Too soon the sunlight spilled across Adelaide’s face pulling her from her slumber. She stretched long in her bed before snuggling back down under the covers. It was in that instant her eyes flew open, “Why am I in bed?” She looked back to the chair she last remembered being in then back to the bed several feet away. She groaned sitting up and rubbing her eyes. “What on earth is going on?” Before she stood, she tested her ankle only to find it expertly wrapped.
A chill hung in the air when she glanced down to the rabbit next to her pillow and back to her foot. “Did you do it?” The rabbit was enveloped in a dream so her only response was a deep snore. “What in the hell is going on here? I am so confused…” she muttered. “Certainly I couldn’t have done this in my sleep, could I?” Whatever she had done, her ankle felt better so she decided to chalk it up to whatever happened while she slept and tried to forget the part that left her perplexed.
Easing herself from her bed, Adelaide set about changing and getting her breakfast ready. A simple roll from the market with some butter was all she got made before Peregrine was at her door again. She opened the door and stepped out into the heavy morning fog.
“I came to apologize, Adelaide.”
“I don’t care, Peregrine. Leave and leave me alone,” she glared up to the tall man. He reached forward to touch her cheek like the day before and she swatted his hand away. “Don’t touch me,” she growled at the obviously now wounded man.
He moved forward towards her, putting his hands on the door to either side of her head. “You will hear my apology, Pet,” he grinned wickedly.

Peregrine’s bellowing woke Dylan from a dream he wished he could return to. Shaking his head, he stretched across Adelaide’s pillow immediately wincing. His leg was sore and incredibly stiff in the cool early morning. He watched her open the door and nearly shifted to stop her. Shit…shit shit shit! No, Dylan. Clothes, outside, now. Adelaide’s voice was muffled through the door; however he could tell she was being cornered again. Fucking leg, MOVE! He shook out his back leg and an involuntary cry of agony left his throat.
He moved best he could to slip out Adelaide’s open window near her bed. His leg was on fire, however it was no match for the fury coursing through his veins. I am going to kill that man one of these days. He shifted human and located the set of clothes he had stashed the day before. “Fucking bastard thinks he can do whatever he wants,” he growled ignoring the shrieking of agony as he slipped on his clothing.
Smoothing everything out, he limped towards the front door. “Good morning, Love!” He called to Adelaide in a successful attempt to draw Peregrine’s attention off of her.
Peregrine stormed over to Dylan and stood nose to nose with him. Dylan smirked seeing the anger surge into the man’s eyes. “What is it Perry boy?” he teased. “Adelaide tell you what for again?” He flashed his signature smile while the man spoke.
“She was just about to hear me out. My behavior yesterday was unacceptable and I came to apologize,” he sneered and turned his nose up.
“From my perspective, it appeared that she wanted nothing to do with you,” Dylan squared his shoulders. He felt Adelaide’s eyes fall on him and knew she was worried about his leg; however nothing was stopping him from protecting her this go round. Peregrine had to be stopped.
The man glowered at him, knowing he was right yet refusing to admit it. Dylan reached out and put his hand on Peregrine’s shoulder. “I think you need to leave Perry boy,” he chuckled nonchalant. Leaning in close, he pointed towards Adelaide. “If looks could kill, you would be six feet under right now. You may want to rethink your apology.” He clapped the man’s shoulder and hobbled his way towards Adelaide.
“This isn’t over, Dylan!” Peregrine roared before storming away.
Dylan sighed dramatically. “I told you it’s Mr. Reid to chauvinistic pigs such as yourself!” he called after the man. When he turned back around he was met with Adelaide running to him and throwing her arms around him. His heart stopped in his chest feeling her body against his and he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. He knew that she would not thank him; however this feeling was all the thanks he needed.
Slipping his knuckle under her chin, he tipped her face up towards him. “Are you alright, Love?” The glassed over look in her eyes caused his heart to lurch before she nodded in response. He pressed a kiss against her forehead before wrapping her back up.
“I’m glad you’re here,” her voice was small when she spoke.
“I am as well,” he murmured into her hair. Her fingernails bit into his back sending streaks of fire across his skin. “Let’s go inside, Addy,” he encouraged gently, keeping his voice low. She nodded and helped him to the chair he knew she had fallen asleep in last night. He collapsed into the chair, relief sweeping through his body. The trips he had made to and from town yesterday left him dumbfounded. He leaned his head back and grimaced at the screaming in his body.
“You shouldn’t be walking on that,” she gently propped his leg up with her grandmother’s footstool.
