73:3 saw the p of the wicked

Prov. 1:32 p of fools shall destroy them


Prov. 6:17 A p look, a lying tongue

Jer. 50:32 p shall stumble and fall

1 Tim. 6:4 He is p, knowing nothing

James 4:6 God resisteth the p


Exod. 20:20 God is come to p you

Ps. 26:2 Examine me, O Lord, and p me

Rom. 12:2 p what is that good

2 Cor. 13:5 p your own selves

1 Thess. 5:21 P all things; hold fast that


Gen. 22:8 God will p himself a lamb

1 Tim. 5:8 If any p not for his own


Dan. 1:5 daily p of the king's meat

Rom. 13:14 make not p for the flesh


Job 12:6 they that p God are secure

Rom. 10:19 I will p you to jealousy

1 Cor. 13:5 is not easily p-d

Gal. 6:4; Col. 3:21 p not your children


Prov. 19:14 p wife is from the Lord

Jer. 49:7 perished from the p


2 Sam. 23:1 the sweet p-ist of Israel

Ps. 95:2 joyful noise unto him with p-s

Luke 20:42 David . . . saith in the book of P-s

Gal. 5:19; Col. 3:16 in p-s and hymns and


Matt. 5:46 even the p-s the same

Matt. 10:3 and Matthew the p

Matt. 11:19 friend of p-s and sinners

Luke 18:13 the p, standing afar off


Ps. 31:4 P me out of the net

Luke 14:5 p him out on the sabbath day


Gen. 4:13 p is greater than I can

Matt. 25:46 go . . . into everlasting p

2 Cor. 2:6 Sufficient to such a man is this p


Acts 8:20 gift of God may be p-d with money

Acts 20:28 p-d with his own blood


2 Sam. 22:27 the p . . . shew thyself p

Job 11:4 said, My doctrine is p

Ps. 12:6 words of the Lord are p

Ps. 24:4 clean hands . . . p heart

Prov. 30:5 Every word of God is p

Matt. 5:8 Blessed are the p in heart

Php. 4:8 whatsoever things are p

1 Tim. 1:5 charity out of a p heart

Titus 1:15 Unto the p all things are p

James 1:27 P religion and undefiled


Ps. 51:7 P me with hyssop

1 Cor. 5:7 P out . . . the old leaven

2 Pet. 1:9 p-d from his old sins


Mark 15:17 they clothed him with p

Acts 16:14 Lydia, a seller of p


Prov. 15:22 p-s are disappointed

Rom. 8:28 according to his p

Gal. 3:11 eternal p which he p-d


Lev. 26:17 flee when none p-th you

Ps. 34:14 seek peace, and p it


Job 18:6 his candle shall be p out

Matt. 1:19 p her away privily

Rom. 13:14 p ye on the Lord Jesus

1 Cor. 13:11 p away childish things



1 Kings 10:1 the q of Sheba

Esther 1:9 Vashti the q made a feast

Jer. 7:18 make cakes to the q of heaven

Matt. 12:42 The q of the south shall


SS. 8:7 Many waters cannot q

Isa. 42:3 smoking flax shall he not q

Mark 9:43 never shall be q-ed

1 Thess. 5:19 Q not the Spirit


1 Kings 10:1 prove him with hard q-s

Mark 8:11 Pharisees . . . began to q

Mark 11:29 ask of you one q

1 Tim. 6:4 q-s and strifes of words


Acts 10:42 the Judge of q and dead

2 Tim. 4:1; 1 Pet. 4:5 judge the q and the dead

Heb. 4:12 word of God is q, and powerful


Ps. 119:88 Q me after thy lovingkindness

John 5:21 Son q-eth whom he will

Rom. 8:11 q your mortal bodies

1 Pet. 3:18 but q-ed by the Spirit


John 13:27 That thou doest, do q

Rev. 3:11 Behold, I come q


Isa. 7:4 be q; fear not

1 Tim. 2:2 lead a q and peaceable


Prov. 17:1 dry morsel, and q

Eccl. 4:6 an handful with q



1 Cor. 9:24 they which run in a r run all

Heb. 12:1 run with patience the r that is set


Ps. 2:1 Why do the heathen r

Prov. 20:1 strong drink is r-ing


Deut. 8:4 Thy r waxed not old

Isa. 63:3 I will stain all my r

Matt. 6:25 meat, and the body than r

Luke 23:34 they parted his r


Gen. 7:12 r was upon the earth forty

Exod. 16:4 r bread from heaven for

Lev. 26:4 give you r in due season

1 Kings 18:41 a sound of abundance of r

Prov. 25:14 wind without r

Matt. 5:45 r on the just . . . unjust

Matt. 7:25 And the r descended

Heb. 6:7 earth . . . drinketh in the r


Deut. 18:18 r them up a Prophet

Judg. 2:16 Lord r-d up judges

Hos. 6:2 third day he will r us up

Luke 3:8 r up children unto

John 2:19 three days will I r it up

John 6:39 r it . . . at the last day

1 Cor. 15:35 How are the dead r-d

1 Cor. 15:42 r-d in incorruption

Gal. 2:6 r-d us up together

Heb. 11:19 God was able to r him up


Exod. 30:12 man a r for his soul

Prov. 6:35 will not regard any r

Matt. 20:28 give his life a r

1 Tim. 2:6 gave himself a r for all


Gen. 8:7 he sent forth a r

1 Kings 17:6 the r-s brought him bread


Exod. 24:7 took the book . . . and r

Neh. 8:8 they r in the book in the law of God

Dan. 5:8 could not r the writing

Rev. 1:3 Blessed is he that r-eth


Neh. 9:17 a God r to pardon

Ps. 86:5 good, and r to forgive

Mark 14:38 The spirit truly is r

Titus 3:1 r to every good work


Job 4:8 sow wickedness, r the same

Ps. 126:5 sow in tears . . . r in joy

Hos. 8:7 shall r the whirlwind

Matt. 6:26 neither do they r, nor

Matt. 25:26 r where I sowed not

2 Cor. 9:6 shall r also sparingly

Gal. 6:7 that shall he also r

Rev. 14:16 and the earth was r-ed


Isa. 1:18 let us r together

Matt. 16:7 r-ed among themselves

Luke 5:22 What r ye in your hearts


Ps. 38:1 r me not in thy wrath

Prov. 9:8 r a wise man, and he will

Prov. 27:5 Open r is better than

Zech. 3:2 Lord r thee, O Satan

Matt. 8:26 r-d the winds and the sea

Matt. 17:18 Jesus r-d the devil

Mark 9:25 r-d the foul spirit

Luke 4:39 r-d the fever; and it left

Jude 9 The Lord r thee

Rev. 3:19 I love, I r and chasten


Job 2:10 r good at the hand of God

Prov. 1:3 r the instruction of

Matt. 18:5 r one such little child

Mark 4:20 hear the word, and r it

Luke 15:2 This man r-th sinners

John 1:11 his own r-d him not

John 14:3 r you unto myself

John 20:22 R ye the Holy Ghost

Acts 20:35 blessed to give than to r


2 Kings 22:7 was no r-ing made with them

Luke 22:37 r-ed among the transgressors

Rom. 4:4 reward not r-ed of grace, but of debt

Rom. 4:9 faith was r-ed to Abraham for

Recompence (n)

Hos. 9:7 days of r are come

Heb. 2:2 Just r of reward

Recompense (v)

Ruth 2:12 The Lord r thy work

Prov. 11:31 righteous . . . r-d in the

Luke 14:14 r-d at the resurrection

Rom. 12:17 R to no man evil for evil


Matt. 5:24 be r-d to thy brother

1 Cor. 7:11 be r-d to her husband

2 Cor. 5:20 by ye r-d to God

Col. 1:20 r all things unto himself


John 1:32 John bare r, saying, I saw

1 John 5:7 three that bear r


Gen. 25:25 first came out r, all over

Exod. 15:4 drowned in the R sea

Prov. 23:31 the wine when it is r

Isa. 1:18 they be r like crimson

Zech. 1:8 man riding upon a r horse

Matt. 16:2 fair weather . . . sky is r

Rev. 6:4 another horse that was r

Redeem (see also Redeemer)

2 Sam. 4:9 who hath r-ed my soul

Ps. 49:15 God will r my soul

Gal. 3:13 r-ed us from the curse

Gal. 4:5 Walk in wisdom . . . r-ing the time

Titus 2:14 r us from all iniquity


Job 19:25 know that my r liveth

Ps. 19:14 my strength, and my r

Jer. 50:34 Their R is strong


Ps. 130:7 with him is plenteous r

Luke 21:28 your r draweth nigh

Rom. 3:24 r that is in Christ Jesus

Gal. 1:7; Col. 1:14 r through his blood


Isa. 36:6 staff of this broken r

Isa. 42:3 bruised r shall he not break

Ezek. 40:5 in the man's hand a measuring r

Matt. 11:7 r shaken with the wind

Matt. 27:30 r, and smote him on the


Exod. 23:12 and the stranger, may be r-ed

Acts 3:19 times of r-ing shall come

1 Cor. 16:18 r-ed my spirit and yours


Deut. 33:27 eternal God is thy r

Ps. 9:9 a r in times of trouble

Ps. 46:1 God is our r and strength

Jer. 16:19 r in the day of affliction


Ps. 118:22 stone . . . the builders r-d

Heb. 12:25 r not him that speaketh


Job 36:21 r not iniquity

Matt. 22:16 r-est not the person of

Luke 18:2 feared not God, neither r-ed man

Rom. 14:16 r-eth the day, r-eth it unto the Lord


Exod. 15:18 Lord . . . r for ever and

Prov. 8:15 By me kings r

Luke 19:14 not have this man to r

Rom. 6:12 Let not sin . . . r in your

1 Cor. 15:25 must r, till he hath put

2 Tim. 2:12 we shall also r with him

Rev. 20:6 r with him a thousand


1 Sam. 8:7 not r-ed thee, but . . . r-ed me

1 Sam. 15:23 r-ed the word . . . r-ed thee

Isa. 53:3 despised and r-ed of men

Hos. 4:6 I will also r thee

Matt. 21:42 stone . . . builders r-ed

Luke 17:25 r-ed of this generation

John 12:48 He that r-eth me


Ps. 33:1 R in the Lord

Zech. 9:9 R greatly, O daughter of Zion

Matt. 5:12 R, and be exceeding glad

John 14:28 loved me, ye would r

Rom. 12:15 R with them that do r

Php. 4:4 R in the Lord always . . . R

1 Thess. 5:16 R evermore

1 Pet. 1:8 r with joy unspeakable


Ps. 19:8 of the Lord are right, r the heart

Acts 5:41 r that they were counted

2 Cor. 6:10 sorrowful, yet always r

Php. 1:26 r may be more abundant

1 Thess. 2:19 or joy, or crown of r


Matt. 27:26 Then r-d he Barabbas

Luke 23:20 Pilate . . . willing to r Jesus

John 19:12 Pilate sought to r him


Gen. 8:22 While the earth r-eth

Matt. 14:20 fragments that r-ed

John 15:11 my joy might r in you

1 Cor. 7:11 let her r unmarried

1 Thess. 4:15 r unto the coming of


Exod. 20:8 R the sabbath day, to keep

Deut. 32:7 R the days of old

Ps. 25:7 R not the sins of my youth

Ps. 105:42 r-ed his holy promise

Eccl. 12:1 R now thy Creator

Jer. 31:34 I will r their sin no more

Ezek. 21:32 shalt be no more r-ed

Luke 17:32 R Lot's wife

Luke 23:42 r me when thou comest

Heb. 13:3 R them that are in bonds

Rev. 2:5 R . . . whence thou art


Job 18:17 his r shall perish from

Eccl. 1:11 no r of former things

Mal. 3:16 a book of r was written

Luke 22:19 this do in r of me

1 Cor. 11:25 drink it, in r of me


Matt. 26:28 for the r of sins

Mark 1:4 repentance for the r of

Acts 10:43 shall receive r of sins

Heb. 9:22 shedding of blood is no r


2 Kings 19:31 of Jerusalem shall go forth a r

Ezra 9:8 to leave us a r to escape

Isa. 1:9 Except the Lord . . . left . . . r

Rom. 11:5 r according to the


1 Kings 15:12 r-d all the idols

2 Kings 18:4 He r-d the high places

Ps. 46:2 though the earth be r-d

Ps. 103:12 r-d our transgressions

Isa. 24:20 earth . . . be r-d like a cottage

Luke 22:42 r this cup from me

Rend (see also Rent)

Isa. 64:1 wouldest r the heavens

Joel 2:13 And r your heart, and not

John 19:24 Let us not r it, but cast


Prov. 24:12 r to every man

Matt. 22:21 R . . . unto Caesar the

Rom. 13:7 R . . . to all their dues

1 Cor. 7:3 husband r unto the wife

1 Pet. 3:9 not r-ing evil for evil


Ps. 51:10 r a right spirit within me

Ps. 103:5 youth is r-ed like the

Rom. 12:2 r-ing of your mind

2 Cor. 4:16 inward man is r-ed day

Col. 3:10 which is r-ed in

Titus 3:5 r-ing of the Holy Ghost

Rent (see also Rend)

Gen. 37:33 Joseph is . . . r in pieces

1 Kings 11:30 r it in twelve pieces

1 Kings 19:11 wind r the mountains

Matt. 27:51 veil of the temple was r


Luke 10:35 come again, I will r thee

Rom. 12:19 I will r, saith the Lord

Phm. 19 own hand, I will r it


Gen. 6:6 r-ed the Lord . . . made

1 Sam. 15:35 and the Lord r-ed

Job 42:6 r in dust and ashes

Ezek. 18:30 R, and turn yourselves

Matt. 3:2 R ye: for the kingdom of

Mark 1:15 r ye, and believe the

Mark 6:12 that men should r

Luke 13:3 except ye r, ye shall all

Luke 15:7 one sinner that r-eth

Acts 2:38 R, and be baptized

Acts 3:19 R . . . and be converted

Acts 17:30 commandeth all men . . . to r

Acts 26:20 should r and turn to God


Matt. 3:8 fruits meet for r

Mark 1:4 the baptism of r

Luke 24:47 r and remission of sins

2 Cor. 7:10 godly sorrow worketh r

Heb. 6:1 laying . . . foundation of r

2 Pet. 3:9 all should come to r


Isa. 53:1 Who hath believed our r

Php. 4:8 things are of good r

Heb. 11:39 obtained a good r


Gen. 30:23 taken away my r

Ps. 44:13 makest us a r to our

Ps. 119:39 Turn away my r

Prov. 14:34 sin is a r to any people

Isa. 51:7 fear ye not the r of men

Jer. 24:9 be a r and a proverb

Rom. 15:3 r-es of them that r-ed

1 Tim. 4:10 both labour and suffer r

1 Pet. 4:14 r-ed for the name of


Prov. 1:30 despised all my r

Prov. 15:10 hateth r shall die

2 Tim. 3:16 for doctrine, for r, for


Prov. 9:8 R not a scorner, lest he

John 16:8 r the world of sin

Gal. 5:11 but rather r them

2 Tim. 4:2 r, rebuke, exhort with all


Job 6:8 that I might have my r

Php. 4:6 let your r-s be made known


Gen. 9:5 blood of your lives will I r

Deut. 10:12 what doth . . . God r of

Prov. 30:7 things have I r-d of thee

Mic. 6:8 doth the Lord r of thee

Luke 12:20 thy soul shall be r-d of


Gen. 27:36 not r a blessing for me

Job 21:30 the wicked is r to the day of

1 Pet. 1:4 r in heaven for you


Matt. 5:39 That ye r not evil

Acts 7:51 ye do always r the Holy Ghost

Rom. 13:2 r-eth the power, r-eth

James 4:6 God r-eth the proud

James 4:7 R the devil, and he will


Gen. 4:4 Lord had r unto Abel

Prov. 28:21 To have r of persons is not good

Acts 10:34 God is no r-er of persons

Rom. 2:11 no r of persons with God


Gen. 2:2 he r-ed on the seventh day

Exod. 23:12 seventh day thou shalt r

Josh. 1:13 Lord . . . hath given you r

Josh. 14:15 land had r from war

Job 3:17 there the weary be at r

Ps. 37:7 R in the Lord, and wait

Isa. 11:2 spirit of the Lord shall r upon him

Isa. 14:3 give thee r from thy sorrow

Jer. 6:16 find r for your souls

Jer. 46:27 be in r and at ease

Lam. 5:5 we labour, and have no r

Matt. 11:28 and I will give you r

Luke 11:24 dry places, seeking r

2 Cor. 2:13 I had no r in my spirit

Heb. 3:11 not enter into my r


Ps. 23:3 he r-th my soul: he leadeth

Matt. 17:11 first come, and r all


Luke 20:27 deny that there is any r

John 11:25 the r, and the life

Acts 24:15 shall be a r of the dead

1 Cor. 15:13 if there be no r

Php. 3:11 attain unto the r

Heb. 11:35 might obtain a better r

1 Pet. 1:3 lively hope by the r

Rev. 20:5 This is the first r


Gen. 3:19 thou r unto the ground

Job 1:21 naked shall I r thither

Job 33:25 r to the days of his youth

Prov. 26:27 stone, it will r upon him

Isa. 10:21 The remnant shall r

Isa. 55:11 not r unto me void

Jer. 3:22 R, ye backsliding children

Jer. 4:1 Lord, r unto me

Hos. 2:7 r to my first husband

Joel 2:14 if he will r and repent

Matt. 12:44 I will r into my house

Acts 13:34 no more to r to corruption

1 Pet. 2:25 are now r-ed unto the Shepherd


Deut. 29:29 which are r-ed belong unto us

Isa. 40:5 glory of the Lord . . . be r-ed

Isa. 53:1 arm of the Lord r-ed

Dan. 2:47 couldest r this secret

Matt. 11:25 r-ed them unto babes

Matt. 16:17 blood hath not r-ed it

Luke 17:30 Son of man is r-ed

Rom. 8:18 glory . . . be r-ed in us

Gal 1:16 To r his Son in me

2 Thess. 2:3 that man of sin be r-ed

1 Pet. 1:5 be r-ed in the last time


1 Cor. 14:6 speak to you . . . by r

Gal. 1:12 by the r of Jesus Christ

Gal. 2:2 And I went up by r

Gal. 1:17 spirit of wisdom and r


Nah. 1:2 the Lord r-th

2 Cor. 10:6 to r all disobedience


Lev. 19:30 and r my sanctuary

Matt. 21:37 They will r my son

Eph. 5:33 wife . . . r her husband

Heb. 12:28 r and godly fear


Matt. 5:11 when men shall r you

Matt. 27:39 passed by r-d him

Mark 15:32 crucified with him r-d

1 Pet. 2:23 Who, when he was r-d


2 Sam. 3:39 Lord . . . r the doer of

Ps. 58:11 a r for the righteous

Eccl. 4:9 good r for their labour

Isa. 1:23 followeth after r-s

Isa. 5:23 Justify the wicked for r

Isa. 62:11 his r is with him

Mic. 7:3 judge asketh for a r

Matt. 5:12 great is your r in heaven

Matt. 6:2 They have their r

Matt. 10:42 no wise lose his r

Luke 23:41 the due r of our deeds

1 Cor. 3:8 shall receive his own r

1 Tim. 5:18 is worthy of his r

Rev. 22:12 my r is with me

Rich (see also Riches)

