Vichter used the time away from Ashlyn to gather his wits and try to figure out what to do about this thing that was becoming something more. He didn’t need complications right now. The entire dragon dynasty was counting on him, and no one knew where he was.
He knew how rare it was to find someone like Ashlyn, someone who seemed to connect with him on a level he hadn’t felt before. She was honest and open with him and had taken him into her home. She trusted him, and he wasn’t sure why. She was so hard to read. He knew she was interested in him, but after every touch, every kiss, something went wrong, and she would flee. It didn’t do much to boost his confidence.
Vichter went the opposite way of Ashlyn, giving her some space. He wasn’t very hungry and needed a moment to control his raging desire. He crossed the lawn to an empty area behind the church, away from the families gathered together on picnic blankets, laughing and playing with the kids. Seeing that made him miss his own family. He hadn’t seen them in months.
Reaching up to his chest, wanting to touch the egg make sure it was still warm enough and safe, he froze. There was no mass there, no round bump where there should be. Reaching inside the jacket, the pocket was empty.
Trying to remain calm, the egg was all he could think about now. How could he have lost it in a space full of humans? It was visible, as there was no magic within the dragon hatchling yet to protect itself.
He had to retrace his steps. Maybe he’d lost it during the fall into the creek or during the kiss. He’d thought the egg was secure in the hidden pocket, but he was distracted while trying to take care of a soaking-wet Ashlyn. Could she have gotten it somehow? The only egg she’d kept was the golden egg. They weren’t giving out prizes until after lunch, so no one had gone home yet. Vichter took off across the lawn, hunting for Ashlyn while keeping his eye out for the egg. There was no magic he was skilled enough to use to find it.
Finding her in the line for food, he took note of her crossed arms, how she was scowling at the ground, lost in thought. She looked sad.
“Ashlyn?” He spoke her name softly, trying not to spook her as he approached.
She barely looked at him. “You don’t have to stay in line with me. I’ll grab you a pla—”
“I have a slight problem,” he interrupted, “and I really need your help.”
“Now?” She looked back toward the end of the lengthy line of people. “I’ll lose my place in line. What’s going on?”
“I lost something during the egg hunt. I need to find it. It’s really important.”
“Okay … what did you lose?”
Vichter looked around at the people closest. They weren’t even pretending not to listen. “Um … well, it’s the egg.”
Ashlyn jerked her head up. “The egg? You lost your egg?” Her panic was instant and genuine, and it made his heart swell to know she cared that much.
She suddenly left the line and headed toward several families that had already gotten their food and were chatting on their blankets.
She walked around the group, stopping to talk to some of the children, looking through their baskets and laughing. Everyone wanted to know who had the golden egg, if anyone had found it. Ashlyn used that as an excuse to search.
Vichter wanted to look down by the creek, just in case it was sitting out in the open or lost under the water, but he couldn’t leave Ashlyn. He went to stand close, praying she had a plan, that she could help him.
“Hey, Jessica! Look at that weird egg you found! Can I see it?” Ashlyn pointed into the plastic bunny basket in front of a little girl about seven years old, who was clinging to her haggard mother. As Ashlyn sat down on their blanket, the little girl grabbed the egg—his egg—and scampered into Ashlyn’s lap.
“Wow, Jessica! This looks way different than the other eggs. I like it!”
“Mom thinks it might be a bird egg and says I should get rid of it. But I won’t!” Jessica tucked the egg closer to her little chest, wrapping her free arm around the egg, as if someone would try to take it from her.
“Well, I don’t think it’s a bird egg, but it might be a monster egg.” Ashlyn growled and giggled.
“There’s no such thing as monsters!” Jessica laughed.
“You’re so right, Jess. But, just in case, how about we trade? I have a very special egg I know both you and your momma would love to keep. I’ll trade mine for yours if you like.”
“What is it? Do you have one of those rainbow eggs with the little necklaces in them? I wanted one of those.”
“Well, no, but it’s even better!” She pulled out her golden egg. The mother’s eyes grew round. Ashlyn smiled to let her know it was okay and winked. “How about this egg?”
“Isn’t that the special egg? Momma, is that the egg you wanted, the one with the money?”
“Yes, honey, I think it is. Ashlyn, you don’t have to trade her that.”
“But I want it for you, Momma! You wanted to find that one so bad. I’ll trade you, Ashlyn!”
“It’s okay, Janice.” Ashlyn held up Vichter’s egg, which Jessica had already switched for the golden one she now tucked away in her free arm. “This is actually my friend’s egg. It’s just a bauble, but he’s had it in his family for years, and it brings him luck. And he helped me find the golden egg, so it must work! But he really wants it back.”
“You can just take it, Ashlyn.” Janice was staring at the egg in her daughter’s hands. “You don’t have to give us your egg.”
“Sure I do. A trade is a trade. Right, Jess?”
“Yeah. And I want to give this to you, Momma.” She handed over the golden egg, happiness shining in her eyes.
Janice reached out a shaking hand and took the egg. Her face said she really didn’t think it was right, but she took it anyway, tucking it deep into her tattered bag. “Thanks, Ashlyn. This is such a wonderful thing to do for us.”
“I’m happy you guys will have it. You totally deserve something good. Happy Easter.” Ashlyn lifted Jessica back into her mother’s arms.
Janice kissed her daughter all over her face, hugging her tightly. “You little imp, getting me such a wonderful present.”
Ashlyn smiled down at the pair and walked away with a wave. She went to Vichter, who was leaning up against the side of the church, about five yards away.
Ashlyn approached Vichter, contentment written on her face. She was both proud and happy. There was no disappointment or sadness for losing her coveted prize.
“Here you go. Don’t lose it again. I don’t have anything left to trade.” She handed it over carefully and giggled. “You lost your egg at an Easter egg hunt. That’s just crazy!”
“Crazier than a girl with no family opening her home to help out a stranger?”
She jerked her head up, her laughter caught in her throat. “You’re not a stranger, Vichter.”
“I’ll pay you back, I promise.”
“No need. I’ll find some money later. I always do. If you do the right thing, good things happen.” She took his arm and led him toward the creek instead of heading back to the food line.
“Don’t you want to get some food?”
“Actually, I’d rather have a private moment with you. You know, to reassure ourselves we are more than just strangers.” She looked up at him with hope. It made his chest tighten.
Ashlyn walked slowly, holding on to his arm. “Janice is a single mother, and Jess is her only daughter. Janice ran away from her husband in the middle of the night after she found out he was abusing Jessica. Not sexually, as far as I have heard, but physically.”
“I loathe men like that. Just thinking about it turns me into an animal.” Vichter pulled her into the crook of his arm, aware that the story was a hard one to tell. He was glad it wasn’t Ashlyn’s story.
“He was an alcoholic. Janice spent years under his abuse but couldn’t take it when he hit Jessica, so she left. But Jessica was only three at the time. And she’s still scared.”
“I could see that. She’s terrified of anyone not in her circle. It says a lot about you that she’s let you in.” Vichter smiled down at Ashlyn, her blush making her eyes sparkle.
“I play with Jessica a lot. They live here at the church, hiding from that monster. They don’t have anything to call their own. I wanted them to have that egg. I might’ve given them the money after the ceremony anyway, even if they didn’t have your egg. When I saw them here, it was my first thought, and my gut usually steers me right.” They were back to the place where she’d fallen into the creek. And where they kissed.
Vichter stared into Ashlyn’s wide eyes, but it was difficult when she was looking back so hard. He wondered what she was searching for, and worse yet, what she might find.
“And what does your gut say about me?”
“It’s not my gut that’s talking, Vichter.”