An involuntary gasp echoed off the walls at the movement and his nails bit into the arm rests. “I know, but I saw him leave towards your place and I knew he was up to no good,” he frowned. “I don’t like him, Adelaide. I wish you wouldn’t humor his antics.”
She sighed heavily and stood. “It isn’t so much that I humor his antics. I worry about what he would do if I ignored him.”
Her response broke his heart. He knew the man was brutal in every sense of the word; however his heart lurched in his chest at the thought of Peregrine hurting her. “Let me stay with you until he leaves you alone, Addy. Please,” he caught her hand and looked up at her while she passed. The heat that stole into her cheeks never ceased to take his breath away, and did so in this moment when she twisted her fingers into his.
“I wish I could, Dylan. But wouldn’t that label me a harlot?” She smiled sadly at him. “If I am honest, I would love to have you here with me. But you aren’t my husband and the townsfolk would shun me.”
His heart sank as she untangled her fingers from his and walked towards the fire behind him. Dylan rubbed his face cursing inwardly and wished he could figure out how to tell her how he felt without scaring her away or provoking her. She isn’t difficult, but I know Peregrine has been pursuing her since her parents passed. He hasn’t given her a day’s respite. The thought was sobering.
“Well maybe you could stay with me,” he pondered aloud. “They wouldn’t even have to know if you are that worried about it.”
The sigh behind him was ominous. “I wish I could, Dylan. I wish I could.”
Silence fell between them and filled the room with its deafening thunder. He sat in the chair having never felt more helpless and it infuriated him. There is no reason for this. I wish she would just see me. Dylan stood and ignored the pain to limp over behind her. He watched her for a moment before she rose to her feet. The firelight caught her hair and it ignited into nearly every color imaginable. Unable to stop himself, he reached out and ran his fingers down a lock in wonder.
“What are you doing, Dylan?” Her voice was unsure.
“Admiring your hair, Love,” he smiled and wrapped her up in his arms again. “It reminds me of a summer sunset.”
“Oh stop it you horrible flirt.”
He chuckled as Adelaide smacked his chest before tucking herself against him. “Would it be so bad?” He said quietly knowing she was still raw from earlier.
“Hmm? What do you mean?”
Dylan felt his world narrow when she looked up to him. “Staying with me,” he paused and forced himself to say the next word. “Pretending….,” he felt his heart contract some, “to be together to offer you protection from that animal.” He could see the wheels turning behind her eyes and the sigh that followed was heartbreaking.
“I just can’t Dylan,” she pulled away and turned back to her work.
He nodded forcing the disappointment down. “I understand, Love,” he whispered. “My arms are always yours. I won’t let him hurt you.” His leg was unwilling to bear his weight any longer so he turned and limped back to the chair.
“You really should stay off of it,” she admonished as she brought him some warmed stew from the night before. “I’m sorry it has meat in it,” she apologized and handed him the bowl. “I know you don’t eat meat.”
He took it from her hands with a smile. “It’s alright, I can pick around it.” Eating slowly Dylan cursed the direction her chair was facing. He knew she would be looking for the rabbit and sighed to himself. I can’t maintain this ruse forever. She’s smart and will figure it out. After he finished his food Dylan forced a smile to his lips. “I best make my way back to town before they wonder why my shop is closed.” He rose to his feet and limped over to put the bowl where she kept her dishes. “Thank you for the food, Love. It was incredible.”
“Even with the meat in it?” She asked, cocking her head.
He nodded and smiled unable to help himself. “Yes, even with the meat in it. Now give me a hug and I’ll be out of your hair. I know you have things to do.” The smile that came to her lips made his more genuine.
She wrapped her arms around him, her head coming to rest on his chest. “Thank you again for the flowers. I’m sorry you hurt yourself for them though.”
He chuckled. “It was no problem, Love. I would be remiss in my duty to not bring them back for you.” Pressing a kiss to her hair he was reluctant to let her go. “If he gives you any more trouble, you come straight to me, alright?”
She nodded. “I will.”
“Take care, Love.” Before she could respond he made his way out of her door and back into the morning mist. Dylan took a deep breath as he rubbed his face and made his way back to the spot where he hid his clothes. He stripped down before folding the clothes and hid them again before shifting back. Hopping slowly he made his way to her front window and clambered up on the ledge back into the house.
“There you are! You missed meeting Dylan,” Adelaide walked over and scooped him up. “You have to quit moving so much.”
He rested his head on her chest simply wanting to be close. He hurt all over. His leg was on fire. Most of all his heart hurt, however for the next few weeks he simply took comfort in her embrace—despite the fact she had no idea it was him.