Gen. 13:2 Abram was very r in

Exod. 30:15 r shall not give more

Ps. 49:2 low and high, r and poor

Prov. 23:4 Labour not to be r

Matt. 19:23 r man shall hardly enter

Luke 1:53 r he hath sent empty

Luke 6:24 woe unto you that are r

Luke 16:1 There was a certain r man

Luke 18:23 for he was very r

Gal. 2:4 God, who is r in mercy

Col. 3:16 word . . . dwell in you r-ly

James 1:11 the r man fade away


1 Kings 3:11 neither hast asked r

Job 36:19 esteem thy r? no, not gold

Ps. 62:10 if r increase, set not your

Prov. 3:16 left hand r and honour

Prov. 23:5 r . . . make themselves wings

Prov. 30:8 neither poverty nor r

Jer. 9:23 rich man glory in his r

Luke 8:14 choked with cares and r

2 Cor. 8:2 r of their liberality

Gal. 1:7 the r of his grace

Gal. 3:8 unsearchable r of Christ

1 Tim. 6:17 nor trust in uncertain r

James 5:2 Your r are corrupted


2 Kings 10:15 Is thine heart r, as my

Ps. 17:1 Hear the r, O Lord

Ps. 19:8 statutes of the Lord are r

Ps. 51:10 renew a r spirit within me

Ps. 119:75 thy judgments are r

Prov. 14:12 a way which seemeth r

Isa. 41:13 God will hold thy r hand

Ezek. 18:5 which is lawful and r

Hos. 14:9 ways of the Lord are r

Matt. 5:29 r eye offend thee

Matt. 22:44 Sit thou on my r hand

Matt. 26:64 on the r hand of power

Mark 5:15 and in his r mind

Acts 8:21 thy heart is not r

Gal. 2:9 r hands of fellowship

2 Pet. 2:15 forsaken the r way

Rev. 22:14 r to the tree of life


Gen. 18:23 destroy the r with the

Exod. 9:27 Lord is r, and I and my

1 Sam. 24:17 Thou art more r than I

Ps. 33:1 Rejoice in the Lord, O ye r

Ps. 55:22 suffer the r to be moved

Ps. 119:137 R art thou, O Lord

Prov. 11:28 r shall flourish as a branch

Prov. 16:13 R lips are the delight of

Eccl. 3:17 God shall judge the r

Isa. 53:11 my r servant justify many

Jer. 23:5 unto David a r Branch

Dan. 9:14 God is r in all his works

Amos 2:6 sold the r for silver

Matt. 9:13 not come to call the r

Matt. 13:43 shall the r shine forth

Luke 23:47 Certainly this was a r

Rom. 3:10 none r, no, not one

1 Tim. 1:9 law is not made for a r man

James 5:16 prayer of a r man

1 Pet. 4:18 r scarcely be saved


Gen. 15:6 counted to him for r

Job 27:6 My r I hold fast

Ps. 23:3 Leadeth me in the paths of r

Ps. 97:5 heavens declare his r

Ps. 111:3; 112:3 his r endureth for ever

Prov. 14:34 R exalteth a nation

Prov. 16:8 Better is a little with r

Isa. 32:1 a king shall reign in r

Isa. 48:18 r as the waves of the sea

Isa. 51:5 My r is near; my salvation

Isa. 59:17 put on r as a breastplate

Jer. 33:15 Branch of r to grow up

Ezek. 33:13 trust to his own r

Hos. 10:12 Sow to yourselves in r

Matt. 5:6 hunger and thirst after r

Matt. 5:20 except your r shall exceed the r

Acts 13:10 devil, thou enemy of all r

Rom. 4:3 counted unto him for r

Rom. 4:22 imputed to him for r

Rom. 5:18 by the r of one the free

2 Cor. 6:14 fellowship hath r with

Gal. 2:21 If r come by the law

Gal. 3:6 accounted to him for r

Gal. 6:14 the breastplate of r

1 Tim. 6:11 follow after r, godliness

2 Tim. 4:8 for me a crown of r

Heb. 12:11 the peaceable fruit of r

1 Pet. 3:14 ye suffer for r-s' sake


Joel 3:13 sickle, for the harvest is r

Rev. 14:15 harvest of the earth is r

Rise (see also Rose)

Ps. 113:3 r-ing of the sun unto the

Prov. 31:15 r-th . . . while it is yet

Isa. 60:1 glory of the Lord is r-n

Matt. 14:2 Baptist . . . r-n from the dead

Matt. 20:19 third day he shall r

Matt. 24:7 nation . . . r against

Mark 16:6 he is r-n; he is not here

Luke 5:23 R up and walk

Luke 24:34 The Lord is r-n indeed

1 Cor. 15:13 then is Christ not r-n

Col. 3:1 ye then be r-n with Christ

1 Thess. 4:16 dead in Christ shall r first


Gen. 2:10 a r went out of Eden

Josh. 1:4 great r, the r Euphrates

Job 40:23 drinketh up a r

Ps. 1:3 planted by the r-s of water

Ps. 46:4 a r, the streams whereof

Ps. 137:1 By the r-s of Babylon

Isa. 32:2 r-s of water in a dry place

Lam. 2:18 tears run down like a r

John 7:38 flow r-s of living water

Rev. 22:1 pure r of water of life


Prov. 22:22 R not the poor

Prov. 28:24 Whoso r-beth his father

Isa. 10:2 they may r the fatherless

Mal. 3:8 Will a man r God?


Jer. 7:11 become a den of r-s

John 10:1 same is a thief and a r


1 Sam. 24:4 off the skirt of Saul's r

Isa. 61:10 the r of righteousness

Matt. 27:28 put on him a scarlet r

Luke 15:22 Bring forth the best r

John 19:2 put on him a purple r

Rev. 7:14 have washed their r-s


Exod. 17:6 thou shalt smite the r

Exod. 33:22 thee in a cleft of the r

Num. 20:11 rod he smote the r twice

Deut. 32:4 He is the R

1 Sam. 2:2 any r like our God

2 Sam. 22:2 The Lord is my r

Ps. 27:5 shall set me up upon a r

Ps. 31:3 art my r and my fortress

SS. 2:14 dove . . . in the clefts of the r

Isa. 2:21 into the clefts of the r-s . . . for fear

Isa. 8:14 for a r of offence

Isa. 51:1 r whence ye are hewn

Matt. 7:24 built his house upon a r

Matt. 16:18 upon this r . . . build my church

Luke 8:6 some fell upon a r

Rom. 9:33 r of offence


Exod. 7:12 Aaron's r swallowed up

Num. 17:8 r of Aaron . . . budded

2 Sam. 7:14 chasten him with the r

Ps. 23:4 r and thy staff they comfort

Prov. 13:24 spareth his r hateth his

Isa. 11:1 r out of the stem of Jesse

Heb. 9:4 Aaron's r that budded

Rev. 19:15 rule them with a r of iron


Isa. 34:4 heavens . . . r-ed together as

Matt. 28:2 r-ed back the stone from

Mark 16:3 shall r us away the stone


John 11:48 R-s shall come and take away

Acts 22:25 to scourge a man that is a R


Gen. 19:8 under the shadow of my r

2 Sam. 11:2 from the r he saw a woman

Mark 2:4 uncovered the r where he


Ps. 31:8 set my feet in a large r

Luke 2:7 no r for them in the inn

Luke 14:8 sit not down . . . highest r


Isa. 53:2 r out of a dry ground

Matt. 3:10 axe is laid unto the r

Mark 4:6 had no r, it withered

Rom. 11:16 if the r be holy

Gal. 3:17 r-ed and grounded in love

1 Tim. 6:10 love of money is the r of all evil

Heb. 12:15 lest any r of bitterness

Rose (n)

SS. 2:1 I am the r of Sharon

Isa. 35:1 desert . . . blossom as the r

Rose (v) (see also Rise)

Luke 16:31 though one r from the dead

Rom. 14:9 Christ both died, and r

1 Cor. 15:4 he r again the third day

1 Thess. 4:14 that Jesus died and r again


Prov. 26:28 flattering mouth worketh r

Acts 15:16 will build again the r-s

Rule (see also Ruler)

Gen. 1:16 r the day . . . r the night

Judg. 8:22 R thou over us

Prov. 8:16 By me princes r

Matt. 2:6 r my people Israel

Gal. 6:16 walk according to this r

Col. 3:15 peace of God r in your

Rev. 2:27 r them with a rod of iron


Ps. 2:2 r-s take counsel together

Prov. 6:7 no guide, overseer, or r

Matt. 24:45 r over his household

John 3:1 Nicodemus, a r of the Jews

Gal. 6:12 r-s of the darkness of this world


2 Kings 19:7 he shall hear a r, and shall return

Matt. 24:6 wars and r-s of wars

Luke 7:17 r of him went forth


2 Chron. 16:9 eyes of the Lord r to and fro

Ps. 23:5 my cup r-neth over

Prov. 1:16 their feet r to evil

Prov. 6:18 feet . . . r-ning to mischief

Isa. 40:31 r, and not be weary

1 Cor. 9:24 r in a race r all

Gal. 2:2 r, or had r, in vain

Gal. 5:7 Ye did r well

Php. 2:16 that I have not r in vain

Heb. 12:1 r with patience the race


Matt. 6:19 moth and r doth corrupt

James 5:3 the r . . . shall be a witness



Exod. 16:26 seventh day, which is the s

Exod. 20:8 Remember the s day, to

Lev. 25:8 number seven s-s of years

Num. 15:32 gathered sticks upon s

Deut. 5:12 Keep the s day to

Matt. 12:8 Lord even of the s day

Matt. 28:1 In the end of the s

Mark 2:27 s was made for man

Mark 3:4 do good on the s days

John 19:31 s day was an high day

Acts 1:12 a s day's journey


Jon. 3:5 put on s, from the greatest

Matt. 11:21 would have repented . . . in s


Exod. 12:27 s of the Lord's passover

Isa. 43:23 honoured me with thy s-s

Hos. 6:6 desired mercy, and not s

Matt. 9:13 have mercy, and not s

Acts 14:13 and would have done s

Rom. 12:1 your bodies a living s

Heb. 9:26 put away sin by the s of himself

Heb. 11:4 a more excellent s than Cain

Heb. 13:16 such s-s God is well pleased


Prov. 18:10 runneth into it, and is s

Ezek. 34:27 shall be s in their land


Deut. 33:2 with ten thousands of s

1 Sam. 2:9 keep the feet of his s

Ps. 37:28 forsaketh not his s

Matt. 27:52 bodies of the s . . . arose

Rom. 1:7 called to be s

1 Cor. 6:2 s shall judge the world


Gen. 8:21 curse the ground . . . man's s

1 Sam. 12:22 for his great name's s

1 Kings 11:12 not do it for David . . . s

Ps. 23:3 for his name's s

Ps. 44:22 for thy s are we killed

Matt. 16:25 lose his life for my s

Luke 6:22 Son of man's s

Luke 18:29 kingdom of God's s

Rom. 8:36 thy s we are killed all the

Rom. 13:5 for conscience s

1 Cor. 9:23 do for the gospel's s

2 Cor. 8:9 for your s-s he became


Lev. 2:13 with all thine offerings . . . offer s

Num. 18:19 it is a covenant of s for ever

Matt. 5:13 ye are the s of the earth

Mark 9:50 S is good

Col. 4:6 seasoned with s


Gen. 49:18 waited for thy s, O Lord

Job 13:16 He also shall be my s

Ps. 3:8 S belongeth unto the Lord

Ps. 27:1 my light and my s

Ps. 98:3 seen the s of our God

Ps. 116:13 take the cup of s

Ps. 119:155 S is far from the wicked

Isa. 49:6 s unto the end of the earth

Isa. 52:7 that publisheth s

Isa. 56:1 s is near to come

Jon. 2:9 S is of the Lord

Luke 2:30 eyes have seen thy s

Luke 3:6 flesh shall see the s of God

Luke 19:9 is s come to this house

John 4:22 for s is of the Jews

Acts 4:12 Neither . . . s in any other

Rom. 1:16 power of God unto s

2 Cor. 6:2 now is the day of s

Gal. 6:17 helmet of s

Php. 2:12 work out your own s

2 Tim. 3:15 make thee wise unto s

Heb. 2:3 we neglect so great s

Rev. 7:10 S to our God which sitteth

Rev. 19:1 S, and glory . . . unto the Lord


Ps. 102:27 But thou art the s, and

Matt. 5:46 even the publicans the s

John 1:2 s was in the beginning

Heb. 13:8 s yesterday . . . to day


Gen. 2:3 seventh day, and s-ied it

Exod. 13:2 S unto me all the firstborn

Deut. 5:12 Keep the sabbath day to s it

Isa. 29:23 they shall s my name

John 17:17 S them through thy

1 Cor. 7:14 is s-ied by the husband


Exod. 25:8 let them make me a s

Ps. 73:17 until I went into the s of God

Ps. 150:1 Praise God in his s

Dan. 8:14 shall the s be cleansed


Gen. 22:17 multiply thy seed . . . as the s

Matt. 7:26 built his house upon the s

Sang (see also Sing)

Exod. 15:1 Then s Moses . . . this song

Judg. 5:1 Then s Deborah and Barak

Job 38:7 the morning stars s together

Acts 16:25 Paul and Silas prayed, and s

Sat (see also Sit)

Mark 16:19 s on the right hand of

Luke 10:39 Mary . . . s at Jesus' feet


Job 1:6 S came also among them

Zech. 3:2 Lord rebuke thee, O S

Matt. 12:26 if S cast out S

Matt. 16:23 Get thee behind me, S

Mark 1:13 forty days, tempted of S

Luke 10:18 beheld S . . . fall from

Luke 22:3 entered S into Judas

Acts 5:3 why hath S filled thine heart

1 Thess. 2:18 but S hindered us

1 Tim. 1:20 have delivered unto S

Rev. 3:9 of the synagogue of S

Rev. 12:9 called the Devil, and S

Rev. 20:7 S shall be loosed out of his


Ps. 22:26 meek shall eat and be s

Prov. 27:20 eyes of man are never s

Joel 2:26 eat in plenty, and be s


Prov. 5:19 let her breasts s thee

Isa. 55:2 spend . . . for that which s-ieth not

Save (prep)

Ps. 18:31 s the Lord . . . s our God

Matt. 11:27 any man the Father, s the Son

Luke 18:19 none is good, s one

Save (v) (see also Saved)

Ps. 6:4 s me for thy mercies' sake

Ps. 28:9 S thy people, and bless

Prov. 20:22 and he shall s thee

Isa. 35:4 God . . . will come and s you

Isa. 63:1 mighty to s

Jer. 42:11 I am with you to s you

Ezek. 18:27 shall s his soul alive

Matt. 1:21 s his people from their

Matt. 16:25 s his life shall lose it

Matt. 18:11 s that which was lost

Luke 23:35 s himself, if he be Christ

1 Cor. 7:16 s thy husband . . . s thy wife

1 Tim. 1:15 world to s sinners

James 1:21 able to s your souls

James 4:12 able to s and to destroy

James 5:15 prayer of faith shall s the sick

Saved (see also Save)

