Happy Snow Day!


A gust of wind whips the covers off my warm, snuggly bed. Does the wind want to play hide-and-seek? I feel around for sheets and blankets. I am like a grumpy caterpillar that wants to stay inside her cocoon. I tug the covers over my head.



The wind steals them again!

“BAAAAH!” I cry as I jerk the covers back over me. Sir Pounce attacks the ripples in my blanket. “STOP!” Then I scrunch up in a ball to keep warm. It’s freezing in here. And, wait, why is there wind in my bedroom?


I peek out from under my covers and do a double blink. Am I dreaming? I wonder. Or maybe my eyeballs are playing tricks on me! Because . . .


It’s snowing!

In. My. Room.


And there is an igloo!

On. My. Floor.

And someone is crawling out of the igloo’s tunnel right now, and I know just who it is! Posey! My imaginary friend!

“HAPPY SNOW DAY!” he shouts, a proud smile on his face. I rub my eyes and smile back at him. Only Posey could make it snow in my room. Then my imaginary friend hops to the window.

“It’s snowing outside, too!” he exclaims.

I want to look out and see the snow, but I’m tangled in my covers. I roll right off my bed and onto the floor. Oof!


I jump to my feet and brush the snow off my pajamas. Brrr! Then I take two large leaps to the window. Yeow! My feet are like ice cubes! But I look outside anyway. The snow has frosted the lawn, the fence, the bird feeder, and all the limbs on the trees.

“It’s our first snow day together!” I say, dancing from one foot to the other to avoid the cold.

Posey has already started to roll a ball for a snowman right on my bedroom floor! I want to help him, but my feet are frozen, and—oh no!—I hear footsteps on the stairs.

I tap Posey’s shoulder like a woodpecker.

“Posey! My mom is coming!” I warn him. “Make it stop snowing in here! Get rid of that igloo! HURRY! Or I’ll be sent to the North Pole for real!”