Judg. 7:2 saying, Mine own hand hath s me

Ps. 44:7 s us from our enemies

Jer. 8:20 ended, and we are not s

Matt. 19:25 Who then can be s

Mark 16:16 is baptized shall be s

Luke 7:50 faith hath s thee: go in

John 3:17 world through him might be s

Acts 4:12 whereby we must be s

Acts 16:30 what must I do to be s

Rom. 5:10 we shall be s by his life

Gal. 2:5 by grace ye are s

2 Tim. 1:9 hath s us, and called us


2 Sam. 22:3 my refuge, my s

Isa. 19:20 he shall send them a s

Isa. 43:11 beside me there is no s

Isa. 49:26 I the Lord am thy S

Luke 2:11 a S, which is Christ the

John 4:42 Christ, the S of the world

Gal. 5:23 he is the s of the body

Titus 2:13 God and our S Jesus


Gen. 8:21 Lord smelled a sweet s

Matt. 5:13 salt have lost his s

2 Cor. 2:15 a sweet s of Christ


Matt. 16:13 Whom do men s that I

Luke 12:11 no thought . . . what ye shall s

1 John 1:8 s that ye have no sin

Saying (n)

Ps. 78:2; Prov. 1:6 dark s-s

Luke 18:34 this s was hid from them

John 6:60 This is an hard s

John 8:51 If a man keep my s

1 Tim. 1:15 This is a faithful s


Gen. 38:28 upon his hand a s thread

Exod. 25:4 blue, and purple, and s

Isa. 1:18 your sins be as s

Matt. 27:28 put on him a s robe

Rev. 17:3 upon a s coloured beast


Gen. 11:4 lest we be s-ed abroad

Prov. 11:24 There is that s-eth, and

Jer. 23:1 destroy and s the sheep

Matt. 26:31 the flock shall be s-ed


Matt. 27:26 when he had s-ed Jesus

John 2:15 made a s of small cords

Acts 22:25 Is it lawful for you to s a man


Neh. 8:4 Ezra the s stood upon a

Matt. 23:13 woe unto you, s-s and Pharisees

Mark 1:22 and not as the s-s

Mark 12:38 Beware of the s-s

1 Cor. 1:20 wise? Where is the s


Matt. 10:10 Nor s for your journey


Dan. 10:21 noted in the s of truth

Matt. 21:42 ye never read in the s-s

Matt. 22:29 err, not knowing the s-s

Mark 14:49 the s-s must be fulfilled

Luke 4:21 day is this s fulfilled

Luke 24:32 he opened to us the s-s

John 5:39 Search the s-s; for in

John 10:35 the s cannot be broken

John 20:9 yet they knew not the s

Acts 18:24 mighty in the s-s

2 Tim. 3:16 All s is given by inspiration


Exod. 14:21 made the s dry land

Ps. 107:23 that go down to the s in ships

Ps. 24:2 founded it upon the s-s

Ps. 146:6 s, and all that therein is

Isa. 11:9 as the waters cover the s

Jer. 5:22 bound of the s . . . it cannot pass

Nah. 1:4 He rebuketh the s

Matt. 8:26 the winds and the s

Matt. 14:26 walking on the s

2 Cor. 11:26 in perils in the s

Rev. 4:6 was a s of glass

Rev. 21:1 there was no more s


SS. 8:6 as a s upon thine heart

Isa. 29:11 a book that is s-ed

Rom. 4:11 s of the righteousness

2 Cor. 1:22 Who hath also s-ed us

Gal. 1:13 s-ed with that holy Spirit

Rev. 5:1 s-ed with seven s-s

Rev. 9:4 s of God in their foreheads

Rev. 22:10 S not the sayings . . . of this book


Job 11:7 by s-ing find out God

Ps. 139:23 S me, O God, and know my heart

Jer. 17:10 I the Lord s the heart

John 5:39 S the scriptures; for in them

Acts 17:11 s-ed the scriptures daily


Gen. 1:14 be for signs, and for s-s

Ps. 104:27 their meat in due s

Eccl. 3:1 every thing there is a s

Acts 1:7 to know the times of the s-s

Gal. 6:9 in due s we shall reap

Col. 4:6 with grace, s-ed with salt

2 Tim. 4:2 instant in s, out of s


Exod. 25:17 a mercy s of pure gold

Ps. 1:1 in the s of the scornful

Ezek. 28:2 I sit in the s of God

Matt. 23:2 the Pharisees sit in Moses' s

Rom. 14:10 the judgment s of Christ


Titus 3:10 after the first and s admonition

Rev. 2:11 not be hurt of the s death

Rev. 20:14 This is the s death


Deut. 29:29 s things belong unto the Lord

Ps. 19:12 cleanse thou me from s faults

Ps. 44:21 knoweth the s-s of the

Ps. 91:1 s place of the most high

Prov. 21:14 A gift in s pacifieth

Prov. 27:5 Open rebuke is better than s love

Isa. 45:19 I have not spoken in s

Matt. 6:4 thine alms may be in s

Luke 8:17 For nothing is s

Rom. 2:16 God shall judge the s-s

See (see also Seen)

Exod. 33:20 no man s me, and live

Job 19:26 my flesh shall I s God

Ps. 16:10 Holy One to s corruption

Ps. 34:8 s that the Lord is good

Isa. 29:18 the blind shall s

Ezek. 12:2 eyes to s, and s not

Joel 2:28 young men shall s visions

Matt. 11:8 went ye out for to s

Matt. 16:28 s the Son of man

Luke 8:10 s-ing they might not s

Luke 17:23 S here; or, s there

John 4:29 and s a man, which told

John 16:16 little while, and ye shall not s me

1 Cor. 13:12 s through a glass, darkly

Heb. 12:14 no man shall s the Lord

1 John 3:2 we shall s him as he is


Gen. 1:11 herb yielding s

Gen. 8:22 s-time and harvest

Gen. 13:15 give it, and to thy s for ever

Eccl. 11:6 morning sow thy s

Isa. 65:9 bring forth a s out of Jacob

Matt. 13:31 to a grain of mustard s

Luke 8:11 s is the word of God

Gal. 3:16 He saith not, And to s-s

Seek (see also Sought)

Deut. 4:29 s the Lord thy God

2 Chron. 7:14 pray, and s my face

Ps. 24:6 generation of them that s

Ps. 34:14 s peace, and pursue it

Ps. 63:1 early will I s thee

Prov. 8:17 s me early shall find me

Jer. 29:13 s me, and find me, when ye

Ezek. 34:12 will I s out my sheep

Hos. 10:12 it is time to s the Lord

Amos 5:4 S ye me, and ye shall live

Matt. 6:33 s ye first the kingdom

Matt. 7:7 s, and ye shall find

John 8:50 one that s-eth and

1 Cor. 13:5 s-eth not her own


Prov. 14:12 s-eth right unto a man

James 1:26 s to be religious

Seen (see also See)

Gen. 32:30 s God face to face

Rom. 8:24 hope . . . s is not hope

Heb. 11:1 evidence of things not s

Sell (see also Sold)

2 Kings 4:7 Go, s the oil, and pay thy

Matt. 19:21 go and s that thou hast

Send (see also Sent)

Gen. 24:7 s his angel before thee

Isa. 6:8 Here I am; s me

Matt. 9:38 s forth labourers into


Matt. 10:5 These twelve Jesus s

Luke 4:18 s me to heal

Gal. 4:4 God s forth his Son

1 John 4:9 s his only begotten Son


Rom. 8:35 s us from the love of

2 Cor. 6:17 and be ye s, saith the Lord


Matt. 23:27 like unto whited s-s

John 19:41 garden a new s, wherein

John 20:11 stood without at the s

Acts 2:29 his s is with us unto this day

Rom. 3:13 Their throat is an open s


Gen. 3:1 s was more subtil

Exod. 7:12 rod, and they became s-s

Num. 21:9 made a s of brass

Prov. 23:32 it biteth like a s

Matt. 7:10 will he give him a s

Mark 16:18 they shall take up s-s

John 3:14 Moses lifted up the s

2 Cor. 11:3 s beguiled Eve

Rev. 12:9 old s, called the Devil


Exod. 14:31 Lord, and his s Moses

1 Sam. 3:9 Speak, Lord; for thy s heareth

Prov. 22:7 borrower is s to the lender

Matt. 20:27 be chief . . . let him be your s

Matt. 25:21 good and faithful s

Luke 2:29 thy s depart in peace

John 8:34 committeth sin is the s of sin

Gal. 4:7 no more a s, but a son

Col. 3:22 S-s, obey in all things your


Deut. 6:13 fear the Lord . . . and s

Josh. 22:5 s him with all your heart

Ps. 2:11 S the Lord with fear

Ps. 100:2 S the Lord with gladness

Matt. 4:10 him only shalt thou s

Matt. 6:24 No man can s two masters

Luke 22:26 that is chief, as he that doth s

John 12:26 If any man s me

Gal. 5:13 by love s one another


Rom. 12:1 is your reasonable s

Heb. 9:6 accomplishing the s of God


Ps. 119:164 S times a day do I praise

Pray. 9:1 Wisdom . . . her s pillars

Dan. 9:25 Prince shall be s weeks

Zech. 4:2 s pipes . . . s lamps

Matt. 18:21 forgive him? till s times

Acts 6:3 s men of honest report

Rev. 1:4 John to the s churches

Rev. 3:1 s Spirits of God

Rev. 15:1 s angels . . . s last plagues


1 Chron. 29:15 our days . . . are as a s

Ps. 17:8 under the s of thy wings

Ps. 23:4 valley of the s of death

Ps. 91:1 s of the almighty

Col. 2:17 s a of things to come

Heb. 8:5 s of heavenly things


Isa. 13:13 I will s the heavens

Matt. 10:14 s off the dust of your

Matt. 11:7 a reed s-n with the wind

Luke 6:38 pressed down, and s-n together

Heb. 12:26 once more I s not the earth only


Ps. 4:2 turn my glory into s

Ps. 83:16 Fill their faces with s

Prov. 19:26 a son that causeth s

Isa. 54:4 forget the s of thy youth

Acts 5:41 worthy to suffer s

1 Cor. 11:6 s for a woman to be

Php. 3:19 glory is in their s


Prov. 27:17 Iron s-eneth iron

Heb. 4:12 s-er than any two-edged sword


Judg. 16:19 s off the seven locks

2 Sam. 10:4 s-d . . . half of their beards

Isa. 7:20 Lord s with a razor that

Acts 21:24 that they may s their heads

1 Cor. 11:6 woman to be shorn or s-n


Gen. 9:6 by man shall his blood be s

Matt. 26:28 my blood . . . s for many

Luke 22:20 blood, which is s for you

Rom. 3:15 feet are swift to s blood


Gen. 4:2 Abel was a keeper of s

1 Sam. 16:19 David . . . is with the s

Ps. 44:22 as s for the slaughter

Ps. 100:3 the s of his pasture

Ps. 119:176 astray like a lost s

Isa. 53:6 All we like s . . . gone astray

Isa. 53:7 s before her shearers

Jer. 12:3 s for the slaughter

Matt. 15:24 lost s of the house of

Matt. 25:32 divideth his s from the

John 10:3 calleth his own s by name

John 10:16 other s I have, which are not

John 10:27 My s hear my voice

John 21:16 Feed my s

1 Pet. 2:25 were as s going astray


Acts 10:11 great s knit at the four corners


Gen. 46:34 every s is an abomination

Num. 27:17 which have no s

1 Kings 22:17 as sheep that have not a s

Ps. 23:1 The Lord is my s

Isa. 40:11 feed his flock like a s

Ezek. 34:5 because there is no s

Ezek. 37:24 all shall have one s

Zeph. 2:6 cottages for s-s

Zech. 11:16 I will raise up a s

Matt. 9:36 as sheep having no s

Matt. 26:31 I will smite the s

Luke 2:8 s-s abiding in the field

John 10:11 I am the good s

Heb. 13:20 great s of the sheep

1 Pet. 2:25 unto the S and Bishop


Gen. 12:1 a land that I will s thee

Ps. 25:4 S me thy ways, O Lord

John 14:8 s us the Father


Gen. 15:1 Abram: I am thy s

2 Sam. 22:3 he is my s, and the horn

Ps. 28:7 my strength and my s

Gal. 6:16 taking the s of faith

Shine (see also Shone)

Num. 6:25 make his face s upon

Ps. 104:15 oil to make his face to s

Prov. 4:18 s-th more and more unto

Isa. 60:1 Arise, s; for thy light is come

Matt. 5:16 Let your light so s

Matt. 13:43 righteous s forth

John 1:5 light s-th in darkness

2 Pet. 1:19 light that s-th in a dark

1 John 2:8 true light now s-th


Exod. 3:5 put off thy s-s from off thy feet

Deut. 29:5 thy s is not waxen old

Amos 2:6 poor for a pair of s-s

Mark 1:7 latchet of whose s-s I am not worthy

Shone (see also Shine)

Exod. 34:29 the skin of his face s

Luke 2:9 glory of the Lord s round


Matt. 13:2 multitude stood on the s

John 21:4 Jesus stood on the s

Acts 21:5 kneeled down on the s


Ps. 89:47 Remember how s my time is

Rom. 3:23 come s of the glory

1 Cor. 7:29 brethren, the time is s


Josh. 6:16 Joshua said . . . s

Ps. 47:5 God is gone up with a s

1 Thess. 4:16 descend . . . with a s


Deut. 32:2 the s-s upon the grass

Ps. 72:6 as s-s that water the earth

Ezek. 34:26 there shall be s-s of blessing


Gen. 7:16 the Lord s him in

SS. 4:12 a spring s up, a fountain

Dan. 6:22 hath s the lions' mouths

Dan. 12:4 Daniel, s up the words

Matt. 23:13 ye s up the kingdom of heaven

Gal. 3:23 s up unto the faith

Rev. 21:25 gates of it shall not be s

Sick (see also Sickness)

SS. 2:5 for I am s of love

Matt. 25:36 I was s, and ye visited

Mark 2:17 they that are s

John 11:2 brother Lazarus was s

James 5:14 Is any s among you


Joel 3:13 Put ye in the s, for the

Rev. 14:15 Thrust in thy s, and reap


Deut. 7:15 take away from thee all s

Matt. 4:23 healing all manner of s

Mark 3:15 have power to heal s-es


Exod. 32:26 Who is on the Lord's s

Ps. 118:6 Lord is on my s

John 19:34 a spear pierced his s

John 20:20 his hands and his s


Matt. 11:5 blind receive their s

Luke 4:18 recovering of s to the

Luke 21:11 fearful s-s and great

Acts 22:13 Saul, receive thy s

2 Cor. 5:7 walk by faith, not by s


Exod. 31:13 a s between me and you

Isa. 7:11 Ask thee a s of the Lord

Isa. 55:13 for an everlasting s

Matt. 12:38 we would see a s from

Matt. 24:3 be the s of thy coming

Mark 13:22 shew s-s and wonders

1 Cor. 1:22 the Jews require a s

Rev. 15:1 saw another s in heaven


Amos 5:13 prudent shall keep s

Hab. 2:20 let all the earth keep s before him

1 Cor. 14:34 your women keep s

Rev. 8:1 there was s in heaven


Prov. 16:16 to be chosen than s

Prov. 25:11 of gold in pictures of s

Eccl. 5:10 loveth s shall not be

Isa. 1:22 Thy s is become dross

Amos 2:6 sold the righteous for s

Zech. 11:12 for my price thirty pieces of s

Matt. 26:15 for thirty pieces of s

Acts 3:6 s and gold have I none

Acts 20:33 coveted no man's s

Sin (see also Sinful, Sinned, Sinner)

Gen. 4:7 s lieth at the door

Exod. 32:30 Ye have s-ed a great s

Num. 32:23 be sure your s will find you out

Job 2:10 did not Job s with his lips

Ps. 25:7 Remember not the s-s of my

Ps. 79:9 purge away our s-s

Prov. 10:12 love covereth all s-s

Isa. 1:18 though your s-s be as scarlet

Ezek. 33:14 if he turn from his s, and do

Matt. 1:21 save his people from their s-s

Matt. 18:21 brother s against me

Matt. 26:28 for the remission of s-s

Mark 2:7 forgive s-s but God only

Luke 11:4 forgive us our s-s

John 1:29 taketh away the s of the world

John 8:7 He that is without s

John 8:11 go and s no more

Acts 22:16 wash away thy s-s

Rom. 5:12 s entered into the world

Rom. 6:23 wages of s is death

Rom. 14:23 not of faith is s

1 Cor. 15:3 Christ died for our s-s

1 Cor. 15:56 sting of death is s

2 Cor. 5:21 s for us, who knew no s

James 5:20 hide a multitude of s-s

1 Pet. 2:22 Who did no s, neither

1 John 1:8 we say that we have no s

1 John 2:1 any man s, we have an advocate

1 John 5:16 There is a s unto death

1 John 5:17 All unrighteousness is s

Rev. 1:5 washed us from our s-s

Sinful (see also Sin)

Mark 8:38 s generation

Rom. 8:3 the likeness of s flesh

Sing (see also Sang, Song)

Exod. 15:1 I will s unto the Lord

2 Sam. 22:50 s praises unto thy

Ps. 100:2 his presence with s-ing

Isa. 5:1 s to my well beloved a song

1 Cor. 14:15 I will s with the spirit

Col 3:16 s-ing with grace in your

James 5:13 merry? let him s psalms

Sinned (see also Sin)

Job 1:22 In all this Job s not

Ps. 51:4 Against thee, thee only, have I s

Luke 15:18 Father, I have s against heaven

Rom. 3:23 s, and come short of the

Rom. 5:12 for that all have s

1 John 1:10 Say that we have not s

Sinner (see also Sin)

Ps. 1:1 standeth in the way of s-s

Prov. 1:10 If s-s entice thee

Matt. 9:10 publicans and s-s

Matt. 9:13 but s-s to repentance

Luke 15:7 over one s that repenteth

Luke 18:13 be merciful to me a s

John 9:31 God heareth not s-s

Rom. 5:8 while we were yet s-s

1 Tim. 1:15 Jesus came to save s-s


Prov. 7:4 wisdom, Thou art my s

Matt. 12:50 is my brother, and my s

Sit (see also Sat)

1 Kings 22:19 Lord s-ting on his

Ps. 1:1 s-teth in the seat of the scornful

Ps. 110:1 S thou at my right hand

Ezek. 28:2 I s in the seat of God

Matt. 21:5 meek, and s-ting upon an

Luke 8:35 s-ting at the feet of Jesus

John 12:15 s-ting on an ass's colt


Gen. 3:21 God make coats of s-s

Job 2:4 S for s, yea, all that a

Jer. 13:23 Ethiopian change his s


Job 37:18 spread out the s

Matt. 16:2, 3 for the s is red

Slain (see also Slay)

1 Sam. 18:7 Saul hath s his

Rev. 5:12 Lamb that was s


Ps. 44:22 as sheep for the s

Isa. 53:7 as a lamb to the s

Rom. 8:36 as sheep for the s

James 5:5 as in a day of s

Slay (see also Slain, Slew)

Gen. 4:14 findeth me shall s me

Job 13:15 Though he s me, yet will I trust

John 5:16 Jews . . . sought to s him

Acts 11:7 Arise, Peter; s and eat


Gen. 2:21 deep s to fall upon Adam

Prov. 3:24 thy s shall be sweet

Prov. 6:10 Yet a little s, a little slumber

Prov. 20:13 Love not s, lest thou

Jer. 31:26 my s was sweet

Matt. 9:24 not dead, but s-eth

Matt. 26:45 S on now, and take your

Mark 13:36 he find you s-ing

John 11:11 Our friend Lazarus s-eth

Acts 20:9 fallen into a deep s

1 Cor. 15:51 We shall not all s

1 Thess. 4:14 them also which s in Jesus

1 Thess. 5:10 whether we wake or s

Slew (see also Slay)

Gen. 4:8 Abel his brother, and s him

Exod. 13:15 Lord s all the firstborn

1 Sam. 17:50 Philistine, and s him

Matt. 2:16 s all the children

Acts 10:39 s and hanged on a tree


Judg. 20:16 s stones at an hair

1 Sam. 17:40 his s was in his hand


Exod. 4:10 s of speech, and of a s tongue

Ps. 103:8 s to anger, and plenteous

Prov. 16:32 He that is s to anger

James 1:19 s to speak, s to wrath


Ps. 121:3 keepeth thee will not s

Prov. 6:10 a little sleep, a little s

Rom. 11:8 given them the spirit of s


2 Sam. 7:19 s thing in thy sight

Zech 4:10 despised the day of s things


Gen. 27:27 s of my son is as the s

Ps. 115:6 noses . . . but they s not

Isa. 3:24 instead of sweet s

Smite (see also Smote)

Exod. 12:12 s all the firstborn

Ps. 121:6 sun . . . not s thee by day

Prov. 19:25 S a scorner, and the simple

Matt. 5:39 s thee on thy right cheek

Matt. 26:31 I will s the shepherd

Acts 23:3 God shall s thee, thou


Gen. 15:17 behold a s-ing furnace

Ps. 102:3 days are consumed like s

Prov. 10:26 as s to the eyes

Matt. 12:20 s-ing flax shall he not quench

Rev. 9:2 there arose a s out of the pit

Rev. 14:11 s of their torment ascendeth


1 Sam. 17:40 chose him five s stones

Ps. 55:21 words . . . s-er than butter

Isa. 30:10 speak unto us s things

Luke 3:5 rough ways . . . made s

Smote (see also Smite)

Exod. 7:20 s the waters . . . in the river

Num. 20:11 he s the rock twice

Luke 18:13 s upon his breast

Acts 12:23 angel of the Lord s him


Ps. 91:3 from the s of the fowler

Prov. 7:23 bird hasteth to the s

Rom. 11:9 their table be made a s


Job 38:22 the treasures of the s

Ps. 51:7 I shall be whiter than s

Prov. 25:13 cold of s in the time of

Prov. 26:1 As s in summer

Prov. 31:21 She is not afraid of the s

Isa. 1:18 scarlet . . . be as white as s

Matt. 28:3 his raiment white as s

Rev. 1:14 like wool, as white as s


Rom. 12:3 but to think s-ly

1 Thess. 5:6 let us watch and be s

1 Pet. 5:8 Be s, be vigilant


Gen. 26:3 S in this land, and I will

Acts 7:6 s in a strange land

1 Pet. 1:17 time of your s-ing here

Sold (see also Sell)

Gen. 25:33 s his birthright

Lev. 25:23 land . . . not be s for ever

Joel 3:3 s a girl for wine

Matt. 10:29 two sparrows s for a farthing

Matt. 13:46 went and s all that he had


Mark 15:16 s-s led him away onto

Luke 23:36 the s-s also mocked him

2 Tim. 2:3 as a good s of Jesus


Son of David and Bath-sheba; third king of Israel (2 Sam. 12:24; 1 Kings 1:30-40). Asked for wisdom (3:5-15); knew many proverbs and songs (4:32; Ps. 72; 127; Prov. 1:1; 10:1; 25:1; SS. 1:1); wisdom demonstrated in child dispute (1 Kings 3:16-28) and the visit of the Queen of Sheba (10:1-13). Built and dedicated the temple (1 Kings 5–8). Accumulated vast wealth (9:26-28; 10:26-29); had many wives and concubines, who influenced him toward idolatry (11:1-8).


Gal. 2:6 these who seemed to be s

Rev. 2:4 I have s against thee


Gen. 6:2 s-s of God saw the

Gen. 22:2 Take now thy s, thine only s

Ps. 2:7 Thou art my S

Ps. 8:4 s of man, that thou visitest

Prov. 10:1 wise s maketh a glad

Prov. 17:25 A foolish s is a grief

Isa. 7:14 virgin shall bear a s

Isa. 14:12 Lucifer, s of the morning

Isa. 60:4 thy s-s shall come from far

Ezek. 2:1 S of man, stand upon thy feet

Dan. 7:13 one like the S of man

Hos. 11:1 called my s out of Egypt

Matt. 3:17 This is my beloved S

Matt. 11:27 no man knoweth the S

Matt. 13:55 the carpenter's s

Matt. 16:16 S of the living God

Matt. 22:42 Christ? whose s is he

Matt. 26:63 the Christ, the S of God

Matt. 27:43 I am the S of God

Mark 5:7 S of the most high God

Mark 14:61 the S of the Blessed

Luke 1:31 bring forth a s, and shalt

Luke 2:7 her firstborn s

Luke 4:22 Is not this Joseph's s

Luke 15:11 certain man had two s-s

Luke 15:24 this my s was dead

John 1:18 only begotten S

John 6:42 Is not this Jesus, the s of Joseph

John 14:13 be glorified in the S

John 19:26 Woman, behold thy s

Gal. 4:7 but a s; and if a s

2 Thess. 2:3 the s of perdition

Rev. 21:7 be his God . . . be my s


Exod. 15:2 The Lord is my strength and s

Job 30:9 now am I their s

Ps. 137:4 How shall we sing the Lord's s

Prov. 25:20 singeth s-s to an heavy heart

Isa. 5:1 sing to my well beloved a s

Gal. 5:19; Col. 3:16 and spiritual s-s


Luke 2:9 and they were s afraid

Luke 16:21 dogs came and licked his s-s


Gen. 3:16 greatly multiply thy s

Ps. 18:4 s-s of death compassed me

Ps. 127:2 eat the bread of s-s

Prov. 15:13 by s of the heart the spirit

Eccl. 1:18 knowledge increaseth s

Eccl. 7:3 S is better than laughter

Isa. 35:10 s and sighing shall flee

Isa. 53:3 a man of s-s

Lam. 1:12 s like unto my s

Matt. 26:38 My soul is exceeding s-ful

Mark 13:8 the beginnings of s-s

2 Cor. 7:10 godly s worketh repentance


Gen. 6:19 two of every s shalt thou

Deut. 22:11 garment of divers s-s

Sought (see also Seek)

Exod. 33:7 every one which s the Lord

2 Chron. 16:12 he s not to the Lord

Ps. 119:10 With my whole heart have I s thee

Isa. 65:1 found of them that s me not

Matt. 2:20 s the young child's life

Matt. 21:46 s to lay hands on him

Luke 2:44 s him among their kinsfolk

Rom. 9:32 s it not by faith


Gen. 2:7 man became a living s

Deut. 4:29 all thy heart . . . and s

1 Sam. 18:1 knit with the s of David

Job 10:1 My s is weary of my life

Ps. 23:3 He restoreth my s

Ps. 103:1 Bless the Lord, O my s

Prov. 24:12 he that keepeth thy s

Isa. 55:3 hear, and your s shall live

Jer. 38:16 Lord . . . that made us this s

Ezek. 18:4 s that sinneth, it shall die

Matt. 10:28 not able to kill the s

Matt. 11:29 find rest unto your s-s

Matt. 16:26 world, and lose his own s

Luke 1:46 s doth magnify the Lord

Luke 12:19 say to my s, S, thou hast

John 12:27 Now is my s troubled

Acts 4:32 one heart and of one s

1 Thess. 5:23 spirit and s and body

Heb. 4:12 dividing . . . of s and spirit

Heb. 6:19 as an anchor of the s

Heb. 10:39 to the saving of the s

James 1:21 is able to save your s-s

1 Pet. 2:11 which war against the s

Rev. 16:3 every living s died in


Prov. 2:7; 3:21; 8:14 s wisdom

Jer. 25:10 s of the millstones

Jer. 50:22 s of battle is in the land

Joel 2:1 s an alarm in my holy

Rom. 10:18 s went into all the earth

1 Tim. 1:10 contrary to s doctrine

2 Tim. 1:13 the form of s words

Titus 2:8 S speech . . . cannot be condemned

Rev. 1:15 s of many waters

Rev. 8:7 The first angel s-ed


Eccl. 11:3 tree fall toward the S

Matt. 12:42 queen of the s


Ps. 126:5 s in tears . . . reap in joy

Prov. 22:8 s-eth iniquity shall reap

Eccl. 11:6 the morning s thy seed

Isa. 55:10 may give seed to the s-er

Matt. 6:26 fowls . . . for they s not

Matt. 13:3 went forth to s

Luke 19:21 reapest that didst not s

1 Cor. 9:11 s-n unto you spiritual

1 Cor. 15:42 s-n in corruption

2 Cor. 9:6 He which s-eth sparingly

Gal. 6:7 whatsoever a man s-eth

James 3:18 is s-n in peace

Spake (see also Speak)

Job 2:13 none s a word unto him

Ps. 33:9 he s, and it was done

John 7:46 Never man s like this man

1 Cor. 13:11 I s as a child

2 Pet. 1:21 s as they were moved


Ps. 72:13 s the poor and needy

Prov. 13:24 s-th his rod hateth his

Mal. 3:17 s them as a man s-th his own son

Acts 20:29 not s-ing the flock

Rom. 8:32 s-ed not his own Son

Rom. 11:21 if God s not the natural

2 Cor. 9:6 which soweth singly

2 Cor. 13:2 I come again, I will not s

2 Pet. 2:4 God s-d not the angels

Speak (see also Spake, Spoken)

Job 11:5 oh that God would s

Isa. 40:2 S ye comfortably

Matt. 10:19 how or what ye shall s

Mark 13:11 not ye that s, but the Holy Ghost

Luke 1:20 dumb, and not able to s

Luke 6:26 when all men shall s well of you

John 3:11 We s that we do know

John 16:13 shall not s of himself

Rom. 3:5 (I s as a man)

1 Cor. 2:7 we s the wisdom of God

1 Cor. 13:1 I s with the tongues of

Eph. 6:20 boldly, as I ought to s

Titus 3:2 s evil of no man

James 1:19 slow to s, slow to wrath

James 4:11 S not evil one of another

1 Pet. 4:11 If any man s, let him s


1 Sam. 17:7 staff of his s was like

Isa. 2:4 their s-s into pruninghooks

John 19:34 with a s pierced his side


Gen. 11:1 one language, one s

Exod. 4:10 but I am slow of s

SS. 4:3 thy s is comely

Mark 7:32 an impediment in his s

Rom. 16:18 good words, and fair s-s

2 Cor. 11:6 though I be rude in s

Col. 4:6 s be always with grace


Ps. 31:2 deliver me s

Luke 18:8 he will avenge them s


Isa. 55:2 do ye s money for that

2 Cor. 12:15 I will very gladly s and be spent


Ps. 31:10 my life is s with grief

Mark 5:26 s all that she had

Luke 24:29 the day is far s

Rom. 13:12 The night is far s


SS. 8:2 to drink of s-d wine

John 19:40 linen clothes with the s-s


Gen. 1:2 the S of God moved upon

Exod. 31:3 filled him with the s of God

Judg. 9:23 God sent an evil s

1 Sam. 16:14 evil s from the Lord troubled

2 Kings 2:9 double portion of thy s

Ps. 31:5 Into thine . . . I commit my s

Ps. 51:10 renew a right s within me

Prov. 16:18 haughty s before a fall

Eccl. 3:21 s of man . . . goeth

Isa. 11:2 s of wisdom . . . knowledge

Isa. 32:15 s be poured upon us

Isa. 57:15 contrite and humble s

Isa. 61:1 S of the Lord God is upon

Ezek. 3:12 s took me up

Ezek. 11:19; 18:31; 36:26 a new s

Joel 2:28 pour out my s . . . all flesh

Mic. 3:8 full of power by the s

Matt. 3:16 S of God descending

Matt. 5:3 Blessed are the poor in s

Mark 1:10 S like a dove descending

Mark 14:38 s truly is ready, but the

Luke 4:18 S of the Lord is upon me

John 3:5 born of water and of the s

John 4:24 God is a S

John 14:17 Even the S of truth

Acts 2:17 I will pour out of my S

Rom. 2:29 In the s, and not in the letter

Rom. 8:1 walk . . . after the S

1 Cor. 3:16 S of God dwelleth in you

1 Cor. 5:3 absent . . . present in s

1 Cor. 12:4 gifts, but the same S

2 Cor. 3:6 of the letter, but of the s

Gal. 5:16 Walk in the S

Gal. 1:13 that holy S of promise

Gal. 2:18 access by one S unto the

Gal. 4:4 one body, and one S

Php. 1:27 stand fast in one s

Col. 2:5 am I with you in the s

1 Thess. 5:19 Quench not the S

Heb. 4:12 dividing . . . of soul and s

James 2:26 body without the s is

1 John 5:6 S that beareth witness

Rev. 1:10 I was in the S on the

Rev. 3:1 that hath the seven S-s of God

Rev. 22:17 The S and the Bride say


Hos. 9:7 the s man is mad

Rom. 8:6 to be s-ly minded is life

Rom. 15:27 partakers of their s things

Gal. 1:3 blessed us . . . s blessings

Gal. 5:19; Col 3:16 hymns and s songs

1 Pet. 2:5 are built up a s house


Num. 12:14 If her father had but s in her face

Matt. 26:67 they s in his face

Matt. 27:30 and they s upon him

Mark 8:23 when he had s on his eyes


Job 7:19 alone till I swallow down my s

John 9:6 made clay of the s


Ezek. 25:7 will deliver thee for a s

Col. 2:8 Beware lest any man s you

Spoken (see also Speak)

Ps. 87:3 Glorious things are s

Prov. 25:11 word fitly s is like

Heb. 1:2 s unto us by his Son


Jer. 13:23 the Leopard his s-s

Eph. 5:27 not having s, or wrinkle

2 Pet. 2:13 S-s they are and blemishes

Jude 23 garment s-ted by the flesh


Gen. 33:19 where he had s his tent

Isa. 19:8 s nets upon the waters

Matt. 21:8 s their garments in the way

Mark 1:28 his fame s abroad


SS. 4:12 s shut up, a fountain

Isa. 58:11 like a s of water


Gen. 42:9 Ye are s-ies

Num. 13:17 sent them to s out the land

Luke 20:20 sent forth s-ies

Gal. 2:4 came in privily to s out our liberty

Heb. 11:31 she had received the s-ies


Ps. 119:38 S thy word unto thy servant

Rom. 16:25 s you according to my gospel

2 Thess. 2:17 s you in every good word


Ps. 23:4 thy rod and thy s they

Isa. 14:5 broken the s of the wicked

Ezek. 4:16 break the s of bread

Stand (see also Stood)

Josh. 10:12 Sun, s thou still

Job 8:15 house, but it shall not s

Ps. 1:5 ungodly shall not s in the

Ps. 130:3 O Lord, who shall s

Isa. 40:8 word of our God shall s

Ezek. 2:1 Son of man, s upon thy

Nah. 1:6 s before his indignation

Matt. 12:25 house divided . . . shall not s

Acts 1:11 why s ye gazing up into

Acts 7:33 where thou s-est is holy

Rom. 5:2 this grace wherein we s

1 Cor. 16:13 s fast in the faith

2 Cor. 1:24 for by faith ye s

Gal. 6:14 S . . . having your loins

Rev. 3:20 Behold, I s at the door

Rev. 20:12 dead . . . s before God


Gen. 1:16 he made the s-s also

Num. 24:17 a S out of Jacob

Judg. 5:20 s-s in their courses fought

Job 38:7 morning s-s sang together

Ps. 136:9 moon and s-s to rule by

Matt. 2:2 seen his s in the east

Matt. 24:29 s-s shall fall from

Rev. 1:16 right hand seven s-s

Rev. 8:11 s is called Wormwood

Rev. 22:16 bright and morning s


Num. 13:32 are men of a great s

Matt. 6:27 one cubit unto his s

Luke 19:3 he was little of s


Ps. 19:8 s of the Lord are right

Ps. 119:12, 26 teach me thy s


Ps. 18:18 the Lord was my s

SS. 2:5 S me with flagons

Isa. 3:1 s of bread . . . s of water

Dan. 4:35 none can s his hand


Gen. 30:2 Am I in God's s

2 Cor. 5:20 we pray you in Christ's s

Steal (see also Stole)

Exod. 20:15 Thou shalt not s

Deut. 24:7 If a man be found s-ing

Prov. 30:9 I be poor, and s

Matt. 19:18 Thou shalt not s

Mark 10:19 Do not kill, Do not s

Gal. 4:28 that stole s no more


1 Cor. 7:37 standeth s in his heart

1 Cor. 15:58 be ye s

Col. 2:5 s-ness of your faith


Job 14:18 thou numberest my s

Prov. 5:5 her s take hold on hell

1 Pet. 2:21 ye should follow his s


Luke 12:42 faithful and wise s

Luke 16:2 an account of thy s-ship

1 Cor. 4:1 s-s of the mysteries of God


Prov. 18:24 s-eth closer than a brother

Ezek. 37:17 join them . . . into one s


Josh. 10:12 Sun, stand thou s upon

Ps. 23:2 beside the s waters

Isa. 30:7 Their strength is to sit s

Hab. 3:11 sun and moon stood s

Mark 4:39 Peace, be s


Prov. 23:32 s-eth like an adder

1 Cor. 15:55 death, where is thy s


Prov. 10:12 Hatred s-reth up strifes

Acts 14:2 Jews s-ed up the Gentiles

Stole (see also Steal)

Gen. 31:19 Rachel had s-n the images

Prov. 9:17 S-n waters are sweet

Matt. 28:13 Say ye, His disciples . . . s him


Exod. 4:25 Zipporah took a sharp s

Exod. 20:25 not build it of hewn s

Exod. 34:1 hew thee two tables of s

Lev. 20:2 shall s him with s-s

Deut. 9:9 to receive the tables of s

1 Sam. 17:49 took . . . a s, and slang

Ps. 91:12 dash thy foot against a s

Ps. 118:22 s . . . builders refused

Isa. 28:16 a precious corner s, a sure

Ezek. 11:19; 36:26 the s-y heart out

Dan. 2:34 s was cut out without

Amos 5:11 built houses of hewn s

Matt. 4:3 these s-s be made bread

Matt. 7:9 bread . . . give him a s

Matt. 13:5 Some fell upon s-y places

Matt. 21:42 s . . . builders rejected

Matt. 27:60 a great s to the door

Matt. 28:2 rolled back the s

Luke 19:44 one s upon another

Luke 22:41 about a s-'s cast

John 8:7 let him first cast a s at her

Acts 4:11 s which was set at nought

Acts 7:59 they s-ed Stephen

2 Cor. 3:3 not in tables of s

Gal. 2:20 the chief corner s

1 Pet. 2:8 s of stumbling

Rev. 2:17 will give him a white s

Stood (see also Stand)

Num. 22:22 angel . . . s in the way

Luke 4:16 s up for to read

Luke 24:36 Jesus s in the midst

John 19:25 s by the cross of Jesus

John 20:11 Mary s without


Ps. 63:11 speak lies shall be s-ped

Prov. 21:13 Whoso s-peth his ears

Rom. 3:19 every mouth may be s-ped

2 Cor. 11:10 no man shall s me of this boasting


Job 21:18 chaff that the s carrieth away

Isa. 25:4 a refuge from the s

Mark 4:37 arose a great s of wind


Eccl. 1:15 crooked cannot be made s

Isa. 40:3 make s . . . a highway

Matt. 3:3 make his paths s

Luke 3:5 crooked shall be made s

John 1:23 Make s the way of the

Acts 9:11 street which is called S


Matt. 3:16 went up s out of the

Matt. 4:20 s left their nets

Acts 9:20 s he preached Christ


Isa. 49:20 place is too s for me

Matt. 7:13 enter ye in at the s gate


Gen. 35:2 Put away the s gods

Exod. 2:22 stranger in a s land

1 Kings 11:1 Solomon loved many s women

Job 19:17 breath is s to my wife

Prov. 22:14 mouth of s women is a

Ezek. 3:5 people of a s speech

Luke 5:26 seen s things today

Heb. 13:9 divers and s doctrines

1 Pet. 4:12 think it not s concerning

Jude 7 going after s flesh


Gen. 15:13 a s in a land that is

Exod. 20:10 s that is within thy gates

Exod. 22:21 neither vex a s

Deut. 10:19 Love ye therefore the s

Jer. 22:3 do no violence to the s

Matt. 25:35 I was a s, and ye took me in

Gal. 2:19 ye are no more s-s

Heb. 13:2 to entertain s-s


Exod. 5:7 s to make bricks

Job 41:27 esteemeth iron as s

Isa. 11:7 lion . . . eat s like the ox


Isa. 59:14 truth is fallen in the s

Matt. 6:5 in the corners of the s-s

Acts 9:11 s which is called Straight

Rev. 21:21 s of the city was pure gold


Exod. 15:2 The Lord is my s and song

Deut. 33:25 days, so shall thy s be

Judg. 16:6 wherein thy great s lieth

2 Sam. 22:33 God is my s and power

Ps. 19:14 Lord, my s, and my redeemer

Ps. 28:7 Lord is my s and my shield

Prov. 10:29 way of the Lord is s

Prov. 31:3 not thy s unto women

Eccl. 9:16 Wisdom is better than s

Isa. 41:1 people renew their s

Hab. 3:19 The Lord God is my s

Mark 12:30 mind, and with all thy s

1 Cor. 15:56 s of sin is the law


Deut. 3:28 encourage him, and s

Judg. 16:28 s me . . . only this once

1 Sam. 23:16 s-ed his hand in God

Isa. 35:3 S ye the weak hands

Luke 22:32 s thy brethren

Col. 1:11 S-ed with all might


Gen. 22:10 Abraham s-ed forth his hand

Matt. 12:13 S forth thine hand

2 Cor. 10:14 we s not ourselves beyond

Stricken (see also Strike)

Isa. 1:5 Why should ye be s any more

Isa. 53:4 did esteem his s, smitten

Luke 1:7 both . . . well s in years


Ps. 106:32 at the waters of s

Prov. 10:12 Hatred stirreth up s-s

Prov. 16:28 froward man soweth s

James 3:16 where envying and s is

Strike (see also Stricken)

Prov. 22:26 one of them that s hands

1 Tim. 3:3 to wine, no s-r, not greedy


Deut. 25:3 Forty s he may give him

Prov. 19:29 s for the back of fools

Isa. 53:5 with his s we are healed

Luke 12:47 be beaten with many s

2 Cor. 11:24 forty s save one

1 Pet. 2:24 by whose s ye are healed


1 Cor. 9:25 s-th for the mastery

2 Tim. 2:5 also s for masteries


Deut. 31:6 Be s and of good courage

Ps. 24:8 The Lord s and mighty

Prov. 31:6 s drink unto him that is

SS. 8:6 love is s as death

Joel 3:10 weak say, I am s

1 Cor. 4:10 we are weak, but ye are s

2 Cor. 12:10 am weak, then am I s

Gal. 6:10 be s in the Lord


Eccl. 12:12 much s is a weariness

2 Tim. 2:15 S to shew thyself


Prov. 3:23 thy foot shall not s

1 Pet. 2:8 which s at the word


Luke 2:51 and was s unto them

Rom. 8:20 was made s to vanity

1 Cor. 9:27 body, and bring it into s-ion

Gal. 5:24 church is s unto Christ

Heb. 2:8 all things in s-ion under

1 Pet. 2:18 be s to your masters

1 Pet. 3:1 wives, be in s-ion to your own

1 Pet. 5:5 be s one to another


Gal. 5:21 S-ting yourselves one to another

Gal. 5:22; Col. 3:18 Wives, s yourselves

James 4:7 S yourselves therefore to God


Ps. 139:6 S knowledge is too

Matt. 19:14 of s is the kingdom of


Mark 13:36 coming s he find you

1 Tim. 5:22 Lay hands s on no man


Matt. 3:15 S it to be so now

Mark 8:31 Son of man must s many

Luke 24:46 It behoved Christ to s

1 Cor. 9:12 but s all things

1 Cor. 13:4 Charity s-eth long

2 Cor. 11:19 For ye s fools gladly

2 Tim. 2:12 If we s, we shall also

1 Pet. 2:21 Christ also s-ed for us

1 Pet. 4:13 partakers of Christ's s-ings


Matt. 6:34 S unto the day is the evil

2 Cor. 12:9 My grace is s for thee


Gen. 8:22 heat, and s and winter

Amos 8:1 behold a basket of s fruit

Matt. 24:32 ye know that s is nigh


Josh. 10:12 S, stand thou still

Ps. 121:6 s shall not smite thee by

Eccl. 1:9 no new thing under the s

Isa. 60:19 s shall be no more thy light

Amos 8:9 s to go down at noon

Matt. 5:45 maketh his s to rise

Luke 21:25 shall be signs in the s

1 Cor. 15:41 is one glory of the s

Gal. 4:26 s go down upon your

Rev. 12:1 woman clothed with the s

Rev. 22:5 neither light of the s


1 Cor. 11:20 not to eat the Lord's s

Rev. 19:9 marriage s of the Lamb


1 Sam. 13:12 not made s unto the

Dan. 9:3 seek by prayer and s-s

Acts 1:14 accord in prayer and s


Ps. 19:7 testimony of the Lord is s

Isa. 22:23 as a nail in a s place

John 6:69 s that thou art the Christ

2 Pet. 1:10 calling and election s


Gen. 2:17 eatest . . . thou shalt s die

Gen. 28:16 S the Lord is in this

Ps. 23:6 S goodness and mercy

Isa. 53:4 S he hath borne our griefs

Rev. 22:20 S I come quickly


Num. 16:32 the earth . . . s-ed them up

Isa. 25:8 s up death in victory

Matt. 23:24 gnat, and s a camel

1 Cor. 15:54 Death is s-ed up in


Lev. 19:12 not s by my name falsely

Isa. 45:23 every tongue shall s

Matt. 5:34 S not at all; neither by

Matt. 23:18 whosoever s-eth by the gift

Mark 14:71 began to curse and to s

James 5:12 s not, neither by heaven


Prov. 3:24 thy sleep shall be s

Prov. 9:17 Stolen waters are s

2 Cor. 2:15 a s savour of Christ


Deut. 8:4 neither did thy foot s

2 Pet. 2:18 great s-ing words of vanity


Job 7:6 My days are s-er than a weaver's

Prov. 6:18 s in running to mischief

Eccl. 9:11 race is not to the s

Rom. 3:15 s to shed blood

James 1:19 man be s to hear


Prov. 11:22 gold in a s-'s snout

Matt. 7:6 cast ye . . . pearls before s

Mark 5:11 great herd of s feeding

Luke 15:15 into his fields to feed s


Gen. 3:24 flaming s which turned

2 Sam. 2:26 Shall the s devour for

Prov. 5:4 sharp as a twoedged s

Isa. 2:4; Mic. 4:3 beat their s-s into plowshares

Jer. 15:2 as are for the s, to the s

Mic. 4:3 beat . . . s-s into plowshares

Matt. 10:34 not . . . peace, but a s

Gal. 6:17 s of the Spirit

Rev. 1:16 sharp twoedged s


Matt. 13:54 taught them in their s

John 16:2 put you out of the s-s

Acts 9:20 preached Christ in the s-s

Rev. 2:9 but are the s of Satan



Exod. 26:1 thou shalt make the t

Ps. 61:4 I will abide in thy t

Matt. 17:4 make here three t-s

2 Pet. 114 I must put off this my t

Rev. 21:3 t of God is with men


Exod. 24:12 give thee t-s of stone

Ps. 23:5 preparest a t before me

Matt. 21:12; John 2:15 overthrew the t-s of

Mark 7:28 dogs under the t eat of

Acts 6:2 leave the word of God, and serve t-s

2 Cor. 3:3 fleshy t-s of the heart


Matt. 6:25 T no thought for your life

Matt. 26:26 T, eat; this is my body

Mark 10:21 t up the cross and

Luke 9:3 T nothing for your journey

John 1:29 t-th away the sin of the

John 7:30 they sought to t him

Acts 1:9 he was t-n up

1 Cor. 11:24 T, eat: this is my body

Rev. 10:9 T it, and eat it up


Matt. 18:24 owed him ten thousand t

Matt. 25:15 unto one he gave five t


1 Tim. 3:15 But if I t long


Job 6:6 is there any t in the white of an egg

Matt. 16:28 shall not t of death

Heb. 2:9 t death for every man

Heb. 6:4 t-d of the heavenly gift

Taught (see also Teach)

Deut. 4:5 Behold, I have t you statutes

Ps. 71:17 hast t me from my youth

Matt. 7:29 t them as one having

Mark 4:2 he t them . . . by parables

Luke 19:47 t daily in the temple

John 8:28 as my Father hath t me

1 Thess. 4:9 are t of God to love


2 Kings 23:35 he t-ed the land

Luke 2:1 all the world should be t-ed

Teach (see also Taught, Teacher)

Exod. 4:12 t thee what thou shalt say

Deut. 6:7 t them diligently unto thy children

Ps. 25:4 t me thy paths

Ps. 27:11 T me thy way, O Lord

Jer. 31:34 t no more every man his neighbour

Matt. 15:9 t-ing for doctrines

Matt. 28:19 Go . . . and t all nations

Luke 11:1 Lord, t us to pray

Luke 12:12 Holy Ghost shall t you

Acts 1:1 began both to do and t

Acts 15:35 t-ing and preaching the

1 Tim. 1:3 t no other doctrine

1 Tim. 2:12 suffer not a woman to t

1 Tim. 3:2; 2 Tim. 2:24 apt to t

Heb. 8:11 not t every man his neighbour


John 3:2 art a t come from God

Gal. 4:11 some, pastors and t-s

2 Tim. 4:3 heap to themselves t-s


2 Kings 20:5 I have seen thy t

Job 16:20 mine eye poureth out t

Ps. 56:8 put thou my t into thy bottle

Ps. 80:5 with the bread of t to drink

Ps. 126:5 sow in t shall reap in joy

Isa. 25:8 God will wipe away t

Luke 7:38 wash his feet with t

Rev. 7:17; 21:4 God shall wipe away all t

Teeth (see also Tooth)

Job 19:20 I am escaped with the skin of my t

Jer. 31:29; Ezek. 18:2 t are set on edge

Amos 4:8 given you cleanness of t

Matt. 8:12; 13:42; 24:51 gnashing of t

Tell (see also Told)

Joel 1:3 T ye your children of it

Matt. 8:4 See thou t no man

Matt. 26:63 t us whether thou be the Christ

John 18:34 or did others t it thee

2 Cor. 12:2 in the body, I cannot t


Jon. 1:4 a mighty t in the sea

Acts 27:18 tossed with a t

2 Pet. 2:17 clouds . . . carried with a t


Neh. 6:11 go into the t to save his life

Ps. 11:4 Lord is in his holy t

Jer. 7:4 The t of the Lord, The t of the Lord

Matt. 4:5 pinnacle of the t

Matt. 12:6 one greater than the t

Mark 14:58 t that is made with hands

John 2:19 Destroy this t

Acts 7:48 dwelleth not in t-s

2 Cor. 6:16 ye are the t of the living God

Rev. 21:22 God . . . the Lamb are the t


Exod. 17:2 wherefore do ye t the Lord

Deut. 6:16 Ye shall not t the Lord

Luke 4:2 forty days t-ed of the devil

Heb. 4:15 t-ed like as we are

James 1:13 God cannot be t-ed with


Ps. 95:8 in the day of t

Matt. 6:13 lead us not into t

Matt. 26:41 enter not into t

1 Cor. 10:13 hath no t taken you

2 Pet. 2:9 deliver the godly out of t


Gen. 18:32 I will not destroy it for t-'s sake

Deut. 10:4 the t commandments

1 Sam. 18:7 and David his t thousands

Ps. 91:7 t thousand at thy right hand

Matt. 25:1 likened unto t virgins

Luke 15:8 having t pieces of sliver

Luke 17:17 Were there not t cleansed

Heb. 7:2 Abraham gave a t-th part


2 Kings 22:19 thine heart was t

1 Chron. 22:5 my son is young and t

Ps. 25:6 Remember . . . thy t mercies

Isa. 53:2 grow up . . . as a t plant

Luke 1:78 t mercy of our God

Eph. 4:32 t-hearted, forgiving one


Gen. 4:20 of such as dwell in t-s

Ps. 84:10 in the t-s of wickedness

Acts 18:3 they were t-makers


Neh. 1:5 the great and t God

Joel 2:31 the great and the t day of the


Deut. 32:25 sword without, and t within

Rom. 13:3 not a t to good works

2 Cor. 5:11 the t of the Lord


Matt. 26:28 my blood of the new t

Luke 22:20 This cup is the new t

2 Cor. 3:6 ministers of the new t

2 Cor. 3:14 reading of the old t


Deut. 19:18 t-ied falsely against his

Isa. 59:12 our sins t against us

John 3:11 t that we have seen

Gal. 5:3 t again to every man


Exod. 16:34 laid it up before the T

Ps. 19:7 t of the Lord is sure

Isa. 8:16 Bind up the t, seal the law

John 8:17 the t of two men is true

1 Cor. 1:6 t of Christ was confirmed

2 Tim. 1:8 ashamed of the t of our Lord

Rev. 19:10 t of Jesus is the spirit

Thank (see also Thanks, -giving)

Matt. 11:25 I t thee, O Father

Luke 18:11 I t thee, that I am not as other


1 Chron. 16:34 O give t unto the Lord

Matt. 15:36; Luke 22:19 gave t, and brake

1 Cor. 15:57 But t be to God, which

Gal. 1:16 Cease not to give t

1 Thess. 5:18 In every thing give t


Lev. 7:12 If he offer it for a t

Ps. 26:7 with the voice of t

Ps. 100:4 Enter into his gates with t

1 Tim. 4:3 to be received with t


Gen. 15:13 a land that is not t

1 Cor. 1:2 Christ . . . both t and ours


Matt. 24:23 Lo, here is Christ, or t


Matt. 6:19 t-ves break through and

Matt. 21:13 made it a den of t-ves

Mark 15:27 with him they crucify two t-ves

Luke 10:30 and fell among t-ves

John 10:10 t cometh not, but for to

John 12:6 but because he was a t

1 Thess. 5:2 as a t in the night


Matt. 6:13 t is the kingdom

Luke 15:31 all that I have is t

Luke 22:42 not my will, but t, be


Ps. 8:6 all t-s under his feet

Matt. 19:26 God all t-s are possible

Mark 10:21 One t thou lackest

Luke 2:19 Mary kept all these t-s

Php. 3:13 this one t I do

Php. 4:8 think on these t-s

Think (see also Thought)

Prov. 23:7 as he t-eth in his heart

John 5:39 yet t ye have eternal life

Rom. 12:3 but to t soberly

Gal. 6:3 t himself to be something

Php. 4:8 t on these things


Matt. 16:21 raised again the t day

Luke 24:21 to day is the t day since

1 Cor. 15:4 he rose again the t day


Ps. 42:2 My soul t-eth for God

Isa. 29:8 when a t-y man dreameth

Isa. 65:13 drink, but ye shall be t-y

Matt. 5:6 t after righteousness

Matt. 25:35 I was t-y, and ye gave

John 4:13 drinketh . . . shall t again

John 6:35 believeth . . . shall never t

John 19:28 Jesus . . . saith, I t


Zech. 11:12 for my price t pieces of silver

Matt. 26:15 for t pieces of silver

Luke 3:23 began to be about t years of age


Matt. 13:7 some fell among t-s

Matt. 27:29 platted a crown of t-s

John 19:5 wearing the crown of t-s

2 Cor. 12:7 a t in the flesh

Thought (see also Think)

Ps. 94:11 knoweth the t-s of man

Isa. 55:8 my t-s are not your t-s

Matt. 6:25 Take no t for your life

Matt. 9:4 Jesus knowing their t-s

Luke 24:38 t-s arise in your hearts

1 Cor. 3:20 knoweth the t-s of the wise


1 Sam. 18:7 Saul hath slain his t-s, and David

Ps. 84:10 a day . . . is better than a t

Ps. 91:7 t shall fall . . . ten t at thy

Dan. 7:10 ten t times ten t stood

1 Cor. 4:15 ten t instructors in Christ

2 Pet. 3:8 t years as one day

Three (see also Thrice)

Prov. 30:15 t things that are never satisfied

Eccl. 4:12 and a t-fold cord

Matt. 18:20 two or t are gathered

Matt. 27:63 After t days I will rise

John 2:19 t days I will raise it up


Matt. 26:34 shalt deny me t


Prov. 23:2 put a knife to thy t

Rom. 3:13 t is an open sepulchre


Ps. 11:4 Lord's t is in heaven

Ps. 93:2 t is established of old

Isa. 66:1 The heaven is my t

Matt. 5:34 for it is God's t

Acts 7:49 Heaven is my t

Heb. 1:8 Thy t . . . is for ever and

Heb. 4:16 boldly unto the t of grace

Rev. 20:11 I saw a great white t


Isa. 43:2 t the waters . . . t the fire

Gal. 2:8 are ye saved t faith

Php. 4:13 do all things t Christ


2 Sam. 22:14 Lord t-ed from heaven

Mark 3:17 Boanerges . . . The sons of t


Isa. 52:7 feet that bringeth good t

Luke 2:10 good t of great joy

Rom. 10:15 glad t of good things


Gen. 2:5 was not a man to t the ground

Gen. 4:2 a t-er of the ground

Time (see also Times)

Ps. 89:47 how short my t is

Eccl. 9:12 knoweth not his t

Amos 5:13 for it is an evil t

Matt. 26:18 My t is at hand

John 7:6 My t is not yet come

Gal. 4:2 t appointed of the Father

Gal. 5:16 Redeeming the t, because the days

1 Tim. 2:6 to be testified in due t

Rev. 1:3 the t is at hand

Rev. 10:6 there should be t no longer


1 Chron. 12:32 had understanding of the t

Ps. 31:15 My t are in thy hand

Dan. 12:7 for a time, t, and an half

Matt. 16:3 discern the signs of the t

Acts 1:7 know the t or the seasons

Gal. 4:10 observe days . . . and t

Rev. 12:14 time, and t, and half a


Also called Timotheus. Companion of Paul (Acts 16–20; Rom. 16:21; 2 Cor. 1:1; 1 Thess. 1:1; 2 Thess. 1:1; Php. 1:1; Phm. 1). Sent by Paul to Corinth (1 Cor. 4:17); to Philippi (Php. 2:19); to Thessalonica (1 Thess. 3:2). Pastored Ephesian church (1Ti 1:3). Received two letters from Paul (1 Tim. 1:2; 2 Tim. 1:2) and a plea to come (4:9).


Gen. 14:20 he gave him t-s of all

Lev. 27:30 all the t of the land

Num. 18:26 a tenth part of the t

Mal. 3:10 Bring ye all the t-s into

Matt. 23:23 pay t of mint and anise

Luke 18:12 t-s of all that I possess


Gen. 9:12 the t of the covenant

Exod. 12:13 blood shall be . . . for a t

Told (see also Tell)

John 4:39 t me all that ever I did

John 14:2 not so, I would have t you


Ps. 34:13 Keep thy t from evil

Ps. 140:3 sharpened their t-s

Prov. 25:15 soft t breaketh the bone

Mark 16:17 shall speak with new t-s

Acts 2:4 to speak with other t-s

Rom. 14:11 every t shall confess

1 Cor. 13:1 with the t-s of men and

1 Cor. 14:4 that speaketh in an unknown t

1 Cor. 14:39 forbid not to speak with t-s

Php. 2:11 every t should confess

James 3:5 t is a little member

1 Pet. 3:10 refrain his t from evil

Rev. 5:9 every kindred, and t

Tooth (see also Teeth)

Exod. 21:24; Deut. 19:21 t for t

Matt. 5:38 You have heard . . . a t for a t


Luke 16:23 hell . . . being in t-s

1 John 4:18 because fear hath t

Rev. 9:5 was as the t of a scorpion


Gal. 4:14 t-ed to and fro, and

James 1:6 with the wind and t-ed


Gen. 3:3 neither shall ye t it

Matt. 9:21 but t his garment

Mark 5:30 Who t-ed my clothes

1 Cor. 7:1 not to t a woman

Col. 2:21 (T not, taste not)


Gen. 11:4 build us a city and a t

2 Sam. 22:3 my high t, and my

Matt. 21:33 and built a t

Luke 13:4 upon whom the t in Siloam fell


Job 13:23 make me to know my t

Ps. 51:3 I acknowledge my t-s

Isa. 53:5 he was wounded for our t-s

Rom. 4:15 no law is, there is no t

1 John 3:4 sin is the t of the law


Ps. 51:13 teach t-s thy ways

Prov. 13:15 way of t-s is hard

Mark 15:28 numbered with the t-s

James 2:11 art become a t of the law


Ps. 48:6 as of a woman in t

Isa. 42:14 cry like a t-ing woman

Gal. 4:19 t in birth again until

Rev. 12:2 being with child cried, t-ing


Deut. 25:4 ox . . . t-eth out the corn

Amos 5:11 t-ing is upon the poor

Luke 10:19 power to t on serpents

1 Tim. 5:18 muzzle the ox that t-eth

Rev. 19:15 t-eth the winepress


Exod. 19:5 be a peculiar t unto me

Prov. 10:2 T-s of wickedness profit

Job 38:22 the t-s of the snow . . . hail

Matt. 6:21 where your t is, there will

Matt. 13:44 t hid in a field

Matt. 19:21 thou shalt have t in

Col. 2:3 In whom are hid all the t-s of wisdom


Gen. 2:9 the t of life . . . knowledge

Deut. 21:22 thou hang him on a t

Judg. 9:8 t-s went forth . . . to anoint

Ps. 1:3 t planted by the rivers

Prov. 3:18 She is a t of life

Isa. 55:12 t-s . . . shall clap their

Mic. 4:4 vine and under his fig t

Matt. 7:17 good t . . . corrupt t

Matt. 12:33 t is known by his fruit

Rev. 2:7 eat of the t of life


Judg. 5:4 earth t-d, and the heavens

Php. 2:12 with fear and t-ing

James 2:19 devils also believe, and t


Matt. 6:14 forgive men their t-es

Matt. 18:15 brother . . . t against

Gal. 2:1 dead in t-es and sins

Col. 2:13 forgiven you all t-es


Gen. 49:28 these are the twelve t-s

Num. 1:4 there shall be a man of every t

Matt. 24:30 all the t-s of earth

Luke 22:30 judging the twelve t-es


1 Sam. 26:24 deliver me out of all t

Matt. 24:21 then shall be great t

Rom. 5:3 t worketh patience

Rom. 12:12 in hope; patient in t

2 Thess. 1:6 t to them that trouble


Ezra 7:24 to impose toll, t, or custom

Matt. 17:24 Doth not your master pay t

Matt. 22:19 Shew me the t money

Luke 20:22 give t to Caesar

Rom. 13:7 t to whom t is due

Tried (see also Try)

2 Sam. 22:31 word of the Lord is t

Ps. 12:6 as silver t in a furnace

Isa. 28:16 a t stone, a . . . corner stone

1 Pet. 1:7 be t with flre

Rev. 3:18 gold t in the flre


2 Kings 19:3 This day is a day of t

Ps. 27:5 time of t he shall hide me

Isa. 22:5 For it is a day of t

Luke 24:38 Why are ye t-d

John 5:4 t-ing of the water

John 12:27 Now is my soul t-d

2 Cor. 4:8 We are t-d on every side

True (see also Truly, Truth)

1 Kings 22:16 but that which is t

Ps. 119:160 Thy word is t

Matt. 22:16 know that thou art t

John 1:9 That was the t Light

John 6:32 giveth you the t bread

Rom. 3:4 let God be t

Php. 4:8 whatsoever things are t

Titus 1:13 This witness is t


Num. 10:2 Make thee two t-s of silver

Matt. 6:2 alms, do not sound a t

1 Cor. 14:8 t give an uncertain sound

1 Cor. 15:52 for the t shall sound


2 Sam. 22:3 in him will I t

Ps. 4:5 put your t in the Lord

1 Tim. 4:10 t in the living God

Heb. 2:13 put my t in him


Ps. 15:2 speaketh the t in his heart

Luke 4:25 I tell you of a t

John 1:14 full of grace and t

John 8:32 t shall make you free

Rom. 1:25 changed the t of God into a lie

2 Tim. 2:15 dividing the word of t

1 John 1:8 the t is not in us

Try (see also Tried)

1 Cor. 3:13 fire shall t every man's

James 1:3 t-ing of your faith

1 John 4:1 t the spirits whether


2 Kings 17:13 T ye from your evil ways

Ps. 80:3 T us again, O God

Isa. 53:6 t-ed every one to his own way

Jer. 31:18 t thou me, and I shall be t-ed

Matt. 5:39 cheek, t to him the other

James 1:17 neither shadow of t-ing


Gen. 35:22 the sons of Jacob were t

Matt. 10:1 called . . . his t disciples

Luke 2:42 when he was t years old

John 11:9 t hours in the day


Eccl. 4:9 T are better than one

Matt. 18:19 t of you shall agree on earth

Matt. 22:40 On these t commandments hang

Luke 17:35 T women shall be grinding

1 Cor. 6:16 t . . . shall be one flesh



Matt. 17:20 Because of your u

Mark 9:24 help thou mine u


Luke 12:46 portion with the u

2 Cor. 6:14 yoked together with u


Lev. 10:10 between u and clean

Lev. 13:45 and shall cry, U, u

Isa. 6:5 a man of u lips

Acts 10:14 that is common or u

Rom. 14:14 nothing u of itself


Heb. 13:4 and the bed u

James 1:27 Pure religion and u


Gen. 11:7 not u one another's

Isa. 6:9 Hear ye . . . but u not

Matt. 15:16 also yet without u-ing

Luke 24:45 opened he their u-ing

Php. 4:7 peace of God, which passeth all u-ing

2 Tim. 2:7 Lord give thee u-ing in all things


Ps. 1:1 not in the counsel of the u

Rom. 5:6 Christ died for the u


Ps. 133:1 for brethren to dwell together in u

Gal. 4:3 to keep the u of the Spirit


Acts 17:23 To The U God


Luke 17:10 We are u servants

Rom. 3:12 are together become u

Heb. 13:17 for that is u for you


Luke 16:11 faithful in the u mammon

Rom. 3:5 Is God u

2 Pet. 2:13 the reward of u-ness

1 John 1:9 to cleanse us from all u-ness


Gal. 5:17 be ye not u


2 Sam. 22:26 wilt shew thyself u

Job 1:8 perfect and an u man

Ps. 15:2; Prov. 10:9 He that walketh u-ly

Mic. 7:2 is none u among men


Lev. 25:36 Take thou no u of him

Deut. 23:20 mayest lend upon u

Prov. 28:8 u and unjust gain

Matt. 25:27 mine own with u


Vail (see also Veil)

Exod. 34:33 he put a v on his face

Exod. 36:5 he made a v of blue, and purple

2 Cor. 3:13 put a v over his face


Ps. 2:1 people imagine a v thing

Isa. 45:18 he created it not in v

Matt. 6:7 use not v repetitions

Rom. 1:21 v in their imaginations

1 Cor. 15:14 then is our preaching v

Gal. 2:21 Christ is dead in v


SS. 2:1 and the lily of the v-s

Ezek. 37:1 v which was full of bones

Joel 3:14 the v of decision

Luke 3:5 Every v shall be filled


Ps. 24:4 lifted up his soul unto v

Eccl. 1:2 V of v-ies . . . all is v

Jer. 2:5 have walked after v

Gal. 4:17 walk, in the v of their

Veil (see also Vail)

Matt. 27:51 v of the temple was rent

Heb. 6:19 that within the v

Heb. 10:20 through the v . . . his flesh


Deut. 32:35 To me belongeth v

Isa. 34:8 The day of the Lord's v

Rom. 12:19 V is mine; I will repay

Heb. 10:30 V belongeth unto me


2 Kings 4:3 borrow thee v-s abroad

Acts 9:15 he is a chosen v

2 Cor. 4:7 treasure in earthen v-s

2 Tim. 2:21 be a v unto honour


Isa. 63:10 v-ed his holy Spirit

2 Pet. 2:8 v-ed his righteous soul


Rev. 16:1 pour out the v-s of the wrath


2 Sam. 23:10 Lord wrought a great v

Isa. 25:8 swallow up death in v

1 Cor. 15:54 Death is swallowed up in v

1 John 5:4 v that overcometh the


Rom. 1:26 unto v affections

Php. 3:21 change our v body


1 Kings 4:25 every man under his v

Ps. 128:3 wlfe shall be as a fruitful v

Isa. 36:16 eat ye every one of his v

Matt. 26:29 drink . . . fruit of the v

John 15:1 I am the true v


Ps. 69:21 in my thirst they gave me v

Prov. 10:26 As v to the teeth

Matt. 27:48 spunge . . . filled it with v


Gen. 9:20 and he planted a v

1 Kings 21:1 Naboth . . . had a v

Isa. 5:1 song of my beloved touching his v

Jer. 12:10 have destroyed my v

Matt. 20:1 to hire labourers into his v

Mark 12:1 A certain man planted a v


Gen. 6:11 earth was filled with v

Matt. 11:12 kingdom of heaven suffereth v

Luke 3:14 Do v to no man


Matt. 3:7 O generation of v-s

Acts 28:3 came a v out of the heat


Isa. 7:14 Behold, a v shall conceive

Matt. 1:23 v shall be with child

Matt. 25:1 likened unto ten v-s

Luke 1:27 the v-'s name was Mary

1 Cor. 7:37 he will keep his v, doeth well

2 Cor. 11:2 a chaste v to Christ


Ruth 3:11; Prov. 12:4; 31:10 a v-ous woman

Php. 4:8 if there be any v

2 Pet. 1:5 to your faith v; and to v


Prov. 29:18 Where there is no v

Joel 2:28; Acts 2:17 young men shall see v-s


Exod. 20:5 v-ing the iniquity of the

Ps. 8:4 that thou v-est him

Matt. 25:36 sick, and ye v-ed me

James 1:27 v the fatherless and


Gen. 3:8 heard the v of the Lord

1 Kings 19:12 after the fire a still small v

Isa. 40:3 v of him that crieth in the

Matt. 3:17 lo a v from heaven

Mark 9:7 v came out of the cloud

Luke 3:4 v of one crying

Rev. 3:20 if any man hear my v


Gen. 1:2 without form, and v

Isa. 55:11 not return unto me v

Rom. 4:14 faith is made v


Lev. 18:25 land itself v-eth out her

Prov. 26:11 dog returneth to his v

Jon. 2:10 it v-ed out Jonah

2 Pet. 2:2 dog is turned to his own v


Gen. 28:20 And Jacob v-ed a v, saying

Num. 6:2 a v of a Nazarite

Num. 30:3 If a woman also v a v

Judg. 11:30 And Jephthah v-ed a v

Eccl. 5:5 Better . . . than . . . v and not pay

Acts 18:18 shorn his head . . . he had a v



Lev. 19:13 w of him that is hired

Luke 3:14 be content with your w

Rom. 6:23 the w of sin is death

2 Pet. 2:15 w of unrighteousness


Matt. 13:42 w-ing and gnashing of


Gen. 49:18 w-ed for thy salvation

Ps. 27:14; 37:34 W on the Lord

Hos. 12:6 w on thy God continually

Hab. 2:3 though it tarry, w for it

Mark 15:43 w-ed for the kingdom

Acts 1:4 w for the promise of the Father

1 Thess. 1:10 to w for his Son from heaven


Gen. 3:8 God w-ing in the garden

Gen. 5:24 Enoch w-ed with God

Ps. 1:1 w-eth not in the counsel of

Ps. 15:2 He that w-eth uprightly

Isa. 9:2 people that w-ed in darkness

Ezek. 36:27 cause you to w in my statutes

Hos. 14:9 and the just shall w in them

Amos 3:3 Can two w together,

Mic. 6:8 to w humbly with thy God

Matt. 14:29 he w-ed on the water

John 6:19 Jesus w-ing on the sea

Rom. 6:4 w in newness of life

2 Cor. 5:7 w by faith, not by sight

Gal. 5:16 W in the Spirit

Gal. 4:1 w worthy of the vocation

Col. 2:6 so w ye in him

1 Pet. 5:8 devil . . . . w-eth about,

1 John 2:6 so to w, even as he w-ed


Exod. 14:22 waters were a w into them

Neh. 4:6 So built we the w

Ps. 18:29 by my God have I leaped over a w

Prov. 18:11 high w in his own conceit

Gal. 2:14 hath broken down the middle w


Num. 14:33 children shall w in the wilderness

Jude 13 w-ing stars, to whom is


Ps. 23:1 shepherd, I shall not w

Luke 15:14 he began to be in w


Ps. 46:9 maketh w-s to cease

Isa. 2:4 neither . . . learn w any more

Dan. 9:26 the w of desolations

Matt. 24:6 w-s . . . rumours of w-s

2 Cor. 10:4 weapons of our w-fare

James 4:1 whence come w-s

1 Pet. 2:11 which w against the soul

Rev. 12:7 there was w in heaven


Ps. 19:11 by them is thy servant w-ed

Ezek. 3:17 give them w-ing from me

Matt. 3:7 who hath w-ed you to flee from

Acts 20:31 ceased not to w every

Col. 1:28 we preach, w-ing every man


2 Kings 5:10 Go and w in Jordan

Ps. 51:2 W me . . . from mine

Isa. 1:16 W you, make you clean

Matt. 15:2 w not their hands when

Matt. 27:24 Pilate . . . w-ed his hands

Luke 7:44 w-ed my feet with tears

Luke 11:38 he had not first w-ed

John 9:7 Go, w in the pool of Siloam

Acts 22:16 and w away thy sins

1 Cor. 6:11 ye are w-ed

Gal. 5:26 the w-ing of water by the word

Heb. 10:22 bodies w-ed with pure

Rev. 1:5 w-ed us from our sins

Rev. 7:14 and have w-ed their robes


Matt. 26:8 To what purpose is this w


Neh. 4:9 made our prayer . . . and set a w

Ezek. 3:17 I have made thee a w-man

Ps. 127:1 w-man waketh but in vain

Ps. 130:6 than they that w for the morning

Ps. 141:3 a w, O Lord, before my mouth

Matt. 24:42; 25:13 W therefore

Matt. 26:40 could ye not w with me

Luke 2:8 keeping w over their flock

Acts 20:31 Therefore w, and

1 Cor. 16:13 W ye, stand fast in the

Heb. 13:17 they w for your souls


Ps. 22:14 poured out like w

Ps. 23:2 beside the still w-s

Ps. 46:3 w-s . . . roar and be troubled

Isa. 11:9 as the w-s cover the sea

Jer. 2:13 the fountain of living w-s

Matt. 3:11 baptize you with w

Matt. 10:42 little ones a cup of cold w

John 3:5 man be born of w and of

John 4:10 given thee living w

Acts 1:5 John . . . baptized with w

Acts 8:36 See, here is w; what doth

1 Cor. 3:6 planted, Apollos w-ed

James 3:11 sweet w and bitter

1 John 5:6 that came by w and blood

Rev. 22:17 take the w of life freely


Jon. 2:3 thy w-s passed over me

Mark 4:37 w-s beat into the ship

James 1:6 is like a w of the sea driven

Jude 13 Raging w-s of the sea


Ps. 22:14 my heart is like w

Matt. 24:12 love of many shall w cold


Ps. 1:6 the w of the righteous

Ps. 18:30 God, his w is perfect

Ps. 25:8 teach sinners in the w

Isa. 2:3 he will teach us of his w-s

Isa. 30:21 This is the w, walk ye in it

Isa. 40:3 Prepare ye the w of the Lord

Mal. 3:1 prepare the w before me

Matt. 15:32 lest they faint in the w

Mark 1:3 Prepare ye the w of the Lord

John 14:6 I am the w, the truth, and

Acts 9:2 found any of this w

2 Pet. 2:15 forsaken the right w


Judg. 16:17 I shall become w

Joel 3:10 w say, I am strong

Mark 14:38 but the flesh is w

Rom. 14:2 another, who is w, eateth herbs

1 Cor. 1:27 w things of the world

1 Cor. 4:10 we are w, but ye are strong

1 Pet. 3:7 wife, as unto the w-er vessel

1 Thess. 5:14 support the w


1 Cor. 1:25 w of God is stronger

1 Cor. 15:43 it is sown in w

2 Cor. 12:9 strength is . . . perfect in w


Deut. 8:18 power to get w

Ps. 49:6 that trust in their w

Prov. 13:11 W gotten by vanity


Isa. 54:17 No w that is formed against thee

2 Cor. 10:4 w-s of our warfare


Dan. 7:25 shall w out the saints

Matt. 11:8 that w soft clothing

John 19:5 Jesus . . . w-ing the crown


Gen. 27:46 I am w of my life

Prov. 25:17 lest he be w of thee

Isa. 40:31 they shall run, and not be w

Jer. 6:11 I am w with holding in

Mal. 2:17 Ye have w-ied the Lord with

John 4:6 w-ied with his journey

Gal. 6:9; 2 Thess. 3:13 w in well doing


Exod. 34:22 observe the feast of w-s

Dan. 9:24 Seventy w-s are determined

Weep (see also Wept)

Ps. 6:8 heard the voice of my w-ing

Isa. 65:19 voice of w-ing shall be no more

Jer. 9:1 might w day and night

Jer. 31:15; Matt. 2:18 w-ing for her children

Matt. 8:12; 24:51 w-ing and gnashing of teeth

Luke 6:21 Blessed are ye that w

Luke 23:28 w not for me, but w for yourselves

Rom. 12:15 rejoice, and w with them that w


1 Sam. 2:3 by him actions are w-ed

Prov. 16:2 the Lord w-eth the spirits


Lev. 19:36 Just balances, just w-s

Deut. 25:15 a perfect and just w

Ezek. 4:16 shall eat bread by w

Mic. 6:11 bag of deceitful w-s

2 Cor. 4:17 eternal w of glory

Heb. 12:1 let us lay aside every w


Deut. 4:40 that it may go w with thee

2 Kings 3:19 stop all w-s of water

SS. 4:15 a w of living waters

Wept (see also Weep)

Matt. 26:75 went out, and w bitterly

Luke 19:41 beheld the city, and w

John 11:35 Jesus w


Gen. 1:21 God created great w-s

Matt. 12:40 three nights in the w-'s belly


Eccl. 9:10 W thy hand findeth to do

Matt. 7:12 w ye would that men

John 11:22 w thou wilt ask of God

Rom. 14:23 w is not of faith

Col. 3:17 w ye do in word or deed


Matt. 3:12 gather his w into the

Luke 22:31 he may sift you as w


Exod. 14:25 took off their chariot w-s

Ezek. 1:16 w in the middle of a w


Gen. 3:9 W art thou

Ps. 42:3 W is thy God

Luke 8:25 W is your faith

John 11:34 W have ye laid him

1 Cor. 1:20 W is the wise


2 Kings 2:1 into heaven by a w

Job 38:1 Lord answered Job out of the w

Jer. 4:13 chariots shall be as a w

Hos. 8:7 they shall reap the w


Ps. 51:7 shall be w-r than snow

Isa. 1:18 they shall be as w as snow

Dan. 7:9 garment was w as snow

Luke 9:29 raiment was w and

John 4:35 w already to harvest

Acts 23:3 thou w-d wall

Rev. 1:14 hairs were w like wool, as w as snow

Rev. 6:2 behold a w horse

Rev. 20:11 And I saw a great w throne


Ruth 1:16 w thou goest, I will go

Ps. 139:7 W shall I go from thy spirit

John 8:21 w I go, ye cannot come


Luke 5:31 w need not a physician

John 5:6 Wilt thou be made w

Acts 9:34 Christ maketh thee w

Wicked (see also Wickedness)

Prov. 4:19 way of the w is as

Prov. 10:30 w shall not inhabit the

Eccl. 7:17 Be not over much w

Isa. 53:9 made his grave with the w

Ezek. 3:18 warn the w from his w way

Dan. 12:10 w shall do w-ly

Matt. 12:45 this w generation

2 Thess. 2:8 shalt that W be revealed

1 John 2:13 overcome the w one


Gen. 6:5 the w of man was great

Prov. 4:17 they eat the bread of w

Hos. 10:13 Ye have plowed w

Matt. 22:18 Jesus perceived their w

Gal. 6:12 spiritual w in high places

1 John 5:19 whole world lieth in w


Exod. 22:22 Ye shall not afflict any w

Lev. 21:14 A w, or a divorced

Isa. 1:17 plead for the w

Matt. 23:14 ye devour w-s' houses

Mark 12:43 w hath cast more in

Luke 18:5 this w troubleth me

1 Tim. 5:3 Honour w-s that are w-s


Gen. 2:24 shall cleave unto his w

Exod. 20:17 not covet thy neighbour's w

Deut. 17:17 Neither shall he multiply w-ves

Deut. 24:5 When a man hath taken a new w

Ezra 10:2 have taken strange w-ves

Prov. 5:18 rejoice with the w of thy youth

Prov. 18:22 findeth a w findeth a good thing

Eccl. 9:9 Live joyfully with the w

Mark 1:30 Simon's w-'s mother

Luke 17:32 Remember Lot's w

1 Cor. 7:2 man have his own w

Gal. 5:22; Col. 3:18 W-ves, submit

Gal. 5:23 husband . . . head of the w

1 Tim. 3:2; Titus 1:6 the husband of one w

1 Pet. 3:1 w-ves, be in subjection

1 Pet. 3:7 giving honour unto the w


Gen. 16:7 fountain of water in the w

Num. 14:29 Your carcases shall fall in this w

Deut. 29:5 forty years in the w

Prov. 21:19 better to dwell in the w

Isa. 40:3 voice that crieth in the w

Matt. 3:3 voice . . . crying in the w

Matt. 4:1 into the w to be tempted

Will (see also Willing)

Ps. 40:8 delight to do thy w

Matt. 6:10 Thy w be done

Matt. 7:21 doeth the w of my Father

Luke 22:42 not my w, but thine

John 1:13 w of the flesh, nor of the w of man

John 4:34 w of him that sent me

Rom. 12:2 and perfect, w of God

1 Cor. 4:19 if the Lord w

Gal. 5:17 what the w of the Lord is

Php. 2:13 both to w and to do

James 4:15 If the Lord w, we shall


Exod. 35:5 whosoever is of a w heart

Matt. 26:41 spirit indeed is w

Luke 22:42 Father, if thou be w

2 Pet. 3:9 not w that any should perish


Prov. 11:30 he that w-neth souls is wise

Php. 3:8 that I may w Christ


Gen. 8:1 God made a w to pass over

Prov. 11:29 shall inherit the w

Eccl. 5:16 laboured for the w

Ezek. 37:9 Come from the four w-s

Hos. 8:7 they have sown the w

Mark 4:41 w and the sea obey him

Luke 8:24 rebuked the w

Acts 2:2 as of a rushing mighty w

Gal. 4:14 every w of doctrine

James 3:4 driven of fierce w-s

Jude 12 carried about of w-s


Gen. 9:24 Noah awoke from his w

Lev. 10:9 Do not drink w

Ps. 104:15 w that maketh glad the heart

Prov. 20:1 W is a mocker

SS. 1:2 thy love is better than w

Jer. 35:6 We will drink no w

Mark 15:23 w mingled with myrrh

John 2:9 water that was made w

Acts 2:13 men are full of new w

Gal. 5:18 be not drunk with w

1 Tim. 3:3; Titus 1:7 Not given to w

Rev. 6:6 hurt not the oil and the w


Exod. 19:4 bare you on eagles' w

Ruth 2:12 under whose w thou art

Ps. 17:8 under the shadow of thy w

Isa. 6:2 each one had six w

Ezek. 1:6 every one had four w

Matt. 4:2 with healing in his w

Matt. 23:37; Luke 13:34 under her w


2 Kings 21:13 as a man w-th a dish

Prov. 6:33 reproach . . . not be w-d

Isa. 25:8 God will w away tears

John 11:2 w-d his feet with her hair

Rev. 21:4 shall w away all tears


Exod. 28:3 filled with the spirit of w

2 Chron. 1:10 Give me now w and knowledge

Ps. 51:6 make me to know w

Prov. 1:7 fools despise w

Prov. 4:4 Get w, get understanding

Eccl. 7:12 w giveth life

Jer. 9:23 wise man glory in his w

Matt. 11:19 w is justified of her

Luke 2:52 increased in w and

Luke 21:15 give you a mouth and w

1 Cor. 3:19 w of this world is foolishness

2 Cor. 1:12 not with fleshly w

James 1:5 If any of you lack w

Rev. 13:18 Here is w


Gen. 3:6 tree . . . to make one w

Job 17:10 cannot find one w man

Ps. 19:7 making w the simple

Prov. 3:7 not w in thine own eyes

Isa. 19:12 where are thy w men

Matt. 2:1 came w men from the east

Matt. 10:16 w as serpents

Luke 10:21 hid these things from the w

1 Cor. 3:18 become a fool, that he may be w

2 Tim. 3:15 w unto salvation

James 3:13 Who is a w man

Jude 25 To the only w God our Saviour


2 Thess. 3:6 w yourselves from every brother

1 Tim. 6:5 from such w thyself


Ps. 1:3 leaf also shall not w

Isa. 19:6 reeds and flags shall w

Matt. 13:6 no root, they w-ed away

Mark 3:1 man there which had a w-ed hand


Gen. 22:12 seeing thou hast not w thy son


Prov. 11:26 He that w-eth corn

Prov. 23:13 W not correction from the child


Matt. 23:26 That which is w the cup

Mark 7:23 evil things come from w

Luke 17:21 kingdom of God is w

1 Cor. 5:12 Judge them that are w

2 Cor. 7:5 fightings, w were fears

Rev. 5:1 a book written w and on the


Gen. 1:2 earth was w form, and void

2 Chron. 15:3 been w the true God

Prov. 24:27 Prepare thy work w

Isa. 52:3 redeemed w money

Matt. 10:29 not fall . . . w your Father

Matt. 13:57 prophet is not w honour

Mark 14:58 made w hands

John 1:3 w him was not any thing made

John 8:7 He that is w sin

Rom. 3:28 by faith w the deeds of the law

1 Cor. 11:11 man w the woman

2 Cor. 7:5 w were fightings

Gal. 2:12 time ye were w Christ

Col. 2:11 made w hands

1 Thess. 5:17 Pray w ceasing

Heb. 7:3 W father, w mother, w descent

James 2:20 faith w works is dead

1 Pet. 1:19 w blemish and w spot

2 Pet. 2:17 are wells w water

Jude 12 w fear . . . w water . . . w fruit


Gen. 31:48 w between me and thee

Exod. 20:16 shalt not bear false w

Deut. 4:26 call heaven and earth to w

Deut. 17:6 two w-s, or three w-s

Job 16:19 my w is in heaven

Prov. 6:19 false w that speaketh

Isa. 19:20 for a sign and for a w

Matt. 19:18 not bear false w

John 1:7 to bear w of the Light

Acts 26:22 w-ing both to small and

Rom. 1:9 For God is my w

1 Cor. 15:15 we are found false w-s

Titus 1:13 This w is true

Heb. 10:15 Holy Ghost also is a w

1 John 5:9 receive the w of men

Rev. 1:5 Christ . . . the faithful w


Prov. 23:29 Who hath w? who hath sorrow

Isa. 6:5 said I, W is me

Matt. 11:21 W unto thee, Chorazin

Matt. 23:13 w unto you, scribes and Pharisees

Mark 14:21 w to that man by whom

Rev. 8:13 W, w, w, to the inhabiters


Isa. 65:25 w and the lamb shall feed

Matt. 7:15 they are ravening w-ves

Matt. 10:16 as sheep in the midst of w-ves

Acts 20:29 shall grievous w-ves enter in

Woman (see also Women)

Gen. 2:23 she shall be called W

Deut. 22:5 man put on a w-'s garment

Job 14:1 Man that is born of a w

Prov. 12:4; 31:10 a virtuous w

Matt. 5:28 looketh on a w to lust

John 4:7 w of Samaria to draw

John 8:4 w was taken in adultery

Acts 9:36 w was full of good works

1 Cor. 7:1 a man not to touch a w

1 Cor. 7:2 w have her own husband

Gal. 4:4 his Son, made of a w

1 Tim. 2:11 Let the w learn in silence

Rev. 12:1 w clothed with the sun


Gen. 25:23 Two nations are in thy w

Exod. 13:2 whatsoever openeth the w

Deut. 7:13 bless the fruit of thy w

Job 1:21 Naked . . . my mother's w

Isa. 44:2 formed thee from the w

Luke 1:41 babe leaped in her w

John 3:4 enter . . . into his mother's w

Women (see also Woman)

Gen. 31:35 custom of w is upon me

1 Kings 11:1 Solomon loved many strange w

Prov. 31:3 Give not thy strength unto w

SS. 1:8 O thou fairest among w

Matt. 24:41 Two w shall be grinding

Mark 15:40 also w looking on afar

Luke 1:28 blessed art thou among w

1 Cor. 14:35 it is a shame for w to speak

1 Tim. 2:9 w adorn themselves in modest

Titus 2:4 young w to be sober

1 Pet. 3:5 the holy w also


Deut. 4:34 by signs, and by w-s

Job 9:10 w-s without number

Isa. 9:6 name shall be called W-ful

Dan. 5:27 signs and w-s in heaven

Acts 2:11 the w-ful works of God

Rom. 15:19 mighty signs and w-s

Rev. 12:1 a great w in heaven


Job 37:14 consider the w works of God

Ps. 71:17 I declared thy w works

Ps. 72:18 who only doeth w things

Joel 2:26 dealt w-ly with you


Gen. 6:14 an ark of gopher w

Deut. 4:28 work of men's hands, w and stone

2 Sam. 18:8 w devoured more people

1 Chron. 16:33 trees of the w sing out

2 Chron. 2:16 we will cut w out of

Prov. 26:20 Where no w is, there the fire

Isa. 37:19 work of men's hands, w and stone

1 Cor. 3:12 stones, w, hay, stubble

Rev. 18:12 of most precious w


Deut. 22:11 w-len and linen together

Judg. 6:37 a fleece of w in the floor

Isa. 1:18 they shall be as w


Gen. 15:1 w of the Lord came unto Abram

Exod. 20:1 God spake all these w-s

Num. 30:2 he shall not break his w

Deut. 5:5 shew you the w of the Lord

Josh. 24:26 Joshua wrote these w-s in the

1 Sam. 3:1 w of the Lord was precious

Job 6:25 how forcible are right w-s

Ps. 12:6 w-s of the Lord are pure w-s

Ps. 19:14 Let the w-s of my mouth

Ps. 119:11 Thy w have I hid in mine heart

Prov. 15:23 w spoken in due season

Eccl. 5:2 let thy w-s be few

Jer. 5:13 the w is not in them

Matt. 1:1 The burden of the w

Matt. 4:4 every w that proceedeth

Matt. 8:8 speak the w only

Matt. 12:36 every idle w that men shall speak

Mark 4:14 sower soweth the w

Mark 7:13 w of God of none effect

Luke 1:2 ministers of the w

Luke 4:4 but by every w of God

Luke 4:36 What a w is this

John 1:1 beginning was the W

John 1:14 W was made flesh

John 6:68 the w-s of eternal life

Acts 6:7 the w of God increased

Rom. 10:8 w is nigh thee . . . w of faith

1 Cor. 1:17 not with wisdom of w-s

2 Cor. 4:2 handling the w of God deceitfully

Gal. 5:14 law is fulfilled in one w

Gal. 5:6 deceive you with vain w-s

Col. 3:16 Let the w of Christ dwell

1 Tim. 4:5 sanctified by the w of God

1 Tim. 5:17 who labour in the w

2 Tim. 2:15 rightly dividing the w of truth

Titus 1:9 Holding fast the faithful w

Heb. 4:12 w of God is quick

James 1:22 be ye doers of the w

1 Pet. 1:23 by the w of God, which liveth

1 John 1:1 handled, of the w of life

Jude 16 great swelling w-s

Rev. 19:13 is called The W of God

Work (see also Workman)

Gen. 2:2 God ended his w

Exod. 20:9 Six days . . . do all thy w

Deut. 4:28 the w of men's hands

Ps. 5:5 hatest all w-ers of iniquity

Ps. 9:1 shew . . . thy marvelous w-s

Ps. 62:12 man according to his w

Prov. 11:18 w-eth a deceitful w

Prov. 16:3 Commit thy w-s unto the Lord

Eccl. 7:13 Consider the w of God

Hab. 1:5 I will w a w in your days

Matt. 5:16 see your good w-s

Mark 6:5 could there do no mighty w

Mark 16:20 the Lord w-ing with them

Luke 13:14 six days . . . men ought to w

John 5:17 w-eth hitherto, and I w

John 6:28 might w the w-s of God

John 9:4 w the w-s of him that sent

Acts 5:38 or this w be of men

Rom. 8:28 all things w together for good

1 Cor. 3:13 man's w shall be made manifest

1 Cor. 9:6 power to forbear w-ing

2 Cor. 6:1 as w-ers together with him

Gal. 5:19 w-s of the flesh are manifest

Gal. 2:9 Not of w-s, lest any man

Gal. 4:12 for the w of the ministry

Php. 2:12 w out your own salvation

Col. 1:10 fruitful in every good w

1 Tim. 6:18 be rich in good w-s

2 Tim. 4:5 w of an evangelist

Titus 3:1 ready to every good w

James 2:18 shew thee my faith by my w-s

1 John 3:8 destroy the w-s of the devil

Rev. 2:2, 9, 13, 19; 3:1, 8, 15 I know thy w-s

Rev. 14:13 their w-s do follow them


Matt. 10:10 w is worthy of his meat

Gal. 2:10 For we are his w-ship

2 Tim. 2:15 w that needeth not to be ashamed


Ps. 50:12 for the w is mine

Matt. 5:14 Ye are the light of the w

Matt. 12:32 this w, neither in the w to come

Mark 10:30 in the w to come eternal life

Luke 9:25 gain the whole w, and lose himself

Luke 16:8 the children of this w

John 1:10 He was in the w . . . w was made by him . . . w knew him not

John 3:16 God so loved the w

John 4:42 Saviour of the w

John 6:33 giveth light unto the w

Acts 17:6 turned the w upside down

Rom. 5:12 sin entered into the w

1 Cor. 1:28 base things of the w

1 Cor. 2:12 received, not the spirit of the w

2 Cor. 7:10 sorrow of the w worketh

Gal. 3:21 all ages, w without end

1 Tim. 6:17 that are rich in this w

2 Tim. 4:10 loved this present w

Heb. 6:5 powers of the w to come

James 1:27 unspotted from the w

2 Pet. 2:5 spared not the old w

1 John 2:15 Love not the w

1 John 2:17 the w passeth away


Isa. 66:24 for their w shall not die

Jon. 4:7 God prepared a w

Mark 9:44 Where their w dieth not

Acts 12:23 he was eaten of w-s


Deut. 29:18 that beareth gall and w

Prov. 5:4 her end is bitter as w

Rev. 8:11 the star is called W


Exod. 34:14 shalt w no other god

Ps. 29:2 w the Lord in the beauty of holiness

Ps. 95:6 O come, let us w and bow down

Matt. 2:2 and are come to w him

Matt. 4:10 thou shalt w the Lord thy God

John 4:23 w the Father in spirit and in truth

Php. 3:3 which w God in the spirit

Rev. 4:10 w him that liveth for ever


Gen. 32:10 I am not w of the least

1 Kings 1:52 If he will shew himself a w

Matt. 3:11 whose shoes I am not w to bear

Luke 3:8 fruits w of repentance

Luke 10:7 labourer is w of his hire

Gal. 4:1 walk w of the vocation I

1 Thess. 2:12 ye would walk w of God

Heb. 11:38 the world was not w

Rev. 5:2 Who is w to open the book


Job 34:6 my w is incurable

Ps. 147:3 bindeth up their w-s

Prov. 23:29 hath w-s without cause

Isa. 53:5 w-ed for our transgressions

Luke 10:34 and bound up his w-s


Matt. 27:59 w it in a clean linen cloth

Luke 2:7 w him in swaddling

John 20:7 napkin . . . w together in a place


Job 5:2 w killeth the foolish man

Ps. 76:10 the w of man shall praise thee

Prov. 12:16 fool's w is presently known

Prov. 14:29 He that is slow to w

Isa. 54:8 In a little w I hid my face

Matt. 3:7 flee from the w to come

John 3:36 the w of God abideth on him

Rom. 2:5 w against the day of w

Rom. 9:22 vessels of w fitted to destruction

Gal. 2:3 by nature the children of w

Col. 3:6 w of God cometh

1 Thess. 5:9 not appointed us to w

James 1:19 slow to speak, slow to w

Rev. 6:16 from the w of the Lamb

Write (see also Written, Wrote)

Prov. 3:3 w them upon the table of thine heart

Hab. 2:2 W the vision, and make it plain

Heb. 10:16 on their minds will I w them

2 John 12 not w with paper and ink

Rev. 1:19 W the things which thou hast seen

Rev. 21:5 W: for these words are true


Exod. 32:16 w was the w of God

Dan. 5:8 could not read the w

John 5:47 ye believe not his w-s


Exod. 31:18 w with the finger of God

Matt. 2:5 it is w by the prophet

John 19:22 What I have w I have w

Rom. 2:15 law w in their hearts

Phm. 19 w it with mine own hand

Rev. 13:8 not w in the book of life

Rev. 17:5 forehead was a name w


Jer. 22:3 do no w, do no violence

1 Cor. 6:7 Why do ye not rather take w

2 Cor. 7:2 we have w-ed no man

Wrote (see also Write)

Exod. 24:4 Moses w all the words

Jer. 36:4 Baruch w from the mouth of Jeremiah

Dan. 5:5 hand, and w . . . upon the plaister

John 8:6 finger w on the ground

Rom. 16:22 I Tertius, who w this

3 John 9 I w unto the church


Isa. 26:12 w all our works in us

Matt. 20:12 have w but one hour

John 3:21 they are w in God

Rom. 15:18 which Christ hath not w by me



Ps. 23:4 Y, though I walk through

Matt. 5:37 communication be, Y, y

2 Cor. 1:17 with me there should be y y

James 5:12 but let your y be y

Rev. 14:13 Y, saith the Spirit


Gen. 6:3 shall be an hundred and twenty y-s

Exod. 13:10 In his season from y to y

2 Sam. 14:26 y-'s end that he polled

Ps. 90:4 thousand y-s in thy sight

Ps. 90:10 our y-s are threescore y-s and ten

Prov. 4:10 y-s of thy life . . . be many

Isa. 61:2 acceptable y of the Lord

Joel 2:25 y-s that the locust hath eaten

Matt. 2:16 two y-s old and under

Luke 3:23 to be about thirty y-s of age

Gal. 4:10 months, and times, and y-s

Rev. 9:15 for . . . a day, and a month, and a y


Job 8:9 For we are but of y

Heb. 13:8 the same y, and to day


Judg. 7:4 people are y too many

Dan. 11:35 y for a time appointed

Matt. 15:17 not ye y understand

John 2:4 mine hour is not y come

1 Cor. 7:10 y not I, but the Lord

1 John 3:2 doth not y appear what we shall be


Gen. 1:11 the herb y-ing seed

Ps. 67:6 earth y her increase

Eccl. 10:4 y-ing pacifeth great offences

Mark 4:8 did y fruit that sprang up

Rom. 6:13 Neither y ye your members

Heb. 12:11 y-eth the peaceable fruit

James 3:12 both y salt water and fresh


Gen. 27:40 break his y from off thy

1 Kings 12:4 Thy father made our y grievous

Isa. 9:4 broken the y of his burden

Matt. 11:29 Take my y upon you

2 Cor. 6:14 unequally y-ed together

Gal. 5:1 again with the y of bondage

Young (see also Younger)

Exod. 23:26 shall nothing cast their y

Ruth 3:10 thou followedst not y men

Ps. 37:25 been y, and now am old

John 21:18 When thou wast y, thou

Acts 2:17 y men shall see visions

Titus 2:4 y women to be sober

1 John 2:13 I write unto you, y men


Gen. 25:23 elder shall serve the y

1 Tim. 5:11 But the y widows refuse

1 Pet. 5:5 ye y, submit yourselves


2 Chron. 20:15 battle is not y, but God's

Luke 6:20 for y is the kingdom of God

John 15:20 they will keep y also

1 Cor. 3:21 for all things are y

2 Cor. 12:1 for I seek not y, but you


Lev. 11:44 sanctify y, and ye shall be holy

Jer. 37:9 Deceive not y

2 Cor. 13:5 Examine y


Gen. 8:21 man's heart is evil from his y

Ps. 25:7 Remember not the sins of my y

Prov. 5:18 rejoice with the wife of thy y

Eccl. 11:9 Rejoice . . . in thy y

Isa. 40:30 Even the y-s shall faint

Jer. 31:19 bear the reproach of my y

Matt. 19:20 have I kept from my y up

1 Tim. 4:12 Let no man despise thy y

2 Tim. 2:22 Flee also y-ful lusts



2 Kings 10:16 see my z for the Lord

2 Kings 19:31 z of the Lord of hosts shall

Ps. 69:9 z of thine house hath eaten me up

Ps. 119:139 My z hath consumed me

Isa. 59:17 clad with z as a cloke

John 2:17 z of thine house hath eaten me up

Rom. 10:2 they have a z of God

Php. 3:6 Concerning z, persecuting the

Col. 4:13 he hath a great z for you


Num. 25:11 he was z for my sake

Gal. 4:17 They z-ly affect you

Titus 2:14 z of good works

Rev. 3:19 be z therefore, and repent